- Sunny Shines:
- ^Dudes, I do exactly the same. You're not alone.
In fact my parents hate me going to the supermarket because I go into checkout chick mode. I have frequent dreams about work...the last one was where the self-serve machines broke, it was scary man. :shifty
Do you know how horrid it makes me feel that I can mimic the voice of the self-serve machines what they say? Know off by heart what I say to customers when they stuffed up on self-serve? It's really irksome actually, beyond belief.
Then when you're scanning you have this "actor" that you fall into during your shift. It's weird.
I find it almost sad that I have my routine of pretty much exactly the same thing to every customer. 'Hi, how are you?' 'Here's your receipt, have a nice day/afternoon/night'
We are getting self-scanners next week. I get to be a supervisor for them, with a supervisor key (yeah, well
I think it's cool to be able to id people etc).
I went to another supermarket to see what they were like. I couldn't even work out how to use them :tehe:. The supervisory guy said I had good scanning skills for a first timer. Well, yeah, I can scan. Use the system on the other hand, no. It's not like the checkout operator system I'm used to.
We have two days of training to use these new self scanners. I find that funny, cause I was trained for regular checkout for half an hour. Plus another couple of hours later for health and safety. That's a considerable amount less than two days.
The other day, I had a
psycho customer at work. I was standing in an aisle, looking for food for my break and this woman at the other end of the aisle shrieks down at me:
'Fuck off! I have my hand on my handbag, you can't steal it. Fuck off!'
She yelled something else that I didn't quite catch. She then walks past me, turns at me and screams in my face:
'FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!'
I have to say, I was a little freaked out. It makes for a good story now though.
I later saw her at the checkout, and she had a bag over the efpos machine and was screaming at everyone not to look at her pin.