Ethnic Stereotypes

  • Matthew Leone.:
    Thunder Monkey;:
    Matthew Leone.:
    Emu farms? I want in on this action!

    Damn Canada and it's... weird animals. Although there is a llama farm like half an hour away. :cute:

    We raised Rheas too. Those things are sick nasty. I was really, really little when we had the farm though. All I remember is that they all got out of their pen one day and me and my mama had to sit outside all day long making sure they didn't get in the road. Disgust

    I never got my PB&J. Cry

    Canada? Sweet!

    Do you guys really have milk in bags? And... stuff?

    Tim Horton's whoo! My daddy's been to Canada and he says that they're waaay better than McDonald's. :tehe:


    You guys make really good Maple syrup candy. :shifty
    What's a rhea? :shifty

    Of course we have milk in bags... you don't have milk in bags?! And Tim Hortons makes amazing coffee, far better than Mickey D's. I want some now. :file:

    ^Rhea. They are sick nasty mean birds. Quite like bipolar emus, actually. :tehe: We used to sell them to zoos. XD

    Nope. Our milk comes in plastic jugs. XD

    Ah, America. Land of milk in plastic and sucky coffee from McDonalds. :lmfao
    October 22nd, 2008 at 05:31am
  • ^^ Bipolar emus? I love it! I want in on some of this action!

    We can get our milk in jugs too but mostly it's in bags... which I find more convienant.

    Don't forget Walmart! We also have Walmart... and we Canadians have Canadian Tire! :lmfao
    October 22nd, 2008 at 05:33am
  • Double post. 0.o
    October 22nd, 2008 at 11:11pm
  • And Tim Hortons makes amazing coffee, far better than Mickey D's. I want some now. :file:
    :)There was like 50 Tim Hortons when I lived in Buffalo. They have the best coffee in the word. I miss it. Cry
    October 22nd, 2008 at 11:12pm
  • Haha, I know how that feels! In Kingston, the closest city to where I live, they have like six on the same street... two of them are within sight of each other. It's kind of ridiculous, but that coffee is nice. :)
    October 22nd, 2008 at 11:20pm
  • Freddie Mercury.:
    I'm getting a new pet koala tomorrow. Wow
    Mine fell out of the tree because it was dead Sad

    Because all Australians have pet koalas :shifty
    Yeah well Chrissie, your Crocodile ate my koala. :grr:

    I like to make Vegemite in my spare time. :weird
    Because all Australian's like vegemite.
    October 25th, 2008 at 08:45am
  • sunshines:
    ^^True that and you forgot all the girls in bikinis honey. I mean surfer chicks and guys wrestle crocs by night and surf by day. It's quite a living.

    I'm still unfathomed how other countries like our accent. -twitch-
    Haha tell me about it! and we ride Emu's to school :shock:
    With the whole accent thingo, i totally agree. Lol that reminds me, people from America tend to love aussies, but we dont exactly love them back Ha Ha Which is funny in a way. "OMG! your Australian no way"
    Disgust yeah.
    November 11th, 2008 at 11:58pm
  • sunshines:
    ^^True that and you forgot all the girls in bikinis honey. I mean surfer chicks and guys wrestle crocs by night and surf by day. It's quite a living.

    I'm still unfathomed how other countries like our accent. -twitch-
    Haha tell me about it! and we ride Emu's to school :shock:
    With the whole accent thingo, i totally agree. Lol that reminds me, people from America tend to love aussies, but we dont exactly love them back Ha Ha Which is funny in a way. "OMG! you're Australian no way"
    Disgust yeah.

    I don't see why our country is loved so much by everone else. We're no different.
    Oh and just incase i offended anyone i'm not talking about me hating them; just alot of people i know.
    November 11th, 2008 at 11:58pm
  • Ator:
    With the whole accent thingo, i totally agree. Lol that reminds me, people from America tend to love aussies, but we dont exactly love them back Ha Ha Which is funny in a way. "OMG! you're Australian no way"
    Disgust yeah.

    I don't see why our country is loved so much by everone else. We're no different.
    Oh and just incase i offended anyone i'm not talking about me hating them; just alot of people i know.
    Same goes for Canadians really. :| If you travel internationally and your Canadain tour guides suggest you wear a T-shirt or button or something because, people worldwide love Canadians, but dislike Americans.

    Not to say they won't be nice to Americans, but when they figure out your Canadian, you generally get treated better. That and we have Rick Mercer to poke fun at Americans. Dance
    November 12th, 2008 at 12:59pm
  • ^ haha yeah that tend to happen :P
    November 13th, 2008 at 06:55am
  • Most people don't like the English but that's okay, we don't like them either. :-)
    November 13th, 2008 at 09:08am
  • the ketchup punch:
    Most people don't like the English but that's okay, we don't like them either. :-)
    I love the English! I love European countries actually. :XD
    Haha tell me about it! and we ride Emu's to school :shock:
    With the whole accent thingo, i totally agree. Lol that reminds me, people from America tend to love aussies, but we dont exactly love them back Ha Ha Which is funny in a way. "OMG! you're Australian no way"
    Disgust yeah.

    I don't see why our country is loved so much by everone else. We're no different.
    Oh and just incase i offended anyone i'm not talking about me hating them; just alot of people i know.
    I'm not particularly fond of America's that's probably bias because of the stigma they've attached to their reputation influences it. Also, people tend to not like the one of the most powerful countries in the world. It's like, a hate the people in power thing. :lmfao
    I don't hate 'em but the couple I know have been extremely rude to me. :shifty
    November 13th, 2008 at 11:41am
  • sunshines:
    the ketchup punch:
    Most people don't like the English but that's okay, we don't like them either. :-)
    I love the English! I love European countries actually. :XD
    Haha tell me about it! and we ride Emu's to school :shock:
    With the whole accent thingo, i totally agree. Lol that reminds me, people from America tend to love aussies, but we dont exactly love them back Ha Ha Which is funny in a way. "OMG! you're Australian no way"
    Disgust yeah.

    I don't see why our country is loved so much by everone else. We're no different.
    Oh and just incase i offended anyone i'm not talking about me hating them; just alot of people i know.
    I'm not particularly fond of America's that's probably bias because of the stigma they've attached to their reputation influences it. Also, people tend to not like the one of the most powerful countries in the world. It's like, a hate the people in power thing. :lmfao
    I don't hate 'em but the couple I know have been extremely rude to me. :shifty
    That's also partly what i mean; the ' bias becasue of the stigma' part.
    November 15th, 2008 at 07:51am
  • I just might be the only mexican here....
    we have lots of stereotypes and they're all incredibly funny :D
    - we crossed the river to get to the US (we really do)
    - we drink like there's no tomorrow (not all of us but it's still true)
    - tacos are NOT from Taco Bell, taco bell is a disgrace to all mexicans
    - we really do eat beans every day
    - most people really do wear the huge sombrero
    - we do not use donkeys... in the U.S
    - we can fit 10 people in small car, not a lie
    - we love our parties
    - not all of us are loud...
    there are sooooo many more and for the most of them... they really are true =D
    but i must say I do love being mexican
    viva mexico!!!
    November 15th, 2008 at 09:13pm
  • I can't believe that some people think polar bears walk on the streets of Canada. omgno:
    November 16th, 2008 at 02:47am
  • Oh, and all Australians love to eat meat pies with tomato sauce on them.
    November 16th, 2008 at 03:27am
  • ^ And Canadians drink Maple Syrup all day.
    I've never drank Maple Syrup once. :file:
    November 16th, 2008 at 07:02am
  • Smashed Pumpkin:
    Oh, and all Australians love to eat meat pies with tomato sauce on them.
    :shock: I thought we did...maybe thats just me ;)
    November 17th, 2008 at 06:56am
  • I'm Scottish.

    Tartan, ain't it?
    November 17th, 2008 at 04:42pm
  • Matthew Leone.:
    I'm Canadian! So, according to most people...

    -I say "aboot, not about." Christ, I've always hated that one. :finger:
    God, there's so many, but I can't think of any more. :file:
    I say aboot a lot but that's how I talk. I'm Scottish though.

    November 17th, 2008 at 04:44pm