Got Caught?

  • vanete.

    vanete. (350)

    United States
    I've never been caught. I willingly give my parents my slash. :file:

    However, I do go have to watch myself when I'm on Mibba in school since my computer teacher can look at what we're doing whenever we're doing it when we're on the school computers in his class. It makes me wonder if he read this slash story I wrote last year in the drafts when I was in his class. :shock: If he did he didn't say anything or tell me off but it wasn't graphic anyways.

    And then I was writing in Social Studies class and afterward my teacher hinted that, while he knows I can keep up, that I will have to know all of it and should pay attention. He was really nice about it though. I had all the notes, though. :|
    December 30th, 2008 at 03:45am
  • humanity's strongest

    humanity's strongest (100)

    United States
    I was writing a chapter for my story I Thought I Saw A Putty Cat!, the chapter where the main character wakes up in the hospital practically numb sometime in April I think.
    One of the girls in the class who I was loose friends with, Brea, asked if she could read it. She wouldn't be able to guess it was fan fiction so I said yeah.
    Her and another loose friend Maddie read it, and they told me it was really good. :tehe:
    Thank goodness I wasn't writing any of my frerard stuff in that class. They would've been weirded out. :XD
    December 30th, 2008 at 05:41am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    druscilla; ever.:
    My brother Josh used to read my stories when he was younger just to be a little brat.
    Now he's grown up a bit and I don't mind him reading them.
    Although the fact that he keeps begging for updates of "Decayed Dancer" is a little creepy . . .
    He does?
    Thank you for that information. :weird
    I am never letting him down. :shifty
    December 30th, 2008 at 07:08am
  • ciarmione.

    ciarmione. (100)

    Everytime my classmates see me writing something randomly, they'd do everything to see it, just because I've been awarded the best in writing ever since I was in the first year of highschool.
    So sometimes even before I finish something, they steal my work and just check it out.
    And most of the things I write are kept from people I know in real life.
    December 30th, 2008 at 03:28pm
  • schouperman

    schouperman (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    In like, June last year, I was writing this long crap story which I still fear talking about. And I'd been writing it when I was in bed, so I slipped it under my pillow and then when I woke up, it wasn't there. I went APE, honestly. I was so scared that someone was going to go into my room and see it and so I was in this rush trying to find it before school so I could hide it, and it was wrapped in my bedcovers ._.

    Nowadays, if I'm writing something, people will ask to see it, and I'll be like "Not now, when I'm finished, for the love of God" and then I never end up finishing them. :| Not because of that, I just never bother to. But they'll have forgotten anyway, so I don't see the point in them ever knowing.

    My parents don't know (Well, I don't think they do) because I keep everything either in the notebook that's with me or in the one drawer under my bed, which hardly opens that much anyway, along with some other stuff they don't know about :/ and I password all the stuff I'd hate them to read when it's on the computer, or write it on google docs when I'm on this downstairs computer :')
    December 30th, 2008 at 03:37pm
  • Mala

    Mala (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My classmate Carla stole a draft off me and read it,
    i didn't know untill a few hours later she gave it back to me, with the words "shit" all over it xD
    quite funny
    December 30th, 2008 at 11:31pm
  • Glass Passenger

    Glass Passenger (250)

    Well, I have all my stories under passwords on my computer and dont let anyone snoop around. I only write when I know no one will interupt me and I alway close the curtains behind me because you can read what is on the computer screen in the window. I never write in a notebook because someone might find it and I never write at my school - which just happens to be an all girls private catholic school.
    But I am going away in a few weeks with no computer so I'm going to have to use a notebook, but I have no idea how to hide it.

    I have never been caught and would never live it down if I was.
    December 31st, 2008 at 08:57am
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    I think my friend's mother may have read one of my Waycest stories. :shifty I gave a typed copy to my friend and she kept it in the headboard of her bed and apperently after one night when her mom slept in there, everything had been rearranged, including the story.

    But it's never been mentioned and I don't plan to bring it up. :file:
    December 31st, 2008 at 09:06am
  • Cobweb.

    Cobweb. (100)

    United States
    During Algebra II I always write because I despise mathmatics and the teacher is incredibly old. Bridget, my only true friend in that class, has taken my notebook away multiple times and has been able to read a few words before I snatch it from her hands. I get so made at her when she does that :XD. She always askes me why I can't read it and I just shake my head as if I'm sick of listening to her. It's mean, but I cannot risk getting out in the open. Oh! And two years ago in freshman Religion there was always this random guy named Nick that would stand up and hover over to to try to read what I was writing. It was really weird. Looking back though, it wouldn't have been that bad considering I used to write het but yeah. I've never officially been caught, and if I ever was I'd probably stop writing and drop off the face off the earth. I can't believe Court was caught by the way, I miss her stories so much...
    January 1st, 2009 at 01:01am
  • Gibbers

    Gibbers (150)

    United States
    So last week, I was at a huge Boxing day party. All my relatives were there and all that crap. I was upstairs writing because I was at the most intense part of my story and I was pretty spaztic about it. :P When I get to a good part I get like that. The part I was at, the climax was an extremely graphic suicide scene. I went outside for some air because writing that was so intense. While I was outside, my uncle and my cousins went upstairs where I left my notebooks lying out.... stupid much. They took them downstairs and started reading out loud. I came in and saw him with my notebook staring at it like it was a trashed Qu'ran. Thank god he wasn't reading that part out loud... I freaked out, stole my story back and ran upstairs. I couldn't show my face for the rest the night. It was mortifying. What can I say? When I have to write, it's like drug withdrawl. I HAVE to write.
    January 1st, 2009 at 04:00am
  • ciarmione.

    ciarmione. (100)

    The funniest time I had almost been caught was when I was writing then one of the guys in my class suddenly snatched it and I chased him around the classroom, knocking all the chessboards which made a lot my classmates angry (it was a free time and almost everyone was playing chess).
    I think he had read about one or two paragraphs before he stopped running and gave it to me. I wasn't that pissed though, he was a pretty close friend.
    January 1st, 2009 at 04:59am
  • bullets are hailing.

    bullets are hailing. (250)

    United States
    I got caught when I updated and the next day, I decided to reread it
    at a party. At that party, my older cousin came in and read it over my shoulder and
    she was like, "This story is good. Who wrote it?" (she didn't know my username)
    But my other cousin who's apart of mibba told her and she then said, "I like it.
    Send me the rest."
    I felt kinda proud. :con:
    January 1st, 2009 at 10:22am
  • winterfell.

    winterfell. (450)

    United States
    One time my mom almost caught me updating my story on Mibba. I thought she read it, and I went really pale and started trembling, even though it wasn't graphic or anything. I just freak if anyone reads something of mine, especially in my prescence.
    January 1st, 2009 at 08:21pm
  • beej

    beej (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I have never ever been caught. I am very good at hiding things. XD
    I don't know how either of my parents would react. My dad would probably laugh and then give me tips or something. I honestly don't know how my mum would take it. I'm an adult so it really doesn't matter, they can't do anything about it. I still don't want them to know what I write though. Or read, for that matter.

    Never print slash out in a public place, like the library or wherever. I almost had a heart attack making sure I got from my pc to the printer before anyone else! XD
    January 2nd, 2009 at 03:54am
  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    The first story I wrote for the Internet was a Lord of the Rings fanfic and it was completely cliche and Mary-Sue filled. I was very proud of it, so I showed my mom, and keep in mind the main character's father was this big to-do legend of an elf. And she laughed. Thumb down Not cool.

    I write only one fanfiction at school, and it's a Jacob Black/Twilight fic. I can only write it in this one class because we always have the lights out and I have a full computer between me and the other girl on my row. But I was once tackled by a classmate for wearing a Twilight shirt and she was excited that I was a fan, and now I'm afraid anyone will see it. Self-consious.
    January 2nd, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • Cyanide Nightmare.

    Cyanide Nightmare. (100)

    United States
    I asked my Mom for some advice while I was writing 'Numbness of the Heart'. She knows I write fanfic and has read a few of my older stories, but she doesn't know about my slash stories. I was scared to death about her finding it 'cause I thought she would make me stop. But, when I finished my oneshot she asked to read it. So I printed her a copy and went to school.

    So, when I got home she was all like 'You made Brendon Urie gay.' and I was like Yeha. I did. Then she told me what she thought of it, she thought it was funny. I love my mommy.
    January 6th, 2009 at 08:39pm
  • cardiotoxicity

    cardiotoxicity (100)

    New Zealand
    I've come sooo close to telling mum about my stories. I don't write porn like everyone else & I think she would like them, but I don't want to just incase. :cute: And it's kinda embarrassing.. Me & mum are really close, but I dunno I just don't really want any family/friends or anyone I know personally finding them. :|
    January 7th, 2009 at 06:54am
  • Venomous.

    Venomous. (300)

    I keep my notebook under my bed. I don't write stories in it because I have messy handwriting and I can't get the words down fast enough before I change my mind.

    But it's just my place for loose ideas that I jot down in the middle of the night when they come to me. My dad was trying to find my cat, who was under my bed and he found it. I snatched it out of his hand before he opened it. >.< I'm glad he didn't read it. There's some scary stuff in it.
    January 7th, 2009 at 07:11am
  • rock_ur_self

    rock_ur_self (150)

    United States
    I was entering a story contest for a magazine a few weeks ago and my parents found some of the entries. Of course they read them.

    I hate when they read my stuff. It makes me feel so uncomfortable.
    January 8th, 2009 at 01:45am
  • pretty monsters

    pretty monsters (100)

    United States
    My brother found my first fanfic (Harry Potter, quizilla, I didn't even finish it. it was two chapters) and teased me mercilessly about it. Thus starts the hatred of my family reading my stories. omgno:

    I usually write longhand before typing, so a lot of times there's notebooks/loose leaf hanging around my computer area, which my mom loves to clean. Luckily, I'm always on the computer, so when she picks it up, I snatch it out of her hands (I tell her it's not finished and I hate people reading half my story, without the rest of it.)

    Here comes the worst. Chapter two of Some People Have it And Other People Don't. I cowrite it with my best friend, Logan, and her requirements were "write about [the main character] going to the club up until the sex scene". So, the last few paragraphs get a little hot. Plus some bad language.

    My mom found it and read it. :shock: :mrgun:

    I told her it was for Logan. :cute:
    January 9th, 2009 at 03:51am