Why Do We Love Mibba?

  • Welp, I'm using Mibba Mobile/ Mobile Mibba right now on my phone and I actually like it. I won't be using it often due to my having two laptops and wifi but still, it's nice. I thought it would look unorganized, jumbled and be difficult to navigate like other mobile sites but its not. If I've ever complained about Mobile Mibba/Mibba Mobile then I take it all back. If I sound weird in this post then I apologize. It's a little after 12:30 in the morning and I'm tired.
    June 28th, 2013 at 06:44am
  • ^ Mibba mobile is actually really so nice, I'll read stories on my phone while I'm trying to fall asleep. It's wonderful not to have to navigate all the crazy layouts people think up, especially since none of them look good on such a small screen. The only thing that pisses me off is when I accidentally click on the full site button because there's no way to get back. Grr
    July 8th, 2013 at 06:13am
  • @ loverfayce.
    If you go up to the address bar and add "&mobile=1" to the URL, it'll take you back the the mobile site. :3 And there should be a link all the way at the bottom of the page on the full version of the site to switch to mobile, but it'd probably be hard to see on a phone.
    July 8th, 2013 at 07:05am
  • I love how quickly the admins are to address any problems that go on with the site. It makes me happy that they are always keepin us posted on what goes on with the site.
    July 9th, 2013 at 07:18am
  • Why do I love Mibba?

    Well, lets see.

    I'm at my house less than four hours a week. Mibba is my home away from home. I mean, the saying goes "A house is made of brick and stone but a home is made of love alone." At least people care about me here... Even my mom doesn't. She's stuck head-over-heels for a drunk (that is always a jerk to me)...
    Second, I could be myself here. Theres only three people at school that don't bully me for who I am.
    On top of that, there's tons brilliant, happy, bright people here. After spending a day alone, or getting screamed at that's a nice thing to turn to.
    Plus, I love to write, fantisize, and daydream.
    But mostly, it's because I feel welcomed.
    July 13th, 2013 at 07:22am
  • I can be me. There are some people who are in the same fandom as me, so we can fangirl together tehe

    The site is super welcoming and friendly.

    I have met wonderful and beautiful people here! I can literally call this my 2nd home.

    I love how you can make layouts, signatures, and edit your post. YOU CAN BASICALLY MATCH WITH YOUR AVATAR <3

    This is mobile so I can write- on the go!

    Mibba is so caring and kind. If people are having hard times, Mibbians will try and comfort them! No matter whatever situation they are in c:

    It's a mix of 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0- so you have a little taste of everything. It's not necessarily, futuristic or "old".
    July 16th, 2013 at 03:02am
  • The option of Mibba mobile or full site makes my life so much easier. & I don't have to focus so much on story or blog layouts that lag on my phone or iPad. Scooter
    July 17th, 2013 at 09:16am
  • The people that come to you when you need them and let you tell them anything you need to and do everything they can to help you, even if you don't really talk very often. Mibba is full of little lifesavers.
    July 18th, 2013 at 01:25am
  • That folks offer to help if you are new. I haven't gone on websites all that often, but in regards to Tumblr [which I no longer go on] it was one of the more friendly sites and compared to Mibba, I did not get as much help. Or any at all. Nor welcomes.

    Mibba is so friendly. It's like a soft teddy bear you keep with you at night. Or at least the users are. lmfao
    July 21st, 2013 at 09:27pm
  • I love the Contest Revival! I never used to join contests because I was always sceptic of the hosts following through, but I've joined two since the revival started since they provide that extra security Cute
    July 22nd, 2013 at 05:02am
  • I love Mibba mobile. XD I actually prefer it to the full site layout (which still bugs me a little but I'm used to it now so oh well File) and I loved using it on my tablet till it broke. So when I get the Ipad mini I'm planning on getting I'll look forward to using it again. All lovely and neat and no outrageous story layouts smacking you in the face. tehe though you can just switch to default layout when on a story to get rid of it if you don't like it on the full site but still, Mibba mobile all the way!
    July 24th, 2013 at 11:50am
  • I love the fact that the "recommend" button exists, despite people complaining that it makes people less likely to comment. Sometimes people just don't have anything to say (or add to the conversation if it's a Blog) so it's convenient to just recc it.

    Not to mention, the feed on My Mibba is amazing and I get to not so subtly creep on all my friends. Cool
    August 17th, 2013 at 05:03pm
  • Mibbians allow me to be weird and don't judge me for it whatsoever and I love that. Some of the things that I wouldn't dare say in real life for fear of being laughed can be said on here without the fear and I think that's fantastic, especially on a site with so many members.

    I also love the fact that the site has some absolutely stellar stories on it. Most other creative writing sites I've been on don't have the quality of writing we have on here. Mibbians are the best online writers.

    And lastly, I don't think I've been on a site when as many of the staff are as active with the members as they are on here. I see the admins and the mods and the editors all posting and talking to other Mibbians about the silliest little things and that makes me so happy.
    August 19th, 2013 at 09:38am
  • The fact that I can fan-girl my heart out and it's okay because there are people who fangirl as much as I do, if not more on here. IT'S GREAT.
    August 19th, 2013 at 11:00am
  • I've always wanted to write, and every site I've used just feels like a joke. On Mibba, people pay attention to you point out your mistakes with good intentions, not menace. I like the creativity and the wide range of work is so entertaining. So glad I bothered to join [':
    August 22nd, 2013 at 08:21pm
  • I just fell in the love with the Mibba's Thoughts column. I'm currently working my way back through them.

    (Secret guilty pleasure 'cause two of my threads have been featured and my comment about my Disney tattoo was in one.)
    September 12th, 2013 at 08:28pm
  • I love that I can X updates off my feed.

    I also love seeing users refer to me by my first name to other users and not my username. I feel quite special when that happens. tehe
    September 20th, 2013 at 10:14am
  • Because I can say fuck on here and not be banned tehe

    And because Mibba is my home <3
    September 22nd, 2013 at 02:35am
  • I love Mibba for the fact that when NaNo and Camp NaNo come around, everyone seems to join together in discussion and share feelings and stories, and talking about it all seems a lot more personal, but friendly and uplifting at the same time. If all of that made sense XD
    September 22nd, 2013 at 09:06am
  • I love that when Mibbians sense someone is in trouble, they reach out to a person even without being directly contacted for help. It's always great to see that we really do have a wonderful community on here where if someone posts something that's worrying, people will try to help that user. On any of the other forums I use, when someone posts asking for assistance with personal problems, they just get nothing but mockery and sarcastic responses, but on Mibba, we genuinely look out for each other and I think that's quite heartwarming to see when it happens.
    September 28th, 2013 at 01:23pm