Got Caught?

  • Bethy and the Beast.

    Bethy and the Beast. (100)

    United States
    It wasn't technically a story, but I had printed out a roleplaying post I needed to respond to. The girl was musing over the fact that this guy was gonna come see her in a bar and she was gonna try and get into his pants. Well, my mom found it and asked if I wrote it and said it was "trashy" and I got kind of pissed. xD
    August 26th, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • Katie_Bugg

    Katie_Bugg (100)

    United States
    When I was 13 my Mom found a folded up quick-write in my pocket that I had been working on during the bus ride home from school. It was about a baby who was born addicted to crack and adopted out. My Mom was pissed at me for a month. My Mom miscarried because of drugs before I was born. I didn't know that, though, until a year later.

    My brother read one of my stories one time, just flipping through the computer files. He told me they were really good but I needed to work on my style and add details. He then offered to let me see his poetry because he writes poetry and not stories.

    It was interesting...
    November 21st, 2011 at 03:31pm
  • eight letters late.

    eight letters late. (100)

    United States
    When I first started writing, I would keep everything in regular old notebooks and my brother found one once while I wasn't home. He read it to his girlfriend, his girlfriend's friend, my two cousins, and my little brother. I WAS SO PISSED. WHO DOES THAT?

    Of course it was one of those stories that's eerily similar to my life except for a few small details (such as everyone loves me, I have two boys drooling over me, etc.).
    November 22nd, 2011 at 02:13am
  • disasterologist.

    disasterologist. (105)

    United States
    My old best friend found one of my first stories on FictionPress in about seventh grade and I was mortified. It was some sort of stupid SI story with guys based on Cristofer Drew and Andy Six and there were drugs and abuse and she wouldn't let me hear the end of it. Facepalm

    I also showed my really old Maximum Ride fics to my parents, but those were so innocent. Now they want to read my NaNoWriMo and I'm kind of freaking out. XD
    November 22nd, 2011 at 06:27am
  • GhostWhispers

    GhostWhispers (100)

    United States
    It wasn't a story, but it was notes for one of my character bios. My dad found it in the car and started reading it out loud in this BOOMING voice. "Is this yours? Brianna. 17. Cheerleader. Lesbian. What the hell is this?!" >_<
    November 22nd, 2011 at 08:13am
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    My Dad apparently found some of my dominant / submissive, bondage, and BDSM stories somewhere. OMFG I didn't think I left them in the house when I moved away, but then I got to where I live now and I realized they weren't with me.

    ...I guess my Dad now knows what his 15 year old daughter spent time doing instead of playing outside and sneaking out at night. XD Facepalm
    November 22nd, 2011 at 11:02am
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    My Spanish teacher (also someone I share a lot of my problems with) found my notebook in his class that I'd left on accident. He opened it to see whose it was and read half of one of my most disturbing and mentally fucked up stories I've ever written. He called me back to his room and told me that I was a brilliant writer but it kind of gave him chills because how in depth and disturbed and how much of a mind fuck it was. He said he felt as if it were emotionally inspired and wasn't very surprised it was so dark, though. He still asks me all of the time if I write.
    November 22nd, 2011 at 09:54pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    In the summer before my sophomore year, I was up in New York with my grandparents and I was outlining A Little Bit Louder Now!. My grandpa's a writer too, so he let me read a book he was working on. I had left my writing folder on the guest room bed, thinking that I'd be coming back to it soon - but I ended up spending an hour and a half reading his book, haha. So my outline was all open on the bed, and apparently, my grandpa must've read it.

    He walked out of the room later and said, "What's this story you're writing about a lesbian who has a straight night and has a kid? I wanna read it when you're done." It was right in front of my dad, too. Facepalm
    November 23rd, 2011 at 02:30am
  • Kawaii Emotions;

    Kawaii Emotions; (100)

    United States
    Well when I use to write about being a princess with my friends in the fourth grade I let this popular girl read my stuff. It was kind of awkward because it was GOD AWFUL. Then when I was writing this emo-scene story about this girl who was in an arranged marriage to a vampire my step dad read the document and it had the "b-word" on the page. I was so embarrassed. I hate when people try and read my things, bleh. There was another time when i left my notebook in my Math class in the 8th grade. The kid ripped out all the paper, but at least my story was still there File
    November 23rd, 2011 at 07:07am
  • Kawaii Emotions;

    Kawaii Emotions; (100)

    United States
    It wasn't a story, but it was notes for one of my character bios. My dad found it in the car and started reading it out loud in this BOOMING voice. "Is this yours? Brianna. 17. Cheerleader. Lesbian. What the hell is this?!" >_<
    Lmao. That sounds like my outlines, god I be embarrassed. My dad freaks out if there's a possible mentioning of sex in stories that I read.
    November 23rd, 2011 at 07:12am
  • Kawaii Emotions;

    Kawaii Emotions; (100)

    United States
    This also reminds me of the time when my dad thought Mibba was a sex site o.O
    November 23rd, 2011 at 07:12am
  • requiem.

    requiem. (205)

    United States
    I'm pretty sure my older sister had seen some Avenged Sevenfold fiction on my laptop. Sometimes I'll leave my laptop open with the browser open while I go to the bathroom or the kitchen and I come back and she's on it.

    Sometimes I pray to God I didn't leave anything open that she'd make fun of me for.
    Although, one time while I was reading an Avenged fiction, I left the room for two seconds and when I came back she was on it. I almost broke out into a nervous sweat. i knew the banner for the story was this huge picture of M. Shadows and I was like "OMG OMG OMG" but I think she just disregarded it as something else and never asked about it. Whew.
    January 11th, 2012 at 01:46am
  • requiem.

    requiem. (205)

    United States
    Now I just put all my story ideas/chapters saved as a word document, put in an irrelvent name and stick it in my "School" folder. No one would ever look in that. Hahaha
    January 11th, 2012 at 01:49am
  • Narzisse Narcosis;

    Narzisse Narcosis; (150)

    It kind of really sucks to know your favorite band personally. I will just say that. You want to write a fan-fic about them (I don't do slash, so it wouldn't be slash first of all) and you get all of these crazy ideas in your head like, "what would Helmuth and Serpenth do if they got locked in a mall all night?" or "what about if they had to pledge themselves into a death pact for some reason?". You can't write it. . .any of it, not because you're making up silly stories about them but because since you know them, some truth could end up in the stories and people would know things about them that the band members didn't want others to know.

    So I barely ever write stories about bands anymore. I wrote a smut here once and a member of that said band (and also someone very special to me) found it. I had named a character after him and the sex in it was based on either sex I've had with other people or sexual things I'd like to try with my special person. They weren't real scenarios that I had with him, but he found it and misunderstood and thought I was publishing our sex life in my stories.

    I have one story that is kind of about members of different bands that I am working on as of lately. It has my special person as a character in it, but it's a medieval inspired fantasy so none of this could ever happen and I am not writing sex scenes for my guy's character. When I convert this to book format and add more to it, I'm going to change all the character names because I wouldn't be able to publish a partial fan-fiction.

    But yeah. I will show that one to him one day, just so that he can see I'm writing him in a role that he might enjoy reading about.
    January 11th, 2012 at 03:45pm
  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    I don't show Mibba to my partner because I don't use it for serious writing, and I think he'd assume things about me based on what other people post on here.

    Regardless, he found the The Macabre Tales, which is a story I'm writing on here. I expected him to laugh at me, or maybe just think I was childish and be unimpressed, but he thought the whole parody, and the number of sources it references, was hilarious. He's really keen on it, so now I use him to bounce ideas off! He keeps saying he should 'come onto my site' (he doesn't really understand how Mibba works, or what it is), and tap into my 'fanbase'.
    Queen of Hearts;:
    This also reminds me of the time when my dad thought Mibba was a sex site o.O
    I'm sorry, but I have to laugh at that even if it was really awkward for you. That's the best.
    January 16th, 2012 at 08:50am
  • imbalance

    imbalance (100)

    My mum and dad read this really bad short story of an anorexic cutter. And it was quite detailed. Anywaay, they ended up taking me to some fancy restaurant to talk to me about my "problems." I haven't heard a word about it since. I think they're kind of scared of it!

    They also read this poem I dedicated to my then-boyfriend. It was so awkward. I had to face a conversation of how I'm too young to know what love is, blah blah blah, and how I shouldn't give it to him because he wouldn't like it. After that, I gave it to him and he loved it...
    January 16th, 2012 at 10:50am
  • Sucks For You

    Sucks For You (100)

    United States
    My mom's ex boyfriend got on the computer one day, where I had stupidly saved all my writing into a folder named "Amy's shit", and he decided to go into my folder, I found him an hour later reading a slash story I was working on. >.< I was so embarrassed that I deleted the entire thing and refused to write for like a month.

    Later he told me that it was a really good story, but I needed to work on my grammar a bit. -_- I started saving all my writing on a flash drive that I kept with me at all times.

    Oh, and I also had a folder with everything I'd ever written on paper from the time I was like 11 years old in it. Songs, storys, poems, everything. When my ex boyfriend and I broke up it got left at his house. He texted my sister a week later and told her "your sister writes some really messed up stories* When I found out I asked him for the folder back, and he told me he'd burned it.
    January 20th, 2012 at 04:58am
  • wicked innocence

    wicked innocence (150)

    United States
    dru protects herself:
    And one time I left my notebook open in class when I went to get a drink of water and everyone read it. They teased me.
    This...I was so embarrassed. Facepalm
    January 23rd, 2012 at 08:46pm
  • done in love.

    done in love. (200)

    United States
    About a year ago, my basement flooded really badly - like, ankle deep water - and my room is in the basement. Well I had my book-bag on the floor next to my bed, and in that was my story binder, which had just about everything I was working on at that time in it, only about half of which was typed out and on the computer. Needless to say, the entire binder got soaked in that flood (along with half of my room).

    So I was freaking out. I was literally crying about losing all of that work. My parents didn't know that I was THAT passionate about my writing until that day. So my mom was trying to help and told me to lay out all of the papers individually over the kitchen counter and table so they could dry. Then I started freaking out even more because I couldn't just suddenly be all "Oh, they can stay ruined if that's my only other option".

    And let me just say, I had some weird shit on that table all day. There were slashes (and my parents are both slightly homophobic), I think two sex scenes, a story about cancer, and some seriously depressing stuff too.

    I don't know if anyone read any of my writing that day, but nobody's ever said anything about it, so I can only hope they left it all alone.
    March 22nd, 2012 at 05:54am
  • Blackjack.

    Blackjack. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Once I left a notebook out on a table in Science. And this popular girl found it and left a note saying 'Miss N*** has found the porn. Tut tut Lilian!'
    And I was really confused because there was NOTHING even slightly pornographic in it XD

    When I was at work, one of the guys took my huge refill pad of A Handful of Dust and started reading a bit of the first page where there's a description of Adam's hands. And he was like 'What is this, soft-core porn?' and I was like 'NO ITS HANDS THEY'RE HANDS THERE IS NOTHING WRONG ABOUT HANDS' and then he teased me about it for a while.

    And my mum always complains that I never let her read my writing, so I dedicated my NaNo last year to her and deliberately left out any possible sex or harsh language. But when I finally got round to letting her read it, I realised she really wouldn't like it. I was write. The prologue made her cry and she hasn't read anymore since XD
    March 23rd, 2012 at 03:58pm