Your Hometown.

  • chrissie.

    chrissie. (250)

    Lock if dup.
    Also, I wasn't sure if this should go in world or life.

    What's your hometown like? [You don't have to name it.]
    Do you like it? Do you hate it?
    What are the upsides? What are the downsides?

    I live in a tiny little town with about 300 residents here in Vic, Australia.
    It's about 30 minutes away from shopping centres and public transport and where all my friends live, so that's always an inconvenience.
    I have a love/hate relationship with my town. I love it sometimes. Like right now. It's sunset and it's gorgeous, because my house is all orange-lit and it's amazing.
    The sunsets are my fave parts because they're spectacular, and we have fresh water and air [Unlike aforementioned shopping centre town half an hour away.]
    And I have gorgeous views of the moutains and the forrests and stuff.
    Another downside is that we get bushfires every summer which seem to get closer and bigger every year :XD

    So, go on. Your town.
    October 10th, 2008 at 10:26am
  • fairyfeller

    fairyfeller (1655)

    United Kingdom
    I live on the Isle of Wight, and my town is right by the sea. It's about five-ten minutes to the beach. It's really pretty, but there's no decnet shops.
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:09pm
  • The Master

    The Master (15)

    United Kingdom

    Not much happens here.
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:13pm
  • chromatography.

    chromatography. (255)

    Don't really have a hometown sadly.
    I move too frequently.
    Currently where I reside it a great place though. :XD
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:25pm
  • skank.

    skank. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I live in a clay village in Cornwall. I think the population is about 2000, half of which are over 60. People get shot/stabbed/beaten up here constantly. :coffee:

    We have two pubs and two shops, which we really don't need for such a tiny village. Especially when they're virtually right next to each other. There's a primary school and a secondary school on the outskirts, but they're both pretty tiny.

    It's the nicest clay village out of the lot, though. :file:
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:25pm
  • roy

    roy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't have one specific hometown, I have two.

    I grew up in the center of Berlin, which was amazing.
    It's a city like no other.
    I've also resided in Hilo, Hawaii.
    I lived along the shores of Hilo Bay in a gorgeous villa about.. a second step away from the sand.
    Hilo Bay at night is a stunning view, it really is.
    I lived there for two years, and I'm planning on moving back out there when I'm older.

    Right now I'm living in England.
    Although I'd never consider here a hometown.
    I've lived her for almost three years and I hate it.
    It's a horrible place to live, no offence to anyone.
    October 10th, 2008 at 08:19pm
  • skank.

    skank. (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^I agree. A lot of people are all "Omg England?! I want to live there, it's amazing! Wow" when really it's not. It's such a...boring country.
    October 10th, 2008 at 08:42pm
  • roy

    roy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's not just boring, a lot of places are violent and dirty.
    The goverment waste their money on stupid things, too.
    October 10th, 2008 at 08:52pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Actually, I love England. :shifty
    Of course, I don't like a few things...the weather being the main one. Ha. But honestly, I can't complain when I can say that I come from the island of Monty Python, Stephen Fry and Jane Austen.

    But 'hometown'. A little village in Lancashire which is the most hideously Toryfied place in the north. I go to college in Blackburn, though, which was once in a Beatles song.
    October 11th, 2008 at 12:41am
  • Necromancer.

    Necromancer. (100)

    United States
    There are a bunch I have had. :file: They are all in New Jersey, United States though and I can say that I have not liked almost all of them. I think the only one I do not truly hate is my birth town because it was the most natural of them all. There were a bunch of trees, the population is small. We had well kept parks. It was beautiful. Sure, the people got really bad as you moved up in the grades. I moved away in the fifth grade for the final time so I was spared that. But the places I lived after that are just dirty in my opinions.
    Everyone preaches how we are lucky to live in Jersey since we have so many opportunities. Whoo, Jersey is not that good a place to live. :shifty No offense to those of you who live in and like Jersey though. I just find it suffocating really.
    October 11th, 2008 at 01:39am
  • cloudchords.

    cloudchords. (100)

    United States
    Texas, San Antonio.
    Meh, kinda boring. Tons of people, not much to really do at times. Pretty regular. Can't wait to leave this city. :XD
    Partyyyyyyyyyy! :XD
    October 11th, 2008 at 03:23am
  • tyler joseph.

    tyler joseph. (100)

    United States
    I live in Sparks, Nevada, which is right around the corner from Reno. It's definitely more of an adult town. There's casinos everywhere (there's even slot machines in the convenient stores), and lots of clubs. It's kind of ghetto, to be honest. But I kind of like it for the most part. A lot of good bands come here for shows, and the concert venues are great (except for the Reno Events Center. I hate that place). The weather can be unpredictable, though. It once snowed in August, I heard. But I'm moving out of here when I'm twenty-one. San Francisco, baby!

    And I was born in San Bernardino, California. It's boring, but I kind of loved it. I mean, there's great people there. And it was the desert, so that got me accustomed to heat, and therefore, summer is my all-time favorite season. And the sunsets and sunrises were just gorgeous.

    Only downside was that there were a lot of icky spiders and scorpians! :cheese:
    October 11th, 2008 at 07:01am
  • emily.

    emily. (400)

    October 11th, 2008 at 08:04am
  • traceuse.

    traceuse. (350)

    I live in a town with as many residents as the high school I [used to] go to.
    To really tell you about my town, I have to tell you the story of Yallourn. Yallourn was this really nice town, one of those towns all planned out, rather than just houses placed wherever. There was a cinema, a high school and a technical college, a heap of stores and these adorable houses. Very village-y but nice.
    Then one day they discovered that the nearby coal mines were running out of coal, and that Yallourn was built right on top of a large amount of coal. So they moved a few of the houses to a nearby town, and a few to what is now my town.
    Then they demolished Yallourn.
    The town where I live is basically on the side of a huge hill, you can't really go anywhere in town without going steeply up or down hill at some point.
    We have 3 open storefronts out of about 8. One is a fish and chip shop which is rarely open, one is a supermarket/post office/liquor store and the other is the pub.
    We have 3 churches, all of which somehow remain open, and a primary school.
    It takes the school bus almost an hour to get from the top of our street to the high school in the next town, despite the fact that it's only a 12 minute drive.
    Just like Freddie Mercury, bush fires get pretty bloody close to my house, nowhere near as close as to hers though.
    We used to get big logging trucks coming through town until a few years ago, when they ran out of trees to cut down.
    Plus we've got the nice big power station that releases big clouds of vapour which has managed to give me an immunity to legionnaires disease.
    Oh and we have a little village for the elderly with a bowls club. :shifty

    But it's not such a bad place to live.
    October 11th, 2008 at 11:58am
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I live in a tourist ton in Norfolk, England.
    I'm not saying which one
    You'll all think I'm a whore, becasue honestly, lots of girls round here are

    We have a huge crime rate, teen pregnancy rate etc

    Once a man got murdered 20 minutes away from my house

    Me, my bestie, my ex and his mate had been in the area the victim picked up his killer at the same estimated time.

    I think I should move :/
    October 11th, 2008 at 06:24pm
  • Devil May Cry

    Devil May Cry (100)

    United States
    I think my hometown is beautiful. There are lots of trees, and apparently it's one of the cleanest places in the United States. I love it here. I love all the nature stuff, like the trees and rivers. Multnomah Falls is up north, and the Vista House, too, but I can't remember if they're in my hometown or not. :XD I love Fall, Winter, and Spring here, but I hate the Summer. omgno: It should be cold. I love the cold.
    October 11th, 2008 at 09:22pm
  • z3ez

    z3ez (110)

    United States
    I was born in Abilene, Texas, I don't really like it though. I don't know
    how else to describe it other then just plain old dirty. I've lived in Midland,
    Texas for about the past fourteen years which isn't the best place in the world, but it's comfortable. Of course I can't wait to move away, but just growing up and stuff it's been nice here. The only thing I can really think of as recognizable about Midland is that George W. Bush is from here, I actually went to the same elementry school as him in the sixth grade, and my step-uncle and step-dad are friends with him. There's not a lot to do, but my friends and I always make fun with what we've got. There's a lot of fields out in the country and it's fun to go mess around in our cars over there even though we do some pretty dangerous shit. :tehe:
    Also another town, Odessa, is about an half hour away from ours so we always drive down there and shit. Really Midland and Odessa might as well just be one big town rather then two seperate ones with as much everybody goes back and forth.

    The weather sucks though, especially around the fall and end of summer.
    It always rains very heavily around those times and when it does almost all of our streets flood, it's horrible. When the hurricane hit Galveston, it was raining really hard over here as well during school and at the end of school the whole street was flooded so much everybody had taken their shoes off and folded their pants up above their knees and the cars looked like they were about to float away or something. It was kind of cool. :XD
    October 11th, 2008 at 09:57pm
  • vagina.

    vagina. (150)

    Um. Its a mostly Caucasian town. (Seriously there are like 5 people of color here) Its a Christian faith based Community. 37 churches to be exact. We have the most millionaires by area in the nation. But other than that stuff, my town is a really close nit, fairly small town. I love it and there is always so much going on. I volunteer a lot and its just a wonderful place. I love it.
    October 11th, 2008 at 11:23pm
  • albaphetical

    albaphetical (100)

    United States
    I still live in my hometown.
    It's forty miles or so west of Lansing, Michigan.
    It's tiny, boring, and extremely conservative. Not to mention a lot of people here are extremely religious and are willing to shove it down people's throats repeatedly. It gets on my nerves.
    I dislike a lot of the people here, but really, it's a beautiful place.
    We've got the Grand River, really pretty neighborhoods, these amazing ledges along the's all stunning.
    It's just the people that make me dislike it here. Disgust
    October 12th, 2008 at 02:36am
  • the endless.

    the endless. (100)

    United States
    I was born in Bangalore, India, but of course I don't remember a whole lot about it, we left when I was 5. From what I remember the area in which I lived was quite beautiful, with temples and mosques and (most vividly remembered) stairs in the street that led to my grandparents' house :XD

    Right now I live in San Jose, California. I consider it my hometown really because I very much love it here, and I want to stay in the area. I live an hour away from Google HQ and 15 minutes away from Apple. It's a big city, but all the kids here live in a bubble of non-violence and severe academic competitiveness. But the safety is definitely something I value, I'm a wanderer so my parents don't have to worry about me too much.
    October 12th, 2008 at 04:17am