Your Hometown.

  • coquette:
    ^Whoa, that's scary. I'm Aussie so I wouldn't know.
    Does it get pretty hot there?
    Aw, I love Aussie's acccents!//random In Love

    YES. Up to 120 sometimes Disgust
    Shit. Even I can stand 40 degrees celsius days in track pants but 48? :crazy:
    Our accents are really random.
    Down where I live it's currently raining, cold etc and it's supposed to be summer in 23 days. :grr:
    November 7th, 2008 at 08:48am
  • Peter Pan.:
    Hastings = Boring Chav town.
    Haha, Hastings. I was there once, I found it pretty cool although it smelt of fish all the time. :D [/spam]
    I live in Darmstadt, Germany. It's quite nice apart from being in Germany which I hate. But we've got a really big and important town with an airport and lots of events only half an hour away.
    November 7th, 2008 at 04:32pm
  • Knees to the Floor.:
    The whole state of Mass pwns.

    I don't live there, but I have a summerhome in Mass, and I plan on possibly moving there when I'm old enough.
    November 9th, 2008 at 05:03pm
  • I live somewhere near Scranton, PA. There's nothing much to do here. This town is so small, though, so that's probably why. It gets cold here in the winter, and it sucks. Well, I hate the cold, anway. The snow is pretty, however.
    November 9th, 2008 at 06:14pm
  • Uxbridge
    town in north west london / a third of the way to oxford from london / a nice place in itself but came to be full of bottom-of-the-barrel people who look better suited to salford / and almost as inbred / original home of kingsmill / most popular attraction - the magic roundabout on the denham road because no-one knows how to get out of it, on to the M40 and high-tail it out of this hole / and when are they going to finish the fucking station //end/
    "the next station is uxbridge, where this train terminates. london underground accepts no responsibility for your personal safety once you leave the train."


    ... I think Urban Dictionary summed it up quite well. But personally, as much as I bitch about it and whatever, I like it here. It suits me fine.

    Home sweet home...

    There are quite a lot of shops, a lot of people, a lot of pubs, a lot of chavs... it's your average less-than-cool town on the outskirts of London. It's dirty, there's chewing gum all over the place, the people can be twats, everyone seems to know each other...

    For being a part of London, it's actually very... what's the word? I don't know, close? Everyone knows you, everyone knows your business and that little chav that tried to mug you for a fag you wouldn't give him? You probably know his mum. It's funny, because it is technically a part of London :mrgreen:

    It's not a very cool place to go, but I like it.
    November 9th, 2008 at 08:12pm
  • Disturbia:
    ^ For definite, especially considering the credit crunch.
    I know that the majority of countries today are suffering financially, but England's doing really badly.
    And the health care system isn't going to save us from that.
    Sure, England looks lovely on TV, right?
    But unless you're here, and you're hearing of another stabbing every night, and you're living in these vile towns, you don't know jack about this country.

    The credit crunch hasn't made much difference in my life (totally self-centred approach to big problem). However, THE PRICES OF SWEETENER ARE INCREASING! OH NOEZZZ! (honestly, this is a worry... )

    The NHS saved my life. As irritating as I am and all and as shitty as some of the treatment I received was, I can't complain. The NHS is a great thing and England is wonderful to those who can't afford to live by their own means/can't be arsed to get a job and decide to suck off the government (I'm insulting my own family, it's cool). I don't know about social care in other countries (or even counties), but what we get here is pretty decent. Of course, it's nowhere near perfect, but I'm not going to diss it to the end of the earth... there are many cases where it fails dramatically, but, at least in my experience - it's not that awful. However, it definitely needs to improve and we really need to branch out more services and whatnot. But still, the NHS wasted a lot of money on me (again, self-centred approach), I'm not going to diss it and everything it stands for.

    For all the crappy aspects (and yes, there are many), at the end of the day - I like this country.
    November 9th, 2008 at 08:48pm
  • Dumont, New Jersey. I love it.

    My town has parks everywhere, places to eat in the most convenient areas, and everyone is really nice to you. Plus it's a town where everyone knows each other.
    November 10th, 2008 at 12:15am
  • The issue I have with my hometown - San Jose, California - is the damn weather. Disgust

    The seasons, in terms of weather, change in an instant here. Literally one day in October, it was 80-90 degrees outside, and the next day it was 60.

    I wouldn't mind so much, but it's sunny and cold, which is an irritating combination.
    November 10th, 2008 at 05:52am
  • Dumbarton! Scotland!

    Short answer: It's horrible.

    Long answer: It's fecking horrible.
    November 10th, 2008 at 01:56pm
  • I live in Alabama, USA.
    I can't stand it.
    Don't visit, you will die. Lol.
    Seriously.. I want to move!
    We have pretty landscapes, but, it's utterly boring.
    November 10th, 2008 at 03:11pm
  • I was born in Fairoaks, Virginia (USA), but I don't remember it much. I moved to Woodbridge, Virginia and I thought it was awesome. It was close to a big mall and there were nice people there.

    I now live in Bismarck, North Dakota and things are drastically different. I wish I still lived in Woodbridge.
    November 10th, 2008 at 09:10pm
  • My hometown is Sacramento , California :) It's actually kind-of weird thinking of it as a hometown, because i never thought of it as home only the place that i lived.

    Now i live about 45 minutes away from Sac. in a really small development community. I like it cause i can go wandering around in the orchards and get some fresh air, but then again its really boring and far away for everything. Its like 20minute drive just to get groceries.

    I LOVE California, but i wanna live in near the beach, not in the Valley.
    November 11th, 2008 at 05:51am
  • I live in the suburbs. Always have. I don't like it because the nearest shopping center is so far away but the good thing is that I have a lot of friends.
    November 11th, 2008 at 06:15am
  • November 12th, 2008 at 06:48am
  • My hometown is rather boring. Interesting things rarely happen. Ever. I guess it's okay here, most of the time. I wouldn't say I hate it or like it, I'm undecided. Sometimes I like it, other times I don't, is what I mean. I guess I also have a love/hate relationship. The upsides are that it's rather safe...I actually can't think of any other upsides at the moment. :con:
    Downsides: It's boring. You know everyone, so everyone knows your business. There's no malls or movie theatres in my we have to drive, like, 20 mins. (Which isn't that bad, I guess).
    As for the location, it's kind of okay. With us being in the prairies of Canada, we can see for miles and miles. The sunset and sunrise are gorgeous.
    When we see firetrucks, everyone gets all excited: :crazy:
    November 14th, 2008 at 03:11am
  • My real hometown is called Wellington. It's the capital city of New Zealand, it's very multi-cultural and imo, as good as heaven! That's coming from an Atheist... My family lives there though, which is probably a downside. I'm not a family person & I wish to live there later on.

    My current town that I've lived in since I was two, is called Blenheim. I've nicknamed it Blenhole - it's a hole, hence the name. It's boring, small, got no good people living here, nothing exciting for teenagers to do... etc etc.
    November 15th, 2008 at 07:30am
  • I used to go on about how Toronto sucks, you get bored here, etc.

    But, I grew up here and that's enough said. I can go to places around here and be like "oh yeah, and this is where so-and-so happened....", and I've really learned how to party here. :tehe:
    November 16th, 2008 at 02:41am
  • Crash!:
    I live in the suburbs. Always have. I don't like it because the nearest shopping center is so far away but the good thing is that I have a lot of friends.
    I live in the subrubs too. I know what it's like having the closest mall more than 6 towns away.
    November 17th, 2008 at 12:04am
  • My hometown was pretty large. A small city, at least. I wasn't very close to it, as in I didn't know what was going on when and where. I was usually oblivious to everything dealing with it. But I always loved knowing it so well. Like how to get from one place to another, and what was were in the town.

    I haven't lived in my home town for nearly four years now, and I miss it. I miss being able to call it home. I miss knowing everything and every place. I miss being to close to most of my family. I miss seeing it. I miss it being mine. I don't's weird. You never really appreciate something until it's gone.
    November 17th, 2008 at 06:10am
  • Auckland; crap, but probably the best place in New Zealand.

    I always sit around moaning with my friends about the lack of shows/clubs/interesting things to do, but it really is the best city. We realise this after going to other places.

    There's basically nothing to do in Auckland short of drinking and drugging at house parties with other very bored teenagers. :file:
    November 18th, 2008 at 11:43am