Books You Don't Like.

  • I don't like anything by Meg Cabot. Sorry, but she really lacks skill in writing.
    July 5th, 2008 at 11:49pm
  • Twilight.
    I'm not THAT into vampire things...and to me, the characters just kinda sucked ass. I suck at giving a reason...I know. But I read the first one and hated it.

    The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
    I thought all the characters were very one dimensional. And I just felt like it had no plot.....maybe I'm crazy but I don't see what was so amazing about it.

    Go Ask Alice.
    Made me want to try drugs. It was a good book but the way she wrote it left an impression on me and I hate that.
    July 6th, 2008 at 02:58am
  • ^^^Ha. Go Ask Alice made me feel the same way. Before it was a no for me, but after I was like,"I wonder if acid would really be like that..." Shifty ""
    July 6th, 2008 at 04:33am
  • Now you see her by Jacquelyn Mitchard.

    I was so excited when I read the summary! It was about an actress who was in Romeo and Juliet, and that the actor who was playing Romeo was her real life Romeo. Then I got into the book and it turns out that I d Hope. I could hardly stand to read the book because I d her so much. Then the last chapter was completely weird. Usually I get books, but this one I didn't.
    July 6th, 2008 at 06:45am
  • I just finished reading Vonnegut's Slapstick.
    I didn't like it as much as I should.
    It was just too... disgusting. The author was sick of life and trying to make a joke out of it. Or he was just trying to make a sick joke. I have no idea. I just didn't like it. Too American and too postmodernist.
    July 6th, 2008 at 08:12pm
  • All that vampire nonsense by Stephanie Myers or whatever her name is.
    It's all pointless drabble to me. But this is one girls opinion.

    Oh, and there's a few others I can't think of right now. xDD
    July 6th, 2008 at 11:06pm
  • The Kite Runner - Everyone I know LOVED it, but I just couldn't read it. It was super boring.
    Memoirs Of A Geisha - Gash, I didn't like it. I wouldn't say i hated it, parts of it were mildly interesting but I would have put it down if I didn't have to read it for English.
    The Memory Keeper's Daughter - Oh god, I couldn't finish it! I read about 200 pages and every time I picked it up I was struggling not to throw it against the wall! I felt she described every little thing, I was just like 'get on with the point!'

    So, all of these books were suppose to be AMAZING, but I couldn't tolerate them, I don't know, maybe I just have a thing against best sellers?

    Oh, I also hate those whinny annoying clique books and anything like that. Some girl has a perfect life and gets into a bunch of drama or some girl tries everything to get popular, it's seriously ridiculous. My friend makes fun of me because a lot of books I read are about pregnancy and drugs and stuff related to that. It's only because I find that MUCH more interesting than some whinny teenage girl.

    I also usually hate science fiction. Harry Potter and Twilight are the only ones I can read (even though I usually hate romance novels). :roll:

    *sigh* I hadn't noticed how picky I am about books until I wrote it all out :shock:
    July 7th, 2008 at 11:08pm
  • Twilight. I hate to say it, but I am delighted to know that others agree.

    I never get vampire love stories. At least, one where the vampire falls in love some centuries later with a modern girl. Really, it makes no sense. The girl is whiny and dull, the age difference is glaringly obvious. Why would what is essentially an old man fall in love with a young woman? Bella isn't especially intelligent or wise, and she wouldn't understand the shit Edward has been through. I don't like the way Mrs. Meyer writes, either. The descriptions are bland and it seems repetitive.

    Maybe it's because I don't like books for teens when they take themselves too seriously.
    July 10th, 2008 at 02:00am
  • I got through maybe seven or eight chapters of the first book in the 'Left Behind' series and than I got bored. I read some internet spoilers anyway and it's apparently anti-catholic. I am catholic, I'm not a seriosly devout one and I don't really care if people make fun of it, but I don't want to read an entire books series that bashes it if I wasn't really interested in it to start with.

    Moving along, I agree with all the Twilight haters here. I made it through about seven chapters, then I stopped and that was it. Only if I feel a real pull to finish reading a book do I find it to be good. So I get the feeling that this is not something I would particularly I read internet spoilers for this to and was not impressed with what I found.

    I haven't really thought much about the series except for the recent hatred I've developed for Edward Cullen since all my friends are obsessed with him and it's annoying. I asked my best friend what made Edward so great, here's what I got out of her:

    'Edward's amazing!'
    'Edward's wonderful!'

    ...okay, that just irked me. It was probably the first time I've held murderous thoughts towards any fictional character other than Ginny Weasley. But really, I don't see what the big deal is, and the description of Edward in the book seems a bit Gary-Stu-ish doesn't it? I mean come on, he's basically said to be fucking perfect appearance wise.

    Also, Vampires sparkle? What? Does anyone else find something wrong with this?

    Anyway, another book that bothers me The Pearl. Let me tell you how it went: They find a pearl, blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah, The End. I barely even finished reading it. If you're an insomiac this is your cure. Read The Pearl and I guareentee you'll be out by chapter two.

    Finally, we have Ethan Frome, A.K.A. the literary spawn of Satan. I bet that if every person in the world were subjected to this book, the suicide rate would skyrocket. There is not one happy thing in this whole fucking book! It's like A Series of Unfortunate Events except it's not funny or interesting in the least! Everyone's miserable in the beginning, miserable in the middle, and guess what? They'll all fucking miserable in the end.

    Not only that, the whole thing is boring as hell. Everyone in my English class last year agreed, it was awful. I've never really had to force myself to read anything. Even if I don't like a book we're reading and I admit there have been some I hated, I can find at least one interesting thing to keep me going. NOTHING HAPPENS HERE!!!!!!! It's all just Ethan Frome and his wife who's sick with fullofshititis, and how Ethan's really in love with an idiotic girl who works for them named Mattie. That's about all that happens. Oh and the 'symbolism'.

    The symbolism in the book, you know what it is? A pickle dish. A PICKLE DISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A pickle dish which haunts the dreams of all the people under the age of 70 who've had to suffer through this crap. I could go on forever on why this book is bad but I'm just going to stop here.

    In short, Left Behind should be just that, The Pearl is mindless drivel, Ethan Frome is a hellspawn, and unless Breaking Dawn ends with Edward coming out as a homosexual I could care less.
    July 10th, 2008 at 08:08am
  • Writ on Water
    I got a half into the book and then stopped completely because it was so slow
    its a good concept but she just couldnt keep the story movin very well
    July 10th, 2008 at 04:57pm
  • I strongly dislike 'The Great Gatsby.'
    July 11th, 2008 at 10:32pm
  • I don't like the Twilight series because it's extremely and completely predictable.

    I also didn't like the Uglies either. At first it had a rather good plotline and a good message then it kind of floated off and it became a disappointment. It become too much of a romance for me.

    I don't care for many books in the Teen section at Barnes & Noble. Romance is the basis of everything there and it's all predictable and drawn out. It's rather boring and annoying.
    July 12th, 2008 at 11:21pm
  • Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahnuik (...).Maybe that's just an off book, but I couldn't get past the first three pages. I regret buying it, actually. I guess I expected him to be amazing since everyone seems to love him, but he just...gah. -Shakes head.
    What a waste of $14.

    Okay, so the first chapter is the roughest.
    I can decently understand the rest of the book, but it's not one of my favorites.
    July 13th, 2008 at 06:05am
  • The Scarlet Letter and A Seperate Peace are the two worst books I've ever read. For school, of course...

    I haven't really read anything I didn't like much I got on my own, if I did I just stopped reading it,
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:05pm
  • Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday and Lady Friday
    Pretty much all the Keys to the Kingdom series apart from Sir Thursday and Superior Saturday
    They're just weak and samey and Arthur sucks.
    Thursday was good because of the Piper and Saturday because it's only one book from the end and it ended with a brilliant cliff hanger.
    July 13th, 2008 at 07:59pm
  • The Gossip Girl series almost wants to make me puke!

    I can't even express how much I hate them other than stomping all over my computer until it is into tiny little peices! The plot is just dumb.

    Yes, girl sleeps with guy, they fall in love, girl is happy. Boy is happy. Thay all get in a fight and the end! The whole series is like twelve books long and the whole story takes place in the matter of a year. It goes day by day, hour by hour and drives me crazy!

    Wow, that felt good!
    July 14th, 2008 at 03:13am
  • Most of The Great Gatsby kept me unfocused and drifting.
    I love Stephen King books but some of the parts just bore me. I though The Shining wasn't that great. Needful Things seemed to have unneeded parts that I didn't feel like reading.
    Any informational books hurt my eyes.
    July 14th, 2008 at 05:58pm
  • The Host.
    I've only read the first few chapters, but it's so hard to read.
    I really don't like it.
    July 16th, 2008 at 03:08am
  • vanete druse-trace.:
    Books like The Clique series, the A-List series, Gossip Girl, etc.etc

    Those kinds of stories get on my nerves. Just about some snobby rich girls getting in to random drama. Disgust

    I didn't really like The Giver. I found it quite boring and confusing. And the thought of being one of the fifty conformists of the town gives me the shivers.
    I totally agree with you on The Giver (I haven't read any of the Gossip Girl, The Clique and blah blah blah..and I don't plan to either)

    The beginning was confusing, the middle made me pissed and terrified, and the ending sucked. We had to read it for Lit last year and it just stunned me at how the majority of the class actually liked it. I don't know maybe it's like Martha Stewart's cooking; an acquired taste.

    Another book I didn't like was Hairstyles of the Damned. To me, it was absolutely pointless.
    July 17th, 2008 at 04:09am
  • vanete druse-trace.:
    Books like The Clique series, the A-List series, Gossip Girl, etc.etc

    Those kinds of stories get on my nerves. Just about some snobby rich girls getting in to random drama. Disgust
    Amen to that. Those series just make me cringe just thinking about it. :?
    Raven T.:
    I agree with all the Twilight haters here. I made it through about seven chapters, then I stopped and that was it. Only if I feel a real pull to finish reading a book do I find it to be good. So I get the feeling that this is not something I would particularly I read internet spoilers for this to and was not impressed with what I found.

    I haven't really thought much about the series except for the recent hatred I've developed for Edward Cullen since all my friends are obsessed with him and it's annoying. I asked my best friend what made Edward so great, here's what I got out of her:

    'Edward's amazing!'
    'Edward's wonderful!'

    ...okay, that just irked me. It was probably the first time I've held murderous thoughts towards any fictional character other than Ginny Weasley. But really, I don't see what the big deal is, and the description of Edward in the book seems a bit Gary-Stu-ish doesn't it? I mean come on, he's basically said to be fucking perfect appearance wise.

    Also, Vampires sparkle? What? Does anyone else find something wrong with this?
    I may not read the book but reading through the reviews and such, it's already making me feel like I just want to burn EVERY book that Meyers lady had written in regards to the series. I mean come on, since when did vampires "glitter" in the sunlight???

    Not only that, the characters sound really pathetic and have MAJOR cases of Mary-sue/stu-itis. Even the name, "Bella Swan" was already asking to get branded "Mary-Sue" right on the girl's forehead. :file:

    And she's supposed to be this heroine, as some described her to be????? Please, what good is a heroine if she's extremely clumsy and gets herself into a LOT of trouble only to be saved by her so-called beloved Edward and gets over-obsessed because of it? That and she's willing to give up EVERY single thing in her life just so she could be with him?? That's just sad to even think about it. Thumb down

    I feel like I'm the only teen girl left who's having this immense hate towards Twilight. Max could totally beat both Bella and Edward's asses on any given day. (Or maybe if she could team up with Fang.....sorry, Maximum Ride fan here :))
    July 18th, 2008 at 10:01am