Downsides of Your Job.

  • mia bell.

    mia bell. (150)

    Haha. That sucks. The managers like me because I always fill in shifts when someone needs me to or doesn't turn up, stay back late, start early, will usually come in to work if they call at all etc.

    Do you have a good pay? At the moment I get payed $7.01 an hour.
    January 27th, 2009 at 06:09am
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    See, they give me unreasonable hours too that my parents have to pick me up and they start work early in the morning. However, that didn't stop their day shifts ages back.

    I'm roughly about $11.50 per hour now. I go up in April. :shifty It's kind of self-explanatory, considering the younger ones are like $2 cheaper than me. :file:
    January 27th, 2009 at 01:50pm
  • sandrawrr

    sandrawrr (100)

    United States
    ^ i've had to work until 2AM once :)
    I use to work at abercrombie and fitch.
    upsides: pay is alright, good discounts, i smell nice after work.
    downsides: lots of gossiping, catty girls/boys, too many employees therefore no hours, annoying customers and their mothers and boyfriends (no offense if youre a customer), not allowed to wear black (but i do anyways), crappy raises.
    February 1st, 2009 at 12:31pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Yesterday a lady at work called me a bitch.
    The line was getting really long and I was getting confused about something.
    One of my co-workers was like 'Dru, it's okay, calm down' and I was like 'I just get stressed when the line's really long'.
    Like, not mean or anything.
    And this lady called me a bitch.
    I just don't like it when the line's long because then I can't give the best customer service I can to each customer because we're working so hard to shorten the line.
    February 2nd, 2009 at 07:52am
  • twiggeh

    twiggeh (150)

    New Zealand
    Sunny Shines:
    ^Dudes, I do exactly the same. You're not alone.

    In fact my parents hate me going to the supermarket because I go into checkout chick mode. I have frequent dreams about work...the last one was where the self-serve machines broke, it was scary man. :shifty

    Do you know how horrid it makes me feel that I can mimic the voice of the self-serve machines what they say? Know off by heart what I say to customers when they stuffed up on self-serve? It's really irksome actually, beyond belief.

    Then when you're scanning you have this "actor" that you fall into during your shift. It's weird.
    I find it almost sad that I have my routine of pretty much exactly the same thing to every customer. 'Hi, how are you?' 'Here's your receipt, have a nice day/afternoon/night'

    We are getting self-scanners next week. I get to be a supervisor for them, with a supervisor key (yeah, well I think it's cool to be able to id people etc).
    I went to another supermarket to see what they were like. I couldn't even work out how to use them :tehe:. The supervisory guy said I had good scanning skills for a first timer. Well, yeah, I can scan. Use the system on the other hand, no. It's not like the checkout operator system I'm used to.

    We have two days of training to use these new self scanners. I find that funny, cause I was trained for regular checkout for half an hour. Plus another couple of hours later for health and safety. That's a considerable amount less than two days.

    The other day, I had a psycho customer at work. I was standing in an aisle, looking for food for my break and this woman at the other end of the aisle shrieks down at me:
    'Fuck off! I have my hand on my handbag, you can't steal it. Fuck off!'
    She yelled something else that I didn't quite catch. She then walks past me, turns at me and screams in my face:
    'FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!'
    I have to say, I was a little freaked out. It makes for a good story now though.
    I later saw her at the checkout, and she had a bag over the efpos machine and was screaming at everyone not to look at her pin.
    February 3rd, 2009 at 11:09pm
  • Lights

    Lights (100)

    (I'm a dishwasher)
    -I get disgustingly dirty.
    -Out of all the people working at the hotel, the dishwashers do the most amount of work and get paid the least.
    -My shifts either require me getting up at 6 AM or spending all my nights working.

    -I lovemost all of the people. And they're worth it. :cute:
    February 6th, 2009 at 01:43am
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    I find it almost sad that I have my routine of pretty much exactly the same thing to every customer. 'Hi, how are you?' 'Here's your receipt, have a nice day/afternoon/night'

    We are getting self-scanners next week. I get to be a supervisor for them, with a supervisor key (yeah, well I think it's cool to be able to id people etc).
    I went to another supermarket to see what they were like. I couldn't even work out how to use them :tehe:. The supervisory guy said I had good scanning skills for a first timer. Well, yeah, I can scan. Use the system on the other hand, no. It's not like the checkout operator system I'm used to.

    We have two days of training to use these new self scanners. I find that funny, cause I was trained for regular checkout for half an hour. Plus another couple of hours later for health and safety. That's a considerable amount less than two days.

    The other day, I had a psycho customer at work. I was standing in an aisle, looking for food for my break and this woman at the other end of the aisle shrieks down at me:
    'Fuck off! I have my hand on my handbag, you can't steal it. Fuck off!'
    She yelled something else that I didn't quite catch. She then walks past me, turns at me and screams in my face:
    'FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!'
    I have to say, I was a little freaked out. It makes for a good story now though.
    I later saw her at the checkout, and she had a bag over the efpos machine and was screaming at everyone not to look at her pin.
    I would be rather freaked out too.

    That's weird because with our self-serve you had to get trained for four hours on the machines and four hours in theory. I didn't get initially trained actually but I eventually got self-serve numbers shoved in my face and told: "Do it."

    I had no fucking idea what I was doing at first. Changing receipt rolls, when the money jams, putting the money in, when the scales don't work, when the registers want to play up etc. I don't mind restarting 'em though. :XD I had to learn rather quickly actually, which was alright for me. However, after having every single shift on self-serve from then can understand my growing hatred for it. Not even the people (casual, high school ones) who were trained initially to do self-serve do it as often as me. :shifty

    You'll pick up on it soon enough. It's quite simple just with a little bit of complexities now and then. Just remember that the machines can only handle on action at a time. That's what gets customers every time. They try to simultaneously scan and pack. You're supposed to scan one item, then pack. Not scan two then pack those two items, otherwise the machine gets grumpy at you. :lmfao

    Yeah, the repetitiveness of the sayings gets me too, because sometimes it just makes me seem so...insincere. :shifty
    February 6th, 2009 at 11:45am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    A few days ago at work we had a lady who wanted to come in and exchange some make-up because she was unhappy with the product. I told her to go ahead and get the product she would like to exchange for and then I would call the manager. [Otherwise I call the manager and they tell her the same thing I did.] She looks and me and goes "no, you're calling the manager now".

    Manager comes over, says the same thing.

    She picks out her product, I call the manager back.

    The item she brought in is ringing about at three dollars and something on clearance. She has no receipt. She keeps insisting the item was thirteen dollars last week when she bought it. My manager told her the clearance prices had been like that for the last three weeks because of a cosmetics reset.

    She continued to insist and he told her that without a receipt he was obligated to take the current price and that there was 'no way' the item could have been thirteen dollars the week before.

    She simply turned and left. I didn't even realize she was gone for a second.

    I have no problems with returns and exchanges; I have a problem with rudeness and liars.


    Also, overages. Like when you have a coupon and the coupon's value is greater than the price of the item. For example, a product is clearanced to eighty cents and you have a one dollar coupon.

    I have no problem with overages. You just have to hide them. Otherwise the computer won't take the coupon. [I had a lady who paid two cents for fifteen candy bars because she hid hers so well.]

    So I'm waiting on this lady a few weeks ago and she has two coupons and two items and it presents an overage. I tell her, "I'm sorry, I can't put this coupon in or we'll end up owing you money".

    Her response: "oh, that's fine".

    So I braced myself and said, "the computer will not allow me to put the coupon in unless you buy another product. It can be something small. We have caramels over there for thirty five cents". [It's what I usually offer customers to buy when this presents a problem. Small and cheap.]

    So she grabs a box of Hot Tamales and starts swearing at me.

    What? Did she honestly think we were going to pay her fifty cents to take the items out of the store?
    February 7th, 2009 at 06:31pm
  • the eleventh.

    the eleventh. (100)

    United States
    ^Sounds like that'd go in this LJ community...

    This is technically spam since I don't have a job, but I was reading this thread and it seemed appropriate. :cute:
    February 7th, 2009 at 07:07pm
  • Frankee

    Frankee (150)

    New Zealand
    Cleaning peoples mess up.

    Some people are so gross, leaving mashed potato and gravy all over the tables and their trays covered with leftover chicken bones. I mean, I really wish they'd take the few seconds on the way out the door to dump their rubbish. :grr:
    February 9th, 2009 at 06:46am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Yesterday a lady brought up a box of Band-aids and two nail polishes.
    I ring the box of Band-aids and she's like 'that should be a dollar oh nine.'.
    So, following store policy, I go to check on it.
    There are, like, fifty boxes of the Band-aids stacked in the right spot and one box [hers] apparently fell into the other side.
    That side was clearanced, but was not her batteries.
    So she proceeds to get all pissed at me because I'm not going to let her rip off the store because she's a cheap-skate.

    Also, I had a guy that told me he couldn't find a bunch of things. So I pointed them out. Everything was filled to capacity and he was like 'well, I must be blind'.
    No, dude. If you stand in the toilet paper aisle for thirty minutes and whine and bitch, you're not going to find the Splenda, soda, and bar soap. I hate to break it to you, but you have to move to be able to find things in a store.
    March 4th, 2009 at 12:26am
  • Chels.

    Chels. (100)

    United States
    Well, I get to stand in the sun for seven hours spieling to get people to play my game. It's even worse when I'm standing right by the entrance to the coolest rollercoaster in the park. Who would wanna throw baseballs at plates when they can go on a kickass coaster?

    And when I have to deal with people telling me how to do my job, or that I can't speak english because I didn't hear the customers question.

    March 27th, 2009 at 04:32am
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    Cleaning up poop, pee, and boogers.


    I babysit, so basically those are my only complaints. Sometimes the kids act up, but they're amazing little children. Sweet and kind and helpful. Their puppy gives me the most trouble. :tehe:
    March 27th, 2009 at 05:56pm
  • mia bell.

    mia bell. (150)

    When they have really thick accents and understanding them is like trying to speak to them in their native language. :shifty
    March 30th, 2009 at 11:40am
  • Stoop Kid

    Stoop Kid (100)

    United States
    The downside to my job is no matter what?

    I absolutely have to be nice and provide excellent customer service

    Thankfully I only have to work for a few more months.
    But some days, it's redick.
    April 1st, 2009 at 07:39am
  • starry eyed

    starry eyed (105)

    People are often rude to me.
    I'm a telephone operator and people think it's tokay to call me what ever they can't since they can't see me.

    I can't be rude or nasty back so I just tell them if they're particularly nasty, that I'm going to hang up on them if they don't stop, and I have a few times.
    April 4th, 2009 at 01:29am
  • Einahpets

    Einahpets (150)

    United Kingdom
    I have to actively sell perfume.
    I know nothing about perfume =|
    April 16th, 2009 at 03:14pm
  • angus young

    angus young (355)

    I want to work at the garden centre.
    But I'd have to work from 9am till 6. Disgust
    April 16th, 2009 at 06:25pm
  • Frankee

    Frankee (150)

    New Zealand
    We have four trays in the whole entire restaurant. :file:
    April 17th, 2009 at 09:54am
  • innocent wolves

    innocent wolves (100)

    I work in a retirement home, so a couple of years back, I'd probably say that the worst part about my job is cleaning up poop, pee and the occasional vomit. Plus having to feed people. That's pretty much no longer a problem.

    I do have a big problem with annoying co-workers; most are nice and fun to work with, but then some act like they're above the rest of us and gets extremely bossy. Others are just lazy. Their excuse is mostly "But you're young, you're in such better shape than me!You run along and do that and I'll just sit here and read this magazine." Disgust

    I knew what I was getting myself into when I said yes to the job, but one thing that's always scary are the angry and sometimes violent patients, the kind that will yell at you and/or try to hit you. Luckily, there aren't many of those. Still, the rude/demanding ones are probably worse, since they always complain and you have to try to be nice about it. Then there are the patients suffering from dementia; they're sweet, but unpredictable.You can never sit still when in a ward like that. They can really really wear you out.

    Though the biggest downside is a lack of personnel. During weekends I'd normally have to work for two. I never look forward to the weekends I have shifts.
    April 21st, 2009 at 05:37pm