Your Hometown.

  • Supermegafoxyawesome

    Supermegafoxyawesome (100)

    United States
    :XD We have one traffic light.
    It only blinks yellow.
    Same as us! One main road goes by my uh, well its not even a town and there's a blinking yellow light to let people driving know there's an intersection. We have a family-owned market the size of a convenience store and a sandwich shop is being converted from an old texaco. There's a little brown grange for cheap weddings, flea markets, and summer concerts and by the grange is a vacant lot where people put their old cars with price tags. Down the main road there's little loops that run off it and people live in very different houses spaced out randomly. Most of the people who live here have either lived here their whole lives or lost a lot of money and had to move somewhere affordable. There are a lot of trees and tons of creeks and it rains all the time. It's kind of like what people think of when they think "Oregon" because that's where we live. We're about 15 minutes away from where The Goonies was filmed too. My high school has about 175 kids that usually wear hunting clothes or Hollister. We have a killer football team, too. Everyone is hunting crazy and pretty poor but man do they know their hip-hop. Half of my school has been to a Lil' Wayne concert at least once in my life and they all find time to stop at a mall every couple of weeks even if it takes 2 hours to do so. Most of the population of my "town" lives in one of the three trailer parks. Where I live, its mostly retired people. We're a town of loggers, heavy drinkers, and a very bad reputation of being swingers.

    That was fun.
    November 2nd, 2009 at 01:44am
  • Glass Passenger

    Glass Passenger (250)

    I live in Kew in Melbourne's east in Australia. It's a nice place to grow up as a child, lots of parks, nice big blocks to ride your bikes around and it's generally a safe area. However, as I've grown up I see the town more and more for what it is a facade.

    So many people here are so busy social climbing that they forget about the simple things, such as their children. Honestly, I've seen girls going home stoned and their parents wouldn't care, as long as "the Carters*" didn't see.
    The men like to go out and earn the money while the women just spend their afternoons at the local cafes backstabbing each other. Everyone is constantly trying to out do each other.

    There are four or five private schools (all on one street pretty much) and one public school. I'm at one of the private schools and I guess it's okay. I love it when we do fundraising - we raised something like 100 000 for the bushfire victims this year which was pretty good. However, I find that if you're not from 'old money' you don't get the same respect as other students do. Also, if we muck up at school, it makes the news, if we have a party that gets out of control, it's on the news - it's pretty annoying.

    Transport wise it's okay, traffic's pretty bad so instead of taking me ten minutes to get to the CBD it takes me twenty and there are a lot of nice cafes around.

    November 2nd, 2009 at 03:05pm
  • mortal peril.

    mortal peril. (100)

    ^ Cheese I desperately want to live in Melbourne.

    I live in a tiny country town in Victoria. It's boring as all hell, about an hour away from any major shopping centers and there's nothing to do. You feel so isolated.
    But I love it and I wouldn't change it for a thing. I'll always have an affinity for the place. It's where I grew up, went to primary school, played sport, made friends.

    One of the good things about being a country kid is the fact that every time you go to the city, you're enthralled (Or, at least I am). I find it such a big thrill to drive down the freeway and go to Melbourne.

    And we all moan and bitch about how much of a hole our little town is, but if anyone from out of town calls it that, we get riled up. tehe
    November 14th, 2009 at 11:06am
  • ThePiesEndure

    ThePiesEndure (115)

    Monday Eyes:
    I live in Kew in Melbourne's east in Australia. It's a nice place to grow up as a child, lots of parks, nice big blocks to ride your bikes around and it's generally a safe area. However, as I've grown up I see the town more and more for what it is a facade.

    So many people here are so busy social climbing that they forget about the simple things, such as their children. Honestly, I've seen girls going home stoned and their parents wouldn't care, as long as "the Carters*" didn't see.
    The men like to go out and earn the money while the women just spend their afternoons at the local cafes backstabbing each other. Everyone is constantly trying to out do each other.

    There are four or five private schools (all on one street pretty much) and one public school. I'm at one of the private schools and I guess it's okay. I love it when we do fundraising - we raised something like 100 000 for the bushfire victims this year which was pretty good. However, I find that if you're not from 'old money' you don't get the same respect as other students do. Also, if we muck up at school, it makes the news, if we have a party that gets out of control, it's on the news - it's pretty annoying.

    Transport wise it's okay, traffic's pretty bad so instead of taking me ten minutes to get to the CBD it takes me twenty and there are a lot of nice cafes around.

    My grandfather used to live in Kew [He passed away]. I used to live in Donvale. But that was like back in the 90'
    November 14th, 2009 at 12:02pm
  • spector

    spector (250)

    United Kingdom
    Mine is quite big, really. But it's rather boring. And chavvy.
    November 14th, 2009 at 11:31pm
  • The Brightside

    The Brightside (500)

    My town/area has a population of around 10,000, I think. Maybe 15. Either way, it bores the hell out of me, and I can't wait to get out. It's too small. I don't have a job in town - I actually work on a highway which takes me half an hour to get there - so I don't run into people I know. Every time you walk down the street there's somebody you know. I don't like it. I would prefer to blend in and not know or recognise anybody.

    It's become more of a place for senior citizens, or tourists every October when there's the annual festival celebrating... tulips. That's the kind of place I live in.

    I don't know. It's incredibly picturesque, and houses in many parts are quite expensive, but it's not for me. I originally lived in Sydney but moved down here when I was 6, as my parents wanted a lifestyle change.

    The people who never left this town depress me. There's only so many jobs to go around, and they usually stick with the same one, and the same house, and have the same routine.

    The local newspaper shits me so bad. Think the newspaper from Hot Fuzz... it's honestly that bad.

    Melbourne's my dream city.
    November 15th, 2009 at 12:27pm
  • Zachary Merrick.

    Zachary Merrick. (200)

    United Kingdom
    We're a cruddy little seaside town in England.
    We can hardly tell the difference between summer and winter around here, they're as bad as each other. It's raining most of the time in summer, it's raining most of the time in winter. Lovely.
    It's got about 30,000 people, population-wise. Most of them are chavs or are trying to be chavvy.
    We've got two high schools and far too many primary schools. The other high school - not the one I attend - is renowned in our county for having many, many perverted teachers who have been caught 'having fun' with students. Not good.
    But, we do have a radio station, that's right on the end of the pier, where they broadcast Yorkshire Coast Radio from. tehe
    Yes, lame claim to fame, I know.
    Oh, and we all talk with Yorkshire accents. File
    November 16th, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • the power of justice

    the power of justice (100)

    I live in a suburb in Victoria, Australia, and it's about half an hour away from Melbourne, the main city.
    It's pretty alright, I don't mind living here because everything is in walking distance and it's a big suburb and it's always busy, but it has a really bad reputation with drugs, alcohol, gangs and murders and stuff. :L And it doesn't help that all of the other suburbs near my suburb have an equally bad reputation.
    There's a LOT of immigrants here, it's rare to see an Anglo-Saxon around my area, there's heaps of Asians, Indians and Africans here with a few Eastern-European people chucked in the mixture. It's also not common to see more shops with non-English writing than there is to see with English writing.
    June 25th, 2011 at 04:40pm
  • the fiddling imp

    the fiddling imp (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I still live in my hometown, and it's an alright place to live I guess.
    We're about an hour from London by train, half an hour from a decent shopping centre and twenty minutes walk from the countryside. There's not a lot to do here though, there's only so many places you can go walking before it just gets tiresome.

    I'm going to move away when I go to university though, probably Brighton, Kent or Yorkshire.
    June 26th, 2011 at 01:06am
  • Dots

    Dots (100)

    South Africa
    I live in a town with a majority muslim population so there are literally 4 mosques within walking distance to me(I honestly don't know how many there are in total) Ah lots of cafes (as in a grocery shop) and tons of pakistani, indian and somali immigrants. A street down is like mini-somalia ove there. Seriously. When the world cup was here, we could see the fireworks from our windows. It's safe but I still haven't walked further than the end of the block by myself. Everybody kinda knows everybody over here. Especially the men, because they all meet up at the mosque. However the block I live on is an exception. If I had to see my neighbour in a mall I would not recognise her. But ya, that's about it. Oh oh, and we are home to the best ever fast food restaurant. Damn, nobody makes junk food like these people.
    June 27th, 2011 at 01:05am
  • southernbelle923

    southernbelle923 (100)

    United States
    My hometown doesn't even have a stop light, but you can find about five different back porch beauty salons and some really good places to eat. It's a really small area, really pretty, and there's cow fields ever other pasture you drive by ha It's not that bad of a place, I just wish there was more job opportunity.
    July 1st, 2011 at 02:01am
  • cannibal.

    cannibal. (145)

    United States
    My hometown is actually a pretty big city with a bunch of weirdos living in it. The place I live in now is half the size. It's five miles long and about three wide. Most of the food places are Pizza related. There's one chinese place, one bank, two grocery stores and one clothing store. There's a coal store as well and a dying greenhouse a couple feet down the road. Two stop lights, one at each interesection which are extremely close together.

    It's not as nice as it seems though, there's a lot of drug and gang violence. I don't think our police bother arresting people anymore. They only jump into action if there's town/village meetings, if there's a fire, a murder, or if they're hungry and they want to go to McDonalds. We hardly get fires, murder, or meetings so they don't do much.
    July 7th, 2011 at 10:55am
  • prince oberyn

    prince oberyn (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I guess I've got two. One far better than the other, but...

    Yeah, so there's Reading in Berkshire in England... which is alright, we've got good shopping, the best festival everrrrrrrrrr, good transport system and some nice places. It just gets really boring sometimes...

    And Newport, Wales. I hate it there. It's possibly the chaviest place in the history of forever, I feel like I'm going to either be mugged or raped when I walk down the street and I got spat on once in a newsagents. I spent a lot of my childhood there and I pretty much never want to go there again unless my father forces me again. :(
    July 14th, 2011 at 06:50pm
  • sharpedo

    sharpedo (250)

    Though I've lived in the city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan nearly my whole life, my home town is Tisdale, Saskatchewan. That's where I was born, but I consider Saskatoon to be my hometown. I adore my city, the population is under 300,000 so it's not that busy of a city. But it's growing. There's lots to do, we've got big name stores (no IKEA yet) and other things to do. It's most fun in the winter, I think. Technically you go out of the city to have fun, riding snow mobiles and shooting things on a farm type stuff, but Saskatoon is so beautiful in the winter. The city lies on the South Saskatchewan River, and when the river freezes up and the snow covers everything (the prairies, on some days, are the second coldest place on Earth in the winter) everything sparkles and the cold doesn't even seem apparent. Okay, maybe that's a lie.

    Saskatoon isn't Vancouver, or Toronto, but it's the greatest city in the world and I love living here and will miss it when I leave for Toronto in a few months.
    July 15th, 2011 at 12:39am
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    My hometown is a town of 1,000 people, no traffic lights, and several dirt roads. The nearest Wal-Mart is an hour away, the nearest hospital is an hour away, and the nearest real mall, Starbucks, and Best Buy is two and a half hours away. Facepalm In the winter, if the interstate shuts down, that town is completely locked and you can't go anywhere for anything. The grocery store has six aisles. The high school has about 200-250 kids at any given time, and the elementary school has about 100 kids K-6.

    ....I now live in Southern California and I wouldn't go back for almost anything. XD
    July 16th, 2011 at 09:21am
  • The.Karleigh.Scene

    The.Karleigh.Scene (100)

    United States
    What's your hometown like? Baltimore. High crime. Lots of murders.
    Do you like it? No Do you hate it? Yes
    What are the upsides? Good music scene What are the downsides? Everything else
    July 17th, 2011 at 01:03am
  • Masha Mikhailovna

    Masha Mikhailovna (100)

    My hometown is Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. I friggin' love that place; it's perfect in my opinion. I can only see the good side of the place and ignore the bad stuff since I live very very far away from there right now and I miss it like hell.

    The downside is crime. People will murder you for a pair of shoes. No joke :/
    July 25th, 2011 at 01:39am
  • Bird of the Summer.

    Bird of the Summer. (100)

    United States
    My hometown is a small little thing back in Scotland. I absolutely love it there! Perfect place in the entire world, in my opinion. I mean there really is no downside to it. Sure everyone knows just about everyone else and it kind of rained a lot but that's whats so brilliant about it.
    Now I live in Colorado, which isn't as good Scotland but it has it's own little perks.
    September 28th, 2011 at 01:30am
  • Pier in the Sky.

    Pier in the Sky. (160)

    United States
    My hometown is in Mid-Michigan. It's the kind of town where the high school has to lock the doors because a couple years ago some guy came in and raped a girl in one of the bathrooms. Though I personally have never really had problems at that level of severity. The town kind of has a bad rep, especially the high school, surprising right? I don't think it really is that bad though. It's okay living here, but I would much rather get out. As long as my family moved with me.
    October 2nd, 2011 at 12:27am
  • belaruska

    belaruska (340)

    Russian Federation
    Curt Wild.:
    My hometown is in Mid-Michigan. It's the kind of town where the high school has to lock the doors.
    It's the same in my city. My school is more secure than it's ever been since the terrorist attacks.

    I spent most of my childhood in various small towns situated literally the middle of nowhere. I quite liked living in those places, because the community was always lovely, the type of places where everyone knew each other and no one had to worry about crime. However, there were the obvious down sides to this (not meeting new people, being sheltered, etc). I moved to a city when I hit double figures, and then moved to the capital. I like certain things, like the culture and the fact that something's always happening. I don't like having to live in fear and how expensive things can be. I mostly like it, though.
    October 2nd, 2011 at 12:50am