Story Explanations.

  • mrsgregcarter

    mrsgregcarter (100)

    United States
    In many of my stories, but particularly Cursed Tales: A Gypsy's Tale I try to kill off a main character but in the end I don't have the heart to do it and I bring them back from the dead. but it works for a nice plot twist. I just am too much of a softy to really kill a main character.
    and I write fantasy because I am too lazy to research about reality/history--but that's more of a confession... oh well.
    July 25th, 2011 at 07:19am
  • Zachary Merrick.

    Zachary Merrick. (200)

    United Kingdom
    Double Feature was written in a really observational way because the idea was to show all the characters in the most unbiased way I could.

    Sam both opened and closed the story to bring it full circle from a bad relationship to a good relationship.
    July 26th, 2011 at 03:31am
  • fooleish

    fooleish (205)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The story behind Adventures in Solitude is that Amy and Rory have left the Doctor to live in happily married bliss and he’s kind of heartbroken because he always is when people leave him, but he isn’t ready to move on. The TARDIS sort of picks up on this and sends him off to an alternate universe (pretend, for a moment, that they haven’t been sealed off forever) where Rory and Amy never met the Doctor, where they never got married and had a baby River Song. The TARDIS doesn’t send him to Amy, though, which confuses him at first, she sends him to Rory because in this universe, Rory needs the Doctor more, even if he doesn’t realise it.
    August 9th, 2011 at 08:49pm
  • amaranthine.

    amaranthine. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Chasing Imagination came about when I was writing a song set in our world, in the future, where everything is really tightly controlled to the point where no one respects individuality anymore. To be honest, the story came about pretty much by accident, where I was thinking about how the song I was writing dealt with a world where imagination was illegal. I thought that this was a great idea, and immediately began planning a story.

    Hurricane (unposted) was something I started up on a whim after watching 30 Seconds to Mars' video for their song Hurricane. To be honest, I had absolutely no plan and no direction, other than that I wanted there to be some romance and a scene set in a city at night, and that was it. I never expected to get more than a few pages in, but after writing about one chapter, I realised that with a little bit of adapting it could work perfectly as the sequel to Chasing Imagination, and I added it into the Dreamers series.

    Martyr's Run is the third book in the Dreamers series (though I haven't got very far with it) and came when I was watching the video for The Resistance by Muse on MTV, and the voiceover said that Muse came up with the stage set for their concerts so that it looked like they were trying to escape some sort of sci-fi institution. Therefore, I immediately thought of a Dreamers book where four characters had to escape the Institution or else face the Operation.
    August 13th, 2011 at 05:46pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Tracing Lines was written because I would love to be an FBI agent, but that's never going to happen. The romantic element of the plotline was added in so that it wasn't the same idea as another story of mines (generic case, solved by FBI/CSI type people).

    After spending a few days researching the Hiroshima bombing, I decided to write a short story about it (So Long, And Goodnight). It just so happened that one of the guitarists in my favourite band is Japanese, so it ended up being them I used, but it could have been anyone. I just wanted to write something with the idea of the characters actually being there during the bombings.
    August 13th, 2011 at 09:03pm
  • sore thumb;

    sore thumb; (315)

    United States
    Kenny from The Academy was named by accident. You see, I had her ability of resurrection in mind from the get-go but I couldn't pick out a name. My options were Emily (universal) Eva (life) Anastasia nicknamed Anna (resurrection) but none of them really seemed to fit her.

    My little brother was watching an old episode of South Park on television while I was sitting on the sofa with my laptop, yenno, one of those old episodes when Kenny McCormick died every episode but reappeared in the next one without any real explanation.
    October 25th, 2011 at 03:02am
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    Now that I think about it, I already explained this in the last chapter of the story itself....
    The original story was supposed to be Essence with her powers, and she would be the only one with the powers, as the only child. But I thought that was too boring. So I threw Jamal (her brother) in there, but he was supposed to be a goody two shoes - snooze. So I made Essence and Jamal and other people with powers, then I made Jamal a little mischievous and Essence to keep him in check. And Chinaza was supposed to be just a friend to Jamal, but we all know how that goes.
    October 27th, 2011 at 10:44pm
  • just gone okay

    just gone okay (100)

    United States
    kid from yesterday;:
    Kenny from The Academy was named by accident. You see, I had her ability of resurrection in mind from the get-go but I couldn't pick out a name. My options were Emily (universal) Eva (life) Anastasia nicknamed Anna (resurrection) but none of them really seemed to fit her.

    My little brother was watching an old episode of South Park on television while I was sitting on the sofa with my laptop, yenno, one of those old episodes when Kenny McCormick died every episode but reappeared in the next one without any real explanation.
    I love this.
    October 28th, 2011 at 12:52am
  • Neche Narcissist

    Neche Narcissist (100)

    United States
    How To Save A Life is a one shot I wrote and everyone is confused about it but I didn't want to make it this long story explaning everything that was happening.

    The main character is a bit selfish and was raped causing her to have a child which she put up for closed adoption.
    November 13th, 2011 at 10:05am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Long post is long.

    Home Grown was written because I am way to attached to Isaac McEwin and Travis Wolfe of my other story Soria Girl. In Soria Girl, they never meet, but sometime in ninth grade after I edited the crap out of the series for the first time, I added Isaac and Michael. I never expected to love Isaac like I did, and I wanted to write more with him. There's a lot to him that you don't read about in Soria Girl that is found out in Home Grown, and that's why I wrote it. The whole love story between him and Travis was completely spontaneous and started off as more of an inside joke with myself. (Which is really sad, now that I think about it.) But as I thought about it more, I realized how well they would be able to work off of each other and how cute they could possibly be.

    The Dog Days of Bummer was basically written for two reasons - I have a soft spot for corgis, and a picture I was drawing for art class at the time inspired it. I really love how it came out; I'm a cat person, so getting into a dog's head was hard and I think I managed to pull it off somewhat.

    The Exploder was written about my car, a Ford Explorer that we call the Exploder. It's a big inside joke between my dad, brother, and I that the car is a slow sweetheart. Eventually our little "backstory" for him became so interesting to me that I decided to flesh it out and put it on paper. To me, it reads kind of like a kid's book, and since I showed it to my dad, he emailed it to our entire family and they keep telling me to publish it as one. -_- I think a car that speaks with improper grammar isn't exactly something kids would want to read about.

    Who Knows, Who Cares came to me at a pep rally. I've always been interested in mascots and how people become mascots, but recently I've tried to focus on making stories with small character casts that pack punches rather than big casts with no significance. That's why I've narrowed it down to about five or six characters in all, focusing on Julian and Jeremy. I've barely started this story. When I pick back up on it, I know what's going to happen, but I can't say it'll come out the way I planned.

    Nineteen is kind of a hidden backstory to St. James of my story I Can't Hang. His name isn't mentioned in Nineteen, nor is there really any intimation that he's the protagonist, so to anybody else, they're two completely seperate stories. To me, though, Nineteen is sort of a companion. When James falls in love in Nineteen, that syncs up to I Can't Hang when James falls in love in the latter. It's never touched on in I Can't Hang since romance is never a part in that story - it's all friendship and bromance. There's a lot to St. James that never comes out - for starters, his last name is never even mentioned in I Can't Hang. XD The biggest thing that I've left out of the original story is St. James falling in love with Brady, which is mentioned indirectly in Nineteen. I feel that if I touched on that in I Can't Hang, it would've been a major detour from the plot (or lack thereof). Plus, since Kyle was the narrator, the relationship would've lost its intimacy. The Brady/St. James love story is a completely different story that I probably won't ever write. I feel like I've done enough with the characters and I don't want to ruin it.

    Now that I've finished I Can't Hang, I think I'm able to reflect upon it clearer. It's my longest story, and although it doesn't have much of a plot, I don't think it ever was a plot-based story. My intention was to focus on the relationships between the three main characters, mainly Brady and Kyle. I regret the corniness of the ending, and looking back, there are a lot of plotholes that I'll fix someday, but my favorite part of writing the story was the brotherhood between Kyle, James, and Brady. And like I mentioned before in Nineteen, the relationship with St. James and Brady was one that wasn't touched on for a reason - it would detract from the one between Kyle and Brady, which was the main focus of the story. But there's a lot of unspoken things that I sort of regret not touching on in I Can't Hang. Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever elaborate upon how St. James falls for Brady, and I'm sure it seems out of the blue for anybody who's read I Can't Hang. I don't want to write their love story since even I don't know how it comes about (St. James probably gets the initial spark of admiration for Brady when they were cooped up in the hotel together). Like I've said, I've done enough with the characters.

    Buuuuut, seeing as how I carried on the Renny Boy series to four books, I'll probably eat those words. Coffee
    December 27th, 2011 at 05:17pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I didn't mean to not mention names in Asphyxiate Me. It just started without names and there was no place where I felt a name was necessary, so I left it out. It was written as Ryden.
    January 19th, 2012 at 02:56am
  • sore thumb;

    sore thumb; (315)

    United States
    Reds came about after I read the beginning of The Heart Rate of a Mouse as part of my research into the P!ATD fandom. It's the first story I've written in first-person POV in about a year, and only the second time I've written from the POV of a guy (the first being one chapter of the original draft of My Beating Heart, which I posted on Quizilla the summer of 2010.)

    Also applying to Reds, it originally started out as a Gerard character fic basically just describing Tracy through his eyes. Only later did it evolve into the whole conversation while they are standing around smoking.

    [/long rambling post is long]

    She is at least somewhat autobiographical.
    April 23rd, 2012 at 12:27am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Generation Why Bother stemmed from pretty much two things - I drew up Oshie one day, named him Oshie, and decided that he looked like such an interesting character that I gave him a backstory, a personality, and a kickass best friend. The other thing was that I wanted to write another story about a band - an older band, older than Plaster Caster, at least. Andy came first as far as Put'emup, Put'emup was concerned, and then the rest followed. I don't normally write fantasy, in fact I think Spin is my only real fantasy story, but I knew that writing something that dealt with the supernatural was going to call for something larger than life. Before I knew it I was adding a whole ton of shit to the story and its outline, but I love everything about it and I couldn't bear to cut anything from it. I love all of the characters even if they can be asses to each other, and I really had to force myself to outline it all before starting it due to the confusion that would inevitably arise if I just jumped right in. Plus, with outlining, I was able to cram in a whole lot more foreshadowing than I initially intended, since there are a few plot twists (one in particular) that are kinda hinted at throughout. When I write all of my stories, basically what it comes down to is that I write the kind of stuff that I want to read. I want to fall in love with the characters and their surroundings, and I want to become attached to even the most minor characters, and that happened...more than I anticipated with this story. I literally wrote it in a month and it's totaled over 102,000 words. (It's gonna take a while to post in a not-rushed manner...) A few months after I had the very first bare bones of a plotline, Johnny Cool came into play when I dreamed him up one night, and I don't know about any of my subscribers, but I think he's a pretty neat addition to the plot. I loved writing his little subplots and making them intertwine with the situations at hand. Overall, I wrote it to combine basically everything I'm inspired by - music, cartoons, big bustling cities, character development, and corny supernatural plots.
    October 3rd, 2013 at 03:04am
  • bullets are hailing.

    bullets are hailing. (250)

    United States
    I got the idea for I Will Always Care for You when I listened to Paramore's newest album and it's basically what I think would happen if Josh Farro listened to it. It's what I wish would happen between Paramore and their former band members and how much I want them all to make up. But I also wanted to do it in a more realistic way in response to all those stories I've read where Hayley and Josh suddenly make up and fall in love all over again.

    I want to make this story about how difficult it would really be for them to make peace with each other and finally getting closure and avoiding the whole "rekindle their romance" thing.
    November 11th, 2013 at 10:09am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Who Knows, Who Cares directly stemmed from a pep rally I had to attend in eleventh grade, way back when in 2011. I've always kinda wanted to be a mascot, to just act like an idiot in a big costume, and I guess that was part of the reason why I stated writing it. In its first draft, though, Alana wasn't Alana - she was a boy named Jeremy, who was even quieter and basically a ripoff of Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower. This May, I read over the outline again and just decided to scrap Jeremy as a character and create somebody else from scratch - thus came Alana, and then I got the motivation to start it back up again.

    It's such a detour from the last few stories I finished - Bus and Generation Why Bother - since there are really only two main-main characters and just a few secondary ones. I've been so used to writing huge casts and making everything larger-than-life that I kind of forgot how to make an impact with just a few characters. Back in its baby stages, it was the first story I started after finishing I Can't Hang, which was another super-small-cast story with only three characters (four, if you count God), and since I liked it so much, I tried my hand at it again. I think after a few years, I've definitely written the story I envisioned WKWC to be in the first place, despite the major tweaks.
    June 24th, 2014 at 03:22am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Send Me Away With the Words of a Love Song is super long because I don't really want to leave out anything. I really want to capture a long-term relationship and everything it encompasses. It's also my way of kind of exploring how I think a serious relationship would play out and feel, since I've never been in one myself.
    June 26th, 2014 at 09:17am
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    I've always been fascinated by cheating/cheaters (probably because my mom cheated on my dad), so Fall of Rome was a chance for me to explore that and see what it would be like to try to forgive and forget after something like that.
    July 9th, 2014 at 01:37am
  • jellyfish-spine

    jellyfish-spine (100)

    United States
    In The Ugly Ducking I use italicized ballet vocabulary to break up boring dialogue or internal monologue chunks. I think it's fun and I also really like the idea that these characters, trained ballet dancers, aren't all sitting around and talking to one another when they should be rehearsing. I also really like that it gives a sort of tempo to the story as if time passes as it would in the real world and not a "I showed up to the studio - had a conversation - left the studio".
    August 11th, 2014 at 07:40am