my cousins name is jesse james, but i haven't searched far enough back in my family tree to know if i've got ay cool descendants... However my great uncle omar served his time in the second world war and a further back relative served in the first world war on a battalion. My grandmother made the soldiers clothes in a factory and great uncle victor went to jail countless times and ended up getting shot trying to escape. other than that... I don't know, keep on searching i guess =D
My great grandfather was a British spy in Nazi Germany. He was quite important in the end of WWII, I'm lead to believe. He married my great grandmother who was a pinup model in the forties. :3
My other great grandfather liberated concentration camps. :D
My great-great-great(unsure how many greats, to be honest) uncles were the first 4 doctors in Indiana and had the very first hospital. Many roads/towns in Indiana are named after them, Sexton.
I'm related to George Washington Carver. The one who invented peanut butter? Yeah, him. My mom told me that when I was younger and didn't bother to tell me until a year or so ago that it wasn't the same one. We're related to a different guy with the same name and from the same time. The peanut butter one was african american and we're not, but I figured since my dad is so dark in color that it made sense, guess not lol.
I suppose it isn't far history, but it's definitely a person who made a big impact when they were alive. My grandad's cousin is George Harrison from The Beatles.
Wow, everyone has such interesting family history! I'm jealous! I'm not related to anyone famous.. though my family tree has a branch that lived in Whitechapel, London, in 1888 which was the time of the Jack the Ripper murders.. so as a 13 year old I convinced myself that whoever this uncle of mine was, he was definitely the Ripper, ha!
My family's mostly French and I can't think of names off the top of my head, but I'm related to a ton of French war heroes and important figures from the French Revolution, which I think is pretty cool. I had no idea until I had to do a project on it in middle school, where we had to make a timeline of our family and go as far back in our history as we could.
The guy who created the Chisholm Trail and the Vanderbilts (distantly). I'm not sure if the Vanderbilts count though. I didn't even think they actually existed until last year.