Writing Topics

  • Teutonic Knight

    Teutonic Knight (100)

    For me writing all just comes down to how I feel. Sometimes I can sit for hours, days, weeks, and sometimes months without writing anything. Then suddenly I get a nagging idea and that won't go away and then I put it on paper. What comes out is completely different than the idea that came to me. When it's finally written I look at it and thinks how I got this idea. When ideas won't come I'll listen to music or I'll wait till I feel something. Then the ideas don't come they sit in the pencil and my hand. I also write about what interests me which is history and fantasy both of which can collide perfectly. Well that is my writing ideas and where they come from.
    April 5th, 2008 at 04:08pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lately, I've had the worst writers block. I have a fanfiction which I update once a week, but my friends are rather greedy and get me to update every day I'm on. So right now, I have a blank chapter 32. And they've had nothing. I might sit and listen to some Muse, because that ALWAYS gets me thinking. Just the plain originality and odd way Matt and the guys write, and then the guitar and the drums and the bass. It's amazing, and it evokes so many ideas inside my head. yeah, so Muse is my biggest inspiration right now... behind my friends, of course. ;)
    June 8th, 2008 at 01:29pm
  • racethedream

    racethedream (100)

    United States
    mostly, it's songs that inspire me. i have two written that were inspired by songs, 'ghost of you'/'mama' and 'cancer' (by mcr.) i've got a few more in my mind. a lot of the chapters of my stories are inspired by songs, as well. i've got a wicked one that i got from 'house of 1000 corpses' by rob zombie. of course, i always add a personal touch, so it's not like i'm just copying the songs.
    June 10th, 2008 at 04:44am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    I kind of have to get into the mood of the story. Whether it's by reading over the story, listening to music, etc. If I'm not in the mood of the story, writing is pointless for me anymore.
    June 10th, 2008 at 05:54am
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)

    Reading books. Reading lots of books.

    I always think, 'Oh hey... I wanna write like this dude, awesome' and I always find myself giving it a shot :XD

    ... that's pretty lame Sad
    June 10th, 2008 at 12:41pm
  • method acting.

    method acting. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Reading books. Reading lots of books.

    I always think, 'Oh hey... I wanna write like this dude, awesome' and I always find myself giving it a shot :XD

    ... that's pretty lame Sad
    That's not lame at all.
    I like to try that out sometimes, like include different styles to see if it suits :)
    June 10th, 2008 at 02:55pm
  • Jace Lightwood

    Jace Lightwood (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I get my inspiration from everywhere ^.^ My inspiration ranges from things I dream about that I think "wow, that's awesome I need to use that!" to simply watching TV programmes and using that as a basis :]]

    Best example would be my watching Most Haunted Live at Halloween and when they were talking about the Pendle Witches that gave my brain one little kick and that was it, I was online to my best friend plot making!

    Inspiration really can come from anywhere :]]
    June 10th, 2008 at 11:27pm
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)

    People at KTF, My Chemical RomanceDoi!, and quietness. I like writing in quietness :file:
    June 11th, 2008 at 01:47am
  • Dave Strider.

    Dave Strider. (100)

    United States
    Music totally helps me write. Sometimes just talking to people, and having random topics come up. I usually find myself reading something,or watching something, and I'll be like 'hm, this seems really cool. I would totally love how to see this with a twist, though.' Sometimes I steal concepts and do stupid stuff with it, but yeah. My inspiration just come from different things, mostly music though. :tehe:
    June 11th, 2008 at 02:15am
  • Black Precision

    Black Precision (100)

    United States
    Music always helps with pretty much everything in life - particularly writing. But I always have some kind of inspiration. For example, if I want to write a story of Harry Potter, I would watch the Harry Potter movies and read the books to get my mind flowing in the direction. Then I just kind of make up my own character based on myself and my friends and family members. For plots, I would just make them up, I guess. I pretty much just have to get my mind flowing and in the mood. My mind works best at night and I seem to think the deepest then so I let my mind go wild at that time. I don't know exactly...I guess it all just forms somehow in my head and I might be stealing from my surroundings without knowing it.

    But, overall, Music is the ultimate inspiration source.
    June 23rd, 2008 at 04:27am
  • Mercipourlevenin.

    Mercipourlevenin. (100)

    Well, when I write I just basically put all my ideas down a paper first.
    I have a pretty weird imagination.
    I think music is what helps me the most. Mostly the music that is so vivid.
    I'm mostly into the gore, angst, drama, some morbid content and those things.
    Maybe reading authors like Anne Rice, Stephen King, Poe , helps me out a lot : )
    July 8th, 2008 at 02:37am
  • tom conrad

    tom conrad (100)

    United States
    I dream up about my stories before I write them. Before I go to sleep, I envision scenes, dialogue in my head and if it's that damn good, I get out of bed to write it all down.

    Writing makes me feel better? It's been theraputetic for me. I feel accomplished and *good* when I finish a chapter.

    And then I joined bandom and met so many awesome people to share ideas with. Now I write for them more than myself. They're my inspiration. All my pretty little muses. I love them so much, they've helped me grown as a better writer. In Love

    I always write listening to Coldplay. Recently been listening to Violet Hill on repeat when I wrote my last chapter.
    July 8th, 2008 at 06:29am
  • chrissie.

    chrissie. (250)

    I dream up about my stories before I write them. Before I go to sleep, I envision scenes, dialogue in my head and if it's that damn good, I get out of bed to write it all down.
    Same for me.
    I base most of my stories on dreams I've had.
    July 8th, 2008 at 08:17am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I just read the inside cover of a novel called 'Necklace of Kisses'.
    Just the inside cover.
    I haven't read anything else yet.
    And already I have an idea for either a series or a story that's completely different from anything I've ever written.
    And I've never read any fic like it either, to be honest...
    [Not saying there isn't one, just that I haven't stumbled across it.]
    But it's a secret. :tehe:
    July 16th, 2008 at 12:23am
  • Jonne Aaron.

    Jonne Aaron. (100)

    Lately, movies have been inspiring me heaps. Nightmares is just one of them. Séance is another.

    As with lots of people, songs inspire me greatly. Not always an entire story, most of the time just little chapters.

    Also, some little pieces of myself and my life come through in my stories. I'm working on a short Vam right now which is very heavily inspired by issues I have and have had in the past.
    July 16th, 2008 at 11:34am
  • traceuse.

    traceuse. (350)

    Generally, I start writing something because I want to try a new style, and don't want to screw up the other stories.

    The School Of Self Destruction was "Oh, I want to write something utterly depressing, and over dramatic."
    Ten Percent was "I wonder if I can pull off stream-of consiousness style narration?"
    and my latest idea, which I haven't started writing yet,
    Inadequate was "I want to try writing an unreliable narrarator. Who kills people."
    July 16th, 2008 at 01:44pm
  • Tom Fletcher.

    Tom Fletcher. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sardonic Grin:
    Sometimes, it's the pairing that makes me want to write.
    Same here. I really wanted to do a Jimmy/Syn (A7X) thing, so I started a two shot. Unfortunately, I lost interest after completing part 1...

    I'll also be greatly inspired by other stories on Mibba. I mean, I won't copy them, but if a similar idea comes to me while I'm reading it then I'll jot it down and try to make something different out of it. Though that doesn't always work as I find it gets too much like the story it was inspired by and not as well written, so I ditch it.
    July 17th, 2008 at 06:38pm
  • Suffocating Hearts

    Suffocating Hearts (100)

    United States
    Music makes me want to write, just being able to imagine a song letting you see inside the lyrics, creates that spark for me. It depends on the song, but one minute you're calmly listening or rocking out, the next you've been hit by this wonderful idea.

    I also write about stuff I know, but expand on it. I've loved someone before, I've lost a best friend and I've been afraid that whatever I did could make my family or my friends stop caring about me. What I've went through, I make that the focus of a character and I think, "so how's she/he going to live through this? How hard is the journey gonna be, are they going to make it?". Sometimes the story goes the way I want it to, sometimes it doesn't. But I just continue to write.
    July 17th, 2008 at 07:58pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I wrote I'm Sorry because I needed to apologize to someone and I had no idea how.

    I started Baby in the Closet because I was inspired by Juno to write a teen pregnancy story while still keeping it slash and not M-Preg.

    I Wear My Heart Under My Sleeve was inspired by the song "Bleeding Love".

    Sick came about because I told Kristen I wanted to write something beautiful and she told me just to write because everything I do is beautiful. That's the beginning of Sick, only with different characters.

    Too Young Eyes was an idea I had while waiting to fall asleep.

    Infinity on a Rooftop was based on a confession of mine. I confessed it and then I knew I had to write a story to go with it.

    To the Bones came about because I wanted to write an eating disorder story. I just, one day, had this burning desire to write one. Possibly as an outlet for dealing with friends' eating disorders. It was actually meant to be a lot darker and a lot more sexual than it was. I intended an NC-17 rating.

    The Wonderland Chronicles was my own way of rewriting Alice in Wonderland without having to undertake an entire book.

    The Birthday Dance was written from Brendon's birthday.

    The Drip Drip Drop came to me a long while ago. Then I picked it back up several months later and continued. I love hospital stories. I love writing them. I've been in those shoes, so I like to put my own experiences in with it.

    The Tire Swing was an idea I had on my back porch while smoking.

    The Blood on the Kitchen Floor was not inspired by anything. I just had a desire to write and this is what came out.

    Manic is a Nightmare Story written while waiting to see my therapist. I wanted to tackle some of the emotions I was feeling and give a face/relationship to those Bipolar symptoms.

    Clinical started the Nightmare Series and is a terrifying nightmare of mine, to get pregnant and not be able to cope because of the guilt and pain. Plus, I had just watched a movie about abortion.

    Scratch That Last started because Liz wanted Ryden porn. Then it turned into something else entirely.

    Melodramatic Sugar Addict came about because of a true life experience and a conversation with Kristen.

    The White Lie was another idea I had while waiting to fall asleep. I wanted a first time that wasn't exactly sweet.

    After He Unlocked the Door was inspired entirely by the song "G.I.N.A.S.F.S.".
    July 17th, 2008 at 08:20pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I've been watching too much Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
    I'm considering a Ryan/Brendon/SVU AU crossover.
    In which Ryan was adopted by a pedophile.
    August 8th, 2008 at 07:21pm