Funny School Moments

  • junioramazon.

    junioramazon. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Year 8 this ones from, it's bloody priceless though.
    Aimee was sent out of geography class for like, the 50th time that term. We had this really dozy teacher who lost her board marker and keys every five seconds, they where normally in her hand or in her pockets.
    So, Aimee was sitting at the desk outside the room, and the teacher goes out and starts telling her off for disrupting the lesson and Aimee just went "You're doin' my bap in woman."
    It was really fucking funny, I could hardly keep a straight face. The teacher certainly wasn't amused though, 'cause she came in all "it isn't funny."
    But it was.. :lmfao

    Then in Year 9 or 10, we where leaving art class, where Erin had been sitting singing nearly the whole time annoying everyone. Theres this four set of stairs outside the room, and Erin was singing again, so it went like this "All the children ought to knoooooowwww!" And she fell and landed flat on her face at the bottom of the stairs.
    It was immense. Especially seeing as she lifted her head up, looked around, stood up and acted like it never happened, even though everyone around her was dying from laughter.

    Then, about a week or so later, I wasn't here for this one, but she told all of us. Erin had been walking up some stairs, and tripped up and Mr Mansfield just so happened to be right in front of her at the time, so she grabbed his trousers to try and stop herself from falling and pulled them down :lmfao
    Apparently all he said to her afterwards was "Are you alright Erin?"

    English class, Miss Stevenson was telling Simon to stop talking for the millionth time, and to spice it up a bit she just sort of went "Simon... Shut iiiiittt."
    It's made funnier by the fact that she isn't the sort of teacher that is humorous very often.

    That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure I'll have something later.
    As the fun never stops when everyone you know is a bit.. Off-beat :lmfao
    January 21st, 2009 at 02:50pm
  • cardiotoxicity

    cardiotoxicity (100)

    New Zealand
    ^ :lmfao

    Everything in Year 10 was epic. But this one time in Geo Naughty Eveyrone decided to get their names up on the board by disrupting the class. Everyone but 3 people out of a class of 28. That's pretty awesome. :con:

    We got on class report. :file:

    Oh yeah. And in Spanish we had to do a play and me & my best mate at the time pretty much stole every single line from School of Rock & The Pick of Destiny. You kinda had to be there I guess. :shifty
    January 22nd, 2009 at 11:29am
  • what the chipmunk?

    what the chipmunk? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hmm, more have come to me...

    The school Murder Mystery.. that had some good memories. We needed a newspaper at one point and ended up getting The Daily Star; however, couldn't use it on stage 'cause every page had a picture of a half naked woman... but it was the cheapest newspaper in the shop :-(

    And in year seven, in Drama, we had to re-enact the Jabberwocky (or whatever, but yeah... the poem). Each group got a few lines and they were all either being crap or over-dramatic, but my group did this sad little dance (which I can still remember... ¬_¬). In my head, we look like dancing chipmunks.

    And in year eleven, we had lesbian Wednesdays. >_<
    Everyone was a lesbian on Wednesday, and we'd all sellotape these notes to our blazers about various stuff... we got teachers to join and everything. Oh, spreading the awareness...

    But yeah, men, women, children, horses, goats - these little things don't matter. Everyone's a lesbian on Wednesday. :roll:

    Probably all you-had-to-be-there-to-appreciate-it moments...

    ... aw, I miss it now. :-(
    January 22nd, 2009 at 02:03pm
  • dom howard.

    dom howard. (100)

    United Kingdom
    In bio, somehow Mr Collins went off into some tagent about clitorises, and the whole class got involved :lmfao
    January 22nd, 2009 at 05:36pm
  • humanity's strongest

    humanity's strongest (100)

    United States
    The entire last year of Geography. That was hilarious.

    There was this one time, in sixth grade, Mrs. Gorham, my math teacher, was gone for a month on a pregnancy leave and so we had a substitute, Mr. Clark. Well we were doing independent work and this kid that was in my class, Reid, was done working so Mr. Clark asked him if he was done since he was just sitting there. Reid said "Yeah," and Mr. Clark says "Reid, let me see your paper."
    It was all quiet for a minute, and then Reid farted loudly. :XD
    What was hilarious though was that apparantly it smelled horrible, and the whole side of the room that Reid sat in got up and moved to the other side of the classroom. (thank goodness I wasn't on the side Reid was at.)
    Through the rest of the year we joked saying "Reid, let me see your paper," and even through seventh grade we joked about it.

    Oh, and in math last year, my friend Maddie sat in the front of the row, then it was Shawn behind her, and I sat next to Shawn in the row next to them.
    Well Maddie's purse was on the edge of the desk, and she knocked it over so her stuff fell out, but several tampons fell out too and they were on Shawn's binder and folders, so I said "Uh, Maddie, I think you dropped something." And both Shawn and her look down and he sees her tampons on his stuff and she's like "Um, let me take those back.."

    Ah, good times, good times.
    January 22nd, 2009 at 08:30pm
  • purple haze.

    purple haze. (220)

    United Kingdom
    This is more scary... But its funny when I look back on it.

    Last year, we had this English teacher who was from California, and she was really scary. Anyway, me and Megan are in science, and she's outside covering a class so we started singing "Dr Jones" but instead of "Dr" we sung "Miss Jones" as thats her name. I said to Megan "Oh I bet she'll come in wearing a open crotched leopard print thong singing "Hey big spender" :lmfao

    We had her for English later on that day, and we couldn't stop laughing. Somehow, the whole "leopard print thong" thing got spread around the class, and my brothers 6form class, and this is how it became scary:

    - We were playing charades, and the one I got given was "pretend to be miss jones" so I'm like "oh crap" and pretended to be her, and someone shouted out "Leopard Print Thong" and Miss Jones knew what my charade was, and she's like "Whats this about my pants?" then people are like "Oh go on Violet, Megan tell her the leopard print thong story."

    - Me and Megan were putting her bag into her form room, and we were joking that Miss Jones would be in there, just in the thong sitting down and she'd slam a ruler down on the desk and scream "ENTER" anyway, the doors closed and theres a light on so we knock, and yes, Miss Jones goes "ENTER" :S but she wasn't in the thong, thank god.

    - On her last day, she asked us about the leopard print thong thing :| turns out she had found one of our notes where we were speaking chinese, and got her friend to translate it.

    - Me and megan were in Lancaster, we hardly go there - its where our teacher lived, and then as we're leaving we're like "thank god, we didn't see Miss Jones!" and then basically, out car stops at the crossing and guess who's crossing? The looks we got at school were scary :S

    Theres more, I just cannot remember.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 05:40pm
  • Guard Geek 101

    Guard Geek 101 (100)

    United States
    All of global today was funny first my teacher sat on the top of a desk and broke it and continues to fall on his ass (mind you he's 6 foot something) and know he's afraid to sit on a desk again. Then we went on and my teacher started talking about weed, then later in class it moved on to playboy, breast implants, botox injections, girtles, how it's illeagal to show nipples on tv, how men like hot chicks with little feet (don't ask), lyposuction and probably other stuff I can't remember. Today was awesome.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 08:36pm
  • junioramazon.

    junioramazon. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Doing pricing in Business Studies was amazing :lmfao
    Barely anybody could keep a straight face hearing the teacher keep saying "penetration" and "creaming".
    I'll never forget my pricing strategies though.

    The other day Josh came into business studies and told us all that Mrs Black (My maths teacher) had tripped up on the stairs and spilt her coffee all over him :lmfao

    And today in Science someone brought up the food chain while we where doing adaptation in animals. Alex questioned humans being on the top of the food chain all like "But some people eat other people." And Jade just went, "Yeah, some humans like to eat each other."
    I turned round and said to her "So we're still top of the food chain, 'cause we eat each other.."

    She burst out laughing :lmfao
    Just because it was me, and most things I say to her are dirty and innuendos, so even when I'm not intending for it, she still takes it that way.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • purple haze.

    purple haze. (220)

    United Kingdom
    Doing pricing in Business Studies was amazing :lmfao
    Barely anybody could keep a straight face hearing the teacher keep saying "penetration" and "creaming".
    I'll never forget my pricing strategies though.
    When we did that, It was about half way through, someone went "OH! PENATRATION! :lmfao!"

    January 25th, 2009 at 03:58pm
  • avalon.

    avalon. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Our old form tutor Miss Marshall was wearing a yellow feather in her top one day to show what house she was in for House Arts Day. It was just on her cleavage as her top was pretty low. And one of the year 7s goes up to her and puts her hand on it and says "Oh wow Miss. I like your feather." Marshall was so creeped out.
    Another day with Marshall, she's just walking along and suddenly she goes, "Oh shit I think I left my car keys in the gym!"
    January 25th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • McCookies.

    McCookies. (100)

    United States
    When you come into my school in the morning, you have to walk up this big staircase, and there's normally a lot of kids on it at once.

    One morning I dunno how, but I tripped up the stairs.
    Everyone laughed at me. :XD
    January 26th, 2009 at 03:58pm
  • dirt.

    dirt. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    We were doing a test in maths one day.
    Odhran [who sits behind me] obviously got bored and started singing Bootylicious by Destiny's Child. :tehe:
    Soon enough, everyone started to sing along and someone blurted out:
    "Mrs McIntyre, CAN YOU HANDLE THIS?!"
    :XD It was hilarious.
    She didn't find it so funny... :/
    January 28th, 2009 at 05:57pm
  • pretty_in_pixie

    pretty_in_pixie (100)

    in year 9 out teacher made our class run laps of the oval because we were talking to much. when most of the class had started running me and my best friend were like-'do we have to run?' she was like 'eh. no. just sit on the balance beam'
    February 2nd, 2009 at 02:52am
  • Ator

    Ator (205)

    It was our first day back at school today, and my teacher says to me, "Jess, Can you please bring a pear to school."
    "Hey Lisa, did he mean a pear or bring a pair.. as in a partner for somthing?"
    Then he goes one about everyone gets a day a week for saying prayer.
    "Ooooh a Prayer!"
    February 2nd, 2009 at 07:04am
  • bateman

    bateman (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    We were doing a test in maths one day.
    Odhran [who sits behind me] obviously got bored and started singing Bootylicious by Destiny's Child. :tehe:
    Soon enough, everyone started to sing along and someone blurted out:
    "Mrs McIntyre, CAN YOU HANDLE THIS?!"
    :XD It was hilarious.
    She didn't find it so funny... :/
    :lmfao I would've died.
    February 2nd, 2009 at 08:33am
  • cardiotoxicity

    cardiotoxicity (100)

    New Zealand
    Tyler Durden.:
    We were doing a test in maths one day.
    Odhran [who sits behind me] obviously got bored and started singing Bootylicious by Destiny's Child. :tehe:
    Soon enough, everyone started to sing along and someone blurted out:
    "Mrs McIntyre, CAN YOU HANDLE THIS?!"
    :XD It was hilarious.
    She didn't find it so funny... :/
    :lmfao I would've died.
    Me too :lmfao :lmfao
    February 2nd, 2009 at 10:00am
  • Sweetacher

    Sweetacher (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    One of the English Teachers, Mr Coote, is pretty hilarious. He's officially gay (I swear half the teachers in my school are... it must be like a box on the application form or something that doubles their chances of acceptance, because there's an almost disproportionate amount...), about a foot shorter than me and looks a little like a pitbull, and talks in clipped tones.

    Anyway, he doesn't teach my English set, so I wasn't there, but my friend Joe was messing around silently communicating with someone else (I forget who, probably Stuart or Addison) on the other side of the classroom, and he sort of sat back and stuck his chest out and started rubbing small circles on his chest with his fingers - I suppose you just have to see it to understand how hilarious it is, but he looks incredibly camp. Anyway, Mr Coote stopped what he was saying, wheeled around and snapped:"Joseph Ridler, please cease poking your nipples!" It was one of those msn-name worthy things for him for quite some time...

    Our Maths teacher is terrible. Not only is he a bad teacher, but talks down to us and makes us feel stupid because we're the bottom maths set. Strangely enough, while we're all working, he will whistle and sing opera, gadding about the room and being generally distracting... The theme to 'Looney Tunes' is one of his favourites. We hate him, but we can't help cracking up every time he bursts into a libretto or we hear a familiar trill from the back of the classroom. I hope he doesn't think we're laughing with him.

    In Drama once we had a rare classroom-based lesson when we were starting the topic of 'fame', and I everyone was talking while the teacher (incredibly camp, very posh) fiddled with the interactive whiteboard, and suddenly the screen burst into life with the lyrics to The Smiths 'Frankly, Mr Shankly' on a word document emblazoned across it. I gasped so suddenly that I choked and laughed at the same time. Basically I made a noise that sounded a bit like 'Hhhghah!', then said 'Oh my God it's Smiths!' and then fell down on my desk in embarrasment because everyone looked at me. The teacher smiled indulgently and aplogised that he didn't have any Gallows (because I had a Gallows badge on my bag), because they simply had too many swears.

    This same teacher complimented me on a Rancid t-shirt one non-uniform day. Doncha love it when posh people reveal themselves as secret punk rockers? :XD
    February 2nd, 2009 at 10:41am
  • the hatter.

    the hatter. (100)

    United Kingdom
    In some lesson, we were talking about reconstructive facial surgery and I blurted out really loudly "I'd steal Angelina Jolie's face and get a doctor to stick it on mine!"
    I got quite a lot of weird looks.

    Oh, and once we were writing about the problems third world counties have and my friend wrote "unclean water" and underneath I wrote "oh noes!" and then she wrote a solution to unlcean water which I wrote "Can Has Cheezburger?" underneath. :XD
    I was having a LOLcats day.
    February 2nd, 2009 at 05:44pm
  • Bucky Barnes

    Bucky Barnes (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Maria and Leah reading M rated Twilight fanfic in englishand not realising it was being projected onto the whiteboard

    February 2nd, 2009 at 06:04pm
  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The fact that if we're late we have to wear an army hat :lmfao
    February 2nd, 2009 at 06:08pm