Got Caught?

  • dontcallmepuddin!

    dontcallmepuddin! (105)

    United States
    This wouldn't really count as getting caught, but I'd like to share. Wow
    Near the end of my freshman year, my humanities teacher had the class write a paper on something they learned in his class. I decided to write a story. An actual story, as in one of my early, undeveloped fanfics. I had just started writing so it was to say in the least, horrible. I justified that it was okay to turn in a story because humanities is a combonation of both english and history, basically. So I turned in my fanfic, my teacher read it and returned it to me saying that I had to redo the assignment. I really think he had something against me and my friend because he was always so rude to us. He didn't agree with my justification, so I redid the assignment on something geographical. I honestly don't remember what. That's my "got caught" story. Con

    I never really liked my humanities teacher. He was a douche. Finger
    August 5th, 2010 at 06:37pm
  • Saul Hudson

    Saul Hudson (355)

    Here's mine

    So this was a couple weeks ago because my harddrive recently failed on my computer and I had to get a new one.
    So after I got it installed/putin I exclaimed that I would have to restart all my oneshots since I hadn't saved any of them. To which he replied. "Nope I managed to copy all of them onto the media vault (this huge ass saving thing we have) and I read most of them too." And I froze because most of what I write is fan fiction and normally includes sex, drugs, vulgar language that type of stuff. And then he goes on. "By the way, who's Nikki Sixx?" I nearly died, because I wrote quite a few in depth sex scenes about him and Tommy Lee. xD

    Thank god my dad doesn't listen to rock or anything like that.
    August 5th, 2010 at 11:19pm
  • Dr.

    Dr. (150)

    United States
    I'm sorry, but I just feel really bad for the kids who write smut, and that smut gets discovered by the last person they'd ever want to read it.

    That's terrible.

    My experience with this, though, is notebooks. I have a lot. I write very personal things in them. They're like my diaries. I'm not seeking sympathy, but those notebooks caused me not to be adopted, and to nearly be put in a mental institution.

    They were that effed up.
    August 5th, 2010 at 11:37pm
  • StayPerfect

    StayPerfect (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love reading the stories on this thread. It's nice to know it's not just me that hides my stories from parents.

    I've never been caught as such just almost caught.
    A couple of months ago my computer decided to go and get itself a virus. I don't use the computer anymore as I write on my laptop now but there was still a lot of old stories left on it. Anyway, my dad took it into his work for the IT guy to fix and I was completely crapping it in case he found any of the stories and read them then told my dad about them. They don't really contain much but there are a lot of slash stories. My parents know I write but I've only ever let them read the very mild stories and only once and never slash.

    My dad came home that day and said that the guy had fixed it and said that he liked my stories. I was mortified but then he said he was joking and laughed at me for reacting the way I did.

    My mum comes into my room all the time and I normally scroll to the end page of a word document before she comes in and pretend to be biting my nails or something, she always asks what I'm doing though and when I say nothing she just asks again until I stop responding or she gets bored.

    A long time ago I had a friend that I let read some stuff I wrote, which at that point was very, very shit. She read them online too and asked when I would update them all the time, I think she was just being a good friend when saying she liked them though.
    August 6th, 2010 at 01:29am
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    I actually forgot about my recent "got caught" moment until this morning.

    A few weeks ago, I was writing a Zacky Vengeance story in church because I only went to appease my grandmother, and I was bored. So what better to do than write, right? It's a pure sex one-shot; with lots of cussing and graphic sex descriptions. I got up to go to the bathroom right after the service ended and forgot that I left my notebook, which I was writing it in, on the chair next to my grandmother. Facepalm She didn't read it, but the pastor did. Thank God he only got halfway through before I got back and took my notebook back. He just gave me a really stern look and told me I shouldn't be writing things that had curse words during church, before he patted my back and said my style of writing is good other than that. lmfao
    August 6th, 2010 at 08:52pm
  • Sanestar6

    Sanestar6 (100)

    United States
    When I was ten I wrote very, very crappy fanfictions on, about those Deadliest Catch guys. There were a small group of us that did this, and we would ask if we could borrow characters and such, basically we just created our own little world.

    I titled one called 'Hate of Brothers' and, over email, asked someone if i could borrow her character for a large part of the fic.

    Dad saw the email and thought I was writing hate stories about my brother. Facepalm

    Then he found the forum. He never actually read the whole story, he just accused me of writing the stories about my brother. He read the prologue, and that was all. but I was forced to delete all my writing, disappear from the forum, and my computer rights were heavily restricted. Sad

    I was so afraid he'd find some of my other stuff, so I deleted all of my writing and stopped writing. And I haven't written a fanfic or any type of novel for over five years. Mibba got me black into it, lol. I don't let anyone I know read my stuff anymore.
    August 7th, 2010 at 06:11am
  • dressedtokill

    dressedtokill (100)

    United States
    I cant bring myself to cuss or anything else in my stories as a just incase. Honestly im freaked out that my parents or siblings would find my stuff...
    August 8th, 2010 at 07:55am
  • arwen undomiel

    arwen undomiel (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    When I was about 10 and I'd just discovered fanfiction, I wrote the classic "Girl moves to America, Gerard Way is her next door neighbor and loves her immediately" type thing which I still cringe thinking about. Well anyways, I wrote it on my phone and my brother found it and mocked me. It wasn't too bad but I still cringe thinking about it.
    August 16th, 2010 at 01:52am
  • pierrot the clown.

    pierrot the clown. (100)

    I printed out a one-shot around 2 years ago and left it someplace in my closet and sort of forgot about it. A couple of months ago, my mom told me she had to return me some papers she'd "borrowed" from me and I found the one-shot amongst them. She left it unspoken and didn't force me to talk about it (even though it was a really messed up one-shot that involved prostitution and drugs), but I was dying inside. It was back when I was one of those look-up-fancy-words-in-the-thesaurus-you-don't-know-the-meaning-of-and-use-them writers, so the plot was barely understandable and the messed up things were only implied, but it was still pretty horrible.

    I know I wrote it with Frerard in mind, but I haven't had the courage to re-read it to see if I ever used the names. My mom is familiar with the names Frank and Gerard, and it'd be so humiliating. T_T
    August 17th, 2010 at 05:50am
  • Francois Arouet

    Francois Arouet (100)

    When I was 12 or 13 my mom was looking through my school binder and found a song I wrote t hat I'd printed out because my friends wanted to add a tune to it. She wasn't sure what it was so she took the page, googled the lyrics, and found my account on a writing site. She went through all the poems I posted (no stories :D), and was pretty worried about some of the darker themes, but I was innocent enough then, thank God. She thought the song I wrote was really good so she showed it to everyone at work, as well as my cousins, and gave someone (either my uncle or her friend, I can't remember) the link to my account on the writing site (it wasn't Mibba, by the way). -_- I didn't find out until I was over at my cousins' house like a month after and my older cousin asked if she could sing the song for something or another. It was awkward. Not porn or anting, but the song was in first person about a girl realizing that the boy she loved only thought of her as a friend. Not based on any real experience, but everyone must have thought it was. o.o

    Oh, I have a poem on here that's about a boy raping a girl and then her killing him. I was giving a link to a (male) friend on MSN, and I accidentally copy-pasted the link to the poem...It used to be pretty graphic. He read it and was all "Woah. You're baaaad." and "That. Was awkward." It really was. xD
    August 17th, 2010 at 06:08am
  • CoyoteWylie

    CoyoteWylie (100)

    United States
    I left my writing notebook in my English class in seventh grade year, and the next class I was sitting there and my teacher called me up and handed me the book back. He had to have read it, because he knew it was mine and my name was on one of the pages, not the cover. Super embarrassing :/
    August 18th, 2010 at 01:11am
  • itsumo.

    itsumo. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Recently, I was revising for my History exam in the garden, and I got bored, so I started drafting a Frerard oneshot. It was nothing graphic or anything, but I did mention that Frank had sex with both a man and a woman. So anyway, I bought it inside and left it open on my bed while I went downstairs to get some food; when I came back upstairs, it was kind of obvious that Mum had read it, because she came out of the room very quickly after I asked her what she was doing.

    The mortifying thing is that she knows who both Frank and Gerard are. Shifty

    The only people I do let read my stories are obviously Mibba, and one of my good friends, who also writes a lot. Cute we sometimes share ideas, haha.
    August 18th, 2010 at 06:27pm
  • swell

    swell (150)

    A couple of months ago, I needed help with my philosophy essay so I asked Mibba for help. A month later, my friend decides to write the prompt for the essay into google and guess what comes up; my post. She clicks on it and OMG. My details (name, country, yada yada) is on the side bit. So of course I had to confess that it was mine. I mean, what are the odds that it's another girl doing the exact same essay as I was?

    My friend is surprised, but not so much because she writes too. It's funny; she lets me read her stuff but not me with her because I'm so personal with my stuff. Anyways she says that later that night she will go on and write up her essay from that.

    I started to freak out, although I wouldn't mind if she read my Justin Bieber fanfics and what not, I had a femmeslash with a lotta sex in it and I did NOT want her to read it in case she thought of me as a weirdo, etc etc.

    As soon as I got home, I deleted the post, changed my username and deleted the story. The next day, my friend didn't say anything about me deleting the post so I assumed she didn't see it. To this day I've never said anything.

    And frankly, I'm scared to.
    November 5th, 2010 at 04:37am
  • bucky barnes.

    bucky barnes. (705)

    United States
    I printed out a slash Gerard/Bert story back when I was like, 13 or 14 years old. I always kept it in a safe place under all my other papers in my desk so whenever I felt like rereading it, it was there and I didn't have to search for the link or anything (which was good, because the author took the story down soon after).

    A few months later my mom decided to clean my desk for me as a nice gesture.

    Guess what she found? Facepalm

    Luckily she had no idea what it was. She was genuinely confused. I told her it was an old project for school and threw it out.

    To this day, she has no idea. lmfao
    November 5th, 2010 at 06:54am
  • Jonne Aaron.

    Jonne Aaron. (100)

    Back in the seventh grade, when I used to write bad MCR slash in various forms, one of the kids in my class picked up the notebook I had on my desk that I happened to be trying to write sex scenes in.

    I remember there was a line in there where someone said they "had strange fantasies." And that was what caught this kid's eye, so he proceeded to read through it all until I managed to wrestle it back off him.

    And that line lived with me through the rest of the year. That terrible, terrible line. Facepalm

    I also submitted a thirteen page Bert/Gerard slash for my main English assignment later that year, which I still have somewhere. That wasn't really getting caught, but it was still a bad idea in retrospect to let my seventh-grade teacher read about various members of MCR and The Used being vampires/werewolves and hacking each other to death/tearing out each others' throats/literally biting off limbs/killing themselves, etc.
    November 5th, 2010 at 12:41pm
  • Cursed333

    Cursed333 (150)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    First of all, I just have to say I LOVE this thread! lmfao

    I didn't think of any getting caught moments until just now. Once when I was in seventh grade I left one of my notebooks in science class by accident. I was just starting to really get into writing and I freaked out because it had a lot of personal things in it. I looked all over but couldn't find it anywhere. A couple days later this kid had my notebook in his hand and started reading a romantic scene out loud. Back then I was pretty awkward with writing romantic scenes and I was mortified. I punched the kid and the book fell to the floor. I put my foot on it until I was able to pick it up safely. I lied and said he made up the romantic bits. Embarassed

    Eighth grade I started on mibba and started to really get into slash stories. Alot of the stories involved graphic scenes. One day my stepdad and mum called me in and asked if I had been reading the stories that they found in the computer history. I almost died. They said they were too inappropriate and I was not allowed to go anywhere near stories like that or I'd lose the computer. I denied it and blamed it on my sister but I'm sure they knew it was me. Facepalm

    I used to write everything in notebooks. I had piles and piles of them before I got a laptop. I'm not sure if my parents ever read any of them but they always made it sound like they thought I might be writing sexy scenes so I could never be sure. My stepdad yelled me at once because he thought I might be writing something bad though I insisted I wasn't and was able to convince my mom. He thought this because the title of the story he caught me working on was 'You know what they do to guys like us in prison.' In reality it was frerard and of course contained sex scenes (though poorly written ones.) My mom would say things about how I shouldn't write anything I was too young for but now it turned into things like this. "You should let me read your stories. I know your getting older so if there's a little bit of something in there it's okay." Even if she suspects me writing romantic scenes I'm sure she has no idea how graphic some of them have gotten now that I'm older.

    I always worry what if my parents saw what I write? That's why I've put passwords on most of my stories and I've been editing a lot of them to make the scenes less graphic. I've erased some and others I disguised by making them the same color as the page also. I delete my history a lot too. The only thing is if they ever actually venture onto my mibba but they've never showed an interest in it so I'll just hope they never do decide to find it one day. I try to be pretty sneaky Shifty
    November 5th, 2010 at 11:49pm
  • Cursed333

    Cursed333 (150)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I was embarrassed about my writing, so I always kept my stuff hidden from people. I always kept my main book on me so that no one could read it. One day my mum was bored, and she stole my book to see what I was always scribbling down. The next day I woke up and freaked cause I couldn’t find it, and I walked to my mum and dad’s room to find my mum sitting in bed reading. As I was about to step through the door though, my mum said to my dad, “Some of this stuff is really raunchy, maybe she isn’t a lesbian.”

    WTF right.

    After that, my mum figured out where I was hiding my stuff, and started showing it to everyone!

    She also happened to read a really graphic slash I did one day, and now, whenever she tells people I’m a writer, and they ask what I write, she instantly says, “Gay sex. You know, like anal.”

    It’s very embarrassing.

    And, her latest Endeavor left me with my father death glaring every guy I talk to, because she said to him, “I think she’s lying about being a virgin, cause I saw a story she wrote on the computer, and the whole thing was about sex, and it was way to believable for her to still be a virgin.”

    Thanks mum.

    Oh wait, as of yesterday or the day before, she stopped saying, “gay sex,” and instead says, “incest.”
    I'm sorry but this is kind of funny. I think my parents would freak if they saw what I write. I'm a lesbian but I write mostly guy on guy stuff. It would be pretty odd trying to explain that. And everyone knows I'm a 'good girl' waiting until I'm getting married before I have sex so it would be weird about all the graphic scenes I wrote. I would die of embarrassment. Embarassed
    November 5th, 2010 at 11:53pm
  • Padfo0ot.

    Padfo0ot. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Uhm, I am really really uptight on who I let near my laptop/iTouch etc, etc. Incase they find anything, I only let the closest of friends read my stories and mibba.
    My friend writes a lot and such so it isn't so bad, she beta's my stories and helps me out a lot. :D
    My mum would kill me if she found my legit, so I keep everything hidden in like 50 folders all inside eachother :D
    November 6th, 2010 at 12:29am
  • One Amahira

    One Amahira (100)

    United States
    My friends and family know I write and many of them know I write fanfiction. Aside from my sister (and now recently my husband) I've never let anybody I know in person read my prose. I've shown my poetry to more people though...

    At any rate, back in college in 2008 an older friend of mine who knows I write saw my writing in my notebook while we were waiting for our early morning class to start. She asked what I was writing, and at the time I was writing the order of my music on my mp3 player (because it was cheap and can't sort songs) in my dayrunner, but my notebook was open to some things I'd been brain storming for a possible sex scene in a story, and she looked at that! She made a benign remark about it and I snapped at her.

    I felt bad about it. We've been friends since I was 13 and I apologized and explained I've always been very protective and paranoid about sharing my stories with people I know in person. Of course I had nothing to be embarrassed that it was a sex scene, I'd have been snappy and mad regardless what it was I was working on. She and her husband are way bigger perverts than I'll ever be!

    I'm sure my mother would be cool with any of my writing if I wanted to show it to her. We've had all kinds of discussions with each other, including about our sex lives. My father on the other hand... well for one thing he doesn't read more than the newspaper, but this is the man who jokingly liked to pretend my husband slept on the sofa the two years we were living together before our wedding!

    Yeah, Dad, I'm sure Grandma believed you when you said you slept on the sofa at Mom's apartment when you were dating. Mm-hmm!
    November 8th, 2010 at 09:19am
  • rocknrolljunkie989

    rocknrolljunkie989 (100)

    United States
    Generally, I leave up whatever story I'm working on when I get up to do things like get a drink. One day, I came back to my room to find that my brother was sitting on my bed, reading the most recent story I had been writing. It was a fluff fic, so all he could do was laugh and exclaim "I can't believe you have a character named after Marilyn Manson!"

    At my mom's, I write with my headphones on so that I can block all excess noise. One day, I turned around to see my stepdad standing there, so I closed off the story (Which was a guy-on-guy makeout scene) and he laughs, ruffles my hair, and says, "Don't worry. I'll read it later!" I was so embarassed.

    And in junior high, I had a notebook that I wrote smut in because I felt I needed practice in that area. I kept it in a drawer under my other notebooks from when I was a kid. There was one night when I went in there to look for it, and it was gone! I have a feeling my mom took it, but she never said anything to me about it. I'm just waiting for the day when she pulls it out and shows my future boy/girlfriend.

    Needless to say, I'm much more careful nowadays.
    November 11th, 2010 at 02:24am