Self-Injury Ed and Support

  • she loves mae.

    she loves mae. (100)

    United States
    I use to do it, a lot.
    It started when I was eleven though, so no one considered it self-injury. I would mainly scratch myself and pull out my hair.

    Since I've gotten older, I've moved on to worse things. Words mainly. It was pretty bad when I went on vacation recently and had 'Fat' carved into my knee. I did my best to hide it, which was good, they never saw it.
    I know it's wrong, and I've tried other ways to cope, but it doesn't really work for me, I always go back to the same methods.

    I mainly do it under cirumstances of stress and really heavy negative emotions. Usually if I get into a fight with my brother or my parents, or someone makes a negative remark at me. And I've tried different things, really, punching my pillow, writing, drawing. Nothing really works for me.

    I've even tried smoking. Yeah, cigarettes aren't the smartest thing in the world for me to do, but I know my friends do it when they're stressed. Thought it would help. I stopped with the smoking and moved on the pain pills, everytime I felt down, I'd take an aspirin, or a sleeping pill. Thought that would work better. It really didn't. I haven't done it in any in a while, but a few times I've been tempted. I just don't know how to deal with it.
    May 24th, 2007 at 10:16pm
  • Quinn of Dorkville

    Quinn of Dorkville (100)

    United States
    I do it...Ive been hospitalized, i was just the other day. I literally just cut, like 3 minutes ago. I did it because...well

    Okay...There was this guy i liked, and i was cutting over him. i get to involved in love

    I posted on journal a few days ago, and got help from a guy. he was really sweet...and he was really sweet. i kinda started to like him. Then today, he told me he had a girlfriend, so i cut. i want to tell him he's the reason im cutting, but he's the one helping me...if i tell him, he'll stop talking to me, then i wont have anyone.
    June 2nd, 2007 at 10:19am
  • Ridiculosis

    Ridiculosis (150)

    United States
    I do it...Ive been hospitalized, i was just the other day. I literally just cut, like 3 minutes ago. I did it because...well

    Okay...There was this guy i liked, and i was cutting over him. i get to involved in love

    I posted on journal a few days ago, and got help from a guy. he was really sweet...and he was really sweet. i kinda started to like him. Then today, he told me he had a girlfriend, so i cut. i want to tell him he's the reason im cutting, but he's the one helping me...if i tell him, he'll stop talking to me, then i wont have anyone.
    Cutting over guys? Hun, it's not worth it. Why not just hang out with your girl friends? It's much more therapeutic, trust me.
    June 14th, 2007 at 04:16am
  • Ridiculosis

    Ridiculosis (150)

    United States
    Today, I hit my three-week mark. And I think I'm finally done with it. At least, I hope.
    See, I've been tempted to cut so many times. But I'm staying strong, for many reasons. One, I really don't want to take this into high school. Two, I've noticed that I actually am happier afterwards, even if I'm not happy when I'm holding myself back. Three, I won't have to hide new cuts, although I do have to hide the old ones. Four, I've been surrounding myself with my friends. Five, it was starting to get to my friends and family...the list goes on. But to make a long story short, you can choose to be happy!
    June 14th, 2007 at 04:20am
  • Lyzzla

    Lyzzla (100)

    United States
    Mae Horror:
    I use to do it, a lot.
    It started when I was eleven though, so no one considered it self-injury. I would mainly scratch myself and pull out my hair.

    Since I've gotten older, I've moved on to worse things. Words mainly. It was pretty bad when I went on vacation recently and had 'Fat' carved into my knee. I did my best to hide it, which was good, they never saw it.
    I know it's wrong, and I've tried other ways to cope, but it doesn't really work for me, I always go back to the same methods.

    I mainly do it under cirumstances of stress and really heavy negative emotions. Usually if I get into a fight with my brother or my parents, or someone makes a negative remark at me. And I've tried different things, really, punching my pillow, writing, drawing. Nothing really works for me.

    I've even tried smoking. Yeah, cigarettes aren't the smartest thing in the world for me to do, but I know my friends do it when they're stressed. Thought it would help. I stopped with the smoking and moved on the pain pills, everytime I felt down, I'd take an aspirin, or a sleeping pill. Thought that would work better. It really didn't. I haven't done it in any in a while, but a few times I've been tempted. I just don't know how to deal with it.
    I think I know something that may help. I do not consider myself a self-injerur, but when I get pissed off, and I mean PISSED OFF (which has only happened 5 times in my 14 years), I have to hurt something using force. It's the type of fight cause anger. It's the type of anger where you have to use force with your fists to hurt something to get rid of your anger.'s happened 5 times...and the one time I took care of it effectively without hurting myself by punchin a wall..or a headboard, was when I threw something extremely hard into a wall. I threw and threw it and threw it until it was broken into thousands of pieces. Now, I know this seems brutal, but we have to remember that I've only been this mad 5 times in 14 years. I don't have anger management problems. What's wrong with me is that I rarely get mad to the breaking point. I am very tolerant and it takes a lot to get me mad. I don't suggest angering me.

    Anyways...try that. It would be much better than hurting yourself and it's actually...theraputic in a way.

    June 14th, 2007 at 04:32am
  • the footloose doll.

    the footloose doll. (100)

    Heh, i'm sure most of you probably think it's a dumb idea. I did too once

    but the whole -drawing on yourself with red marker- actually can work.

    when I was really wanting to SH I found a red marker and wrote on me all the bad crap I tell myself.
    I didn't pretend I was cutting, cause...I know its not real.
    But...Idunno.... I guess seeing all the red made up for it.

    yeah...random. postage. mhhmm
    June 22nd, 2007 at 01:15pm
  • iero_rules

    iero_rules (100)

    United States
    i never thought i did
    but i just read that definition...
    i pull out my hair, with tweezers n needles n stuff, like, every day.
    its the hair on my knees =/
    i can't go a day without doing it. i tried to stop but i couldn't.
    at first it hurt but now it doesn't...
    hmmm, i guess that counts, then.
    opinions, anyone?
    June 25th, 2007 at 01:46pm
  • Lyzzla

    Lyzzla (100)

    United States
    i never thought i did
    but i just read that definition...
    i pull out my hair, with tweezers n needles n stuff, like, every day.
    its the hair on my knees =/
    i can't go a day without doing it. i tried to stop but i couldn't.
    at first it hurt but now it doesn't...
    hmmm, i guess that counts, then.
    opinions, anyone?
    You might want to figure out why you do it.

    June 25th, 2007 at 07:21pm
  • iero_rules

    iero_rules (100)

    United States
    i don't know why, it just feels normal to me. and kinda theraputic. calming.
    June 25th, 2007 at 09:22pm
  • the footloose doll.

    the footloose doll. (100)

    doesn't like...pain release endorphins?

    I dunno...i've heard it does. :/
    June 26th, 2007 at 01:12pm
  • iero_rules

    iero_rules (100)

    United States
    hmmm, i dunno actually!
    June 26th, 2007 at 07:05pm
  • elevator

    elevator (100)

    I...erm, this is weird to type on the internet. I get these feelings of empty around me, and I used to just scream really loud. Then I started biting down really hard on my tongue or on my arm. And then a while back, I moved on to burning myself. I have scars on me that are actually visible. Mom thinks they are from really bad ant bites (I'm allergic and if I scratch them they make big whelps) and I don't think anyone really knows besides me. I haven't burned myself lately, I put all of my mom's lighters out of sight so I don't think of it. I'm still a biter though. If I'm really sad or angry, pain is easier to feel than that, because it's physical, not emotional. I've always wondered why I did it, and then the huge SH awareness movement started...
    June 26th, 2007 at 11:07pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's weird how a lot of you are not pro-self harm.
    I find it strange that a lot of you are against it, really, because on GSB you would get pretty much shot down in flames if you said something like "cutting is bad".
    I mean, I agree with what most of you are saying, but I just find the differences in attitudes funny.
    June 27th, 2007 at 10:20pm
  • Syck

    Syck (200)

    United States
    I cut. have been for a year now.
    I don't advise any curious minds to get into it.
    It's addicting in the most awful way.

    I normally have a fit of rage, stress, or depression every three or so months when I break down and cannot control myself, and I end up cutting; doing some serious damage. One incident left me with three canal-like gashes on my forearm. They were about half and inch into my flesh. The movement of my hand was restricted until I fully healed (four weeks later) because I had hit muscle.
    But it's strange. After I have one fit of immense damage, I'm good for nearly three months, then I fall back into the cycle. I use to simply cut straight cuts, but recently I've been getting into words. Always after a SIB session, I fall asleep, exhausted from blood loss.

    What can really stop it? Like, forcibly stop the action? Only part of me honestly wants to stop - the other half of me is addicted to it.
    June 29th, 2007 at 05:21am
  • Syck

    Syck (200)

    United States
    doesn't like...pain release endorphins?

    I dunno...i've heard it does. :/
    When pain is inflicted on the human body, the brain at once sends out a morphine-like substance that begins to numb the pain of the wound. In that process, the mind blocks out emotional pain because, honestly, it has better things to do like killing the inflicted pain.

    That's what my shrink told me.
    June 29th, 2007 at 05:25am
  • RENT.

    RENT. (150)

    i think self harm is kindof a cowards way out. dont get me wrong, i went through that "phase" and now i just see how over-rated it is.

    some people harm within good reason, some problems are real, but attention-whores who do it to fit in arent really in that much need of help.

    one of my friends told the counsellor about my other friend who harmed, and all it did was strain their friendship. its up to the harmer to get through their problems, and with appropriate support [not equally "fake" friends around them] they can get through it.
    June 29th, 2007 at 08:19am
  • RENT.

    RENT. (150)

    doesn't like...pain release endorphins?
    yeh it does, and so does other things like mild excercise, and eating chocolate (:
    June 29th, 2007 at 08:20am
  • Kerplunk Girl

    Kerplunk Girl (150)

    Let me be honest with all of you that cut.

    I have cut myself for four whole years, the reason was because so many things have fucked up in my life and there was no way to relief the stress and pain that I was feeling, so I cut. There are so many scars on my left arm that I can't describe. It helped me relief stress for a period of time, but that pain, stress guilt always came back.

    The only solution is to get help. I can not express that enough.
    Learning about it and over coming it is the only thing that will help you.

    I know this, but I haven't done it properly...I have moved on from cutting to drinking heavily. Just please take my advise and get help, it doesn't matter if you are scared. It's better than becoming a drug addicted or an alcoholic!
    June 29th, 2007 at 08:35am
  • charming.

    charming. (135)

    doesn't like...pain release endorphins?
    yeh it does, and so does other things like mild excercise, and eating chocolate (:
    Actually even something like playing a sport, or even engaging video games, can actually release dopameine into your system, and you get a high.
    June 29th, 2007 at 11:48am
  • Kerplunk Girl

    Kerplunk Girl (150)

    doesn't like...pain release endorphins?
    yeh it does, and so does other things like mild excercise, and eating chocolate (:
    Actually even something like playing a sport, or even engaging video games, can actually release dopameine into your system, and you get a high.

    It shouldn't matter if it realeases endorphins! :x
    June 29th, 2007 at 12:03pm