V For Virgin.

  • I'm fourteen-years-old and not a virgin. I don't judge people for being virgins or for not being virgins; all that matters to me is whether or not someone is ready for sex.
    I don't regret having sex because I was ready for it. The guy I had sex with is someone I've known all my life. I didn't, and still don't, have any romantic interest in him but I still love him in the friendly kind of way. At first I was afraid of what people might say but I'm over that now because I had sex because I wanted to, not because anyone else told me I had to.
    And while stories about eight-year-olds having sex isn't exactly what we want to hear, readiness is really the most important matter, I think.
    July 10th, 2008 at 08:28pm
  • Yay for us virgins!
    I'm happy that I'm a virgin, and I will stay one until I get married, full stop.
    And I really hope that the guy I marry is a virgin too, although it does seem unlikely.
    Weird topic to talk about.
    But anyway, I think sex is something special and it should be kept between 2 people for the rest of their lives!
    July 10th, 2008 at 11:53pm
  • My Sleepless Romance:
    My situation's a bit confusing. I consider myself a virgin, because I've never had consensual sex.
    I'd say you were a virgin.

    I'd also say that anyone who had had sex in the past, but was now taking an oath of celebacy can be an honorary virgin if they want.

    Eek, embarrassing topic. :oops:
    July 10th, 2008 at 11:55pm
  • I don't believe that all teenagers who engage in sex are sluts.
    I, for one am fifteen and I lost my virginity last month, to a wonderful boy that I love.
    I don't regret it at all, as we've been together for nine months.
    Mind you, that he's only the third boyfriend I've had in my entire life.
    So really, when you think about it, I'm not sleazy or whorish or a slut. :file:
    As Marilyn Monroe once stated: "Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature."

    I mean kudos to you if you've decided to wait, your better than me. Congratulations.
    But I didn't treat my virginity as a sacred thing, yeah it meant a lot to me, but it wasn't the end of the world when I gave it up.

    Though the one thing I don't approve of is having sex just so you can say your not a virgin anymore, or having sex because your bored. That just goes to show your too immature for that kind of responsibilty. And trust me, sex comes with a lot of that.
    July 11th, 2008 at 04:27pm
  • I'm almost 17 and a virgin.
    I'm not comfortable with my body nor with the concept of sex and everything it involves...

    All of my friends are virgins as well and most of them have had the same boyfriend for over eight months.
    One of my friends has been going out with her boyfriend for two years and they haven't had sex yet.
    I suppose in our group there isn't any pressure... we're all quite innocent.
    July 11th, 2008 at 04:56pm
  • I'm about to turn sixteen and still a virgin. I've never had a boyfriend, I've never been kissed, et cetera. People make fun of me for it, but honestly, I don't want to do these special things with boys I don't know or like at all.

    But at the same time, I know girls who've had sex and they're slightly younger than me. They're mature enough, they take the proper precautions, and they're in good relationships. I don't judge people when I learn they're not virgins.

    Just because they lost it already does not mean they are bad people or 'sluts', and I defend them when they are called such rude names because it is not fair nor accurate.
    July 12th, 2008 at 01:54am
  • Zaykt.:
    I'm about to turn sixteen and still a virgin. I've never had a boyfriend, I've never been kissed, et cetera. People make fun of me for it, but honestly, I don't want to do these special things with boys I don't know or like at all.

    But at the same time, I know girls who've had sex and they're slightly younger than me. They're mature enough, they take the proper precautions, and they're in good relationships. I don't judge people when I learn they're not virgins.

    Just because they lost it already does not mean they are bad people or 'sluts', and I defend them when they are called such rude names because it is not fair nor accurate.
    I agree with you 110%. :arms:

    I'm 16, never had a boyfriend, never been kissed or anything. It's not because I'm ugly or can't get a boyfriend [/vain] it's just because I dont want a boyfriend. And I havent been close enough to any guy to kiss for real.

    (some random boy came up to me and kissed me in the 7th grade, but that doesnt count. It was weird :shock: )

    I am waiting until I'm married because those are my personal beliefs. I have friends that have had sex, and I tell them to be careful because I dont want any of them getting an STD or getting pregnant. MOST of them are responsible and very mature. It's all a matter of personally being ready.
    July 12th, 2008 at 03:43am
  • I am only 14. I'm turning 15 in September, along with my friend. She thinks I am crazy for not wanting to lose my virginity this Summer. She hasn't yet, but I'm sure she will by the end of this Summer. I don't want to lose my virginity until I am well ready. If I am going to have sex, I want it to be with someone who loves me, and whom I love. Also we both are going to have to have respect for eachother, not just doing it because everyone else is, or 'just to get it over with' like most people say.
    July 12th, 2008 at 04:13am
  • I'm almost 17 and I'm a virgin.
    But I'm also pretty much gay...
    Can lesbians really lose their virginity?
    What counts as sex? =/ *confused*
    Please help?
    July 13th, 2008 at 05:36am
  • colour me stupid:
    Can lesbians really lose their virginity?
    I've always wondered that myself... :shifty
    July 13th, 2008 at 05:46am
  • I'm turning 15 years old in 15 days (wow, what a coinkidink) and I'm not a fan of pre-marital sex. I'm more than willing to wait after I get married. I really treasure my virginity, and I think it's the best gift I can give to my future husband, other than my love for him. Most people think that I'm only using that to hide the supposedly "fact" that "nobody wants to do" me. >_> Very insulting, but whatever.It's not like I'm in a hurry.
    July 14th, 2008 at 04:14pm
  • I'm still a virgin and I'm going to be a senior in high school, lol. I'm abstinence. And apparently I'm waiting till I'm thirty to get marry (Mom's rule). Plus, I'm known as "Little Innocent Jenny" at my high school.... >.>

    If people are having premarital sex, then it's alright as long as they really care about that person; are old enough (They at least have to be done with puberty) to make their own decisions; and are positive that their partner cares about him/her too :)
    July 14th, 2008 at 05:11pm
  • CinderellaWriter:
    If people are having premarital sex, then it's alright as long as they really care about that person; are old enough (They at least have to be done with puberty) to make their own decisions; and are positive that their partner cares about him/her too :)
    You're assuming they share your morals. I don't think anyone is in a position to judge when its "alright" for someone else to have sex. :shifty
    July 14th, 2008 at 05:29pm
  • I think you're right :)
    July 14th, 2008 at 05:41pm
  • It's not wrong to be a virgin would you rather have sex and having aids or other things.

    July 14th, 2008 at 06:03pm
  • Most of my friends have boyfriends and have done... things with them.
    I've never really had a boyfriend, but I have loads of good friends that are boys. And it doesn't really bother me that I don't have one, it just gets slightly annoying when everyone talks about how far they've gone and things.
    I don't think age really matters as long as you're sure you're ready for it.
    Everyone's different.
    July 14th, 2008 at 06:11pm
  • I'm still a Virgin.
    And I don't plan on losing it for a while.
    Yeah, it's depends if your mentally ready for it.
    I think the age 11, is too young.
    July 15th, 2008 at 12:02am
  • It's not a bad thing if you lose it before marriage or anything.

    It all depends on when you are ready and willing to give something that special up to someone, when you are comfortable enough in your own skin for that, and when you're mature enough to handle the responsibility. I'm none of those, which is why I'm still a virgin. :XD
    July 15th, 2008 at 04:09am
  • I'm 16 and still a virgin.
    I'm not ready for the consequences that can come with sex.
    plus I really don't want a boyfriend.
    July 15th, 2008 at 08:04am
  • Lonna Lullaby.:
    colour me stupid:
    Can lesbians really lose their virginity?
    I've always wondered that myself... :shifty
    They can, it just depends on what they count as virginity.
    Some say fingering, others say with a strap on.

    If you get what I mean... :shifty
    July 15th, 2008 at 08:59am