Books You Don't Like.

  • Maximum Ride is amazing.
    But yes, no offense to Twilighters out there because I love my friends even if they are big fans of this series.
    Twilight is slightly cliched.
    In my honest opinion, its too much like a fanfiction.
    Or a sell out kind of idea.
    It's not my cup of tea. I am impartial to it I guess.
    People are entitled to liking it but I'm against it.

    Just a reminder, no bashing of people/characters etc here on Mibba
    July 18th, 2008 at 03:49pm
  • I did not enjoy the book Julie of The Wolves (nor the Sequel titled, Julie. I read it recently, it was not that well written, at all.The characters had nothing close that even resembled hints of personalities. I read almost anything and everything, i like most books, but this one, in my opinion, is trash.
    July 18th, 2008 at 11:20pm
  • DarkenedHearts:
    Just a reminder, no bashing of people/characters etc here on Mibba
    My bad. Just in the the heat of a moment. Smiley
    July 19th, 2008 at 06:21am
  • n-si6:
    My bad. Just in the the heat of a moment. Smiley
    That's cool.

    Another one of my quirks are yeah, as stated before, those elitist, clique books.
    Most of the time, I don't really understnd its contribution except "Behind the doors of superstardom" la dida dida. So yeah.
    Blegh. No please.
    July 20th, 2008 at 03:03am
  • Read the Twilight series ages ago, and now I can't stand it, to the pint where I have stuffed them away somewhere, I thought maybe I would grab the last one and give it ago and now I think not.

    It's a growing pattern I see, lame books with lovey dovey vampires chucked in, what ever happened to the bastard ones hell bent on killing people and loving it? It's hard to find a decent book like that, so one must look else where.
    July 20th, 2008 at 08:14am
  • I read Breakfast In Tiffany's, because I thought it would be good, seeing as it's so well known.

    Oh yeah..

    It isn't..
    July 20th, 2008 at 05:27pm
  • Everyone says that they love Twilight. I read it, I liked it but, then New Moon came out and I absolutely HATED that.
    July 20th, 2008 at 08:09pm
  • I actually like the Twilight series, which is weird 'cause as a person who appreciates the series I can criticize a lot:
    - I despise most characters except Jasper, Alice, Emmet, Seth and Jane.
    - I don't exactly think Stephenie Meyer has an amazing writing style.
    - The characters are kind of annoying at times.
    - I didn't like New Moon much.
    - The story is being way too extended.
    Actually I think the only reason I really like the books is that they are gripping and addicting for me. Not the best in any way.

    Now books I hate:
    - "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
    We had to read it in school and I couldn't. I gave up right at the beginning. It was just too cheesy for my taste and it didn't capture my attention. I get why some people like it though.
    - The Harry Potter series.
    I just hated it. I don't even get all the hype around it.
    - "Os Maias" by Eça de Queirós
    We have to read it for school next year. I began it this summer and I still haven't finished but it's 700 pages long, nothing that special in the writing style and WAY TOO much description. It's a boring, long book. Not a bad plot though. But not for me.
    July 21st, 2008 at 04:42pm
  • Twilight is the one book I shall forever hate the most. Vampires are butchered, it sets high expectations for men, women aren't bimbos who fall for guys who want to tear them apart, the list goes on. All in all, most importantly, was that the book lacked depth. Edward had no personality whatsoever and their "love" was completely unfounded. I hated it.
    July 22nd, 2008 at 02:38am
  • n-si6:
    vanete druse-trace.:
    Books like The Clique series, the A-List series, Gossip Girl, etc.etc

    Those kinds of stories get on my nerves. Just about some snobby rich girls getting in to random drama. Disgust
    Amen to that. Those series just make me cringe just thinking about it. :?
    Raven T.:
    I agree with all the Twilight haters here. I made it through about seven chapters, then I stopped and that was it. Only if I feel a real pull to finish reading a book do I find it to be good. So I get the feeling that this is not something I would particularly I read internet spoilers for this to and was not impressed with what I found.

    I haven't really thought much about the series except for the recent hatred I've developed for Edward Cullen since all my friends are obsessed with him and it's annoying. I asked my best friend what made Edward so great, here's what I got out of her:

    'Edward's amazing!'
    'Edward's wonderful!'

    ...okay, that just irked me. It was probably the first time I've held murderous thoughts towards any fictional character other than Ginny Weasley. But really, I don't see what the big deal is, and the description of Edward in the book seems a bit Gary-Stu-ish doesn't it? I mean come on, he's basically said to be fucking perfect appearance wise.

    Also, Vampires sparkle? What? Does anyone else find something wrong with this?
    I may not read the book but reading through the reviews and such, it's already making me feel like I just want to burn EVERY book that Meyers lady had written in regards to the series. I mean come on, since when did vampires "glitter" in the sunlight???

    Not only that, the characters sound really pathetic and have MAJOR cases of Mary-sue/stu-itis. Even the name, "Bella Swan" was already asking to get branded "Mary-Sue" right on the girl's forehead. :file:

    And she's supposed to be this heroine, as some described her to be????? Please, what good is a heroine if she's extremely clumsy and gets herself into a LOT of trouble only to be saved by her so-called beloved Edward and gets over-obsessed because of it? That and she's willing to give up EVERY single thing in her life just so she could be with him?? That's just sad to even think about it. Thumb down

    I feel like I'm the only teen girl left who's having this immense hate towards Twilight. Max could totally beat both Bella and Edward's asses on any given day. (Or maybe if she could team up with Fang.....sorry, Maximum Ride fan here :))
    I think i love you :arms:
    And you too Miss Ann Thrope :arms:

    I want to stab Twilight in its spine. It's book spine, that is. I can't stand that book.
    July 22nd, 2008 at 05:15am
  • I hate anything like Gossip Girl. Period. -.-
    July 22nd, 2008 at 03:08pm
  • Abhorrent:
    It's a growing pattern I see, lame books with lovey dovey vampires chucked in, what ever happened to the bastard ones hell bent on killing people and loving it? It's hard to find a decent book like that, so one must look else where.
    Agreed. What happened to the time where we all feared vampires, rather than falling in love with them?!?!?!

    Vampire stated in this smilie right next to me......
    July 22nd, 2008 at 11:00pm
  • I despise the Twilight series.

    Vampires aren't beautiful! They're horrible, blood-sucking monsters who should be feared! And who the hell would fall in love with a vampire?

    And I hate Edward Cullen with a fiery, burning passion...he's such a Gary-Stu.

    Same thing with Bella. Total "gawffik" Mary-Sue right there.

    And Stephenie knowledge of the human language whatsoever. Her descriptions are either horribly vague or overdone and she seems hell-bent on brainwashing millions of "Twilighters" into wanting to be raped by Edward Cullen.

    I've never properly read the series, simply because I burst into hysterical laughter after the first chapter of the first book, but still...what a pathetic attempt at putting your own twist on vampires.

    Oh, yeah...sorry if you're a fan. I just really hate Twilight.

    July 23rd, 2008 at 12:20pm
  • Catcher in the Rye
    Adam of the Road
    The Truth About Forever
    July 23rd, 2008 at 06:33pm
    There's like 6 different plot holes I found in the first book. The vampire thing is un-original. Vampires and werewolves aren't supposed to fight and hate each other just like that. If vampires go in the sunlight, they die or get sick or burn THEY DON'T GODDAMN SPARKLE.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 08:36pm
  • Lord of the is so strange, to say the least, even if it is realistic.
    July 24th, 2008 at 12:20am
  • sorry to the Twilight fans but I hated it....
    It was a disgrace to the vampire world... in my opinion
    If you wanna read a good Vampire book, go open up an Ann Rice book and read that, at least her's are interesting to read!
    July 24th, 2008 at 05:38am
  • Twilight series.
    Vampire Chronicles.
    Harry Potter.
    The Bible.
    Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
    Eragon series.

    Sacraledge, no?
    July 24th, 2008 at 11:45am
  • Eragon, to side with the person above.

    So many people seem to love it, but honestly the author is talentless. He only got it printed because his parents were publishers. Ah, there are so many better books out there... so why Eragon, people? Why, oh, why?

    Twilight too- ugh. At least I'm not alone there.
    July 24th, 2008 at 12:21pm
  • Artemis Fowl Series
    Chronicals of Narnia- after the first 3 I didn't keep going.
    July 24th, 2008 at 09:24pm