Story Explanations.

  • The Brightside

    The Brightside (500)

    Every character in Parallel Minds is based on somebody I have met or know in real life. The events that occur have probably occurred to somebody I know, too, but I've twisted them so really they're not all too similar. Parallel, more like. The story's plot came to be after a combination of observations of new people at my school, the thought of somebody being able to read you like a book and the sudden presence of somebody different in my life who inspired one of the characters.

    I would say more, but it gives it away, and in a way I don't want to say anything more detailed out loud 'cause it's kind of exciting for me, too. XD

    Parallel Minds' plot is not completely worked out as I like to make the story a surprise for myself as well. Some of the conversations featured in the story are flipped versions or contain references to real conversations I've had with people before.

    The title for the story was originally going to be Everything Will Be Alright (a Killers song, which bears reference to the music taste of the boy I based the main male protagonist on) but it didn't refer to the story enough. Parallel Minds is a combination between two things that are to be discovered in the story.
    January 15th, 2009 at 09:18am
  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    The Secret's In the Telling - I was gonna base it on 'Stolen' by DashboardConfessional, but TSITT worked so much better. I stared to base the happenings around the lyrics, and surprisingly enough, it worked.

    Rainbows in the Gasoline - It was somehow a commentary, in prose form, on the poverty in the Philippines. All of the dishes described are common, everyday dinners in the Philippines.

    Don't Take My Brother - Inspired by another story on, based on the song 'Don't Take the Girl.' I just used all the parts in a different context. It was only supposed to be five chapters, but the writing forbade it. I had to divide some parts. My longest finished story, like, ever.

    Smear It Splendid - I have no idea how I came up with this format. Like, overusing bold, italics, and parentheses. But it worked, in a disjointed sort of way. It represented the character's state of mind, like, things happening with the present, with flashes of memory, and some thought commentaries in the situation.

    Before the Song Dies - Inspired by this scene in RENT, where Mimi was trembling in the toilet from drug withdrawal. I used the same style as in SIS, only with less action and more description.

    Our Memories Defeat Us - Because MCR started partly because of 9/11, and I realized the date. 9/11, a day after Mikey's birthday on 9/10. I set it back a few years, rewinded stuff, and put Gerard on the plane. So it's kind of like an AU.

    Frank Rambles (About Gerard) - So I noticed all the Frerard in recent concerts via youtube, then started writing significant, memorable ones in Frank's POV, and kind of strung them together and added some stuff. Kind of funny how they are separate oneshots that can be read as one story. I mean, some where so intense they needed some kind of thought behind them xD

    Blaze of Glory - So I had this idea about an angel who liked rock music, and his punishment was being sent down to earth to live a full human lifetime. He then goes on to be a famous rock star xD I made it MCR to make it more familiar, and I'm gonna use Bon Jovi songs throughout. xD I actually like my idea of old English and a cool God xD

    Sijaun the Hearteater - My friend, who I cried to on the phone during the bad times of my relationship, once said "He really is a monster," about my ex. Then I wanted to make this fic about a monster who eats people's hearts. I didn't have a name, and I was telling another friend about it. I didn't have a name yet; she then combined the names of her ex and mine. I changed the spelling to make it less obvious xD

    Blowing Bubbles - I had this idea about wishing on bubbles. Needless to say, I was searching toy shops for bubble bottles after that.

    Supernova - So we had to write a story about the New Year. I had a romantic boarding school idea, and a futuristic one. I chose the future, even if it gave me less of a win since romance > scifi to most Mibbians. The future stuff kind of wrote itself with all the developments and technology. I've been reading lots of Neil Gaiman, and I searched his stories for futuristic references. I based three out of five from his stories. It's very different from most things I've done.

    Dementia - So for the Mibba competition, the prompt was 'write about a prisoner's last days' etc. etc. Lots of people wrote about reflections in prison, or what happens as they're walking to their death. Then I had this idea of a serial killer being interviewed. And voila. Imagine my surprise when it won.

    Maybe Next Time - I used characters from our cowritten, Have Kids, Then We'll Talk. I set in the future, when life goes on. But there's a catch: it never happened/will never happen because of an event that hasn't been written in the story yet :tehe:
    January 15th, 2009 at 09:44am
  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    I started writing Creep Is Dead (non mibba) in a myspace blog over a year ago.
    It's gone through two rewrites, and almost all of the characters have had complete character changes.

    It's quite epic. :cute:
    January 15th, 2009 at 04:03pm
  • elsa of northuldra

    elsa of northuldra (550)

    United States
    Thicker than Blood was only a thought in my head until I broke up with my exboyfriend. Thats when I decided to write it as a bit of a rebound.
    January 15th, 2009 at 06:28pm
  • isangelical.

    isangelical. (100)

    United States
    In Of Sugar and Ice, Davey is more than just a drug addict who became addicted to help get over his breakup. He's severely depressed and it's been masked by his addiction for so long that when he's rehabilitated completely, his psychiatrist doesn't realize how messed up he still is; she believes that's dissapated along with his addiction. However, Davey is still very sick. As the chapters go on into the 20s, it becomes more and more evident to the reader just how deep it goes.
    January 16th, 2009 at 02:28am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    All the characters on my story Horrorland represent a certain human flaw or value.

    The Odd Looking Man represents Insanity.

    The little girl represents naivety.

    Noir, the white cat, represents curiosity.

    Marduk represents greed.

    Light represents hope and sanity.

    It represents vanity.

    Few readers read between lines and figure out the meanings and why I make the characters that way; I hope that helped.
    February 1st, 2009 at 09:36pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    In Winter to Spring, the fact that Ryan was abused and raped by his boyfriend is not important. The story isn't supposed to focus on that. It's focus is time and how the world is constantly changing. We can't change the past, we can just alter the present and the future. And the ending is meant to show time healing wounds.
    February 5th, 2009 at 12:23am
  • roe.

    roe. (100)

    United States
    I guess Dear God, I Had Dreampt That I Could Fly came to me when my grandma visited me last weekend. She had given me a card, a very special card basically saying that she would be there for me whenever i needed someone to comfort me. I don't know, it touched me I guess. But, anyway, I got this idea in my head and I was like "I need to write, now." I am currenly loving this story, I have so much planned for it. Tallie has most traits that I have, except she is really shy. I remember some time ago when I was off to my vocal lessons, I was so nervous, it felt like I was going to pass out. I guess imagine that whenever you talk to someone you don't know. It's not exactly original fiction, most of it is, but it features Craig Mabbitt who has yet to make an appearance. It's main focus is on Tallie and the relationships she has with people, basically her grandma. :cute:
    February 5th, 2009 at 12:54am
  • alias093001

    alias093001 (100)

    United States
    Amanda Lynne or A mandolin? is based on the premise that calling people names is not a good thing. I used myself as the main character because my name was always made fun of, in particular by my sister in the story. She caused me so much grief that I had to try it out in a story.

    Amanda and Betsy are my favorite characters to write about because they are real. They have real problems to deal with, but still do love each other, even if they don't always show it.

    Amanda Lynne or A mandolin? is the start of a five story series featuring so many twists and turns. It is not your average Jonas Brothers story, particularly considering what I do to one of the girls. (I'm crying just writing of it; that's how emotionally invested I got when writing this series).

    The "Am...?" series consists of:
    Amanda Lynne or A mandolin?
    Am I a Queen or Just Betsy?
    Amethyst woulld be a better name than Kyra, wouldn't it?
    American Girl: Can't I Just be Chloe?
    Amped Up: Why is my name Jason?

    Each story in this story is set to follow the character mentioned, each dealing with their own problem. Ultimately, the series is set with the intention of following the Kevanda relationship in full. There will be tears, heartache, and tragedy that no one will ever expect.

    A Maybe Relationship proves that things don't always turn out the way that you expect them to. The story surfaced as I was writing my "Am...?" series, and I wondered what would happen if my beloved Kevanda relationship broke up and Jetsy had a chance to flourish. I have so many plans for this story, and the series that is to follow.

    Like the story I spun it off from, A Maybe Relationhip will be the start of a five story series, but will follow Jetsy's relationship rather than Kevanda.

    The "Am...?: Jetsy" series consists of the tentatively titled:
    A Maybe Relationship
    A Messed Up Heart
    A Mistaken Identity
    Ample Time
    Amazing Almost Twins

    Heartache will be felt throughout, particularly on Amanda's part. Honestly, I'm not quite sure what's going to happen in these stories, but I can tell you that it will be suspenseful.

    Camp Strange tells the story of Savannah Dawn Meadowbrook after the loss of her parents. It was a National Novel Writing Month novel, meaning that it is 50,000 words. Camp Strange is the first story in the Guardian Vampire trilogy I'm creating. Next up will be Blue Rose, followed by it's sequel Double Trouble, a story that I'm not writing until November.
    February 5th, 2009 at 08:23am
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)


    He Doesn't Care. My brother. He loves the Shinning and his favorite line is "Here's Johnny!" and his favorite song is My Heart Will Go On. Autism story because my brother has it and I was just trying to deal with it, I guess.

    He Doesn't Cry. Another story secretly about my brother. Ryan just for some reason couldn't cry but he kind of portrayed crying in some other way such as writing lyrics. That's just my brother is.

    Silence. We had this part in Religion Class and a my teacher said something about people being afraid of quietness and believed that in silence, everything that hid comes out. So yeah.
    February 5th, 2009 at 12:03pm
  • ravegirl.

    ravegirl. (100)

    United States
    I wrote To The Point Of Obsession as a homage to my favorite actor (Heath Ledger) as he did my favorite version of the Joker.
    February 6th, 2009 at 01:43am
  • Oscar Wilde

    Oscar Wilde (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I wrote my two Joker fan-fictions (Redemption and its sequel Come Clarity) because I was pretty much blown away by The Joker. But I really wanted to see what it would be like if the Joker fell in love, and I wanted to know if I could pull it off or not.
    February 8th, 2009 at 02:30pm
  • bateman

    bateman (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    We Like To Pretend is based in a travelling circus. The protagonist works behind the cotton candy stall because he's not good enough to work as a performer. He's jealous of everybody else who's the centre of attention, which is why he kills them.
    February 8th, 2009 at 03:03pm
  • Mala

    Mala (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I tried writing White Lines And Bass Guitars a number of times, and failed epicly on each attempt. Sad
    The 1st attempt was going to be based on my school life, but I never got around to it. :grmml:
    The 2nd attempt was simliar to the first one, but not based on my life, I got 5 paragraphs into it then gave up, it was at this point when I created the character: 'Ruben Razor'.
    And my 3rd attempt I succeeded! Dance And added my other brilliant creations :D

    Thought I would share this with all of you :XD
    And this is the end of my rant. :coffee:
    February 8th, 2009 at 03:44pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    My fault? My fault? How could this be my fault? It was all Ryan. He wore the make-up, rolled down the car window, locked the basement door, fell asleep beside me. This was his fault, not mine.

    From After He Unlocked the Door.

    In the italicized part, I specifically picked out things Ryan did that didn't relate to the sex, but the leading up to and the following. I wanted to show that he mentally invaded Pete rather than just seducing him.
    February 11th, 2009 at 08:14am
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)

    Brendon cheated on Ryan, but I still haven't figured out with who, strangely enough. And this obviously happens a lot, the fight, anyways. And whenever that happens, Pete is like Ryan's 'go to' person.' That's how the story pretty much started.
    And Pete likes Ryan. Hooraaayy.

    And I'm also one reader away from another star.
    February 11th, 2009 at 08:25am
  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    In my Hard As Nails series, 89% of the characters are based on or were inspired by actual people at my school. Also, Cloudland (the main city) is basically my hometown with everything renamed. Also, in a plan I have, when Matt moves to Tampa, I chose Tampa because that's where my friend Jacob used to live.
    February 12th, 2009 at 11:56pm
  • Isabella.

    Isabella. (550)

    United Kingdom
    You Were Never Coming Back.
    I wrote this one-shot about death; and how promises are broken after death—and if you don’t expect it your dead. I mainly pulled the inspired from Meg and Dia’s song ‘Halloween’.They wrote it for a friend who’s friend died. And I wanted to pull most of the depression out of my life—and write this. It just portrayed this pain that was meant for someone else entirely—but wasn’t for them really.
    February 13th, 2009 at 02:44am
  • Odysseus

    Odysseus (100)

    United States
    in The Boys and Girls in The Cliques, Bob, Erica and Ginny are in the marching band. And Ginny changed schools because her father didn't approve of the bad influences [i.e. Bob & and company] that were in the school.

    And in I Have A Crush on the Librarian, the italicized words are when Frank stops typing and thinks. Frank is actually the one writing the story, and the italicized words aren't part of HIS story, but MY story. The story of Frank writing a story about his crush on the Librarian, who is sitting right next to him watching him write the story.
    February 16th, 2009 at 01:14am
  • Cristina Scabbia

    Cristina Scabbia (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Four Words To Choke Upon
    I wrote this story because it had been nagging me at the back of my mind for absolutely months. I had the idea for it pretty much as soon as I started Love In Slow Motion (it's a spin-off oneshot of that story) and I knew that I wouldn't be able to get it off my mind until I wrote it. I didn't set out to write it anti-anybody, the way I wrote the characters was just how they appeared in Love In Slow Motion, except that Sean was a little bit more immature than in LISM, due to him being 18 in the oneshot and 19 in LISM. And why Matt Tuck as the main character? I went over a few possible choices in my head but he was the only one that really stuck. All the other people didn't quite fit the part as well as Matt did.

    I didn't set out to offend anybody when I wrote it, and at the end of the day it's just fiction. It didn't really happen.
    May 18th, 2009 at 02:36am