Oldest Children.

  • I'm the oldest.
    I do love the perks of it.
    But I hate being the one they test their parenting skills on.
    They don't tell me I have to set an example because my sister would never follow it. :XD
    May 29th, 2009 at 02:49pm
  • I'm the oldest of three. I have two half-brothers; one is 8 1/2, and one is 7.

    I, too, agree with the "science experiment" point. My stepmom understands that, probably because she was the oldest of two. My brothers are allowed to use potty humor and minor swear words; when I was their age, I wasn't allowed to say stuff like "I'm gonna kick your butt!".

    What's odd is that I'm the sole child that my mother and father had together before they divorced, so, depending on how you look at it, I'm an only child, too...o_O
    May 29th, 2009 at 06:09pm
  • I'm the oldest of three. Only sometimes it doesn't feel that way cause my brother is only 16 months younger than me. We grew up together and fought a lot.
    My little sister who's 16 gets away with a bunch of stuff that I never could then and still can't now.
    My dad is still pretty hard on me. I can't even swear when he's in the room cause he'll give me a lecture on how "young ladies" are supposed to speak. Funny thing is, he only ever seems to hear me curse and not my brother or sister. Disgust
    June 3rd, 2009 at 09:45am
  • I'm the oldest of three. Two brothers, one 14 and one 4. I get all the lectures from my dad because I'm the oldest and therefore the most "responsible". Disgust
    June 3rd, 2009 at 10:21am
  • I'm the eldest of 7.
    My mum no longer says I should set an example. She wants a girly girl XD
    June 3rd, 2009 at 12:35pm
  • I'm the oldest of 3, and also the only girl. This has its advantages with my dad, because he treats me like a princess, but I definitely agree with the science experiment thing. I got much harsher rules than my little brothers.
    June 15th, 2009 at 06:22am
  • It's hard being the oldest. For me anyway. I basically have to take care of my three siblings. Well, one of them anyways.
    My brother that I live with basically keeps me from runnign away because I know that if I leave him I'll be leaving him with my mom, who lets say, isn't going to win the mother of the year award. Sure she's a good mom when she's not making mistakes of her own. Sure I had to grow up so fast mentally that instead of feeling like a 13 year old I feel as if I am 27.
    My brother is 9 years old by the way. If my mom didn't have him, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I wouldn't like children. I wouldn't understand children. Basically I wouldn't know anything about them. Instead, I know just about everything about him and all the other kids his age.
    When we are in difficult situations, I have to keep myself from breaking down in front of him, because if I did he would freak out and break down himself. So, he's taught me how to be stronger. I consider him teaching me that because I wouldn't have had to learn to do it if he wasn't here.
    My other brother, 9, and my sister,6, live with my father and I hardly ever see them. My sister is deeply in love with me and always tells my distant relatives that when she's older she's going to be just like me and her biggest dream is to be closer to me in heart and in mind. Well, she didn't put it that way because she's only six.
    I also found out from my dad's sister, my aunt, that my sister has pictures of me from the newspaper hanging above her bed. I tend to be in the paper a lot (I'm not bragging) and I can only imagine what pictures she has of me.
    My other brother isn't anything like my brother that I live with. My other brother is different because he's lived with my father and not with me. My dad isn't the best influence and he's passed it along to my brother. I find it half my fault that I wasn't there for him. I can only hope my sister doesn't turn that way. I'll be waiting for the day she comes to my door and says, "I can't take it any more. Can I stay with you?" I'll be there.
    So, I love my siblings and I especially love my brother that I live with. If that day with my sister comes, I'll love her just the same. Maybe being the oldest isn't that bad. Maybe it's an opportunity of a life time.
    July 8th, 2009 at 06:25am
  • I'm the oldest of three
    my brother's 16, my sister's 14
    It used to be hell when i was younger, because they always ganged up on me by getting me in trouble, but it's not too bad now
    eh, it can only get better with time =]
    July 8th, 2009 at 09:56am
  • I'm seven and a half years older than my sister.
    I act like another parent.
    I also get blamed for everything.
    July 9th, 2009 at 07:28am
  • One thing I don't like about being the oldest is I think my mum feels like she has to make allowances for my brother just because of everything I'm allowed to do.
    And that annoys me because I wasn't allowed to do half of the things he's allowed to do when I was his age. :lmfao
    July 10th, 2009 at 11:09am
  • I get stuck as the live-in babysitter.
    Other than that, I like being the oldest. It has it's perks.
    July 10th, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • I'm the eldest of five, my youngest sister being fourteen years younger than me. I can't really give a judgment on what it's like to be the oldest, because it's all I've known, you know.

    But what sucks is that I was raised under such strict conditions (and less financially sound conditions) and so I'm used to receiving much less, and asking for far less than my brothers and sisters. I couldn't watch PG-13 movies until I was really 13, and I still can't watch R. But I feel like my siblings have way more freedom. They're not yelled at like I am, and if I am yelled at it's always because of something sarcastic (I never intend to be rude) I've said, which is excused in the blink of an eye with my brother. He says things to my parents that I would be freaking slapped for.

    *sigh* The negative is that parents really loosen up with discipline after the first kid is born. But they keep their initial strictness over said-oldest-child. It really sucks.
    July 11th, 2009 at 02:05am
  • there are ups and downs of being the oldest. ups: i get more privileges than my brother and sisters. downs: i gotta take care of my sisters
    July 12th, 2009 at 10:10pm
  • Yeah, I'm the oldest.
    I have a younger brother who is about to turn 11.
    Being the oldest is alright..I use to get blamed for everything when I was younger though.
    Because my brother is the youngest, and a boy, he does get the doubled standard sometimes.
    I use to get in trouble all the time, and the most my brother has gotten is a couple of spankings...but oh well.
    July 15th, 2009 at 11:13pm
  • I'm the eldest of two. It sucks, I have the hard household chores, the nightshift for taking the dogs to the bathroom (though I don't mind the dark it is still a pain), and I'm the one who is supposed to "know better" when we get into a fight or argument. Not too much thats good, except you can do things on your own I guess.
    July 16th, 2009 at 12:10am
  • Oldest of two.

    Cons: I always get blamed for everything; there are stupid double standards (especially with regards to dating, and the fact that I'm a girl and my brother's...well, a guy, makes it worse with my dad DX); no one believes me when my brother does something bad, but when I do something bad by accident, I get the blame, yadda yadda yadda.

    Pros: I'm the oldest child. The end.
    July 16th, 2009 at 02:22am
  • i'm the oldest of two

    sucks because of course i get blamed for stuff--my parents aren't letting me grown up --but my eleven year old brother gets to do whatever the hell he wants.

    rocks because eventually i'm gonna get out of this town and get away from these lies :)
    August 5th, 2009 at 06:40am
  • So, does anyone else have this problem?

    I am constantly getting in trouble for getting after my brothers. For example.

    Today, my youngest brother (Jack) began hitting my other brother (Steven). I yelled at them to stop, and then my mother tells me to shut up, that they weren't doing anything wrong, just being boys.

    Another instance is where Jack was throwing toys around, and yelling at the top of his lungs, so I told him to be quiet, and then my mom yells at me again, telling me to leave him alone, that it's her job to discipline the boys.
    I wanted to say, 'Then do your job!' but, that would only get me in more trouble. Disgust
    The list goes on.

    Anybody feeling my pain?
    August 5th, 2009 at 09:58am
  • Glinda the Good:
    So, does anyone else have this problem?

    I am constantly getting in trouble for getting after my brothers. For example.

    Today, my youngest brother (Jack) began hitting my other brother (Steven). I yelled at them to stop, and then my mother tells me to shut up, that they weren't doing anything wrong, just being boys.

    Another instance is where Jack was throwing toys around, and yelling at the top of his lungs, so I told him to be quiet, and then my mom yells at me again, telling me to leave him alone, that it's her job to discipline the boys.
    I wanted to say, 'Then do your job!' but, that would only get me in more trouble. Disgust
    The list goes on.

    Anybody feeling my pain?
    My Step-Dad does that. It's highly annoying.
    August 5th, 2009 at 12:01pm
  • I'm the oldest of five and my youngest sister is ten years younger than me. The worst part is definitely going through everything first (especially puberty) and not having anyone older to ask if I'm curious about something and don't want to ask my mum. I do like being the oldest, although it is the only thing I've ever known.
    August 6th, 2009 at 04:51pm