How Did You Name Your Pets?

  • the_truth_hurts

    the_truth_hurts (100)

    United States
    I named my puppy Hallie, after the tool used by firefighters everywhere called the halligan. I went through basic fire tech a couple of years ago and the class changed my life; so when we got our puppy the same month that the class was wrapping up, we wanted to give her a name that in some way paid homage. So we named her Halligan :))

    which, I should add, is a tool used for everything from prying open doors, to smashing windows, lifting rubble, searching for victims in a right-hand search (you have to keep one hand to the wall to prevent getting lost within the building, so you use your halligan to reach out further into the center of the room and make sure you don't miss anything), carrying things, helping pull yourself up in various locations if, for example, you're having some kind of problem with your legs, banging on something to make noise so that RIT can find you, and prying through any material you can think of..well, the list goes on.

    So I guess you could say my little Scottie terrier has a lot to live up to x3
    December 22nd, 2014 at 02:10pm
  • lonely girl.

    lonely girl. (250)

    Current cats:
    Bella - I was learning Italian at school and had just learned that it meant "beautiful". (I was in grade one or two, don't judge.)
    Patch - my sister named her because her fur is a white tortiseshell pattern.
    Matty - my other sister named him after the guy we got him from.

    Past cats:
    Shadow - he was black with a few white splotches, I was around seven years old. Need I say more?
    Honey - when I adopted her, it had been her previous owners name for her. I decided to keep it since her fur was a mix of light brown, orange and yellow.
    April 8th, 2015 at 03:41pm
  • blondie52

    blondie52 (100)

    United States
    It was easy, I looked at my white German Sheppard and named him snow.
    April 14th, 2015 at 07:29pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    My dog was already named when we got her from the breeder. Technically, her registered name is "Mini Angel" and she was named after her mother who was, obviously, named Angel. We just call her Angel though since Mini Angel is a mouthful. :P
    April 21st, 2015 at 06:19am
  • chasethecountylines;

    chasethecountylines; (100)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I have two cats, one was prenamed by the shelter, he's a Bengal cat and his name is Blaze.

    The other, a tuxedo cat, I've had since she was 5 weeks old - she is now 8 months old. She got her name because she was born around the same time my boyfriend and I got together... He and I are 'Jack & Sally' from Nightmare before Christmas so I named her after the dog, Zero
    June 16th, 2015 at 06:56pm
  • toki wartooth;

    toki wartooth; (150)

    United Kingdom
    My first cat is called Loki, after the Norse god. He's a proud looking blue cat, and as he's gotten older, Loki is a name that suits him. When we got him we were told he was a girl and we were gonna call him Toki, but I always liked Loki better. XD
    Our second cat is a dilute tortoiseshell girl, and called Tifa after Tifa from Final Fantasy 7. My fiance named her, and FF7 is one of his favourite games.
    Our last cat is named Cersei after Queen Cersei from Game of Thrones, because I love Cersei <3
    June 17th, 2015 at 12:29pm
  • Daenerys Stormborn

    Daenerys Stormborn (100)

    United States
    All of my pets were named after something, and there's a very long list, so prepare yourself.

    Aurora - My little tuxedo cat. This creature stole my heart, I'm so in love with her. She's named after the Disney Princess, because Aurora is the best name.
    Meraxes - My male bearded dragon, he's named after one of the ancient dragons in Game of Thrones. I call him Max for short.
    Nymeria - My female bearded dragon. She's named after Arya's wolf in Game of Thrones.
    Charmander - My first crested gecko. In case you're unfamiliar, Charmander is a type of Pokemon. I felt like it fit because my gecko is orange, just like Charmander.
    Ash - My second crested gecko. Named after the famous Pokemon trainer.
    Lily - My lesser ball python, I named her after Lily Potter, AKA the most fantastic woman in the Harry Potter series.
    Oliver - My corn snake, I named him after Oliver Phelps, who played George Weasley in Harry Potter.
    Toothless - My betta fish, named after the black dragon in How to Train Your Dragon.
    Marceline - My blackberry dwarf hamster, her full name is Marceline the Hamster Queen, which is a playoff of the name Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time.
    Princess Peach - My first leopard gecko, named after the blonde princess in the Mario franchise.
    Princess Daisy - My second leopard gecko, named after the brunette princess in the Mario franchise.
    Princess Zelda - My third leopard gecko, named after the princess in the Legend of Zelda franchise.

    That's my gang! There's a lot of us, I know, but they're all such wonderful creatures, and the greatest moments of my life are because of these lil nuggets.
    October 5th, 2015 at 11:54pm
  • SalyaDarken

    SalyaDarken (100)

    United States
    I named my dog, Rikku from Final Fantasy X yet she was suppose to be a male which I was going to name Riku from Kingdom hearts. -_- but noo, mom got me a female. oh well.

    I also have a cat named Midnight. His name came from a story that my bestie is writing. heh
    Mom has a cat which I name Sammy. Who which show that came from. hint: older brother is named Dean. xD
    November 1st, 2015 at 04:55am
  • fifthghost

    fifthghost (655)

    United Kingdom
    I love naming pets!

    I've had five cats in my time. The first was called Major Tom (but just Tom for short), named by my parents, after the song. The one that goes, "Ground control to Major Tom..." because supposedly all the kittens in his litter, previously owned by my parents' friend, were named after songs she liked.

    Then we had Mog, a stray we adopted. I was seven years old at the time and named him after my favourite book series, the Mog series by Judith Kerr, which are wonderful children's books. Our Mog looked nothing like the book character, and he was also a boy whereas in the book Mog is a girl, but no matter. :')

    Then we had Tiger Joey (just Joey for short), who was my kitten. He was a chubby kitten when we first got him and he ate all the time so I named him after Joey Tribbiani in Friends who loves food. The Tiger part got added just 'cause it sounded nice.

    Then we got Safi, who I named after a leopard cub on the documentary television series Big Cat Diary. Safi means 'clean' in Swahili.

    Currently, we have Brodie, who was named before we got him, but his name fits him perfect.

    My brother has also owned several fish over the years. His first lot were called Jelly, Jackson, and Murdoch (all named after children's TV show characters -- Jelly and Jackson were from something on CBeebies and Murdoch was a train on Thomas The Tank Engine). They died due to fin rot and the second lot were called Spots, Caspar, and Davy Harvey. Spots had spots, Caspar is white, and Davy Harvey was our dad's friend's idea, if I remember right. We also got a little algae eater fish who was named Murdoch the Second.
    November 12th, 2015 at 01:00pm
  • hengstin.

    hengstin. (250)

    United States
    My mom named our dog because he looked "regal" so he's Regis. Our rabbit is named Oreo because she's black and white, so, yeah.

    Our other rabbit, who passed away last month, was named Star(-dust) because he was blue and white, and because I am terrible with pet names. Our last dog was Mickey because my mom always wanted to have a son named Michael, but who she could call Mickey.

    Our late female cat was Softball because she was "a soft ball of fur," and our late male cat was Hardball because, well, it was an easy name for the second half of that pair. They ended up "Pud Girl" and "Pud Boy" because my aunt kept calling them "puddins."
    September 26th, 2016 at 04:21am
  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    I have tons of pets so... And even more in the past, but I'll just talk about my current babies!

    My cats:

    I have a boy cat who's ten years old named Colby Tucker. My sister suggested "Toby" when we were little and I wanted to name him, so I changed it to a C. Very insightful, I know. I'm not sure where "Tucker" came from, but it's super cute. We call him Colby Jack Tucker.

    I have a grown female (about two), named Viola Effy. She was a stray that I rescued. My sister actually picked out "Viola" and it fits her so well. Effy is actually E-F, because it's "Extra Fat" which is ironic, because Viola is super fluffy, but she's really the smallest cat ever. She got that nickname when she was pregnant with kittens. She's so small that it looked like she'd swallowed a beach ball.

    My last cat is actually one of Viola's kittens. Her name is Frances Pilot. Frances is a name that I really liked. I really first started to like it when I was watching Reign. The character is called Francis king of France and I was drawn to him. So his name inspired Frances's name. "Pilot" comes from Twenty One Pilots.

    My sister's cats:

    She has two boys, Titus and Bruno. They're from Viola's second litter (she's been spayed since!) Reagan picked out "Titus" because it went well with her other cat (who passed this month, Thor), and I picked out Bruno. Originally we thought he was a girl, so we called him Bianca, but I changed it when we realized he was a little boy.

    My mom's dogs:

    She has two. Stink and Pumpkin. Pumpkin was a dog that we got from a farm. She's orange, white and brown. Reagan actually picked out her name. Stink's name has a huge story. He was a stray that we found when we lived in another state and he kind of picked us as his family. He was sprayed by a skunk, so lol, he literally stinked. I started calling him "Stink" and four years later, it's still his name. :)
    September 28th, 2016 at 07:09pm
  • QueenProgrammer

    QueenProgrammer (100)

    United States
    When I first got my dog, her name was EZ. And her mother was named Latte pronounced lat-te. I ended up giving them both different names. Latte had given her the nickname small fry (because she was the smaller of the two). EZ has had many different nicknames and actually answers to all of the nicknames I have given her. There is Ezma (for her evil eye), Becky (for her being a clingy-obsessed like dog. I sorta used supernatural for that one). Now her nickname is Dobo.
    October 2nd, 2016 at 01:49pm
  • disenchantments.

    disenchantments. (100)

    United States
    My first cat, Franklin, was named after Frankenstein. I thought he was super cool back then. He died though.

    My other two cats are named after family members. My grandma, and my aunt.
    Rose-Mary, and Ramona-Jean, but we call them Rosie, and Mona. Or Ro-Ro, and Mo-Mo.

    Boo-Boo, my pomeranian was already named when I got him.

    Sayla, my turtle, was just a spur of the moment name that stuck.

    Adio, my lizard, was named after the brand.
    My new kitten is named Wade.
    After the main character in Crybaby because he whines and cries a lot.
    Whenever I got Wade, a few weeks after I got his sister. The people who were originally going to get her never showed, and I had wanted to get two but that didn't happen. But then it did... cause you know they didn't show up. Facepalm

    ANYWHO, her name is Nolli. After the backwards Olli(skateboard trick). My friend actually suggested the name.

    And this year I got a ball python, whom I named Remi. After Gambit(X-Men), who is one of my favorite X-Men characters. I also just like the name Remi. So, yeah. Cute
    October 5th, 2016 at 06:28am
  • hengstin.

    hengstin. (250)

    United States
    Oreo (rabbit) got her name because she's black and white, and my sister was 10, so she didn't have a huge imagination for naming. Regis (dog) is just the name Mom thought fit him best when she first saw him. Topaz (cat) was named such because it's what kept shouting itself in my head when we decided to adopt her.

    Edit: As of January 23, 2017, we no longer have a rabbit. Cry
    December 13th, 2016 at 04:05am
  • San Junipero

    San Junipero (100)

    United States
    I had just moved out of my parents house and was living on my own with my best friend probably for about a week now. My roommate and I had woke up extremely hungover, but more importantly my roommate was still grieving from the encounter with her ex-girlfriend from the night before and felt the need to do something drastic. "Let's go to the adoption agency and get a cat," she said. And I was like yeah duh of course not realizing what I was actually doing. At one point I say out loud, "Let's name the cat Young Metro!" (Yes... like that song lyric) and next thing you know I'm sitting down filling out the adoption papers for a 15 year old cat and I'm like what am I doing ??? But it was too late and that's the story of how hungover me adopted my cat and named him Grandpa Metro (cause he's old... get it?). Fast forward to today and I love the damn thing like my own son. Kicking:
    December 26th, 2016 at 10:55am
  • mikrokosmos.

    mikrokosmos. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    Ruby was born when the Kaiser Chiefs song of the same name was popular tehe
    December 27th, 2016 at 01:26am
  • lil bil

    lil bil (100)

    United States
    Getting a goldfish was almost a last minute decision. I did some research and bought a tank my angry mother would soon despise me for. Spending money on fish? Ridiculous, would be her sum and substance. There was not a lot left said after that. I drove back to the pet store a few weeks later and picked out some golfish, although when the employee asked how old I was, and I was shaken. My age was something I never had been disputed on, which made the silence that followed asphyxiating. After being reduced to a nervous wreck under sudden scrutiny, I stammered out '17 and a half'. how lame. I had to call my mother and get her to buy the fish due to my inability to lie to a stranger over a month of my life in a chain petstore.

    Initially named Pop-eye and Olive Oyl, I felt it just wasn't a good fit for the two small and bumbly black fancy goldfish.

    Eventually I came up with the names Spider and Muggs. Due to the growing inhabitance of both in my bedroom where we keep the 40 gallon fishtank.
    January 13th, 2017 at 09:33pm
  • sun spirit

    sun spirit (120)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    For my birthday six years ago, I decided I wanted my own pet, a kitten to be exact, and my dad ended up finding a petshop near where he worked and reported back to me that there was a black one and a gray one. I never got to meet either of the kittens before I decided, just chose a color, and since I had never seen a fully gray cat, that's the one I went with. Thinking of names beforehand, I thought maybe I would call her Mist or Shadow, but when she came home, my dad pointed out that she was actually the color of ash. I kind of eyeballed this kitten for a moment, going through the name possibilities, and as it turned out, my dad was right. So I named her Ash.

    We also have a calico, and when we got her, the store said her name was Chauncey. We ended up letting my mom name her though, and my mom decided she needed a pretty name, so she became Chloe. Our newest cat is one that wandered up to our house starving. My sister decided she wanted this little black kitten and immediately her Nightmare. I prefer to call her Satan. My dad decided to name his bird Harley, after looking through a lot of names. I don't really know what process he used, but that's what she ended up being named. My mom kind of messed with our family when she was trying to name her bird. We knew we would be getting him for months before we actually did get him, so she was thinking of names for a long time. Every time you asked her what names she was thinking of, she'd list five, and she'd refer to him with a different name each time she talked about him. She went to pick him up with a name in mind that she was going to give him, Julian I think, but when she got back, she declared his name to be Jasper. As far as past pets go... we had Fluffy (who I named when I was three), Precious, Zorro (who turned out to be female), Bandit, Oreo, Snuggles, Daisy, Jasmine, Crash, Jax, Toby, Angel, Peter, Fluffer (a hamster), and Jazz.
    January 14th, 2017 at 08:58pm
  • Alsoldey

    Alsoldey (230)

    United States
    Loki was named after the Norse God and because I had no real good reason behind his name, but he fits it so well Facepalm he had the dark fur and very pretty green/blue eyes. It fits my little baby.

    My second cat is named Oliver after the movie Oliver and company. I call him Bubbi, or bobo bear, or even bubble bear. My mother can't pronounce his name and all his nicknames stuck.
    January 18th, 2017 at 06:20am
  • GothKrispies

    GothKrispies (100)

    United States
    I named my dog Peanut because I couldn't think of anything better to name her, but it fits. She's a Peanut. Her nicknames are P, Peanutter, Nutter Butter, Peanutterbutter, Nutty-butt...I'm probably forgetting a few.

    I named my pacman frog Snoop Frogg because I love stupid puns. I almost named him BUB since it'd be short for Big Ugly Bastard, which is what he's gonna be when he's reached his full size.

    My fish are Pumpkin (chocolate Betta), Larry, Curly, and Moe (all 3 are cory catfish). If I've got 3 of anything I default to naming them after the 3 stooges. I couldn't decide on a name for Pumpkin, but after a couple days I just looked at him and thought he looked like he should be named Pumpkin. He's not orange--his color switches between a tan body with black fins and a bit of beige or black body with black fins and a bit of beige. Pumpkin was an impulse buy. I got his tank mates because cories are bottom feeders that can keep the tank clean.

    Awhile back I had a leopard frog tadpole named Tad. (Don't buy those kits. The tadpoles always die.) I shouldn't have to explain why I named him that :P
    January 28th, 2017 at 04:37am