
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    I, personally, think body piercings are fantastic fashion statements and make for unique accents to any look you may be going for. Before you get a piercing however, there are several things you need to know and I'll try to cover most of them in this thread.

    Picking a Piercer:
    You do not just want to go to the first place you find. No matter how excited and anxious you may be about getting your piercing, you have to do your research first. Before you get your piercing, you need to make sure that the piercer you go to is qualified and that the piercing area is clean and sanitized. Look for recommendations and other customers and ask them if their piercing experience was successful. Your piercer should be able to answer any and all questions you have. If he or she cannot, go somewhere else. Your piercer should also be extremely sterile when piercing you. Make sure they wash their hands and wear gloves, if they don't, leave and go somewhere else.

    Types of Piercings:
    There are two main types of piercings, surface piercings and non-surface piercings and both have different things to consider:
    Surface Piercings: These piercings are more delicate, and complicated to care for. As the name implies, they exist on the surface of the body, and never go completely through anything. Popular examples include....
    Corset piercing- Series of rings along back meant to mimic a corset
    Madison piercing- Typically a surface bar placed just above the collarbone.
    Nape piercing- A barbel placed on the back of the neck
    Hip piercing- Pelvis piercings located above hip bones, usually done with surface barbel or Tygon jewelry.
    Eyebrow Piercings- Typically a vertical piercing that can be placed anywhere along the eyebrow, and either a ring or barbell is used as jewelery.

    While these piercings do tend to be more rare and unique, there is a reason they're less popular. Surface piercings have a high rejection rate and can takes years to heal, if they end up healing at all. They also have a tendency to migrate and can easily be ripped out. These piercings often scar upon removal.

    Non-Surface Piercings-These piercings are much easier to care for and have a much lower rejection rate because they don't rest of the surface of the skin, they actually go through it. Common examples include
    Lip Piercings- Lip piercings can be placed virtually anywhere above or below the lips, and can use rings or studs depending on the location and preference of whom ever is wearing it.
    Ear Piercings- Ear piercings are one of the most common, and easiest piercings to care for. They can be placed virtually anywhere and multiple kinds of jewelery are available.
    Nose Piercings- A cartilage piercing on the nose (obviously). Curved barbells, circular barbells and rings can be worn in a nose piercing.

    These piercings have a much lower rejection rate and tend to heal much quicker. They tend to rarely migrate and most piercers are experts on any type of non-surface piercing.

    Piercing Aftercare
    In order to make sure that your piercing remains healthy and heals as quickly as possible, it is important to follow the necessary aftercare guidelines:

    Lip and Tongue Piercings Because these piercings are located in or around the mouth, they require quite a bit of work to keep them clean. You'll need an antibacterial, antimicrobial, alcohol-free ( I recommend Tech 2000) solution to clean your piercing with several times daily, especially after eating. Take a Q-tip dipped in the cleaning solution you choose and rub the outside of the piercing, dislodging any dried skin. It is normal for your piercing to discharge some fluid while it's healing, however if it's green or discolored, your piercing is getting infected. You'll also need an alcohol free mouth wash to rinse the inside of your mouth with. It's important to use alcohol free products to prevent drying out.

    Septum/Nostril Piercings You'll need a saline solution to clean this piercing, several times daily. Use a cotton ball to rub away anything accumulating around the piercing. Some discharged fluid is normal, however if it's discolored that indicated infection. Lavender oi can also be applied to nose piercings to help with healing. It's imperative to not remove a nose piercing until it has fully healed. If you do, you risk granulomas forming around your piercing (little bumps caused by damage to the initial wound)

    Bridge Piercing, Eyebrow Piercing, Cheek Piercing- These piercings can be difficult to heal because they're surface piercings, and in certain cases even with the best care it never will. As with most piercings, you'll need an antimicrobial, antibacterial, saline solution to clean it with. It's best to use cotton balls with these types of piercings, Q-tips can cause them to move or tear. Clean your piercing multiple times daily, especially within the first few weeks. If a piercing like this gets an infection, you simply have to take it out, there is no saving it, and you'll have to try again once it heals. Some discharge is normal from a piercing like this, however if it's discolored that indicated an infection.

    Tragus Piercing/Lobe Piercing/Ear Cartilage- These piercings tend to be easy to care for, particularly the lobe piercing so long as infections are prevented. Clean these piercings at least 2 times daily with a antibacterial, antimicrobial, saline solution with a Q tip or cotton ball. It's important to try and avoid sleeping on the side of your head for the first few weeks when you have a cartilage piercing, as this can cause the wound to reopen and take longer to heal. (Plus it's just uncomfortable)

    Navel piercing These tend to heal pretty easily as long as you take care of them. Clean your piercing several times daily with an antibacterial, antimicrobial, saline solution. Bellybuttons are a bacterial haven, so this piercing requires lots of care. Redness and a milky discharge is normal with this piercing, but if you start developing pus-filled knots that's (obviously) a sign of infection.

    Surface Piercings- Most other piercings heal within 2-3 months and it is no longer necessary to clean them multiple times throughout the day, but surface piercings are a bit different, because their heal time is so long. As long as you have the piercing, it is necessary to clean it several times daily. When cleaning surface piercings, you must be extremely gentle, you'd be surprised by how easily they come out. Even slightly tearing the initial wound can add months on to your healing time.


    Swelling Piercings will swell, and it will be irritated for at least the first few days. Keeping an ice pack can help swelling go down and be comfortable, ibuprofen can also help with pain and swelling.Tongue piercings are notorious for swelling, so it's a good idea to constantly be drinking or eating something cold.
    Healing Time
    These times are ideal, and everyone is different. If your piercing becomes infected, that may (most likely wil; increase your healing time.

    Monroe/Medusa piercing: Roughly one to two months
    Bridge: Five to six months, however these piercings may reject and never heal.
    Cheek/Anti-Eyebrow: Five to six months, however they may reject.
    Ear cartilage: These piercings heal slowly, and can take almost a year to heal completely.
    Ear lobes: Four weeks to three months.
    Eyebrow: Two to three months
    Tragus:These piercings often heal very slowly, and can take up to a year as with any cartilage piercing.
    Lower Lip: Six to Eight weeks
    Nostril: Two to Three months
    Septum: Three to four months
    Tongue: One to Two months
    Corset: These piercings can heal in six months, but it can easily take over a year, and they rarely heal completely.
    Madison: This piercing has a very high rejection rate, and healing is difficult, taking over a year if it heals at all.
    Nape: This piercing can heal within six months, and tends to be more likely to heal than other surface piercings.
    Navel: These can heal in as little as three to four months, but if you're more active it can take up to a year.
    Hip Piercings: Because of the fact that you move your hips when you walk, these piercings are under stress and have a difficult time healing, sometimes taking over a year, if they heal at all.

    Remember: Just because your piercing looks good on the outside does not mean that it is healed on the inside.
    n00b Questions

    Does it hurt?
    No. Getting needles stuck through various parts of your body feels lovely. :lol:

    How long should I clean my piercing for?
    As long as you have it, you need to clean it daily. However, after it heals completely it's no longer necessary to clean it multiple times.

    What are the best types of jewelery?
    When you first get your piercing, you want to get a hypoallergenic metal, Surgical stainless steel being the most popular. Nickel jewelery is notorious for causing allergic reactions and should be avoided. If your piercer uses nickel jewelery on a new piercing, you should go somewhere else.

    How much does it cost?
    Most piercings cost between$30 and $60, however it varies by place and the piercing you're getting. Ear piercings tend to be cheaper than other body piercings, while surface piercings can be more expensive.

    Should I pierce myself/let a friend pierce me?
    That's like asking if you should perform heart surgery on yourself or do your own dental work. Are you a professional? NO. Don't pierce yourself, it's irresponsible and can leave scars.

    Alrighty, now that I have my short little first post out of the way, discuss! :shifty
    June 17th, 2008 at 02:52am
  • nichole

    nichole (150)

    United States
    I've wanted my lip pierced for at least a year and a half now.
    I could be really irresponsible and do it myself because my parents won't let me do it, but I'd rather wait a couple years and get it done when I'm 18.
    So far I only have my ears pierced, and that's because I was a flower girl in a wedding when I was 5 or 6.

    But yeah. I love piercings, but my parents...uh...don't, hahah.
    June 17th, 2008 at 03:17am
  • Nora Grey.

    Nora Grey. (100)

    United States
    I put a second hole in my right ear by myself. I did it about a year ago, before I knew how dangerous it was to pierce yourself. Luckily, it turned out fine, no infections or anything, but please, don't pierce yourself.

    It's not worth the risk at all.
    June 17th, 2008 at 03:20am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    xander harris.:
    I could be really irresponsible and do it myself because my parents won't let me do it, but I'd rather wait a couple years and get it done when I'm 18.
    don'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon'tdon't :shifty
    You'll do it wrong and leave scar tissue, plus they'd probably just make you take it out. It took me months to get my mom to agree to letting me get my monroe, so you can keep trying but if they say no you should really just wait until you're older.

    :weird By the time you end up getting it you'll be so excited and it'll be worth it. That would be a fun thing to do on your 18th birthday.
    June 17th, 2008 at 03:21am
  • nichole

    nichole (150)

    United States
    Oh, I know. Like, I was reading up on the risks and it almost made me not want to get it done :cheese:

    But I still do. :tehe: And two and a half years isn't that bad if I really really want it.

    My friend offered to gauge one of my other friend's ears. He was like "No man, I've got a kit at home, with hollow needles and stuff," and I was like "NONONONONO D:".
    June 17th, 2008 at 03:35am
  • Maxwell Green.

    Maxwell Green. (100)

    TIP: if you find a big bump around your piercing that keeps growing, do not ignore it. :file: It could be a keloid.

    thanks for making this :weird
    June 17th, 2008 at 04:15am
  • Oooh Zing

    Oooh Zing (100)

    United States
    I just got my lip pierced on saturday night, and when I woke up I looked like Angelina Jolie. (no offense to her or anything...) :XD

    Soaking your piercings in a homemade saline solution is one of the best ways to clean them, too.
    June 17th, 2008 at 04:19am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    thanks for making this :weird
    No problem Shifty I needed to share my piercing knowledge with my fellow mibbians.
    June 17th, 2008 at 06:27am
  • wx12

    wx12 (10125)

    United States
    Oooh Zing:
    I just got my lip pierced on saturday night, and when I woke up I looked like Angelina Jolie. (no offense to her or anything...) :XD

    Soaking your piercings in a homemade saline solution is one of the best ways to clean them, too.
    Yep, saline is excellent, you just need to make sure you have an antibacterial and antimicrobial solution too.

    Lip piercings swell a lot. I looked so ridiculous the first week I had my monroe because it wasn't even my lip that was swollen... it was the area above. :tehe: You'll have to post pictures once it's not swollen anymore ~~
    June 17th, 2008 at 06:28am
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    My sister tried to pierce her bellybutton herself. omgno:
    But she couldn't get the needle all the way through.

    I have two piercings in each ear lobe, a nose piercing (right nostril) and a lower lip piercing.
    Getting my nose pierced hurt the most definitely.
    June 17th, 2008 at 09:00am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm getting my lip done this summer
    I can get it done anytime after tomorrow afternoon Wow
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:13am
  • Exquisite.

    Exquisite. (100)

    I've got one piercing in the upper part of my ear cartilage && three piercings in each earlobe && a piercing in my right nipple. :tehe:
    Srsly. And it hurt like a bitch.
    And they gave me like some kind of salt that I had to wash it with, but I never did because I forgot how many minutes I was supposed to rub it in with, so I just used the green desinfecting soap && it's way healed by now.
    I got it about three months ago or something, the ones in my ears I had for way longer.
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:35am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know a girl who peirced her nipple with a badge :shock:
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:37am
  • Exquisite.

    Exquisite. (100)

    Peter Petrelli.:
    I know a girl who peirced her nipple with a badge :shock:
    Whoa. On purpose or per accident ? :tehe:

    I had it done by this professional piercer. He was way hot, too. Naughty
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:40am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Exquisite Corpse.:
    Peter Petrelli.:
    I know a girl who peirced her nipple with a badge :shock:
    Whoa. On purpose or per accident ? :tehe:

    I had it done by this professional piercer. He was way hot, too. Naughty
    Om purpose

    when I was five I peirced my lip with a badge :lmfao
    I have teeny weeny scar so I want to get that bit peirced :XD
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:43am
  • Exquisite.

    Exquisite. (100)

    Dude, that's ttly hardcore.
    This one time, my cousin pierced both her ears with a needle and I'm like pressing my hands in front of my face.

    I would never be able to stick things through my body somehow? It's way weird because I tend to treat my body like shit, but I'd never be able to pierce it by myself lol.
    So which part in your lip is it?

    I'd love love love to get my bottom lip pierced on the right side [I ttly have a thing for my right side, I guess], but I'm not allowed to because of.. all of my jobs.
    I don't wanna be like "Hey, I've got a piercing, but no job", so..
    Instead I'm going to get a tattoo. Makes up for it big time, I suppose. : ]
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:48am
  • ChemicallyImbalanced

    ChemicallyImbalanced (1365)

    My friend pierced his lip with an SRC badge, in the middle of school. :tehe:

    I have a question. Lately my ear piercings have been getting really itchy, can anyone recommend something that will help them stop?
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:49am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My friend pierced his lip with an SRC badge, in the middle of school. :tehe:

    I have a question. Lately my ear piercings have been getting really itchy, can anyone recommend something that will help them stop?
    Have you changed them lately?
    That used to happen to me if I wore silver earrings, I was allergic to them.
    Could it be that?
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:51am
  • Exquisite.

    Exquisite. (100)

    My friend pierced his lip with an SRC badge, in the middle of school. :tehe:

    I have a question. Lately my ear piercings have been getting really itchy, can anyone recommend something that will help them stop?
    I use Sterelon, which is like an alcohol-based fluid that's like desinfectional, so it should clean whatever is making your ears itch.
    I'd take the ear piercings out and cleanse the holes with either Sterelon or some other alcohol-based substance, then clean the piercings with the same stuff [use another tissue or whatever though]; and put them back in.

    I must be really uncreative, but I can't imagine piercing anything myself.
    Yeah, so I would surely physically be able to press a needle through my lip; but then what ? You're gonna have to need a piercing at hand to relace the needle with, right? And also; the piercing is going to be thicker than the needle; so it'll hurt like a bitch, right ? *shivers.
    June 17th, 2008 at 10:52am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The people who gave us our cats, I guess I'd call them distant family friends? Their middle son does self peircings. He done his lip, nose, ears and some private places.

    I'm tempted to get him to do mine so I don't have to pay :shifty
    June 17th, 2008 at 11:11am