
  • maybe sparrow

    maybe sparrow (100)

    British Virgin Islands
    I can't stand rap.

    I'm more into alternative, folk, and indie.
    December 13th, 2010 at 05:10pm
  • wxyz

    wxyz (240)

    Aland Islands
    I can't say I'm delighted with the current mainstream scene at the moment. I seem to find really fresh, exciting, interesting music only in slightly more underground scenes; mostly metal, progressive rock and dubstep; that sort of thing.

    What I think a lot of people seem to overlook, though, is that a hell of a lot of music from nowadays has been shaped by previous music, leading way back into classical eras. This seems like a rather radical statement, but it's true in many cases.

    While a lot of music that's played mainly on the radio, TV, etc. at the moment really doesn't appeal to me, there is plenty to be going on with in less commonly-heard genres. Amongst the similar-sounding bands in rock, there are some really out-there progressive acts, and if they represent what future music will sound like, then I'm very happy to be listening to music from that genre for a long, long time.

    Who knows what 'the mainstream' will be in a few decades' time?
    December 15th, 2010 at 12:43am
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    I can't say I'm delighted with the current mainstream scene at the moment. I seem to find really fresh, exciting, interesting music only in slightly more underground scenes; mostly metal, progressive rock and dubstep; that sort of thing.

    What I think a lot of people seem to overlook, though, is that a hell of a lot of music from nowadays has been shaped by previous music, leading way back into classical eras. This seems like a rather radical statement, but it's true in many cases.

    While a lot of music that's played mainly on the radio, TV, etc. at the moment really doesn't appeal to me, there is plenty to be going on with in less commonly-heard genres. Amongst the similar-sounding bands in rock, there are some really out-there progressive acts, and if they represent what future music will sound like, then I'm very happy to be listening to music from that genre for a long, long time.

    Who knows what 'the mainstream' will be in a few decades' time?
    ^ I believe it goes back much further than the "classical eras"
    Plus much of rock (well, almost all) was diverged from Jazz and Blues created by African Americans in the Harlem Renaissance. Many styles of music came from those two genres such as Rhythm and Blues, rap, hip-hop and all that other good stuff.
    Now the rock today has changed but it did come from Jazz and Blues. I don't know of any rock in Europe at the time though.
    December 15th, 2010 at 02:38am
  • leaf's a buzzard

    leaf's a buzzard (100)

    United States
    What I think a lot of people seem to overlook, though, is that a hell of a lot of music from nowadays has been shaped by previous music, leading way back into classical eras. This seems like a rather radical statement, but it's true in many cases.
    All music is shaped by previous music, with the exception of the first song ever written, but no-one knows what that song sounds like.
    Plus much of rock (well, almost all) was diverged from Jazz and Blues created by African Americans in the Harlem Renaissance.
    Now the rock today has changed but it did come from Jazz and Blues. I don't know of any rock in Europe at the time though.
    It dates farther back than that. Blues first evolved out of songs that African American slaves would sing on plantations, and from Blues came Jazz. It wasn't until the electric guitar was invented and attempted to play the blues that Rock N' Roll was born.
    December 15th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • DarkestStorm

    DarkestStorm (335)

    United States
    Hmm, I actually think the classics are pretty mainstream. Kind of. I mean, there's just like a "group" of people who like Queen, The Beatles, Aerosmith, Nirvana, and those are always the old bands people say they like. It's like "I like classic music" or "I like old music" but those are almost always the bands people say. That's pretty mainstream for back then...Just saying.

    Now onto my music taste. Oh joy. ^_^ I like Acoustic, Alternative, Ambient, Broadway, Christian, Classical, Country, Dance, Disney, Electronic, Folk, Gothic, Indie, Instrumental, Japanese, Korean, Metal, "New Age" (that's what my itunes says anyway, I don't get what it is.), and opera.

    Along with that there are the sub-genres of those genres.
    June 29th, 2011 at 06:28am
  • lame sauce

    lame sauce (100)

    United States
    I listen to a lot if underground alternative,(i.e Set It Off, Lift The Decade, The Stolen, Patent Pending, ectectect) and more mainstream like All Time Low, The Cab, Death Cab For Cutie and all that. I have a soft spot for the oldies, Queen, Bob Dylan, Sex Pistols. I love Raggae, Bob Marley and Super Cat are my personal favorites. I do listen to my fair share of rap, I like OFWGKTA, Childish Gambino, YMCM and others. I'm somewhat of a metal head, my favorite would have to be An Early Ending. I like Dead Mau5. And I'm more than in love with The Kooks and Ra Ra Riot, or just indie in general. I like dubstep, but I don't listent to it a shit load, and I can't say I'm a huge fan fan because I honestly don't know any artist except Skrillx.
    December 7th, 2011 at 01:53pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    I love rap, but what's coming out on mainstream these days is a bad representation of rap. I hate to hear people say that rap is not a music form or it's "Retards Attempting Poetry" because it's not. Rap is good, if you listen to the good stuff. Unlike a lot of other genres I've listened to, rap is the most story oriented and I think it's one of the hardest forms of music to write. Trust me, I've attempted almost every genre, even country. Rap is the hardest because the delivery is fast and you have so many different rhyme schemes and word plays and a whole bunch of other literary devices that I don't see in other genres as much.

    Besides, there's crap in all genres, and I can name them.
    I do listen to my fair share of rap, I like OFWGKTA
    Let's go. Wolf Gang, Golf Wang
    December 11th, 2011 at 02:36pm
  • leaf's a buzzard

    leaf's a buzzard (100)

    United States
    ^What comes out of the mainstream of any genre is generally a bad representation, IMO. The same music is recycled to death in the top charts, real innovation only happens in the underground.

    That being said, I really do like rap, but I'm having trouble finding artists in it that I really like. I can name hundreds of bands in any other genre, but the only rappers that really stand out to me are Scroobius Pip, B. Dolan, and Illogic.
    December 12th, 2011 at 12:50am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Last week my friends and I had the discussion about how the last year to two years have been awful for the type of music you hear on the radio. The only new music me and my friends tend to listen to, we've either been recommended by word of mouth or it's a band we already know who dropped a new record. None of us listen to the radio, none of us know the "popular" songs right now. And between us, we have a very diverse palette ranging from nerdcore to pop punk to alternative rock to rap to pop.

    And I'm so sick of all my favorite band breaking up or kicking people out or having people leave. It makes Dru sad. Sad
    December 13th, 2011 at 05:57pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    leaf's wierd:
    ^What comes out of the mainstream of any genre is generally a bad representation, IMO. The same music is recycled to death in the top charts, real innovation only happens in the underground.

    That being said, I really do like rap, but I'm having trouble finding artists in it that I really like. I can name hundreds of bands in any other genre, but the only rappers that really stand out to me are Scroobius Pip, B. Dolan, and Illogic.
    ^ Who are these people? I've never heard of them at all.
    I have no problem finding good rappers. Perhaps it's your taste that's getting in the way, or where you're looking.
    December 14th, 2011 at 12:53am
  • leaf's a buzzard

    leaf's a buzzard (100)

    United States
    ^ Who are these people? I've never heard of them at all.
    I have no problem finding good rappers. Perhaps it's your taste that's getting in the way, or where you're looking.
    It's probably an issue of taste. The reason I like Scroobius Pip is because his lyrics are really.... really damn good. Rarely have I seen a rapper that's anywhere near as good as him, IMO:

    December 14th, 2011 at 06:40am
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    ^ Wow, this is like a totally different kind of rap from what I listen to. I've never heard anything like that before in my life. And to be honest, I never knew a white guy rapper existed other than Eminime, and I don't like him.
    Here's a list of people I like, who have really good lyrics and talk about something important or truthful.
    - Kanye West (mostly his old stuff)
    - Ice Cube
    - J. Cole
    - Talib Kweli
    - 50 Cent (because he's real to what he does)
    - Biggie
    - Busta Rhymes
    - Common
    - NaS
    - M.I.A (I consider it, international rap)

    I listen to a little bit of other artists, but I listen to them the most. THAT'S some good rap artists right there.
    December 14th, 2011 at 11:52pm
  • leaf's a buzzard

    leaf's a buzzard (100)

    United States
    ^I know, right?
    I'm not that big a fan of rap. I know most of the artists you mentioned, and I'd agree that they are really good, but they aren't really my thing. I felt the same way about the entire genre, until I found this guy. I love his work, and his spoken word bits especially, are a huge influence on my own poetry. Wish I could find more rappers like him, but I haven't really found much luck.
    December 16th, 2011 at 10:50pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    ^ I understand you completely. I'm sure rock has some good lyrics, but it's just not my think, ya'know?
    December 17th, 2011 at 02:06pm
  • schrodinger's cat.

    schrodinger's cat. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I pretty much like at least one artist from every genre of music there is. I mainly listen to K-pop, Kanye West, Bring Me The Horizon, Fall Out Boy and game soundtracks these days. I think it's because my mum listens to a bit of everything and when I was a kid we'd listen to music instead of watching tv.
    There are only two things that I really dislike: instrumental rock music and classical music with vocals/opera.
    I like lyrics with meaning, but I'm willing to sacrifice great lyrics for a beat that thrills me. I think people are really closed with their musical preferences.
    There's always going to be stuff that people don't like, the charts are just what's popular, I guess since I don't have a TV licence I don't really hear any of it so I don't really have much of an opinion on it.
    May 23rd, 2013 at 01:17am
  • ode to sleep

    ode to sleep (100)

    New Zealand
    Freddie Mercury was one of the best (is not THE best) musician/ singer/ songwriter of the 21st century.

    Most of the stuff I listen to is fun. (duh!) and Queen.
    May 26th, 2013 at 03:26am