Downsides of Your Job.

  • I look after 4-6 year old kids, is that enough? lmfao
    And for initiation I got thrown into the pool.
    August 3rd, 2010 at 03:43am
  • I've work at Dunkin' Donuts for over a year now. I love it. I used to love EVERYTHING about it, like all I wanted to do was work. My coworkers were amazing, my boss was amazing, everything was amazing.

    Now the drama follows me everywhere...

    ...and the customers don't know how to order coffee and they tell me the donuts aren't fresh...'s a secret for you... 75% of Dunkin' Donuts don't even make the donuts in the store. Another store makes them and a truck delivers them. So bitching that they aren't fresh isn't going to change anything.


    that is all.
    August 12th, 2010 at 07:35am
  • When I go on contract next week, my pay drops from $8.41 to something like $7. The minimum wage for kids my age in my career is $9 on contract. Grr
    August 29th, 2010 at 03:11pm
  • The money I get isn't all that amazing.
    I have to deal with crazy teenagers all too often and try and make them to pay attention and learn something.
    I have to prepare at home for the classes I teach the next days, and do other stuf at home.
    And most of all, constantly doubting if I'm doing it right and not screwing the kids' lives forever.
    September 16th, 2010 at 04:15pm
  • I work at a hopsital, so in order for me to start working there I had to get the flu shot, tetanus shot, and pertussis shot. Then I had to have some blood taken out for them to test for other contagious viruses, and pee in a cup for a drug test, but that part was easy 'cause I drank coffee before I went there and coffee goes right through me. XD

    I also had to get a TB test, where they poke you with a needle and inject something into your arm which makes a little bubble, and if it turns purple/looks bruised, then you have TB.

    I got stabbed with so many needles that day. My arms were so sore. XD
    October 24th, 2010 at 05:16am
  • I work at a movie theater.
    Seriously, do you throw all your food all over the floor at a restaurant?
    No, so why do you do it in the theater? Someone has to clean that crap up, you know. Disgust

    Shifts usually last until around 1 am, too. Unless there's a Twilight midnight premiere, of course, which means you stay until 3am, cleaning up the jizz all over the seats from hormonal teenage girls. mrgun
    November 8th, 2010 at 08:22am
  • I'm a part-time supervisor at a pharmacy (I work the front till though, not in the actual pharmacy).
    I do so much shit for that place that other people refuse to do. I'm pretty much their bitch and no one ever notices. In the three years I've been there I've been thanked maybe twice.
    I don't want to sound conceited or anything but I know I'm part of the reason the store looks so good. The owner even told me that when I was gone in the summer the store was a mess.
    So, I just really despise the fact that I get no credit for anything I do and then the other supervisors are praised for the half-assed jobs that they get the cashiers to do.
    It's really frustrating.

    Oh, and the customers we get. Not the nicest area means not the nicest customers. Drunk fucks are constantly hitting on all the girls there. Super uncomfortable.
    November 10th, 2010 at 08:06pm
  • I just discovered my job is rather shit at giving time off.

    There's ONE day next week that I can't work, which is Friday, because I have a biology exam.

    Literally my only shift next week is on Friday. ... What. WHAT. It's like, did you read my entry in the time off book? Did you see it and try to spite me?! I'm free every other day, give me shifts then.
    November 11th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • People messing up my shelves! Twitch

    Now that I work in retail I understand how annoying it is when customers come in and mess up the shelves while they're browsing around. It's behind annoying when they look at something and put it down in a completely different section. It's like, I get done tidying up an area only to come back several minutes later and find it all messed up again.
    November 23rd, 2010 at 09:38am
  • There are some upsides to my job but as well some downsides..
    The downside would be having to deal with just being a number.
    We are basically graded on call time, call resolution[whether customer calls back], we have a refund ratio we have to meet.. and a bunch of other metrics.
    It's frustrating having to take calls constantly all day and worry about all your metrics.

    And if we get three warnings on bad metrics then we are fired.
    High turn over rate.

    And as well as that we are always being monitored. Listened to, our screens are watched.. We get pulled aside and 'coached' quite a lot.
    It's hard to take calls from angry customers but not be able to actually do anything.. We have to strictly follow the rules or we WILL be fired.

    And along with that if we escalate to a manager too much.. We also get coached, written up... And then if it continues to occur, terminated.

    Sorry, this turned it to a bit of a rant. =/ I just hate the pressure of possibly losing my job over something stupid. I recently lost my voice.. So I couldn't come in to work for three days. Even with a doctors note it negatively affected my reliability, one of my metrics. So I'm on a warning.
    December 22nd, 2010 at 11:52am
  • I get cuts and burns all over my hands and arms. Finger
    December 25th, 2010 at 10:47am
  • Patients can be quite rude on the phone. I mean, they can be rude in person, but usually it's when they're on the phone.
    February 12th, 2011 at 03:26am
  • nebulas:
    I look after 4-6 year old kids, is that enough? lmfao
    And for initiation I got thrown into the pool.
    I work with kids too. Nuff said, totally.
    It's tiring, but a good laugh. And daaaamn, the mess. Never using glitter again. lmfao
    February 15th, 2011 at 12:46pm
  • Patients get mad at me when I tell them they're insurance doesn't cover 100% until they meet their out of pocket (the max amount of money they pay in that year) and it's extremely annoying when they insist that they already paid for something when they obviously haven't. Grr
    February 16th, 2011 at 03:06am
  • I work at a bowling alley. There aren't many upsides. lmfao

    Cuts and burns from the knifes/grill.
    Little kids who don't understand that things actually cost money.

    And my pet peeve du jour, people who look at you like you're an idiot just because you're working in food service. Gosh, sometimes I want to look at them and say "Look, I have a 4.0, I'm graduating with highest honors, I'm going to a very prestigious private school, I watch Jean-Luc Godard films and read Kafka. No, you don't have to repeat your order. I got this." XD
    February 17th, 2011 at 02:44am
  • I don't get paid when I take care of little children during the summer. Instead, my grandma pays the Y to let me train and learn how to become a leader. I turn sixteen two or three months after the summer ends, too. And the kids always want me to swim with them. Then they try to drown me.
    February 26th, 2011 at 06:35am
  • Like most jobs, probably the bitchy customers. XD But they're few and far between, so that's a good thing.
    March 6th, 2011 at 12:36pm
  • Only downside are the early hours. But I'm getting used to that.
    March 25th, 2011 at 06:38am
  • March 28th, 2011 at 11:51am
  • Closing down the restaurant.
    I've only closed two days since I started working at Wendy's again and it's so hard, there's just so much to do that's very difficult for someone who is terrified of ketchup and so short, why the hell are all the dishes up so high and the dish basin so huge and deep anyway?!
    I get soaking wet and cold doing them, I get grumpy, tired, and sore from being up so late
    My back and shoulders hurt from all the floor scrubbing
    I was just spoiled rotten being a cashier/people greeter at Walmart, never having to be up late or do real physical labor, also PAID breaks and fresh produce and bottled water in the break room.
    We don't even get free meals at Wendy's, and even if we did, the place is so greasy and disgusting I wouldn't eat the food anyways. The dress code also sucks. You can wear your own clothes at Walmart, they just have to be within a range of certain colors. Now I have to wear gigantic ugly restuarant clothes.
    Wendy's is killing me now, I'm such a baby about hard work. :(
    March 31st, 2011 at 07:12am