
  • tyler joseph.

    tyler joseph. (100)

    United States
    o rly?:
    Why is mainstream considered bad? Are people really so concerned with being "different"?
    I love a lot of mainstream music, to be honest. I don't listen to music to be cool. If I hear a song by a band and I think the song is completely awesome, then I'm gonna go out and buy that band's album. And if that band happens to be all over MTV and the radio, I could care less, all that matters is that I like the music.

    I also listen to bands that some people have never heard of. Again, I don't listen to them to be "cool" or "different." I listen to them because their music appeals to me. I sometimes think people are too close-minded about music. Why completely write off an artist as bad just because they're considered mainstream? If you don't prefer mainstream music, that's fine, but I'm talking about people who just completely label a band as "horrible" just because they get a lot of airplay. It's just music, after all. (By the way, this isn't an attack at anyone in this thread.)

    As for music like Queen and Zeppelin.......well, of course no one (in my opinion) can compare to Robert plant and Freddie Mercury (aka God). But that doesn't mean Bert McCracken and Gerard Way are completely shitty singers. Sure, they don't compare to the aforementioned, but they're still very talented. Of course that's just my opinion. :mrgreen:

    Also, I've noticed that quite a few kids around my school are claiming that they just looove classic rock and classic punk and claim to be cooler than the kids who listen to mainstream music. It's like, " weren't even born when those bands were around, so why are you claiming to be their biggest fan? :shifty" I like Queen and Zeppelin, but I don't claim to be the biggest fan around. Sure, I think they're great, but then again I have a mother that worships them and has been constantly playing their music since I was a toddler.

    And, in my opinion, a lot of classic punk bands weren't that good. I like mainstream punk better. So what?

    Eh, this is all just my opinion, though. I say a person can listen to whatever they want as long as they like it and it makes them happy, even if I don't think that person's music taste is very good. Who am I to judge, y'know?

    This post was longer than it should've been. :|
    September 17th, 2008 at 08:42am
  • Lady_Of_Stories89

    Lady_Of_Stories89 (100)

    United States
    o rly?:
    Why is mainstream considered bad? Are people really so concerned with being "different"?
    I love a lot of mainstream music, to be honest. I don't listen to music to be cool. If I hear a song by a band and I think the song is completely awesome, then I'm gonna go out and buy that band's album. And if that band happens to be all over MTV and the radio, I could care less, all that matters is that I like the music.

    I also listen to bands that some people have never heard of. Again, I don't listen to them to be "cool" or "different." I listen to them because their music appeals to me. I sometimes think people are too close-minded about music. Why completely write off an artist as bad just because they're considered mainstream? If you don't prefer mainstream music, that's fine, but I'm talking about people who just completely label a band as "horrible" just because they get a lot of airplay. It's just music, after all. (By the way, this isn't an attack at anyone in this thread.)

    As for music like Queen and Zeppelin.......well, of course no one (in my opinion) can compare to Robert plant and Freddie Mercury (aka God). But that doesn't mean Bert McCracken and Gerard Way are completely shitty singers. Sure, they don't compare to the aforementioned, but they're still very talented. Of course that's just my opinion. :mrgreen:

    Also, I've noticed that quite a few kids around my school are claiming that they just looove classic rock and classic punk and claim to be cooler than the kids who listen to mainstream music. It's like, " weren't even born when those bands were around, so why are you claiming to be their biggest fan? :shifty" I like Queen and Zeppelin, but I don't claim to be the biggest fan around. Sure, I think they're great, but then again I have a mother that worships them and has been constantly playing their music since I was a toddler.

    And, in my opinion, a lot of classic punk bands weren't that good. I like mainstream punk better. So what?

    Eh, this is all just my opinion, though. I say a person can listen to whatever they want as long as they like it and it makes them happy, even if I don't think that person's music taste is very good. Who am I to judge, y'know?

    This post was longer than it should've been. :|
    lol it is long but I understand what your getting at though, you shouldn't listen to be cool you should listen and like what your listening to, and not care what others think. People criticize my play list all the time because I have songs on there that they never heard of or bands that they have never heard of, and I tell them that it's good music and they should check it out but they don't because they are so into the popular music the music that everyone else listens to. I have nothing against that because I listen to most of what they listen to also but I also explore other things too it seems like they just stay in one genre or the type of music that is on tv now they don't look on the internet for whats new. I like the oldies (Which not alot of people really appreciate now a days Disgust ) I like the new stuff like Panic at the disco, MCR, A7x, and so on..........I look alot into the stuff that hasnt been put out there yet like longway, dead legend, pierce the veil, david cook (My American idol), and many more! In Love lol But any way yeah that is my veiw. :)
    September 17th, 2008 at 06:44pm
  • chrissie.

    chrissie. (250)

    Kay, so, I love music. :XD
    I mean, I love older music, I love newer music, and I love a lot of mainstream music. I'm not so caught up in being 'different' that I can't listen to 'omgzzz manestr33m!'
    I love older music because it's more...raw. Like, there wasn't so much technology that everyone sounds awesome when they sing, no matter how shocking [I understand that not all people do this.]
    But like, the Beatles, or Queen, or The Beach Boys. What you hear is what you get, end of. I like that. That's why I love older music In Love
    I love newer music because of the awesome things that some artists do, with like, synths and whatnot.
    I like mainstream because it's good. I mean, they must be doing something right if they're classed as mainstream enough for all kinds of people to like it.
    In saying that, I don't like all new music, I don't like all mainstream, and I don't like all old music.
    It doesn't matter what kind of music a certain band plays, or what era they're from, there's always a chance they're gonna be crap. It doesn't matter whether they're pop or hardcore or rock of techno. :shifty
    September 20th, 2008 at 03:37am
  • Necromancer.

    Necromancer. (100)

    United States
    Music, I love it. I breathe for it. I practically live for it. I can care less weather it is old or new, mainstream or unknown, pop or metal. If I like it, I am going to listen to it, ignoring everyones shit. People don't give a lot of the old stuff and the unknown stuff credit. superficial idiots.
    September 20th, 2008 at 02:45pm
  • Spanish Lullaby

    Spanish Lullaby (100)

    United States
    Everyone's starting to get into the classics to get street cred. Kinda pissing me off. It's kind of making the real fans of Queen, Led Zepplin etc. look like posers now. Makes me sad.
    It's ok to love the classics. In fact, it's almost nesacerry to love the classics, but come on! Buying one Queen song does not make you a supercool sensitive poet-type. It just makes you another kid learning about the classics.
    September 20th, 2008 at 06:50pm
  • z3ez

    z3ez (110)

    United States
    Way to many bands sound the same these days, it's sad.
    I think music these days is going down the drain, there are
    a lot of truely unique bands out there going unnoticed while
    there are the ones that sound exactly like the one before it
    and everybody goes crazy for them. I really don't understand it.
    September 20th, 2008 at 07:44pm
  • Lady_Of_Stories89

    Lady_Of_Stories89 (100)

    United States
    My Sensual Romance:
    Everyone's starting to get into the classics to get street cred. Kinda pissing me off. It's kind of making the real fans of Queen, Led Zepplin etc. look like posers now. Makes me sad.
    It's ok to love the classics. In fact, it's almost nesacerry to love the classics, but come on! Buying one Queen song does not make you a supercool sensitive poet-type. It just makes you another kid learning about the classics.
    Tell me something......okay.......This whole poser bullcrap is just another category to put person in just because they dont look like the type of person who listens to that type of music, or just because you want to try and learn more about music in a way. Look it pisses me off because who are you to judge what a person listens too it's just one bad stereotype. Music is music listen to what you want when you want weather it's QUEEN ,LED ZEPPLIN, OZZY OSBOURNE................who cares. Posers dont exist and they never will exist, so stop with that word geeezzzzzz! :x
    September 20th, 2008 at 07:51pm
  • purple haze.

    purple haze. (220)

    United Kingdom
    My Sensual Romance:
    Everyone's starting to get into the classics to get street cred. Kinda pissing me off. It's kind of making the real fans of Queen, Led Zepplin etc. look like posers now. Makes me sad.
    It's ok to love the classics. In fact, it's almost nesacerry to love the classics, but come on! Buying one Queen song does not make you a supercool sensitive poet-type. It just makes you another kid learning about the classics.
    Tell me something......okay.......This whole poser bullcrap is just another category to put person in just because they dont look like the type of person who listens to that type of music, or just because you want to try and learn more about music in a way. Look it pisses me off because who are you to judge what a person listens too it's just one bad stereotype. Music is music listen to what you want when you want weather it's QUEEN ,LED ZEPPLIN, OZZY OSBOURNE................who cares. Posers dont exist and they never will exist, so stop with that word geeezzzzzz! :x
    I've been raised on all those bands. :shifty.
    And people get into those bands because they are AMAZING.
    September 21st, 2008 at 02:07am
  • the endless.

    the endless. (100)

    United States
    I'm the sort that gets deeply into music very easily; I find personal meaning in everything, and all music makes me equally happy, though in different ways.

    However, I do think that a lot of today's bands sound the same, and though they're all fairly good, I'm currently on the hunt for good, but unique sounding bands to get into. ^___^
    September 21st, 2008 at 07:22am
  • Monroes.

    Monroes. (100)

    I just think we should all listen to what we like.
    Doesn't matter if it's mainstream or not, old or new.
    September 21st, 2008 at 04:15pm
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    I just think we should all listen to what we like.
    Doesn't matter if it's mainstream or not, old or new.

    That is completely true don't judge on music.

    I listen to whatever pleases me.
    September 21st, 2008 at 04:19pm
  • chrissie.

    chrissie. (250)

    My Sensual Romance:
    Everyone's starting to get into the classics to get street cred. Kinda pissing me off. It's kind of making the real fans of Queen, Led Zepplin etc. look like posers now. Makes me sad.
    It's ok to love the classics. In fact, it's almost nesacerry to love the classics, but come on! Buying one Queen song does not make you a supercool sensitive poet-type. It just makes you another kid learning about the classics.
    I agree...kinda. Like, I was brought up on The Beatles and Queen and fuckin' Simon and Garfunkel, but just because someone wants to get into a band doesn't make them a poser.
    I mean, we're not born knowing all this music and we have to learn it, and just because some people are doing it a few years after others, doesn't make them any less of a fan.
    September 22nd, 2008 at 04:12am
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Freddie Mercury.:
    My Sensual Romance:
    Everyone's starting to get into the classics to get street cred. Kinda pissing me off. It's kind of making the real fans of Queen, Led Zepplin etc. look like posers now. Makes me sad.
    It's ok to love the classics. In fact, it's almost nesacerry to love the classics, but come on! Buying one Queen song does not make you a supercool sensitive poet-type. It just makes you another kid learning about the classics.
    I agree...kinda. Like, I was brought up on The Beatles and Queen and fuckin' Simon and Garfunkel, but just because someone wants to get into a band doesn't make them a poser.
    I mean, we're not born knowing all this music and we have to learn it, and just because some people are doing it a few years after others, doesn't make them any less of a fan.
    I hate people that only listen to old music and ''indie'' shit and pretend to be so much above everyone else who listens to normal music.
    People who only listen to old stuff and say new music is crap also annoy me.

    Classical music is seriously underrated, you're considered a geek/snob/freak if you say you love Beethoven.
    September 22nd, 2008 at 04:02pm
  • veronika

    veronika (130)

    I hate people that only listen to old music and ''indie'' shit and pretend to be so much above everyone else who listens to normal music.
    People who only listen to old stuff and say new music is crap also annoy me.
    Oh, so "indie shit" and older music isn't normal? :shifty

    I agree with the annoyance at people thinking they're somehow better than you if they say they listen to only older music.

    But I don't have a problem with people saying newer music is crap in all honesty. I can kind of see where they're coming from. But I guess it's just down to personal preference.
    September 22nd, 2008 at 04:37pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Human Error:
    I hate people that only listen to old music and ''indie'' shit and pretend to be so much above everyone else who listens to normal music.
    People who only listen to old stuff and say new music is crap also annoy me.
    Oh, so "indie shit" and older music isn't normal? :shifty

    I agree with the annoyance at people thinking they're somehow better than you if they say they listen to only older music.

    But I don't have a problem with people saying newer music is crap in all honesty. I can kind of see where they're coming from. But I guess it's just down to personal preference.
    ''Normal'' music is music you'd actually hear about not extra-underground select bands.
    Everyone keeps saying how new music is bad, I bet people said the exact same thing about let's say The Beatles.
    Everyone thought they were hideous, and now look, everyone admits they were musical geniuses.
    There's this word, ''fitze'' you pronounce it like the tze tze fly, only with the ''phi'' from philanthropically at the beginning. It's practically untranslatable but it expresses being arrogant in a really dumb way. Somehow.
    I forgot what my point was.
    September 22nd, 2008 at 09:37pm
  • chrissie.

    chrissie. (250)

    I hate people that only listen to old music and ''indie'' shit and pretend to be so much above everyone else who listens to normal music.
    People who only listen to old stuff and say new music is crap also annoy me.

    Classical music is seriously underrated, you're considered a geek/snob/freak if you say you love Beethoven.
    I assume by normal you mean mainstream and I agree :XD
    I don't really listen to classical music much, but I do like what I've listened to :XD
    September 23rd, 2008 at 11:20am
  • emily.

    emily. (400)

    September 24th, 2008 at 11:11am
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Freddie Mercury.:
    I assume by normal you mean mainstream and I agree :XD
    I don't really listen to classical music much, but I do like what I've listened to :XD
    My mom's a classical music geek, I grew up with it.
    You should listen to more. Classical music is amazing.
    I want to go to a concert or an opera show really bad. I've only been to operettas and ballet.
    Opera is also seriously underrated. A few famous tenors and sopranas make it and that's fine by me, but I'm more for the love of the genre than of a person's interpretation of a role.
    Nowadays when you say music you think of a handful of modern/contemporary artists. But there are hundreds and hundreds of years of ''classical'' music out there waiting for you to listen to them.
    September 24th, 2008 at 04:47pm
  • angus young

    angus young (355)

    Don't get me wrong - I may seem like I stand up only for what appeals to me, but I'm a big fan of almost every type of music.

    Rock n' roll, reggae, punk, metal (all kinds!), jazz, electro, classical etc., although I dislike hip hop, rap and Rn'B.

    I like classical. It's more relaxing than listening to Soulja Boy being up in that hoe. :file:

    Name an artist from the decades 1950 - 2000 and I'll probably like them. (I'm not big on anything before 1950 :tehe:)

    But I really don't like covers of songs unless it's actually good. McFly did a cover of a Queen song :cheese:
    The only band that can sing Queen songs is Queen :file:
    The Kid Rock cover of Sweet Home Alabama, I'll admit, was pretty good. But my favourite is the AC/DC cover of Baby Please Don't Go. :tehe:

    I don't find anything wrong with mainstream music. I respect all those who enjoy the music. But, like I said in my first post, it just doesn't appeal to me.

    Is it just me, or are we forgetting who shaped rock n' roll? I have always loved AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Metallica etc. ever since I was little.
    September 24th, 2008 at 07:24pm
  • FrancyPansy

    FrancyPansy (100)

    Music is my boyfriend and my life =)

    I am mostly into rock, alternative,punk and indie.
    September 24th, 2008 at 09:17pm