Asperger's Syndrome

  • ^ Yeah, I knew a boy from my old school. He is extremely smart, top of the class all the time. He was bullied a lot everyone made fun of him. Its because he acts really posh I guess.
    What I don't understand is why he didn't take the test to go to grammar school, he'd pass that with flying colors.

    And its true that not everyone who has aspergers is extremely smart. Some people think that if you are autisic, that your some kind of 'child prodigy', well I definately not one for sure :file: .
    August 13th, 2008 at 07:41pm
  • Same here.
    August 26th, 2008 at 04:09pm
  • My friend's brother has it.
    He was valedictorian and got a full scholarship, plus he teaches in Japan now.
    He's only 21.
    But he can't communicate well with people who aren't as smart as he is, and he has some problems with people skills.
    He's probably the nicest older guy I've ever met though.
    August 26th, 2008 at 06:24pm
  • My cousin Nathan has this. Before I went down to visit my aunt, my mom and dad sat myself and my sister down and told us about it, since they're nurses and all. Same with my grandmother--she talked to Aimee and I about him, since she's an ex-nurse. She said in Michigan that he's gotten a lot better since we first met him, but he doesn't really register empathy or understand what makes other people like...happy, or sad.

    But he smiles a lot more around me now. I used to think he just didn't like me, but then I found out and...yeah. I always knew, but you learn that it's rude to ask someone and then...yeah.

    And, apparently, he feels comfortable around us. He told his dad that!
    I was really happy when I was told that.

    There's a like three or four people in my family (not close) with Asperger's, though. It's kind of...interesting, in a way.
    August 26th, 2008 at 10:10pm
  • My brother has Asperger's and he built his own computer. He's 13. He is an extremely talented blues guitar player, one of the best for miles around, not taking his age into account. He's also currently building two motorbikes from parts. He can fix cars, computers, phones, you name it and he loves computer games.

    But despite this, he has no empathy or understanding of other people's interests or ways of life. He's homophobic and racist (though I think he gets this partly from my dad) and calls me names every day for the music I listen to and how I dress.

    I deal with it really badly though. Most of the time he does stuff to wind me up and never stops and it drives me crazy. I feel so guilty, and my mum doesn't even tell him off or try to stop him. I know I shouldn't let it get to me and I know why it is but I'm one of those people who stands up for what they believe in and am deeply against any sort of prejudice. So when he goes off on one of his homophobe rants I just can't let it drop, even though I know I should because it always leads to fights. ><
    August 27th, 2008 at 04:34pm
  • My friend Alex has it. The school told us he can't talk to girls but he talks to me all the time so I don't really understand.
    He's really sweet actually, they reserve a corner of the library for him to sit in whenever he wants.
    He's actually really amazing and intelligent... like this big old sponge of information.
    We talk about star wars :cute:
    August 27th, 2008 at 06:10pm
  • Yesterday I went to an audition for an incredible play called 'Understanding Marcus'. It's about a group of teenagers, who meet another teenager, called Marcus, who suffers from Aspergers syndrome, 'high to medium functioning' as he repeatedly asserts throughout the play. Marcus begins to get close to Laura, the main female character, and as he gets closer, he gets very clingy. Laura's boyfriend, Ross, notices this and an anger problem that he thought he had cured resurfaces, and he ends up killing Laura accidentally.

    I went to audition for the part of Marcus, but came home with the part of Ross, because apparently I had an 'electric chemistry, which suggested sparks would fly' with the girl they chose to play Laura. Ross isn't quite as facinating a character as Marcus, but I am pleased with it. Marcus is so interesting, I did a lot of research on Asperger's before I went to the audition, it's absolutely fascinating.
    September 29th, 2008 at 02:00am
  • My brother has it. It's pretty mild though... I don't notice it very much :roll:

    It always surprises me when people go, "Hey, Wren, why is your brother so quiet all the time? It's scary!" my usual reaction is blinking, before explaining that he'll start talking up a storm, if you talk about the right things (i.e. video games, RPG's, Redwall books). He's REALLY smart, though. Unfortunately it's hard to get him interested in his school-work. He has some trouble reading people's expressions and tones, but... again, I tend to forget that most people aren't used to that... Oh, well Whistle

    ...Gotta love the realization that most of your friends have asperger's syndrome or ADD:arms:
    October 2nd, 2008 at 04:01am
  • Whoa, I don't know anyone with it but the disease itself sounds restricting in some sense but really fascinating in another way.-shrug-
    October 2nd, 2008 at 02:37pm
  • I know this guy, Anthony, he used to stalk me in school, but that's another story.
    His brother's got it.
    He's just come up to the Senior School from Prepatroy, and he gets bullied constantly.
    Mostly by the kids in his year.
    The other day one of them was shouting a load of abuse in his face so I went up into this guys face and screamed 'LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER' and he get scared and ran away.

    It's quite sad really.
    October 4th, 2008 at 01:43pm
  • My school has a lot of people with it, but it's helping me I suppose. I can understand more people.
    December 4th, 2008 at 07:46pm
  • My little brother has autism. He is ten and can practically do all my math homework without many problems. His mood chandes a lot and the best you can do is just to give him a little space and time for himself so he can calm down. He can't handle much noise and is a little shy but very forward because he doesn't know when it's too much and when you kinda have to stop talking.
    But he's my baby brother, I love him very much and wouldn't change him for the world<3
    December 9th, 2008 at 02:53pm
  • My younger sister has it. She's very awkward in situations, needs order and is not the best liked kid in her class.

    She drives me crazy but I love her so much. She's a really sweet person.
    December 21st, 2008 at 07:33pm
  • I'm pretty sure I have some degree of it. I've never been a people person. My Nursery teachers never heard me speak. I missed half of Primary 1 beacuse I refused to go to school. Only started going when I was changed schools and realised it was something I was just going to have to put up with. Still don't particularly like going simply because there's other people there.
    I can't stand being the centre of attention, making my birthday feel immensely awkward. Even for my Mum, who's said she hates my birthday because she can never tell if I liked what she got me, because my face is totally blank the whole time. This is because I'm aware I always make the wrong facial expressions. I can look upset when I'm happy and vice versa, so to avoid confusion, I stay expressionless. And I only notice other people's moods when they're obvious eg if they're crying they're upset, if they're shouting, they're angry. And I misunderstand people a lot.
    There's quite a few other little things but I've just realised I'm rambling...
    May 23rd, 2009 at 10:01pm
  • I used to work with young adults who have Asperger Syndrom during my forelast internship. I was slightly younger than the youngest so I wasn't exactly at ease because I was well aware of possible authority issues; but I was very well-received. The youngest was twenty at the time and the oldest was twenty-seven. They had a great sense of humour amongst them that I sometimes didn't get, but it turned out to be one of the cosiest houses. : ]
    I don't know if this is the universal term for it; but most of the people I came across did have a "fip"; a specific thing they were very good at. One boy learnt to write Japanese in a really short time and another was superduper educated about politics because he was interested in it.

    I saw this film called "Ben X" last week. It's a Belgian film but it has English subtitling. It was easily one of the best films I ever saw and I would recommend anyone to see it. A serious must see!
    May 23rd, 2009 at 10:24pm
  • My brother's been misdiagnosed so many times over the years, but they finally came to Asperger's a few years ago. He's only ten. It's really hard on me, he's been hospitalized over 15 times in the past 5 years. The nurses and I at the behavioral hospital are on first name terms now. It's so sad, he switches medication every few months, trying to find the ones that balance out his moods correctly. I've literally had to pin him down to the floor the way I was taught during one of his violent episodes. Quinn tends to swear a lot, get very violent, etc. It's terrifying. What makes me really mad is when people call him 'retarded'. He's not retarded, he's just a bit different from the rest of us. Is obsessed with: Pokemon, Cartoon Network, and video games.

    But my best friend's older sister is severely Autistic. But I love her, too. She's my Disney buddy. :cute:
    May 25th, 2009 at 10:24am
  • ^ That doesn't sound like Asperger's to me. I've never heard of an Aspie having violent episodes. Severly austic children will if they're routine is dirupted or something, but it's out of fear.
    I'm not an expert, but I have looked into it a lot.
    May 25th, 2009 at 03:39pm
  • I don't know, the doctors have been researching it for a while. I think he was off on that day, because hes also Bipolar. He probably forgot to take his meds.

    But anyways, that was 3 years ago.
    May 26th, 2009 at 05:58am
  • Nevermind.:
    Maths is not my thing xD
    I got 66% in my last test D: AND THAT'S REALLY BAD!
    I believe in emotions, but I can't see them. I have trouble with that.
    And in relationships. I dated Dimitri, and he has AS, so that was slightly easier than the relationship I had with Braxon, but I ended up liking Braxton more.
    Why does everyone call it "Maths"? :think:
    June 7th, 2009 at 05:46am
  • ^Because it's easier to say/type than mathematics. =/
    June 12th, 2009 at 12:44pm