
  • I do not Coldplay or The Fray. XD
    Stupid lyrics, bad singers= I'm not listening to it.

    I prefer music like Eminem, Owl City, Tokio Hotel, Marilyn Manson, The Used, Bullet For My Valentine, Alesana, and 30 Seconds to Mars.
    November 8th, 2009 at 09:03am
  • ^
    Awww, c'mon. They're not that bad! Tongue
    November 8th, 2009 at 08:01pm
  • Adam Gontier.:
    I do not Coldplay or The Fray. XD
    Stupid lyrics, bad singers= I'm not listening to it.

    I prefer music like Eminem, Owl City, Tokio Hotel, Marilyn Manson, The Used, Bullet For My Valentine, Alesana, and 30 Seconds to Mars.
    Chris Martin is a much better singer than Marilyn Manson...He sings in tune. Chris Martin that is.
    November 9th, 2009 at 02:11pm
  • grace wastelands:
    I can understand you disliking rap - that's a matter of personal opinion - because I know, like all genres, rap isn't for everybody. But music is defined on as "an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color", and this, of course, applies to rap. If a rapper talks about how me he wants to "tap those bitches", he's still expressing his emotions through elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.

    Not all rappers "degrade women and curse in every line", in fact, I wouldn't even say most rappers do. I'll admit that a lot of mainstream rap revolves around sex and drugs and the gang lifestyle, but you know, so does a lot of rock. Rap, as a whole, is a huge genre. There are so many artists that perform under it, so many great ones as well. Run-D.M.C. for instance, they were a rather tame band, and they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame just recently, I think. Nas, another excellent rapper, was always against the sexualization of rap and while he's had some controversial songs, I think he's an excellent role model.

    Like I said, I can understand not liking rap, but it is music. Influential music that's gathered a huge following and includes a lot of good artists who have a lot of great things to say.
    [And ButterflyWarmth]

    There are also rappers/hiphoppers who don't swear at all. Examples:

    Rapture Ruckus [New Zealand artist]

    On a side note, but don't let it influence your views, they're both Christian.
    November 9th, 2009 at 02:14pm
  • Elliott Preston:
    Chris Martin is a much better singer than Marilyn Manson...He sings in tune. Chris Martin that is.
    Thank you! I think he hits his falsetto quite well, given that he's a natural tenor (I believe he's a tenor...)
    November 9th, 2009 at 10:15pm
  • Chris Martin:
    Thank you! I think he hits his falsetto quite well, given that he's a natural tenor (I believe he's a tenor...)
    I think that would be where his range sits mostly :D.
    November 10th, 2009 at 01:24am
  • I see a little bit of everyone's side in this. I consider music a huge influence in my life also and I listen to basically every genre, recent & oldies. My main pet peeve about my generation is that not many bands today have any originality. There's always somebody taking a piece of someone else's hit song and claiming it as their own......I hate that. They're only a few bands out here that stand out with freshness: my ultimate fav is Paramore. But at the same time, new bands should be given a chance to let us see what their made of. Music is still a form of expression, right?
    November 11th, 2009 at 07:19pm
  • Elliott Preston:
    [And ButterflyWarmth]

    There are also rappers/hiphoppers who don't swear at all. Examples:

    Rapture Ruckus [New Zealand artist]

    On a side note, but don't let it influence your views, they're both Christian.
    I totally agree with you, 100%. Music is music, period
    November 11th, 2009 at 07:24pm
  • Elliott Preston:
    I think that would be where his range sits mostly :D.
    In that case, yes, he does hit that falsetto quite well :D
    November 11th, 2009 at 09:05pm
  • I won't mention any certain bands, but I think most the music nowadays has lost all emotion, meaning, feeling, etc. It's usually a load of random crap, or about partying and sex and stuff, but every now and then there is talent.
    But honestly? I think that talent was always hard to find, it may just seem harder these days because these are the days I am living in.
    November 20th, 2009 at 06:46am
  • I couldn't judge 'music these days' as a whole, because I don't know enough of it. I like some local bands, and some that are more mainstream.
    But, even though I will occasionally go on a rant about how I want that old-time rock'n'roll...*shot*
    I don't really mean ALL music these days - I mean what I hear. There are a lot of good bands these days, and good artists. It's a matter of finding them.

    I won't judge by genre...I know I don't like some (screamo, emo, deathmetal), but that's just personal preference on the usual sound - I wouldn't go far as to say some of them aren't good.

    I like some bands that aren't even 10 yrs old, yet....others, I don't.

    [In other words: I live in a town full of elitist hipsters who are complete pricks about respecting other people's tastes, and it annoys the Hell out of me. They won't listen to anything that they think isn't good enough or whatever their reason is - even if it's only once, to figure out if they'd actually LIKE it. I think that's stupid. People shouldn't base the music they listen to on their self-image.]

    I will say that there are certain types of music that I will be more weary of, especially newer bands/artists to the genre - I hate listening to a lot of songs these days written to be political commentary, these days...especially if they're attempting to be ironic/witty. That doesn't seem to have as much meaning to me, nowadays. Part of it is that the 'wit' usually sounds uneducated - part of it is that it's a cool thing to be 'fighting the system', and it's easy to attract fans just because you're doing so, but the fact still stands that you're trying to make music. The music and the message can both be there, and of the same quality.

    I'm also not big on synthesizers//mixes. I like quite a few covers and hip-hop remixes, but I mean....really - working with computers isn't the same...even if it has a catchy beat or rhythm. I'm fond of instrumentals, and of actual talent - knowing the band worked hard to get where they are, even if it's just at a local bar. Mindless screaming/half-assed 'singing' isn't fun, and I don't see how it gets by...
    No, wait, I do - it's cool to be indie.

    So, I will judge, but I try to listen first. I'm dissapointed with a lot of artists because I see their popularity/skill being based around their image, and not what they play. I don't care if they want to make a ~statement~, or if they just care about the money. i don't like it. I understand the use of marketing, and I don't mind it at all....but, I think people sometimes forget the difference between being more of an entertainer, and being a musician....especially these days.

    November 20th, 2009 at 05:22pm
  • angus young.:
    I like extremely few bands of the mainstream, the 2000's, whatever you want to call it.

    I'm a ridiculously massive fan of AC/DC, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Guns n' Roses, The Sex Pistols...all the bands that shaped rock n' roll.

    I really hate it when people go, "OMG Gerard Way is the best singer in the history of forever!"

    What about the late and great Freddie Mercury? Robert Plant, the lead singer of Led Zeppelin, had a beautiful voice. Axl Rose, Brian Johnson, James Hetfield...they've all been around for years and are still able to perform like they're 21.

    Although almost all of the music today isn't my thing, I always feel left out because everyone knows about "new" bands and don't like my taste because they're "old".

    I think most of the bands today sound like each just doesn't appeal to me at all.
    I completely agree with you, and I listen to everything. I mean ranging from The Temptations, to Sigur Ros. But it's not even just the old music people are not realizing is good. It's the new music that's coming from smaller bands and artists. I mean I never listen to the radio, and when I do my ears start to bleed. Stuff like Paramore isn't music to me. All their songs sound the same, I mean yeah Death Cab made a song for twighlight. But are they anymore big and on MTV more than they were before? No, and they've been around for years. I hate when people hate on old music though. Because that's the foundation to the music we have, not just rock but all genres.

    But it's all starting to sound the same, besides half these new bands don't even sound that great live. that makes my ears bleed worse than the radio. But then I have a friend who's a music major and he says there's no such thing as bad music. that's doesn't stop him from making fun of some of these bands and new acts that are coming out. But still.
    December 4th, 2009 at 03:52pm
  • Stoop Kid:
    I completely agree with you, and I listen to everything. I mean ranging from The Temptations, to Sigur Ros. But it's not even just the old music people are not realizing is good. It's the new music that's coming from smaller bands and artists. I mean I never listen to the radio, and when I do my ears start to bleed. Stuff like Paramore isn't music to me. All their songs sound the same, I mean yeah Death Cab made a song for twighlight. But are they anymore big and on MTV more than they were before? No, and they've been around for years. I hate when people hate on old music though. Because that's the foundation to the music we have, not just rock but all genres.

    But it's all starting to sound the same, besides half these new bands don't even sound that great live. that makes my ears bleed worse than the radio. But then I have a friend who's a music major and he says there's no such thing as bad music. that's doesn't stop him from making fun of some of these bands and new acts that are coming out. But still.
    I totally agree as well. I mean, I like some of the new bands but all the old bands define "rock" for example.
    December 6th, 2009 at 11:58pm
  • Stoop Kid:
    But it's all starting to sound the same, besides half these new bands don't even sound that great live. that makes my ears bleed worse than the radio.
    I've been to quite a few concerts in the past few months, all for 'new' bands and I can honestly say every single one of them was good live. And I'm picky.
    December 10th, 2009 at 02:53am
  • Adam Gontier.:
    I do not Coldplay or The Fray. XD
    Stupid lyrics, bad singers= I'm not listening to it.
    I love their lyrics. In Love And I think they're great singers.

    That's why this shit is so objective. tehe
    December 10th, 2009 at 02:55am
  • Stoop Kid:
    But it's all starting to sound the same, besides half these new bands don't even sound that great live.
    Tbh, all "old school rock" bands sound exactly the same to me, well with some slight variations here and there.
    December 11th, 2009 at 08:00pm
  • Stoop Kid:
    Stuff like Paramore isn't music to me. All their songs sound the same,

    But it's all starting to sound the same, besides half these new bands don't even sound that great live. that makes my ears bleed worse than the radio.
    There are plenty of bands from yesteryear that sound the same. I mean, Motley Crue - for instance - is seen as classic rock these days, and if you listen to their music from the 80s, to their latest album they released last year, the sound is virtually the same. Not to mention the sex, drugs and rock and roll vibe to their lyrics. That's a classic example of an old-school band that hasn't changed since basically they started.

    Old music isn't original. The only music that is arguably original and "doesn't sound the same" is the very first music that was created by humans.

    And I'm also guessing you're referring to music that was around in the 60s, 70s, 80s. Music existed before then.
    December 12th, 2009 at 06:01am
  • I love almost anything as long as it sounds good.I have on question. Does anyone here know T-rex?
    December 12th, 2009 at 12:18pm
  • kafka.:
    Tbh, all "old school rock" bands sound exactly the same to me, well with some slight variations here and there.
    ^ example?
    December 19th, 2009 at 09:02pm
  • I like a lot of the newer music we have coming out - but not particularly anything in the UK.

    I do like the pop-punk sounds we're getting a lot of today.
    March 25th, 2010 at 12:27am