Character Interview

  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    Noah Lennon-Meyer, Hey Window Boy [unposted]

    1.What is your occupation right now? Student. I do a bit of photography for one of my only friend's indie magazine, but I haven't in a while.

    2.Can you drive a stick shift? I can't really drive at all.

    3. How old are you? 15

    4. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Football during the Super Bowl and I also like random stuff like trick billiards.

    5. What is your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper or coffee.

    6. Have you ever dyed your hair? I got dared to dye it black a while ago and since my hair grows rediculously slow, it's still kinda' there.

    7. What is your favorite food? I like cake doughnuts and cheap japanese food like ramen and stuff. There's an oriental food mart a block away and they have real ramen, not that Top Ramen stuff.

    8. Favorite day of the year? New Years or my birthday cause I get money to save up for either a new camera or just to have.

    9. How do you vent anger? I hit things, I watch Rocky Horror, or I eat... alot.

    10. What was your favorite toy as a child? Crayons and G.I. Joes.

    11. What is your favorite season? Either late fall or winter. I hate the hot.

    12. Cherries or Blueberries? Cherries.

    13. Living arrangements? Eh. A little boring. Living at home.

    14. What are you most afraid of? Social gatherings like weddings or funerals. Anywhere where people are very emotional and try to talk to you. I also hate heights.

    15. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheese.

    16. Favorite dog breed? Meh. Not picky. Just nothing hairless or Chuihaha-like.

    17. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.

    18. How many states have you lived in? One.

    19. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds, I guess.

    20. What is your favorite flower? I don't really like flowers.

    21. What is your favorite Hobby? Watching movies, photography occasionally, list making, reading.
    September 15th, 2009 at 01:09am
  • spector

    spector (250)

    United Kingdom
    Both are Donna Noble from See The Light.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date? Surviving with the Doctor around!

    How would you describe your ideal job? My ideal job? Been there, done that, never going back. 100 words a minute now, mind you.

    What goals do you have? I...i'd like to visit the Moon. There you are, Doctor, next time you ask me, the Moon. Oh, and I'd like to make my Granda proud. Proud of me

    How do you plan to achieve these goals? I've just got to get in the Doctor's good books!

    How do you personally define success? Not dying.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful. Yesterday, when the Cybermen attacked Chicago, and it was me, not him that stopped them. Take that, alien boy.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? I'm not doing that again. Turn left! Not bloody likely.

    Would you rather work with information or with people? The Doctor's pretty much both.

    Are you a team player? I can be. If I want. Not that I usually do.

    What motivates you? My grandad, really. I always want to make it through, just so I can go and tell him all about it.

    Are you a goal-oriented person? No. If I want to do it, I usually do it.

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. Like I said before, I survived. Ha.

    What are your short-term goals? See above.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Probably still flying around with the Doctor in that spaceship of his.

    Where do you want to be ten years from now? Kids, maybe? I'd like to be married. To the right non-evil person.

    Do you handle conflict well? I've been told I get angry easily, but I can't recall ever...

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? Almost being killed.

    1.What is your occupation right now? 'Assistant' to the Doctor. I prefer companion,though.

    2.Can you drive a stick shift? Yeah.

    3. How old are you? 21. Obviously.

    4. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? I don't watch sport. Mum and Grandad watch the cricket.

    5. What is your favorite drink? Wine. Red.

    6. Have you ever dyed your hair? You think I'd still be ginger if I had?

    7. What is your favorite food? Chips. Good old fashioned British fish and chips. Not like that fake stuff we got on Planet 7. Ugh.

    8. Favorite day of the year? Whenever I see my Grandad.

    9. How do you vent anger? I yell. At anyone or anything.

    10. What was your favorite toy as a child? Dolls. Like Barbies.

    11. What is your favorite season? Summer. Beaches, the sun...perfect.

    12. Cherries or Blueberries? Cherries.

    13. Living arrangements? A spaceship that's bigger on the inside than the out.
    December 29th, 2009 at 03:43am
  • Pandora7

    Pandora7 (100)

    United States
    This is for On the Edge of Eternity a Vampire Chronicles Fan Fiction.

    _ What’s your name?

    _ How old are you?

    _ What do you look like? If you had to describe yourself as though you were talking about someone else, what would you say?

    _ What are your speech patterns like? Can you think of someone on TV or
    on radio that speaks in a similar way?

    _ Do you sometimes lie? “White lies” or significant lies? Can people usually
    tell when you’re lying or are you a really accomplished liar? Is your whole
    life a lie? If so, why and how?

    _ What is your usual facial expression? Are people drawn to your warmth
    and cheerfulness, or are you seen as quiet / dour / grim / humourless /
    reserved / etc? Does your face reflect the ‘inner you’ or are looks

    _ How do you handle anger? Are you slow to anger or easy to annoy? Are
    people afraid of you, and if so is this justified?

    _ How do you react to confrontation? Would you give anything for a quiet life
    or do you enjoy winning an argument or a fight?

    _ How much power do you wield at home, in the workplace, and in social
    situations? Are you the quiet “power behind the throne” type or do you
    wield obvious power? Or do you feel powerless? If so, why – and what
    might be the catalyst to make you change?

    _ What (in your opinion) would be the first impression most people get when
    they meet you?

    _ In your case, is ‘what you see is what you get’, or do people sometimes
    make the wrong judgement about you? If so, why would this be?

    _ What is your level of education? Has what you have been obtained by
    ‘street smarts’ or ‘book smarts’?

    _ Are you happy with what you have achieved since you left school (*** if
    this is not a juvenile character)

    _ Where do you live?

    _ Do you live alone, share a house, or…?

    _ Are you in a relationship, or part of a family?

    _ If yes, are you happy or discontented in the relationship / this family?
    Tell me about it.

    _ If no, would you like to be in a relationship / part of a different family?
    Tell me why/why not?

    _ Who is your best friend? (If you have one). When did this relationship
    start? What makes you friends?

    _ Who is your enemy / who do you dislike most? Why? When did this dislike
    start, and why?

    _ Who else is in your circle of acquaintances? Who would you turn to in
    times of trouble?

    _ If there is anyone in your circle that might betray you, who would it be?

    _ Is there anyone you would not expect to betray you? How would you
    feel/react if they did?

    _ How would you describe your personality? What are your best points &
    assets? What are your flaws or weaknesses?

    _ If there was one thing about your LOOKS that you could change, what
    would it be?

    _ If there was one thing about your PERSONALITY that you could change,
    what would it be?

    _ What makes you likeable? Are you likeable enough for people to want to
    spend extended periods of time with you?

    _ What makes you unlikeable? Is this a chronic problem or can you change?

    _ What type of people would like you, and who might not like you?

    _ Would you describe your life to this point as being generally happy, pretty
    average, or generally unhappy? Can you briefly explain why?

    _ What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to you?

    _ What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

    _ How important are material possessions to you? Do you regard them as a
    symbol of your success, or a trap, or neither?

    _ How do your surroundings reflect your success (or lack of it) in life so far?

    _ What do your surroundings say about you? (Your house, your car, your
    kitchen, your bathroom, your workplace.)

    _ Do you feel that you have achieved all you are capable of in life? Or all
    that you want to achieve?

    _ Has your life changed in any way recently? If so, what brought on this
    change? Is it a change for the better or for worse?

    _ If your life has changed for the worse lately, what can you do to turn things

    _ Do you INTEND to change your life in the near future? If so, how and why?

    _ What is the most important goal in your life? (What do you really WANT?)
    And how do you plan to achieve it?

    _ What are the likely obstacles to your getting what you want? How do you
    plan to overcome these foreseeable obstacles? What might be the likely
    result of your actions?

    _ Have you faced any other obstacles to get to the point you are at now?
    How did you overcome them? What were the consequences of the actions
    you took?

    _ If something were to happen to deflect you from reaching your goal, how
    would you get back on track? Who would you call upon to help you?

    _ What particular talents or traits do you possess that will help you to get
    what you want? How might you influence others to help you?

    _ What is the biggest thing motivating you to achieve / get what you want?

    _ Name the character trait or personality weakness that is most likely to
    prevent you from getting what you want. How might you compensate for

    _ Who would you die to protect?

    _ Who would die to protect you?

    _ What is the thing you most fear losing in life? (This might be a person, a
    possession, or an abstract quality like ‘respect’, ‘freedom’ or ‘credibility’.)

    _ What drives you to do things you might regret later?
    _ What are you about to do right now – today? How is this relevant to what is
    important to you?

    _ What will you do next?

    _ Finish these sentences:
    “The most important thing in life is…”
    “If there’s one thing that makes me mad it’s…”
    “I would lose interest in life if…”
    “I can usually get myself out of trouble by…”
    “If I encounter a problem in life I work through it by…”
    “I don’t like people who…”
    “I like people who…”
    “My most pressing need right now is…”
    “One thing I’m determined to achieve in the next month is…”
    “One thing I’m determined to achieve in the next year is…”
    “My motto in life is: …”

    -Amber Emmanuelle Waters
    - I am Currently 19.
    -Long really dark brown hair green eyes, stupid round face that makes me look like a little girl, a button nose, thin but almost perfectly shaped lips, I have big boobs. Yeah… that’s What I look like.
    -My speech patterns? I think I’m well spoken , often eloquent. When I’m being sarcastic my voice often drops, that’s how my friends know the difference between my sarcasm and seriousness.
    -Its called lying by omission. I do that a lot! But when I do lie, you can’t tell I’m an actress (well sorta) so yes I am an accomplished liar.
    -I’m quiet and unassuming. I look all sweet and innocent, but I’m really not. I do have a very animated face, I’ve been told I have some of the best facial expressions, although most of the looks that are “the best” when I’m disgusted, offended, sad or angry.
    -I get so pissed, but I used to yell and scream and rant a race, but not any longer, I get spiteful. I get extremely calm and say very mean and cold things, I go for the kill shot not superficial flesh wounds. Little things set me off without warning, sometimes people taking the wrong tone with me sets me off. I don’t really know if people are afraid of me. I mean I wouldn’t be I’ve never been in a fist fight before.
    -I try and avoid confrontation, and I get passive aggressive, and do mental warfare like with my exroommates I would do things porously to annoy them. I got a sick satisfaction out of pissing them off.
    -I don’t really have any power . I mean I like to think I’m a leader and independent, but with Lestat, he’s the one in my life with the power. I mean I shouldn’t speak so ill of my lover but he does have the power, he’s a vampire, he physically powerful, and mentally and emotionally powerful. He has money, and money is power. Oh I stand up to him and pretend that he as no power over me, and he likes my spunk, but we both know who hold the power not just in our ‘relationship’ but with everyone he encounters.
    -I’m the quiet and maybe a little weird but good girl.
    -I’m kind of weird as hell, but that really doesn’t come across in my appearance, I mean I don’t really open up to that weird side of me unless I know and trust you and very few people get to see that weirdness.
    - Well I’m currently in my first year of college, and I plan on getting my doctorate in History. I’m pretty book smart, and though I have enough common sense to get me by I really don’t have street smarts I was sheltered as a child.
    -What have achieved? Good grades in college, made amazing friends and found myself in love with a vampire who I thought was fictional. Not bad for one year out of high school not bad.
    -Well I’m from a small town in Ohio. But the past few months I’ve been bouncing between a Plantation in New Orleans and the Vampire Lestat compound near Monterey.
    -I live with Lindsey and the rest of the band and Lestat.
    -I am Lestat’s mortal love, like Daniel Malloy was Armand’s mortal lover. Saying Lestat is my boyfriend just sounds wrong. Then I have my mother, she’s the only blood family I have left and I would do anything in the world for her just as I know she would do anything for me.
    -That would be miss Lindsey Margret McKay. I met her the day we moved in to our dorms. I told her I liked her hair. Then we had a history class together and through our studying we soon became good friend, inseparable. We are both insanely loyal and we just fit together as friends. And we both have trouble making friends… especially with other girls. I love her and I don’t know what I’d do without her.
    -I don’t really have enemies, besides my ex roommates, and then my ex friends and Nichole the back stabbing two faced cun… not nice girl. I started hating my ex roommates from the moment that I started talking to them on Facebook. And my ex friends when I got so stuck up the ass of my ex boyfriend Nate.
    -Matt, he’s Lindsey and I’s other friend, he’s like our best gay guy friend but he’s straight. I used to have such a crush on him. And then there are the band members. But the only four humans that mean anything to me are my mother, Lindsey, Matt and though I would never admit this to anyone Nate. I would turn to my mother or Matt.
    -I already dealt with Nates betrayal. I don’t see anyone else betraying me.
    - Lindsey, if she betrayed me I think I just might die, it would break my heart, almost as badly as Nate did.
    -I’m sarcastic, cynical, spunky, loyal, ridiculous, fun loving. I tend to over think things. And the few people I love, I love with a fierce passion. I’m driven. I’m perfectionist. Lazy, and I don’t face my problems, I ignore them. You can pick the good and bad out of that.
    -This goddamn round face I still get carded when I buy cigs and NONE of my friends do.
    -My inability to face my problems, or my spoiled bratness. I blame, my grandma, mom and now Lestat for that.
    -Honest to go I don’t know what makes me likable. Maybe its cause I’m kind of funny some times and I’m just easy to get along with.
    -I think that I’m kind of annoying. I’m always afraid that I’m going to annoy Lindsey, as were always together especially now that we’re traveling with the band together but I’ve been assured that I’m not annoying.
    -I like friendly sarcastic people. Other spoiled brats and I do not get along, ex roommates point and case.
    -Despite all the tragedy and death, its been happy. I’ve always been loved, and my unwillingness to face my problems helped me not dwell on that pain.
    -The car accident after graduation and holding Emily while she died.
    -Meeting Lestat.
    -I love my material items, they do make me happy, but I know there are more important things in the world.
    - Its not my success, everything I have was a gift from Lestat. I don’t really have any success of my own. I just looked pretty and caught the attention of a vampire. But like I said I plan to teach history at a college level one day.
    -My surroundings? Again they are extremely posh, but I haven’t paid for them or the clothes on my back. I could say no but I don’t want to I like getting the expensive gifts does that make me a bad person?
    -Oh no there so much that I have left to do in life. That’s what I told Lestat when he asked me to become a vampire, I have too much left in life to accomplish before I can accept the dark gift.
    -Oh yes I’m touring with the band The Vampire Lestat. I’m dancing again. I’m in love. Its been a good change.
    -I could go on like this from now on.
    -Getting that Doctorate in History and keep going to school, and maybe dancing in the Royal Ballet.
    -For being a principal dancer in the Royal Ballet? My boobs. I’m not thin enough to dance professionally, and there’s not much I can do about how I’m built. And there is nothing standing in my way of being Dr. Waters.
    - I’ve had an easy life, I’ve never really faced any obstacles.
    -I’m a damn good ballet dancer, that about my only talent, I can write, and act a little.
    -I want my mom to be proud of me.
    -If I’m not automatically good at something I quit it.
    -Mom, Lindsey, Matt, Nate, Lestat.
    - I think the same as whom I would die for.
    -People I love. I have the kiss of death, and lots of people I love die. And my freewill. I need my freedom. I need to be able to think for myself.
    -The fear of not having tried everything.
    -I’ll chill with Lindsey. And spend the night with Lestat and hope for an exchange of blood. Oh the blood of a vampire there is no greater ecstasy.

    -stupid people.
    -I lost my friends.
    -Smiling and sweet talking.
    -I don’t work through my problems I ignore them.
    -are friendly.
    -to figure out if and when I’m going to give myself over to Lestat.
    -drive that porche!
    -get my book published.
    -“Seize the day cause tomorrow you might be dead.” –Buffy the vampire slayer.
    December 29th, 2009 at 10:32am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Jana Greene, Paper Hearts

    1.What is your occupation right now? Right now, I do advertising and sales for a paper company which is every little girl's dream job, right?

    2.Can you drive a stick shift? Nope

    3. How old are you? 25

    4. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Not a sports person, but occasionally I'll watch hockey.

    5. What is your favorite drink? White hot chocolate

    6. Have you ever dyed your hair? I'll toss in some highlights every now and again, but I love being a brunette, so nothing major.

    7. What is your favorite food? Any sort of pasta

    8. Favorite day of the year? Halloween because I adore dressing up. I put a lot of thought into my costume, just like I do any other outfit

    9. How do you vent anger? For stress-related anger, I like to color or watch cartoons or anything else nostalgic. For blind fury, I go to the gym and do kick-boxing.

    10. What was your favorite toy as a child? My Barbie Jeep

    11. What is your favorite season? Spring and summer because I hate the cold. I also hate the dreariness and death that winter and fall bring.

    12. Cherries or Blueberries? Cherries.

    13. Living arrangements? I just moved into a new apartment in a completely new city. I've been wanting to change things up for some time now.

    14. What are you most afraid of? I'm afraid that I'll let everything get under my skin too much and it'll change me.

    15. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? I hate hamburgers, so none of the above.

    16. Favorite dog breed? Labradors and basset hounds. I had them both growing up as a child.

    17. Favorite day of the week? Friday.

    18. How many states have you lived in? Five. I was born and raised in South Carolina, then went to college in Florida. I also lived in California for a bit. I stayed in New York for three years, and now I'm in Pennsylvania.

    19. Diamonds or pearls? I love the classy vibe that pearls give.

    20. What is your favorite flower? Daffodils.

    21. What is your favorite Hobby? Does partying qualify as a hobby? I love to shop, but only for other people. I also enjoying painting every now and again.

    _ What’s your name?
    Jana Greene.

    _ How old are you?

    _ What do you look like? If you had to describe yourself as though you were talking about someone else, what would you say?
    I'm on the shorter size, and I have curves, but not like fat-girl curves, more like Beyonce curves. I have incredibly pale skin with tons of little brown freckles. My hair's sort of a chestnut brown with cocoa highlights. My eyes are also brown.

    _ What are your speech patterns like? Can you think of someone on TV or
    on radio that speaks in a similar way?
    Um...I guess I sound like a Southern Blake Lively.

    _ Do you sometimes lie? “White lies” or significant lies? Can people usually
    tell when you’re lying or are you a really accomplished liar? Is your whole
    life a lie? If so, why and how?
    I DO NOT lie, unless it's by omission. I'm big on honesty.

    _ What is your usual facial expression? Are people drawn to your warmth
    and cheerfulness, or are you seen as quiet / dour / grim / humourless /
    reserved / etc? Does your face reflect the ‘inner you’ or are looks
    I'd say my face reflects the 'inner Jana' because I tend to be laughing or smiling, and I like to think of myself as a warm, funny person.

    _ How do you handle anger? Are you slow to anger or easy to annoy? Are
    people afraid of you, and if so is this justified?
    I'm not the best at controlling my emotions, especially when it comes to anger. I'd say I'm pretty easily annoyed, but I don't let it show. People are definitely not afraid of me.

    _ How do you react to confrontation? Would you give anything for a quiet life
    or do you enjoy winning an argument or a fight?
    I don't like confrontation or arguments, but if someone wrongs me, I'm not going to stand back and take it.

    _ How much power do you wield at home, in the workplace, and in social
    situations? Are you the quiet “power behind the throne” type or do you
    wield obvious power? Or do you feel powerless? If so, why – and what
    might be the catalyst to make you change?
    I'm somewhere in the middle. I wield enough power to get the things that I want, but I don't like for people to feel like I'm controlling them.

    _ What (in your opinion) would be the first impression most people get when
    they meet you?
    Geez, she's really sweet.

    _ In your case, is ‘what you see is what you get’, or do people sometimes
    make the wrong judgement about you? If so, why would this be?
    What you see is what you get with me.

    _ What is your level of education? Has what you have been obtained by
    ‘street smarts’ or ‘book smarts’?
    I have a Masters degree in Marketing.

    _ Are you happy with what you have achieved since you left school (*** if
    this is not a juvenile character)
    Yes, I'm proud of the life I've made for myself.

    _ Where do you live?
    Currently, Scranton, Pennsylvania.

    _ Do you live alone, share a house, or…?
    I live alone.

    _ Are you in a relationship, or part of a family?

    _ If yes, are you happy or discontented in the relationship / this family?
    Tell me about it.

    _ If no, would you like to be in a relationship / part of a different family?
    Tell me why/why not?
    Part of me wants to be in a relationship and start a family and all that, but part of me wants to stay single and enjoy what's left of my youth.

    _ Who is your best friend? (If you have one). When did this relationship
    start? What makes you friends?
    My best friend is my old roommate from New York, Audrina. We met in college and immediately hit it off. I even lived with her family for a year in California.

    _ Who is your enemy / who do you dislike most? Why? When did this dislike
    start, and why?
    I don't have any enemies at the moment, I'm starting off fresh.

    _ Who else is in your circle of acquaintances? Who would you turn to in
    times of trouble?
    If I couldn't get in touch with Audrina because of the distance, I would probably turn to a couple of my work acquaintances, depending on the issue, either Kelly or Jim.

    _ If there is anyone in your circle that might betray you, who would it be?
    I wouldn't know.

    _ Is there anyone you would not expect to betray you? How would you
    feel/react if they did?
    I wouldn't expect Audrina to betray me just because we've been friends for so long. I would probably flip out and cut her out of my life.

    _ How would you describe your personality? What are your best points &
    assets? What are your flaws or weaknesses?
    I'm a pretty laid-back, chill person. I also try to get along with everyone and not judge people, but sometimes I can be a little judgmental. I'm really quick-tempered. I'm a perfectionist and I get stressed way too easily.

    _ If there was one thing about your LOOKS that you could change, what
    would it be?
    I would make myself either taller or tan.

    _ If there was one thing about your PERSONALITY that you could change,
    what would it be?
    I would make myself less of a perfectionist.

    _ What makes you likeable? Are you likeable enough for people to want to
    spend extended periods of time with you?
    I'm likeable because I'm genuinely nice to everyone and try to listen to people's problems and help them out. I think people would love to be around me.

    _ What makes you unlikeable? Is this a chronic problem or can you change?
    I get frustrated easily and am constantly battling with stress.

    _ What type of people would like you, and who might not like you?
    I think anyone would like me, except for arrogant people or manipulative people because I don't really stand for that.

    _ Would you describe your life to this point as being generally happy, pretty
    average, or generally unhappy? Can you briefly explain why?
    My life's average. I haven't been blessed with a perfect life, but my life hasn't been horrible.

    _ What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to you?
    My dad left when I was five, and I never saw him again.

    _ What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
    Getting accepted to University of Florida.

    _ How important are material possessions to you? Do you regard them as a
    symbol of your success, or a trap, or neither?
    Neither, the material stuff doesn't matter to me. People are more important than things.

    _ How do your surroundings reflect your success (or lack of it) in life so far?
    My surroundings are pretty much blank right now, so they don't really reflect me.

    _ What do your surroundings say about you? (Your house, your car, your
    kitchen, your bathroom, your workplace.)
    Nothing yet, I just moved to Scranton and I'm still trying to get settled.

    _ Do you feel that you have achieved all you are capable of in life? Or all
    that you want to achieve?
    No, I still want that "American dream:" a simple house with a picket fence and a family and a dog. I don't even have a boyfriend now.

    _ Has your life changed in any way recently? If so, what brought on this
    change? Is it a change for the better or for worse?
    I've moved from New York City to Scranton, and I believe it'll be for the better.

    _ If your life has changed for the worse lately, what can you do to turn things

    _ Do you INTEND to change your life in the near future? If so, how and why?

    _ What is the most important goal in your life? (What do you really WANT?)
    And how do you plan to achieve it?
    I want to be successful financially, and I want a happy family.

    _ What are the likely obstacles to your getting what you want? How do you
    plan to overcome these foreseeable obstacles? What might be the likely
    result of your actions?
    I don't know, damn.

    _ Have you faced any other obstacles to get to the point you are at now?
    How did you overcome them? What were the consequences of the actions
    you took?

    _ If something were to happen to deflect you from reaching your goal, how
    would you get back on track? Who would you call upon to help you?

    _ What particular talents or traits do you possess that will help you to get
    what you want? How might you influence others to help you?

    _ What is the biggest thing motivating you to achieve / get what you want?

    _ Name the character trait or personality weakness that is most likely to
    prevent you from getting what you want. How might you compensate for

    _ Who would you die to protect? one.

    _ Who would die to protect you?
    No one.

    _ What is the thing you most fear losing in life? (This might be a person, a
    possession, or an abstract quality like ‘respect’, ‘freedom’ or ‘credibility’.)

    _ What drives you to do things you might regret later?
    My silly impulses.

    _ What are you about to do right now – today? How is this relevant to what is
    important to you?
    Today, I'm going to work and then Kelly and I are going out for dinner. Nothing out of the ordinary there.

    _ What will you do next?
    Go home and go to sleep, maybe call Jim or Audrina.

    _ Finish these sentences:
    “The most important thing in life is…” Happiness
    “If there’s one thing that makes me mad it’s…” Arrogance
    “I would lose interest in life if…” I was perfect and complete
    “I can usually get myself out of trouble by…” Helping people.
    “If I encounter a problem in life I work through it by…” trying to solve the problem.
    “I don’t like people who…” lie
    “I like people who…” are honest.
    “My most pressing need right now is…” food, I don't know.
    “One thing I’m determined to achieve in the next month is…” make my first sales call
    “One thing I’m determined to achieve in the next year is…” hopefully be in a serious relationship
    “My motto in life is: …” treat people the way you'd want to be treated.
    December 30th, 2009 at 02:38am
  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    Luke Daniel, Hey, Window Boy [unposted]

    Spoilers, I'm sure, but since it's not yet finished or posted, then it shouldn't matter. tehe

    1.What is your occupation right now? I'm currently unemployed. Full time student. We haven't been living here very long so I haven't bothered looking for a job yet.

    2.Can you drive a stick shift? Barely.

    3. How old are you? 16

    4. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? College football and pro during the Super Bowl. I'll also watch basketball if I'm bored and it's on.

    5. What is your favorite drink? Red Bull.

    6. Have you ever dyed your hair? Just the Halloween spray in stuff at a party once.

    7. What is your favorite food? French fries and the local pizza.

    8. Favorite day of the year? Either 4th of July because my friend used to have the most awesome pool parties or Christmas.

    9. How do you vent anger? I take some Tylenol, I play guitar, and eat.

    10. What was your favorite toy as a child? Bikes, basketballs, and when I was really little, Tonka trucks.

    11. What is your favorite season? Summer.

    12. Cherries or Blueberries? Blueberries.

    13. Living arrangements? Me and my family just moved back to my hometown. I guess it's cool, but I didn't live here long....

    14. What are you most afraid of? Getting boring or losing an inner child.

    15. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheeseburgers with A1.

    16. Favorite dog breed? Great Danes and labradors.

    17. Favorite day of the week? Saturday.

    18. How many states have you lived in? Five. I was born and raised in South Carolina, then went to college in Florida. I also lived in California for a bit. I stayed in New York for three years, and now I'm in Pennsylvania.

    19. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds.

    20. What is your favorite flower? My mom used to plant sunflowers. I guess they have a good connotation with me.

    21. What is your favorite Hobby? Music. And making rubber band balls for some reason.

    _ What’s your name?
    Luke Daniel

    _ How old are you?

    _ What do you look like? If you had to describe yourself as though you were talking about someone else, what would you say?
    I'm about average height for a guy. Average build and kinda' muscular. I'm normally pale but have a natural tan that makes me look like I'm not a total shut in. My eyes are turquoise blue with some green and gray. My hair is dirty blond and A bit past my ears. Not anything special.

    _ What are your speech patterns like? Can you think of someone on TV or
    on radio that speaks in a similar way?
    I'm not sure. I don't really have a distinct accent. Somebody told me that I sounded like a slightly cooler Napoleon Dynamite, but I don't see the connection.

    _ Do you sometimes lie? “White lies” or significant lies? Can people usually
    tell when you’re lying or are you a really accomplished liar? Is your whole
    life a lie? If so, why and how?
    I occasionally tell white lies and I'm a good liar when it comes to that, but I'm a terrible liar if it's something significant.

    _ What is your usual facial expression? Are people drawn to your warmth
    and cheerfulness, or are you seen as quiet / dour / grim / humorless /
    reserved / etc? Does your face reflect the ‘inner you’ or are looks
    I'm relatively open kinda' guy. I can be pretty fun and people seem to like me.

    _ How do you handle anger? Are you slow to anger or easy to annoy? Are
    people afraid of you, and if so is this justified?
    When I get angry, I get depressed. It isn't that easy to get me really pissed, but once I am mad, I stay mad and while I'm mad little things set me off.

    _ How do you react to confrontation? Would you give anything for a quiet life
    or do you enjoy winning an argument or a fight?
    I hate confrontation. I enjoy winning a fight, but hate starting them.

    _ How much power do you wield at home, in the workplace, and in social
    situations? Are you the quiet “power behind the throne” type or do you
    wield obvious power? Or do you feel powerless? If so, why – and what
    might be the catalyst to make you change?
    I'm kind of normal. People come to me for advice and guidance, but I never deliver.

    _ What (in your opinion) would be the first impression most people get when
    they meet you?
    Nice guy. A little weird, but nice.

    _ In your case, is ‘what you see is what you get’, or do people sometimes
    make the wrong judgment about you? If so, why would this be?
    A little of both.

    _ What is your level of education? Has what you have been obtained by
    ‘street smarts’ or ‘book smarts’?
    I have street smarts and book smarts. Although I think I have more street smarts.

    _ Are you happy with what you have achieved since you left school (*** if
    this is not a juvenile character)

    _ Where do you live?

    _ Do you live alone, share a house, or…?
    I live with my family.

    _ Are you in a relationship, or part of a family?
    Family, yes. Relationship ... eh, you could call it that.

    _ If yes, are you happy or discontented in the relationship / this family?
    Pretty happy although my dad is kind of a jerk.

    _ If no, would you like to be in a relationship / part of a different family?
    Tell me why/why not?
    No. Even though they are a little stressful, I love my family and I'm pretty happy where things are going with my "relationship".

    _ Who is your best friend? (If you have one). When did this relationship
    start? What makes you friends?
    Well, I have two. I met John when we were in grade school. Our mom's worked out together and we got stuck playing together. We still hang out and I think it's because we know each other so well and have become really good at tolerating each others weirdness.
    I met Petey in sixth or seventh grade because he wanted to show me a card trick. It worked and he continued to show me a hand full of other tricks. He's loads of fun and every group of friends has to have the slightly dorky one.

    _ Who is your enemy / who do you dislike most? Why? When did this dislike
    start, and why?
    I don't really have any enemies. Especially now that I've moved.

    _ Who else is in your circle of acquaintances? Who would you turn to in
    times of trouble?
    Ever since I moved, i haven't made that many friends outside of a few people. And Noah. I technically met him the day I moved in because our fire escapes are connected. I'd probably go to him if I had a problem. He seems like a great listener and really smart so he'd be able to give advice. I also think he plays for the other team, which is perfectly fine with me....

    _ If there is anyone in your circle that might betray you, who would it be?
    Probably one of the people I eat lunch with that I don't really know very well.

    _ Is there anyone you would not expect to betray you? How would you
    feel/react if they did?
    Petey and Noah. Petey doesn't have many friends so I'd be shocked that he betrayed his closest friend and I'd be shocked if Noah had it in him.

    _ How would you describe your personality? What are your best points &
    assets? What are your flaws or weaknesses?
    I'm pretty mellow when I'm alone but I'm kinda' out there and social around people. I'm kinda weird and open minded. If I had to pick my Deadly Sins, then I'd probably pick Gluttony, Sloth, and Pride. I consider myself a Christian, although I don't really believe in much other than a soul and a higher power. I'm nostalgic and have simple needs: food, music, and space to be an idiot.

    _ If there was one thing about your LOOKS that you could change, what
    would it be?
    I'd want to bulk up and I'd want my hair darker and shorter.

    _ If there was one thing about your PERSONALITY that you could change,
    what would it be?
    I'd be able to make up my mind more.

    _ What makes you likeable? Are you likeable enough for people to want to
    spend extended periods of time with you?
    i guess I'm likable because I'm agreeable and I "keep it real." Hehe. I don't like drama and all this fake shit.

    _ What makes you unlikeable? Is this a chronic problem or can you change?
    I can't make decisions and some people don't like what I believe. I'm sure I can change, I just haven't felt like trying.

    _ What type of people would like you, and who might not like you?
    I think anyone would like me if they got their head out of the clouds or their butt.

    _ Would you describe your life to this point as being generally happy, pretty
    average, or generally unhappy? Can you briefly explain why?
    I've had my ups and downs.

    _ What is the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to you?
    I almost drowned at the lake once and when I was little I found of what an affair was and that my dad had one.

    _ What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
    My friends and my mom's blessing to do what I want with my life as long as I'm not hurting other people.

    _ How important are material possessions to you? Do you regard them as a
    symbol of your success, or a trap, or neither?
    Some items I am attached to simply because they're useful or they have sentimental value. Everything else is just tying me down. People and ideas are more important.

    _ How do your surroundings reflect your success (or lack of it) in life so far?
    They don't really reflect much so far.

    _ What do your surroundings say about you? (Your house, your car, your
    kitchen, your bathroom, your workplace.)
    They would say that I've just moved and that I'm too lazy to unpack.

    _ Do you feel that you have achieved all you are capable of in life? Or all
    that you want to achieve?
    I'm only a teenager so I don't think I've really even started living fully.

    _ Has your life changed in any way recently? If so, what brought on this
    change? Is it a change for the better or for worse?
    I've moved back home because my mom thought it would keep Dad at home. How that would work, I'm not sure. We're in his hometown so maybe he'll be more...I don't know. But I'm sure this is for the best.

    _ If your life has changed for the worse lately, what can you do to turn things
    Not really.

    _ Do you INTEND to change your life in the near future? If so, how and why?
    Yep. I intend to start being able to support myself and take some weight off of my mom's shoulders. I also plan to have a bit of a self discovery phase. Doing stupid stuff and fasting included.

    _ What is the most important goal in your life? (What do you really WANT?)
    And how do you plan to achieve it?
    To be happy and not to care about the modern age or what other people think of me.

    _ What are the likely obstacles to your getting what you want? How do you
    plan to overcome these foreseeable obstacles? What might be the likely
    result of your actions?
    I don't know. If my parents divorce then it might put a halt on some things.

    _ Have you faced any other obstacles to get to the point you are at now?
    How did you overcome them? What were the consequences of the actions
    you took?
    I've faced plenty. I didn't let family and money issues get in the way of school and my happiness and I didn't let leaving where I'm from take away who I am.

    _ If something were to happen to deflect you from reaching your goal, how
    would you get back on track? Who would you call upon to help you?
    Books, Noah, and probably some marijuana among other things.

    _ What particular talents or traits do you possess that will help you to get
    what you want? How might you influence others to help you?
    Not sure. I guess my willingness to try new things.

    _ What is the biggest thing motivating you to achieve / get what you want?
    As cheesy as it sounds, music and Noah.

    _ Name the character trait or personality weakness that is most likely to
    prevent you from getting what you want. How might you compensate for
    Indecisiveness. Setting a goal and having somebody sucker punch me every time I want to change my mind.

    _ Who would you die to protect?
    My family, Petey, Noah, and maybe not die, but be maned to protect anybody who needs it.

    _ Who would die to protect you?
    My family and possibly John.

    _ What is the thing you most fear losing in life? (This might be a person, a
    possession, or an abstract quality like ‘respect’, ‘freedom’ or ‘credibility’.)

    _ What drives you to do things you might regret later?
    Stupid impulses.

    _ What are you about to do right now – today? How is this relevant to what is
    important to you?
    I'm about to watch a movie or TV and I might go talk to Noah before he falls asleep. It's not really relevant, I'm just bored.

    _ What will you do next?
    Eat. Sleep. Wake up and do nothing all over again.

    _ Finish these sentences:
    The most important thing in life is individuality.
    If there’s one thing that makes me mad it’s stupidity.
    I would lose interest in life if everybody got along.
    I can usually get myself out of trouble by owning up.
    If I encounter a problem in life I work through it by avoiding it.
    I don’t like people who don't realize that they are unwanted.
    I like people who are unique.
    My most pressing need right now is air.
    One thing I’m determined to achieve in the next month is make some close friends.
    One thing I’m determined to achieve in the next year is find myself and somebody who appreciates that.
    My motto in life is: All you need is love.
    December 30th, 2009 at 06:29am
  • an horse.

    an horse. (105)

    United States

    Given Name:
    Charlene Micah Glass

    Charlie, please and thank you.

    - gender
    - age
    - height
    - weight
    - hair colour/style
    Black, short, messy. Ya know, just fucked look.
    - eye colour
    Gray/Light brown. My eyes are bipolar.
    - makeup
    Smudgey eyeliner if it's a special occasion, otherwise nothing.
    - clothing style
    Button up shirts, ties, jeans. Loose tee's. Incredibly tom boy.

    Terribly white
    Physical abilities/limitations:
    I can swim, of that I'm certain. Can't do much of anything else
    To be honest, I can't remember anything since I was about six or seven years old. I don't know much about my own background, and I'm not sure if I even want to figure out where I began. But what I can tell you is that I come from a family who loves me - but for what they perceive. Which is all right with me, I suppose. Who am I to argue with their bible thumping homophobia? There are some things you have to accept. I was born in Texas and now I live La La Land. I much prefer California, but sometimes I think I'm just staying here for my girlfriend.


    I'm Atheist, but my entire family is protestant
    Place of birth:
    Austin, Texas
    Place and time of story:
    I live in Berkley, California. It's just outside of LA, kind of near Hollywood a little bit. That's where the starlets who don't want to be seen as typical diva's live.
    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity:
    Both of my parents are very white, I'm not very interesting.
    - socioeconomic level:
    I grew up poor, it makes me a better person. Thus, my parents have always been poor and relied in the "power of God" to take them where they needed to go. They're actually very classy , surprisingly.
    - religion:
    100 percent Protestant and they'd have it no other way.
    - habits:
    They tend to have a "habit" of going to church every Sunday and putting the CHRIST back in CHRISTmas. Their thing, right? (Right). They also have a "habit" of spending money that's not there.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren):
    It's distant, but in a way that makes us closer. We love each other deeply, but there are just some things we don't talk about. They love God and God frowns on the homosexuals, so we don't talk about that. I don't believe in God, and God definitely frowns on that, so we don't talk about that either. We have an established relationship, it just works.
    - living/deceased:
    Both of my parents are living. And I wish I could die before them. I'm awful at funerals and tend to turn into this monster who shoots down the people who talk about being in a better place. It would be ten times worse if it were my parents funeral.

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each)
    I don't have any brothers or sisters. I guess I'm just boring, huh? But I can do my "significant other" as you call it.
    - race/ethnicity:
    I'm pretty sure she's french and asian or something. It's good she's not here, I'd be getting a talk on listening. But she was born in California, so I'm pretty sure it's safe to say she's American. But I do believe she has strong roots somewhere.
    - socioeconomic level:
    People love my girlfriend more than I do. Or at least, that's what I think sometimes. For a while she was writing pieces for magazines that were completely brutal and blunt about the way that we as a country and as a society live. Then she owned or managed a couple of gay clubs around California, which is what she was doing when we met. She lays low now, but she has enough money and popularity for us to be comfortable. Oh, and now she's talking about modelling!
    - religion:
    I'm pretty sure she's Agnostic...maybe I do need to listen more.
    - habits:
    She has a habit of being a little bit under my business...but I don't think that counts. She also has a habit of forgetting to clean up after herself and trying to tell me what to do. But, then again, she has that lovely habit of taking care of me.
    - quality of relationship:
    Uh...ya's...kind of...a one way dependent street. She depends on me like oxygen and I stick around for just that reason. It's not a healthy one, I've come to realise that in the past couple of months. But we've been together for almost five years, and it's always been like this, mostly. She's got some stuff, but so do I. Her stuff is just a little more narcissistic and sociopathic than mine. I stay because she's said more than once that she would probably kill herself without me....and I honestly don't think she's joking. I feel like I am more responsible for her happiness than mine, ya know?
    - living/deceased:
    Quite alive
    Family structure/life:
    She's got a family that's kind of like mine. Except she's much more flamboyant and boisterous about her sexuality, and they are very clear on telling her that it's a disease. She hadn't always known she was gay like I have, she dated around a lot in college - with guys. I wasn't her first girlfriend, but I was her third.


    - What was their life like before the story began?
    In the past couple of months I've been trying to figure out these dreams i've been having. It's kind of hard with a new roommate and Olivia attached around my arm trying to be a trophy wife or something. But I've been trying to comprehend these dreams, only some days I really don't want to, because some days it freaks me out. I've also thought about going back to school or working at a restaurant my best friend, Tee, wants to open up.
    - What was growing up like for them?
    Growing up, I had always known I was gay. My first girlfriend? I was eight. I know, crazy. Yes, there are "gay" eight year olds. Haha, no, it wasn't real or anything. It was one of those innocent playground things before kids even knew what gay was. I spent my childhood years going to church, to be honest. That's all I ever really remember that I did all of the time, going to church and then to grandma's house for lunch of grilled chicken and rice. Every sunday. As I grew into a teenager, I picked up a sketch pad and started drawing, and I also snuck out a lot. My parents never approved of much that I was into doing, and they still say I need a real job.
    - Did they have a good or bad childhood?
    My childhood was good, what I can remember of it. Something tells me that something very bad happened to me as a child, and myself as an adult is just blocking it out. And I do believe it has something to do with my lack of ability to trust people easily.
    - What struggles have they had, or hardships they have overcome?
    A starving artist was I for a long long time. I didn't go to college or university, not even Jr. College or something like hairdressers school. I just lived in a studio apartment and made art out of silly things I would find in the trash or I would mangle a house hold appliance and use that in my art. There was a time when I was poor, well, around that time, actually. I was also a little bit addicted to drugs and I did a lot of things I am not proud of to get money for said drugs. I did these things with my friend, Marcus, who died of an overdose. I was only 17 when all of this happened, but I've lived on my own since I was 17. Ah, 17 was a very busy year.
    - Has their life worked out like they expected?
    No. I figured by now I would be in the same place I was, sans the drugs and shady acts. I used to be a bit of a player (okay, more than a bit), but now I'm all tied down with a seriously heavy ball and chain. Not how I expected my life to be, but it will have to work.
    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now?
    The majority of nearly everyone's life is suffering. That's the cold, hard truth. My life is not terribly easy now, I make a lot of sacrifices for Olivia, but something inside of me enjoys taking care of her - or at least feels like I have to. As I said, I was a starving artist until Olivia decided to take care of me. Life's never easy, not for anyone. It's not easy, but it is my life. And I almost like it just how it is. It's filled with great people that I love. I do love Olivia, I'll clear that up now.
    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice?
    It might sound as though I was forced, but I choose everything I do.
    - Do they have regrets?
    I try not to believe in regrets, it's not healthy. But I regret a little bit not going to school.
    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today?
    Meeting Olivia made me into, well, her partner! Meeting Tee made me a much better, happier person who is more willing to feel a little bit more. Marcus' death helped me get of the drugs, which of course makes me a healthier person. Selling all of my artwork that I made up until I was 17 made me happier, and more free since I wasn't tied down to the mostly drug-induced workings of my young life.
    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way?
    Oh, I know something has happened. And it's definitely scarred me, but I can't remember what that something is.

    Outer Goal (physical):
    Help Tee get that restaurant up and running.
    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional):
    I want to figure out what it is that's been eating at me, and I'd also like to maybe fix my relationship with Olivia. It's not...right...a little broken.
    Defining characteristic:
    How carefree I am, maybe? I'm incredibly relaxed and not much surprises me. I also am very loyal to my friends (although it's hard to remain that way towards Olivia), and keep their secrets tucked away safely.
    I desire a lot of things. Lust is responsible for that, but I feel dangerous and awful just thinking about it. I hope to fix my relationship with Olivia so perhaps we can both be happy. But what starts in chaos, ends in I'll tell you how that worked out, later.
    I fear the past greatly, I fear my dreams. Phobias? Well, I think those are kind of silly.
    Dirty Secrets:
    About two years ago, I cheated on Olivia with this girl I met at one of her clubs then. I felt just awful, but dammit, it was almost worth it. She still doesn't know, only Tee does, and I'm surprised she's kept her mouth shut for three years.
    Introvert or extrovert?:
    Mostly extroverted, I do like people. But I don't trust them very much, so I'm introverted in that way.
    More thinking or feeling?:
    Definitely feeling. I act on impulse, and I strongly believe we don't know what will happen to us until it happens.
    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?:
    Perhaps my relationship that does not fit well, and my obvious and blatant difference in my morals and my parents.
    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?:
    I'm trying so hard to be selfless, but sometimes when desire and impulse get in the way, I'm the opposite.
    Favourite and hated foods/drinks:
    I drink beer on social occasions, I don't like those fruity alcoholic drinks that are overly sweet. I don't drink soda or water much, and the only milk I drink is soy. As for food, I'm not terribly picky. But a lot of the food in Berkley is a little frou frou and, well, odd.
    Education or important learning experiences:
    Education? High School. I don't tend to learn much from my mistakes, it's either a curse or something psychological.
    Most hated activities:
    Cleaning up after Olivia, abstaining from sex, and working out. That would have to be it.
    Most enjoyed activities:
    Going out to clubs, relaxing at home with Olivia, sex. (Well, obviously. And no, I'm not a sex addict), drawing/making art, swimming.
    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy:
    Why don't we at least try and keep this PG-13 and skip the whole "wildest fantasy" thing.
    Sense (or lack!) of humour: what makes your character laugh?
    I have a dark sense of humour, and sarcasm that isn't overdone definitely makes me laugh. I also tend to make just one dirty joke when I play cards with my friends, "liquor in the back, poker in the rear"
    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate?
    As shocking as it is, I admire Olivia a great deal. I don't wish to emulate her, but I do admire how sure of herself she is despite how awful she can be.

    Attitudes toward:
    - self
    I'm just confused about myself. I have no idea.
    - others
    I put myself out there as completely calm, cool, and relaxed.
    - friendship
    I'm very loyal to my friends. Never do I share a secret, and I take my friendships very seriously. The only enemies I make (usually) come out of people who mess with my friends.
    - sex
    Sex is healthy, and I don't think anyone is really sex addicted. I love sex, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
    - love
    Love, oh, what a silly thing. It's necessary for some, and I think it's necessary for me at this stage in my life.
    - family
    You love your family, no matter their beliefs. It's silly to let anything come between you and your family.
    - marriage
    That makes me laugh a little, I'm sorry. Marriage? It's not legal for me yet, and I'm not such a .... heterosexual lesbian, if that makes sense?
    - country
    America is definitely not as great as Europe. It's just not a great country, but it's much better than some of the others
    - the world
    I hardly ever think about the big world. It's a large one, and I don't think I have enough time to think about it very much.
    - religion
    I'm not very religious, but religion belongs within itself. It shouldn't interrupt relationships or decisions on first impressions.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical:
    - public causes supported/protested:
    I protested on the whole Prop 8 thing. I protest a lot against censorship, since most of it's not needed. Bible thumpers hate me.
    - politically active/apathetic:
    Eh, ya know, I vote. I go to rallies.

    I don't have any of those.
    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.):
    "Don't think, just do. Boy, but that gets me in a lot of trouble.

    Closest friend(s):
    Tee, for sure.
    She is a chef!
    - Attitude towards job:
    She loves her job, of this I am certain. Which is why she wants her own place, where she can serve her own food with her own recipes.
    Noted accomplishments:
    Probably getting over so many lost loves, for everyone seems to just go away with her. Also, getting up from being a sioux chef to head chef was great for her.
    - Famous/infamous?
    Oh, neither, really.
    Clubs/organisations belonged to:
    About every LGBT organisation out there.
    Favourite music or group/favourite TV shows or films:
    Tee listens to a lot of indie, and also a lot of mainstream. She watches TV shows that belong on a 14 year olds television. (One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl, for example.) Her taste in films is a little better.
    Cooking, gossiping


    - Inheriting $1 million:
    Hmm, "WHAT THE FUCK am I supposed to do with this shit?"
    - The death of a loved one:
    That would tear me to pieces, even I can break down and cry. But Olivia would be there to pick up the pieces, you can believe that.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.:
    Earthquake? Used to it. The others...well, shit.
    - Being fired:
    I wouldn't care much, I have art to fall back on. And that's what I do currently is sell my work to local gallery's.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years:
    If it were a friend, we'd probably go out and get drinks. If it were an enemy, I would probably feel a little awkward and try to be friendly, as I don't hold years-long grudges.
    - Having or raising children:
    Holy shit, I would be an awful mother. Don't even bring that up, Olivia might here no matter how many miles away she is. And I don't want her having any ideas about sperm donors and conception.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way:
    Let's just....skip this, okay?
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment:
    A simple, thank you. I consider myself humbled, or I can at least act it.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer:
    You know what I would do? I would hit the town and live out my last days alive with stride. I'm not a very practical person, I know. But if I had cancer, I would totally shave my head before they even gave me chemo.
    - A flat tire on the expressway:
    "Oh fuck". I'd feel a bit like a jackass, but it's not as though I can help it.
    - An interracial relationship:
    I've fucked plenty of people who weren't the same colour as me. Relationships would be fine, totally and completely, but I'm in one and I don't usually do that kind of thing (relationships)
    - Five minutes on local or national TV:
    I'd probably say something towards Olivia, as it's obvious she would tell me to...boy, am I whipped or what?
    December 30th, 2009 at 11:31am
  • swell

    swell (150)

    Name: Melanie Graham.
    Story:Beautiful Mistakes

    Do you like animals?
    Yeah, they're okay.

    Do you think Michael Vick should have gotten off so easily?
    If you do, then please explain your wrongness.
    Who the fuck is Michael Vick?

    Do you like the feeling of cleaning out your ears?
    Yes, I feel clean.

    Do you believe there is just one love for everyone, or that there can be multiple
    Love is just an excuse for people who want to be fucked.

    What is your favorite dog breed?
    I don't have one.

    If you could go to any country becides the U.S. where would you go?
    Greece. The history there is amazing.

    Do you believe in Gay marriage, or do you believe they should suffer alone?
    If people of the same sex are in 'love', whatever. I believe in it more than letting humans suffer.

    Do you think you have a right not to care for an animal?

    What is your favorite main stream song?
    Shut Up - Simple Plan.

    Who is your favorite main stream artist?
    Simple Plan, no doubt about it.

    Do you like Vintage things?

    Which past decade would you want to live in?
    The '60's, sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.

    What is your favorite movie genre?

    If you could adopt any culture, what would it be?
    The Native American culture. They're very interesting to me.

    Do girls pass gas?

    Which would you rather do: fart loud enough for everybody to hear in public, or fall
    flat on your face in front of your crush?
    Neither. I'd smoke some weed in front of my dad and let them think whatever the ywant to think.

    What do you think about yourself?
    I'm pretty fucking awesome.

    Do all girls really secretly go thtrough wanting a bad ass phase?

    Would you allow yourself to be a booty call for someone?
    I have.

    Have you ever smoked hookah?

    What outrageous career could you see yourself wanting to do?
    A drugs specialist; specialising in taking alcohol and drugs and seeing which one is the best to me.

    Are you unattracted to people who are fairly short (but not midgit)?

    Do you like Frank Sinatra?

    Do you think you could fall in love with someone that you couldn't look at until after
    you've made your decision to be with them?
    I don't believe in love.

    Do you say coke, soda, or pop?

    Do you like movie musicals?
    They're a waste of space.

    Do you like thunderstorms?

    Would you like to see a tornado at some point in your life?
    I would.
    January 23rd, 2010 at 02:44am
  • chasing rainbows

    chasing rainbows (105)

    Elise ;)
    Tell me about yourself.
    "Well, I'm Elise, Im the youngest in my family--close and extended alike-- I take after my mother AND father, looks-wise. And I am nothing like my sister. At least I hop I'm not. Oh, and I'm nineteen."
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    "I survived my sister's wedding. Haha."
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    "Photographer. Or any job that requires me to live as far away as from my family. I don't have a problem with them, I just prefer living my own life. Not the one they make for me."
    What goals do you have?
    "Move out. Get successful. Ignore sister."
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    "Finish schoo, but since my mom made me drop out, I'll have a harder time now. And since my sister, Celine, is the "perfect" daughter, and nont-so-perfect sister, it's hard to ignore."
    How do you personally define success?
    "Doing what you want to to do, and doing it with the people you love most."
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    "I [was] Valedictorian of my class."
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    "I've written a novel. Started at fifteen, finished at seventeen. It was along and arduous process."
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    "Nothing. All that happened has made me who I am now."
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    "People. Just not my family."
    Are you a team player?
    "Depends. Who's the team?"
    What motivates you?
    "Clark. He's the only realistic person in my life. Everyone else is over the top."
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    "Yes. Obviously."
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    "Didn't you ask that already? Anyways, surviving college. Hahaha."
    What are your short-term goals?
    "Keeping on speaking terms with my old high school friend. Clark."
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    "In Rome, doing as the Romans do. No, seriously, I plan on moving to Rome rather soon."
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    "Married, with children. Successful, loving husband. Normal stuff. Though maybe, I want to own a book store."
    Do you handle conflict well?
    "No. I admit it. I am horrible with conflict."
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    "My sister's wedding. My break-up."
    Do you handle pressure well?
    "I hope so."
    What is your greatest strength?
    "I don't think I have any."
    What is your greatest weakness?
    "I'm a little anti-social, I used to have friends. That was before the wedding."
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    "Art. English Lit. Photography."
    Is money important to you?
    "No. They are merely instruments."
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    "Not much. Yet, a lot."
    January 23rd, 2010 at 04:30am
  • Francois Arouet

    Francois Arouet (100)


    Given Name:
    Achintya Erin Jones

    Junie calls me Eri <3. I go by Erin, thoughhh. Guess why?

    - gender
    I love how this is all under Appearance~ Male.
    - age
    - height
    - weight
    - hair colour/style
    Pink. Little bit longer than average length. Past the ears, anyways. Messy.
    - eye colour
    Dark brown.
    - makeup
    Thin eyeliner.
    - clothing style
    A mix between black, emo-type, and vibrant, little kid type. For example, a death metal t-shirt with a rainbow long sleeved shirt underneath.

    Half indian, half caucasian.
    Physical abilities/limitations:
    I'm very graceful and agile. Not strong at all, though.
    My parents gave me up for adoption as a baby. They left me my first name, but not the other two. The couple that brought me up are distant relatives of my mother's side, but I've never bothered to look for my parents, really. My father is from India, and my mother from the U.S., like me.


    We say we're Cristian, but never go to church and secretly I don't think much of God.
    Place of birth:
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Place and time of story:
    Weeell...We still live in Atlanta, but that's not exactly where the story takes place xD
    - race/ethnicity:
    My adopted parents are both caucasian.
    - socioeconomic level:
    Fairly wealthy, I guess.
    - religion:
    Been there, done thaat.
    - habits:
    Theirs or mine? I'm assuming theirs. None in particular. Mum's a bit of a neat freak, though.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren):
    It's alright. I don't confide in them much, but we don't fight or anything.
    - living/deceased:
    My adopted ones are definitely alive. I dunno about the other two, though.

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each)
    Nope. There's Junie, though, my best friend since Grade 1.
    - race/ethnicity:
    - socioeconomic level:
    Average. Not as rich as us, but not poor either.
    - religion:
    Strongly atheist.
    - habits:
    Accidently glaring at people when she zones out. It's pretty great.
    - quality of relationship:
    We're everything best friends should be. Nothing will tear us apart.
    - living/deceased:
    Alive, last I checked.


    - What was their life like before the story began?
    I started high-school the day the story began. Mostly excited, preparing for lots of work and hanging out with Junie. We hung out with some other kids, too, but they changed every so often.
    - What was growing up like for them?
    Uneventful, really. That's not to say it was boring - it wasn't (I'm quite the dare-devil adventurer type )- but there were any huge crises or anything insanely exciting.
    - Did they have a good or bad childhood?
    Definitely good.
    - What struggles have they had, or hardships they have overcome?
    The thing about my parents has always bothered me a little bit, but being happy is just too tempting. I'm a spoiled 'lil brat. There hasn't been much to overcome, apart from the constant bullying. But what can I say? A guy who wears make-up and has pink hair tends to get that.
    - Has their life worked out like they expected?
    Don't be silly. I focus on the present, not the future. I have no expectations. They're a pain anyways.
    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now?
    Easy. Strange how I'm fairly unique in that.
    - Do they have regrets?
    Nah, not really. I always wish my parents hadn't abandoned me, but that's not one of my regrets, exactly. It's more like somethign I wish hadn't happened.
    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today?
    My adoption, perhaps, and then Junie. No explanation needed.
    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way?
    Not really.


    Outer Goal (physical):
    Get back to normal earth and my lfie as it was.
    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional):
    1) Figure out if I'm either a) Gay. b) Asexual. or c) Just really picky about finding people to have crushes on. In other words, have never.
    2) Find a crush.
    Defining characteristic:
    How little I care about what everyone else thinks of me, and how childish and carefree I am, even compared to the shallow people.
    This goes with my goals.
    Food with eyes. Or faces in general.
    Dirty Secrets:
    Hmm. Well, I did kiss Drew in grade eight. Not for any particular reason. I was just curious. Junie doesn't really know, but I didn't think it was particularly important, so whatever.
    Introvert or extrovert?:
    More thinking or feeling?:
    Feeling. Thinking takes tiime.
    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?:
    My serious, determined, focused nature and immature, bubbly, childish personality.
    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?:
    None of them, really. I'm just...normal, in that.
    Favourite and hated foods/drinks:
    Apple juice. It's disgusting.
    I like pretty much everything else, except for meat that looks bloody and seafood xD
    Education or important learning experiences:
    Is that like a "Would you rather" kind of question, or just asking if I've had either? I really like learning, and school in general. I'm not really determined to go to a good university or anything, but since I have fun getting good grades, I might as well, right?
    Most enjoyed activities:
    Anything fun and wild. Ooh, or climbing trees.
    Sense (or lack!) of humour: what makes your character laugh?
    Pretty much anything. I'm liable to erupt into fits of giggles at something not even the least bit funny.
    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate?
    I don't really have any, I guess. I'm my own person~


    Attitudes toward:
    - self
    I'm a pretty cool person. I like myself, I guess~
    - others
    I kinda shut myself out from the world. There's me, Junie, my parents, and then everyone else.
    - friendship
    I love my Junie.
    - sex
    Eeeh. Maybe when I actually find someone who I want.
    - love
    Just for my best friend.
    - family
    They're alright.
    - marriage
    Nooo. Not yet.
    - country
    Is a country. End of story.
    - the world
    I'll explore it some day, both mentally and physically.
    - religion
    Boring stuff.


    Closest friend(s):
    - Famous/infamous?
    Kind of infamous around the school for doing silly things like pulling the fire alarm, tripping popular people,


    - Inheriting $1 million:
    Oh gosh. I'm not really sure. I'd ask everyone what they thought, I guess.
    - The death of a loved one:
    I...that's not imaginable to be.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.:
    It could be interesting as long as no one got hurt or anything.
    - Being fired:
    Um, well, I'm not really working, so it would be kinda amusing.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years:
    It could be...interesting.
    - Having or raising children:
    Squeee~ I love children.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way:
    Hmm. -head tilt- I wouldn't mind too much, I think.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment:
    I'd smile, maybe wink, cursty, act happy and sweet in general.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer:
    I'd have fun. Do even more crazy things. Live my life.
    - A flat tire on the expressway:
    Heehee. Skip to town?
    - An interracial relationship:
    ...Well, considering I'm Indian and living in America - hard to avoid. I don't mind at all anyways
    - Five minutes on local or national TV:
    Wheeee! I'd say outrageous things and be weird.
    January 23rd, 2010 at 05:17am
  • Buffy Summers

    Buffy Summers (100)

    United States
    Gabriela Armstrong, Kathleen, unposted.
    Tell me about yourself. Well, I'm Gabriela Armstrong. I'm a sophomore at Skyline High School. I play volleyball and build sets for various drama productions. I love my friends to death. I want to back pack through Europe after I graduate high school and then join the Peace Corps.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? Helping my volleyball team make it to State last year. That was so awesome!
    How would you describe your ideal job? Something that involves helping people and giving back to the community.
    What goals do you have? Get into a good college, help people, graduate high school, go to Europe, perform on stage, lean ten languages,and write a book.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? Hmm. Do well in school?
    How do you personally define success? Living a good, comfortable life with a nice house and lots of friends and family.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. When I made the JV volleyball even though I hadn't looked at a volleyball in a year or so.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? Earning the Rookie of the Year trophy and passing Honors English 9 (That was a hella hard class!)
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? I wouldn't really change anything. I like my life the way it is.
    Would you rather work with information or with people? People.
    Are you a team player? Yes, definitely. I work better in a team than I do alone.
    What motivates you? My family and friends motivate me.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? Yes. I have a lot of goals that I want to achieve.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. (Is it me or was I just asked this?) Well, at the beginning of freshman year I didn't want to get involved in school and stuff, I just wanted to sit in the back of the class and doodle in my notebook. Then I decided that that life wasn't for me, so I joined student council and tried out for the volleyball and ended up being elected freshman class president, and I earned a spot on the JV volleyball team and passed all my class with an A average. So, yeah.
    What are your short-term goals? (Again, wasn't I just asked this?) Graduate high school, get into a good college, go to prom with Spencer, travel the world.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? I see myself in college, volunteering at a food shelter, playing with my band, and just chilling out and enjoying life.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? Out of college with a degree, having some sort of job that makes me happy.
    Do you handle conflict well? I try to handle it well. Sometimes I run away from it but other times and face it without fear.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? Hmm. My mother came back to the Bay and I had no memory of her. So, yeah, that was pretty major.
    Do you handle pressure well? Depends. Sometimes I'm cool under pressure, other times I crack.
    What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is my spunk.
    What is your greatest weakness? My greatest weakness is my cheek. I can get in trouble sometimes because of my tongue.
    What were your favorite classes? Why? My favorite classes were Biology and Advanced Algebra. I love math and science so much. My other favorite class was Honors 9 English, even though it was hella hard I enjoyed reading the assigned books and Mr. Roberts is fascinating.
    Is money important to you? Not really. All I need is good music, my family and friends and lots of books.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? Not a lot. I'm not obsessed with money like some people.
    January 23rd, 2010 at 05:56am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Oh my god, I'm really sorry. :O Double!
    March 30th, 2010 at 12:46am
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    Brendan Veins of Rennyboy. and Soriagirl. (and soon, Brendandude. is answering. :D

    Tell me about yourself. - "Well...uh...I like...rock music. And...I like food, and I have two brothers. And my name is Brendan."
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? - "Winning the talent show in seventh grade, brah! I'm the freakin' drummer for Plaster Caster. We kicked ass, man.
    How would you describe your ideal job? - "As little work as possible."
    What goals do you have? - "I don't really want to have to go to college, so I want my band to get as recognized as possible. I'm dead serious."
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? - "Play kickass music. Duh."
    How do you personally define success? - "Um...getting stuff done...?"
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. - " mean other than winning the talent show?"
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? "Meeting Luke when I was seven, that was pretty cool. He's my best friend and I probably wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't met him. - wait, is that an accomplishment?... well, it is to me..."
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? - "I'd learn my manners. The only chick in my life is our band's guitarist, and it's not like we could have something go on."
    Would you rather work with information or with people? - “People! I hate numbers. Mainly because I hate math.” *cue cheesy grin!*
    Are you a team player? - “I guess so.”
    What motivates you? - “The thought of being with my friends is pretty cool. That’s why I’m in a band.”
    Are you a goal-oriented person? - “No.”
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. – “I, uh…well, I took drum lessons for a few weeks, but then quit when I got bored of learning basic crap I already knew…other than that? Um…”
    What are your short-term goals? - “Haha! I just wanna get into high school without being branded as the youngest Veins brother.”
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? - “Probably playing gigs and sleeping on strangers’ basements.”
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? - “I at least wanna be touring with a pretty well-known band. That’d be cool, even if it seems kinda out there.”
    Do you handle conflict well? - “Are you serious?”
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? - “Oh my God. My brothers are being complete freaks right now and it’s freakin’ me out, man. What the hell’s going on. Really.”
    Do you handle pressure well? - “Probably not. I’d have to ask someone.”
    What is your greatest strength? - “People always tell me I’m funny. I don’t get it. I don’t think I’m that funny…”
    What is your greatest weakness? - “I’m not what you’d call a ‘thinker.’”
    What were your favorite classes? Why? - “HAHAHAHAHA…oh. Wait. Were you serious? Wow. Uh…I’m not even gonna answer this.”
    Is money important to you? - “Hey, it gets me food. That’s cool.”
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? - “Enough to not have to go to college.” *laughs*
    March 30th, 2010 at 12:47am
  • callisto

    callisto (100)

    United States
    Chris from Nothing Lasts Forever

    Tell me about yourself: Like what? what do you possibly want to know? Umm, okay, well I'm twenty-one years old and I live with my little brother. Fascinating enough for you?

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?: Huh? Uhhh... well, I have to think about that. well, up to date, it's buying my first car. Cars aren't cheap this days, not when you're workng to jobs and caring for your brother it isn't.

    How would you describe your ideal job?: My ideal job doesn't matter, as long as I get paid a lot.

    What goals do you have?: Providing my little brother with the best (but don't tell him that) And getting filthy rich.

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?: Well, working hard, or marrying some rich old lady.

    How do you personally define success?: What kind of question is that? Well, I guess success is getting shit done.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.: Um.. I was successful in getting into Kara Hartley's pants. Does that count?

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?: Finishing Highschool. I never thought I'd pass

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?: I'd make sure my parents didn't leave that night.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?: I'd rather work with information. People suck.

    Are you a team player?: Not unless it benefits me somehow.
    What motivates you?: Money
    Are you a goal-oriented person?: No, not really, are we done yet? what is this, twenty questions?

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.: Alright, I finished high school by cheating of my lab partner's paper for the entire year, and banging the principal. Who can say no to this?

    What are your short-term goals?: Leave town, someday

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?: Rolling around in cash. Believe me, it will happen someday.

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?: I'd say married with children, but first of all, I hate kids, and I hate being tied down.

    Do you handle conflict well? Hell yes, if you want people to respect you, you've got to make them get down on their knees and beg for mecy. And the only way to do that is to show them who's boss. And I always do.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?: Trying to give my little brother the best I can give. I love him (don't tell him that) and I really want to give him a better life than I have. But money's tight... so...

    Do you handle pressure well? I don't succumb to pressure, I do what I want, when I want.

    What is your greatest strength?: I get things done.

    What is your greatest weakness?I'm a procastinator

    What were your favorite classes? Why?: What? I don't have any... okay, well then I'd say history, becuase it's fuck easy.

    Is money important to you?: Fuck yes. Have you been listening to me for the past few questions?

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?: A lot. More than you can ever give me.
    March 30th, 2010 at 01:45am
  • chasing rainbows

    chasing rainbows (105)

    Tell me about yourself.

    My name is Randy Montez. And I am an Honor Student, I am smart and ambitious. I pass my time helping my mother out at home, and helping my father out with his garden and artworks. I am not very rich so I have to have a scholoarship to be able to go to my school. And my mother thinks I take things too seriously.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    I won a Spelling Bee against other schools, when I was eleven. I worked hard for that.

    How would you describe your ideal job?

    To be able to show what I make. To be able to give my future children an outstanding education without busting a sweat.

    What goals do you have?
    A lot, do I have to list it down?

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?

    The clean way, Hard Work. Focus. No boys until after college.

    How do you personally define success?

    Success is being able to support yourself without outside help. Being independent, being able to impress your friends with what you do.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.

    Hhm. When I first held that merit certificate in my hands stating that I was an honor in my class. Being able to make my parent's proud. Being able to see a proud smile on them.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?

    When my mother and I used to go to the park everyday and just swing together, of course that was when I was six and she didn't have a job.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?

    Nothing. Everything happens for a reason. We have to learn from our experiences and mistakes. This is a world where the weak suffer, and the smart and rich make it at the top. It's a hard reality you have to deal with.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?

    Information. People just find ways to hurt you.

    Are you a team player?

    When I have to.

    What motivates you?

    My parents.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?

    Definately. My life has been dedicated to reaching my goals. Big or small.

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.

    My most recent goal that I accomplished was getting into my dream High School. I was able to do it by qualifying for a scholarship.

    What are your short-term goals?

    My short-term goal is to be able to finish making dinner while answering this interview.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?

    Finishing college with top honors and applying for a job at the best companies.

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?

    I honestly haven't thought about it yet.

    Do you handle conflict well?

    No. That's why I do my best to avoid it.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?

    My family losing it's fortune.

    Do you handle pressure well?

    Yes. I have to be able to.

    What is your greatest strength?

    My mind. My abilities. My strength, not physically.

    What is your greatest weakness?

    My inability to establish friendships with people that don't have the name Mom and Dad in it.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?

    Math, Art, Science.

    Is money important to you?


    How much money do you need to make to be happy?

    Not much, but it would be better to have a lot of it when I grow up. It'll be better that way.
    April 15th, 2010 at 10:12am
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States

    Given Name: Jack Clanton (no middle name.)

    Nickname(s): Jacky, J-Dog, LT.

    - gender: Male
    - age: 28
    - height: 6'3
    - weight: 200 even
    - hair color/style: Dark brown, close cropped army style.
    - eye color: Dark green.
    - makeup: None.
    - clothing style: Classic, generic, military style.
    Race/ethnicity: Caucasian.

    Physical abilities/limitations: Suffers from Post Traumatic Stress, has a slight limp from where a bullet grazed his hip.



    Religion: Lapsed Catholic.

    Place of birth: Maryville, Oklahoma.

    Place and time of story: Red Bluffs, California, no time specified.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Caucasian.
    - socioeconomic level: Lower middle class.
    - religion: Catholic.
    - habits: None known.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): Poor.
    - living/deceased: Deceased.

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each)
    - race/ethnicity: Caucasian
    - socioeconomic level: Middle Class
    - religion: Strong Catholic
    - habits: None specified.
    - quality of relationship: Good.
    - living/deceased: Living.

    Family structure/life:


    - What was their life like before the story began? Jack was serving a tour of duty in Iran.

    - What was growing up like for them? Erratic, poor. Bounced from foster home to foster home.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Neutral.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? Jack's parents died when he was 8 years old, so he and his brother went to live with their widower grandfather. However, their grandfather could not afford two growing boys, so he had to put them into foster care.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Pretty much. Jack has always aspired to be in the military, so he has been pretty happy with the way his life has worked out.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Moderately difficult.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Forced.

    - Do they have regrets? Many.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? A combination of things. XD

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? Fathering a child with a 17 year old girl ranks right on up there.


    Outer Goal (physical): To begin living life as a civilian again.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): To recover from the scars of PST, and to live down his guilt from his affair with Lenny McGee.

    Defining characteristic: Serious.

    Hopes/desires: To begin living life again.
    Fears/phobias: That people won't find out about his affair, and the PST.
    Dirty Secrets: PST, affair with Lenny.

    Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert.

    More thinking or feeling?: Thinking.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: Has always thought he had high moral standards, but fell into an illicit affair with a minor more quickly then he thought he would.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: Pretty selfless.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: Loves burgers, steak, fries, chinese take away. Hates MREs, broccoli.

    Education or important learning experiences: High School, went into military right after.

    Most hated activities: Sleeping. Washing dishes.

    Most enjoyed activities: Working out, whittling, being outdoors.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: How deeply he desires Lenny.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? "Stupid" physical comedy bits (AKA The Three Stooges), comedians like Bill Engvall and Chris Rock.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? His grandfather, who served in World War II


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: Very neutral, leans toward self-depreciating.
    - others: Is very trusting of other males, but has a hard time opening up to females. An after effect of "mommy issues".
    - friendship: Doesn't make friends very easily, considers his fellow soldiers automatic friends.
    - sex: Considers it a normal part of life as a healthy male, but is discriminating about partners. He won't sleep with just anyone, but he doesn't sleep around, either.
    - love: Doesn't think he's been in love.
    - family: Wants to do better than his family.
    - marriage: Wants to be married one day.
    - country: Very patriotic.
    - the world: Neutral.
    - religion: Considers it a normal of life.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: Conservative.
    - public causes supported/protested: War efforts.
    - politically active/apathetic: Apathetic.

    Superstitions?: None, really.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.): "Don't try and live with 'no regrets'. Don't do the damned things that you'll regret in the first place."


    Closest friend(s): His brother, Anthony.
    Job/career/occupation: Military.
    - Attitude towards job: Enthusiastic.
    Noted accomplishments: Is a LT. Colonel in the Army.
    - Famous/infamous? Infamous.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: VW

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Allman Brothers, No TV.

    Hobbies: Whittling, being outdoors, marksmanship.


    - Inheriting $1 million: He would be excited, but reluctant to spend any of it.
    - The death of a loved one: He would mourn silently.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: Try and help however he could.
    - Being fired: "Take it like a man".
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Be excited, but not show it outwardly. He doesn't have "enemies" in the traditional sense.
    - Having or raising children: Would approach it enthusiastically.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: He would fight back.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: Graciously.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: Accept it for what it is.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: Get pissed off, start cursing.
    - An interracial relationship: Neutral.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: Would be nervous.
    April 16th, 2010 at 12:55am
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Character from an unpublished story.

    b]Tell me about yourself.
    Well I am Jasey Lynn Maddox, I am 24 years old. I live with my dad and two siblings, who are both younger. I own a music venue with one of my best friend. I am original from Wales but I moved to Hunnington Beach when I was 11.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    It has to be watching the Beach Hut grow into a small but very successful music venue.

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    I am in it :)

    What goals do you have?
    Just really to watch Beach Hut grow more and more.

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?[/b[
    By hard work and determination.

    How do you personally define success?
    I don't know to be honest, I think I will just know.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    We had a charity event a few months back and well it was a great turn out. We raised tons of money.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Getting the Beach Hut up and running. After all them month Lucas and myself put into that place.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    I wouldn't let my mum be so controlling over my siblings and I wouldn't let her feed all the lies she told to us.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    People for sure.

    Are you a team player?
    I guess so, I work the best with Lucas. I always have and always will.

    What motivates you?
    I'd say my grandparents. I want to have a life like their's when I am old and grey. Living peaceful and coping well with everyday life.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    I guess, sometimes.

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    We recently had a band played at this open mic night, and the guys from the band had been trying to get signed for a few years. They always played our open mic nights. And on this particular night, their amps bust and we didn't have any spares in, yet we suggested they carried on and play and acoustic set. They next week they came in and told us they got signed. They also told us, they were thankful as we kept putting up with them for a good few months and without our help they would have never got signed. It was never really a goal for us, but we help these for guys achieve a goal which we were happy to help with.

    What are your short-term goals?
    Right now, it is mainly family concentrated. I want my sister to do well in school and I want my dad to come out of this divorce with a smile on his face.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Still working and maybe finding a place to settle.

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Maybe with a family of my own.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    Between my siblings? Yes I do. But if it is between my mum and myself that's another story.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    My mum leaving us.

    Do you handle pressure well?
    Hmm, I can take so much pressure. So yeah I guess so.

    What is your greatest strength?
    I'd say look after people around me.

    What is your greatest weakness?
    Giving myself a hard time and putting a lot of pressure on myself.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    English. You could let your imagination run free.

    Is money important to you?
    With the business yes, but that's about it.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    With the music venue, a steady good amount will keep me happy. But in general $5 would keep me happy.
    April 19th, 2010 at 01:58am
  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States

    Given Name: Jimothy Gaye

    Nickname(s): Scratch

    - gender: Male
    - age: 25
    - height: 6'3
    - weight: ~170
    - hair color/style: dark, occasionally streaked with color, short.
    - eye color: Dark blue.
    - makeup: eyeliner, some glitter, full powder and lipgloss and mascara occasionally.
    - clothing style: Monochromatic when casual, flamboyaunt, stylish, glam.
    Race/ethnicity: Caucasian.

    Physical abilities/limitations: None.



    Religion: Raised strict Catholic.

    Place of birth: Wilding

    Place and time of story: Anarbor, late 80s.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Caucasian.
    - socioeconomic level: Upper class.
    - religion: Catholic.
    - habits: None mentioned.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): Poor.
    - living/deceased: Deceased.

    Family structure/life: Parents were very upper class Suburbia and Scratch was, uh, not. Resented him and sent him away when he was 14 to extensive aversion therapy. He left home the day he turned sixteen and hasn't been back since.


    - What was their life like before the story began? Living in Anarbor with Mandi. Frequent club-goer.

    - What was growing up like for them? Terrible.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Bad, but it had it's moments.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? He was suicidal for the longest time. His parents resented him and he recieved abuse, mostly emotional but occasionally physical, almost everyday. Once he finally left home, he was living with a couple different friends for a year or two and worked at a cheap motel in the city in exchange for a room. His life's still not easy, but he's having fun.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Pretty much. He may be a concieted asshole sometimes, but he's practical and knows how stuff ends up for people like him.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Moderately difficult.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Choice.

    - Do they have regrets? Almost none.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? Multiple. Mostly it was the shock therapy.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? Shock therapy. Made him nuts.


    Outer Goal (physical): To survive without selling his soul.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): Live withour regret and to fuck anything that doesn't make him happy.

    Defining characteristic: Flamboyaunt.

    Hopes/desires: To live fast and die young.

    Fears/phobias: Few.

    Dirty Secrets: Very open, just not about the incident with his cousin.

    Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert.

    More thinking or feeling?: Feeling.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: Values himself and how others percieve him and values art for the sake of art, but is very pro-working class and is extremely honest.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: Self-centered.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: Loves Chinese, cheap stuff, Jack, Little Debbie snack cakes. Hates Italian, burgers.

    Education or important learning experiences: High school.

    Most hated activities: Sleeping, doing nothing, smoking.

    Most enjoyed activities: Sleeping, doing nothing, smoking.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Had always wanted to be one of those people that lives out of his van. Some money, a guitar, and a place to sleep.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? Irony, misfortune of others, dark humor.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Himself.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: Self-centered while remaining self-destructive.
    - others: resentful of most.
    - friendship: Fucks first, befriends later.
    - sex: Considers it the only time when a person can be completely themselves. Has a bit of an addiction as well.
    - love: Bullshit.
    - family: The people who raised you are just blood. You choose your family.
    - marriage: Pointless.
    - country: Lines on a map.
    - the world: Fascinating in a morbid way.
    - religion: For those who can't think for themselves.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: Liberal
    - politically active/apathetic: Apathetic.

    Superstitions?: None.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.): "Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."


    Closest friend(s): Mandi.
    Job/career/occupation: None. Gets frequent checks in mail from family
    - Attitude towards job:
    Noted accomplishments: None. And he likes it that way.
    - Famous/infamous? Infamous.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: David Bowie, The Who, Lou Reed, Led Zeppelin,Marc Bolan, Iggy and the Stooges, Cream, The Kinks, Brian Eno, T. Rex, Elton John, Pink Floyd, Queen, etc.

    Hobbies: Music, hearing himself talk, mostly music.


    - Inheriting $1 million: Excited and go out and spend it.
    - The death of a loved one: Appear apathetic on the outside, but to maybe one person, be a complete wreck.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: Go all End of the World mode.
    - Being fired: Shrug it off.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Friend, be friendly and nostalgic; an enemy, be a complete bitch.
    - Having or raising children: Be confused and angry that his world was crumbling. Also very fucking confused seeing as he doesn't like chicks.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: Fight back.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: Awkwardly.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: Accept it.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: Cussing at the top of his lungs then comedically trying to mellow out.
    - An interracial relationship: Neutral.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: "Would you like some eggs with that ham?"
    April 21st, 2010 at 09:30pm
  • Orien;

    Orien; (100)

    United States
    Will Amsdell of Brutal Perfection. Cute

    Tell me about yourself.
    Well uh, my names Will Amsdell. I’m 17 and I’ll be 18 in October. I was born in South Jersey, by the shore. And to be honest, I’m not really sure what to say here. I mean, there’s things I could say…But I think I’d rather keep them to myself.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    I haven’t really had any awesome accomplishments…When I was in eighth grade, I was on the honor roll. I guess that’s pretty important, right?

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    I don’t know that I actually have an ideal job. I’ve never been able to hold down a steady job. I actually hate working all together, so I’d day my ideal job is to sit on my ass, get stoned, and make money for it.

    What goals do you have?
    To make a full recovery and make my mother proud.

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    I’m currently in a rehab for three-six months, so I’m hoping that will do me some good. Other than that, I’ll just have to attend those bullshit NA meetings and stay away from drugs, huh?

    How do you personally define success?
    Success is just happiness in my eyes. As long as I’m happy, I’m successful.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    Oh, you got me on this one. Umm…I guess before I started doing pills, when I was younger I was decently happy. But we all are, aren’t we? That’s the beauty of being a child, we’re naïve.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Like I answered earlier, I haven’t had any great accomplishments. I’d be lying if I said I’ve done anything satisfying in my life.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    I would never pick up a joint, bottle, or pill.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    Maybe with information, I’m not the best in social situations…Never was one to have many friends, unless they were stoners anyway.

    Are you a team player?
    I guess. I mean, I don’t really know.

    What motivates you?
    My mom. I just wanna make my mom happy again.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    I don’t know, I don’t have many goals. So, maybe?

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    My most recent goal was to stay away from drugs for as long as I could. I never achieved that goal. Hence, my presence in rehab.

    What are your short-term goals?
    To make it through the withdrawal without absolutely dying.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    If I’m alive, you mean?

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    I’ve recently been thinking that if I make it through all this and am able to recover, I’d like to get my GED. And maybe, in ten years from now I could be an educated, successful man with a happy life. That’s all I really want.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    Not really. I don’t like confrontation, drama, fighting, or anything like that. I much prefer to just be alone with a bottle of pills.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    Checking in to rehab and saying good bye to everything I know.

    Do you handle pressure well?
    I guess, I mean as well as the next person. I’m definitely not fond of being under pressure. But I’d like to think I handle it well, you know?

    What is your greatest strength?
    I honestly don’t know that I have one, as fucked up as it sounds.

    What is your greatest weakness?
    I just…I’m just so hopeless. I could sit here and name all my weaknesses, but when it comes down to it, I’m just so lost in my own mind.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    I didn’t have one; I barely ever went to school. I was too busy.

    Is money important to you?
    It was.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    That’s part of my problem, really. I don’t want to need money to make me happy anymore. I just want to be genuinely happy.
    April 24th, 2010 at 06:08am
  • hengstin.

    hengstin. (250)

    United States
    I just Google'd character development questions.
    Kaden Bilotta (this story)

    1. How social are you?
    "Not very. I like to stay inside. Shifty"

    2. Have you ever changed the way you look?
    "I dye my hair. It's actually a light brown, not dark."

    3. What is your real, birth name?
    "Kaden Mason Bilotta. My parents are stupid and made my name rhyme. Rolling Eyes"

    4. What is your nickname, and where did you get it?
    "I just go by my name."

    5. What do you wear when you go to sleep?

    6. Do you wear any jewelry?
    "An old chain of my sister's. There's nothing but the chain, though."

    7. What's your real birth date?
    "Am I supposed to have a fake one? XD It's June second."

    8. Where do you live?
    "Mostly at Lucas's."

    9. Describe it.
    "It's small, but comfortable."

    10. Do you own a car?
    "I'm too young for a car."

    11. Describe it.
    "I don't have one!"

    12. What is your most prized possession?
    "Anything that used to be Samantha's."

    13. Why do you value it so much?
    "Because it was hers."

    14. What was your family like?
    "Before Sammy, they treated me pretty well. Now.... I'm not allowed home."

    15. Who was your father?
    "Gabriel Bilotta."

    16. What was he like?
    "He was a good dad for most of my life."

    17. Who was your mother?
    "Julia Bilotta."

    18. What was she like?
    "Good mom for most of the time I've been alive."

    19. What was your parents' marriage like?
    "They put on a show so they seemed happy, but they actually argued pretty often."

    20. What were your siblings names?
    "Samantha Payton."

    21. What were they like?
    "She was one of the people I was closest to, and the one I put all of my trust in."

    22. When is the last time you saw any member of your family?
    "About a month ago at the store. Mom Julia was buying groceries."

    23. Where are they now?
    "I wouldn't know; right now, Dad Gabriel's probably at work, Julia's probably home."

    24. Did you ever meet any other family members?
    "My grandparents from both sides, my aunts and uncles, and my cousin."

    25. What did you think of them?
    "Gabriel's parents: Creepily old. And they hate me. Julia's: Their house smells weird and hate me. Aunts/uncles: Hate me. Cousin: Too. Much. Pink. And hates me."

    26. What is your favorite childhood memory?
    "Meeting Lucas. Arms"

    27. Who was your best friend growing up?
    "Lucas. Arms"

    28. What is your worst childhood memory?
    "The last family reunion. Long story short: Kendall's a bitch. Finger"

    29. How old were you when you went on your first date?

    30. What were you like in high school?
    "I'm ignored."

    31. What "clique" did you best fit in with?
    "I don't know...."

    32. What were your grades like?
    "I have C's in almost all of my classes."

    33. What is something you had to learn that you hated?
    "Algebra. I'm never going to use x2 + 4 = 24. Find x. Grr"

    34. Do you spend more money than save, or vice versa?
    "Save. It might come in handy some day!"

    35. Do you care about politics?
    "No. As long as the elected person isn't insane or severely stupid, I'm fine with anybody. Cute"

    36. What's your favorite movie of all time?
    "Disney's The Lion King. Shifty It's essential for me to watch whenever it's on!"

    37. What types of places do you hang out most often?
    "Lucas's or the park."

    38. What annoys you the most?
    "Bitches and bastards."

    39. What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
    "Lucas. I've seen a kitten being born before.... Gross, but it was awesome to see something breathe for the first time."

    40. What time of day is your favorite?
    "Midnight. It's so quiet and peaceful."

    41. What kind of weather is your favorite?
    "Just before a huge thunderstorm. Have you ever notcied what color everything turns?"

    42. What are the best and worst foods, in your mind?
    "The best is.... Rice Crispy Treats. I can eat those forever. Happy face And the worst is seafood. It smells insanely weird."

    43. Do you have/want any pets?
    "I had a few fish, but I kept forgetting to feed them. And my mouse got out a few years ago, and no one's seen him since. Though, I'm pretty sure that stray cat that hung out around my house had a mouse tail hanging from its mouth a week after Pinky got out. (Yes, she was named after Pinky and the Brain.)"

    44. What do you find most relaxing?
    "Talking to someone I trust, doesn't matter who."

    45. What kind of things embarrass you more than anything else?
    "TMI stuff, and anything that brings up my exes."

    46. What don't you like about yourself?
    "I can't make anyone happy."

    47. Are you gay, straight, bisexual, or pansexual?
    "The first choice."

    48. When did you find out?
    "About two years ago."

    49. Who was your first?
    "Shocked Whut? No one."

    50. When did it happen?
    "It hasn't."

    51. Is there anything you'd never do, under any circumstances, with anyone that way?
    "Public stuff, make a video. (People who do that are whores.)"

    52. Who are you currently in a relationship with?
    "No one. Sad The last one was Nate."

    53. How long have you been together?
    "We were together for eight months, but the relationship ended last week."

    54. Why are you attracted to him/her?
    "He was really sweet. In Love He turned out to be a jerk. Grr"

    55. How old were you when you first got drunk?

    56. What came out of it?
    "I found out I liked guys. And a horrible hangover."

    57. How often do you drink now?
    "Occasionally, only if I really need to. So about once every two or three months."

    58. What kind of alcohol do you drink the most?
    "It changes depending on what I can find."

    59. Do you smoke?
    "No. Tried it, hated it."

    60. How often?
    "Please see the above answer."

    61. Have you ever done any other types of drugs?
    "I tried pot when I was with Landon. I lost an hour of memory from it."

    62. What did you think of them?
    "Don't do it. It won't turn out well."

    63. What are your opinions on drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?
    "Drugs: No. Smoking: No. Alcohol: Use in moderation."

    64. What acts from your past do you regret and cherish?
    "Cherish? Being myself. Regret? Being myself. It's good and bad."

    65. Have you ever been in a physical fight before?
    "Once, but not by choice."

    66. How bad was it, and did you win?
    "I had bruises on my back for a couple weeks; I wasn't trying to win, so, of course, I lost."

    67. What are your religious views?

    68. What's the worse thing that can be done to someone else?
    "Killing someone."

    69. What's the worst thing you've done to someone?
    "I wasn't good enough."

    70. Are you a leader or a follower?
    "It really depends on the situation."

    71. Is it okay to cry?
    "Of course. It shows that you feel."

    72. Do you believe in the supernatural?

    73. What caused your belief?
    "I watched a lot of Ghost Hunters on TV."

    74. What is your biggest phobia?
    "I'm pretty claustrophobic...."

    75. Has anyone or anything you've ever cared about died?
    "Sam. Cry"

    76. What was their cause of death?
    "She slit her wrists."

    77. How did you find out?
    "I found her."

    78. Are there any effects remaining from it?
    "I always worry about people I care about getting hurt or losing them."

    79. What was the worst injury you've ever received?
    "When I was younger, I broke my arm falling off the hood of Gabriel's car."

    80. Are you ticklish?
    "Random question! Crazy Yes."

    81. Do you have any bad habits?
    "I'm pretty nervous, and let my emotions take over."

    82. What time period do you wish you lived in?
    "I don't know. The Renaissance and Revolutionary War eras seem pretty interesting. Think"

    83. Can you play any instruments well?
    "No, I wish I could, though! Wow"

    84. How private of a person are you?
    "When I'm talking to someone, I'm really private. It's too easy to lose someone, so I try not to get too attached."

    85. Have you always been this way?
    "No. I was pretty open before Sammy's.... suicide."

    86. What do you do when you're bored?
    "Doodle random pictures or go to the park."

    87. Say you've found a genie's lamp. What three things would you wish for?
    "Think A successful relationship at some point of my life. For the war in the Middle East to just stop already. For people who just accept everyone else as they are."

    88. What is your favorite article of clothing?
    "*holds out Samantha's chain* I found it lying on my bed after the ambulance got there. She left it there for me. Cry"

    89. Is there anything/anyone you could never live without?
    "Lucas. He's pretty much the only person keeping me from killing myself now."

    90. Is there anything/anyone you wish you lived without?
    "My parents and the bastards and bitches at school."

    91. Can you speak any foreign languages?
    "Lucas taught me a few words in Swedish. OMGYES"

    92. Are you fluent?
    "Only in English, because I grew up speaking it."

    93. What is your favorite color?
    "Yellow; it's happy."

    94. What is your favorite animal?
    "Squirrels. lmfao"

    95. If you could choose to be an animal, what would you be?
    "A cat. They're independent and really smart."

    96. Are you allergic to anything?
    "Bee stings."

    97. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
    "Optimistic for the most part."

    98. Have you ever been in love?
    "Multiple times. In Love All but one have broken my heart; the other doesn't know yet."

    99. How bad is your temper?
    "It's pretty under control."

    100. Do you have any deep secrets?
    "Not telling! They wouldn't be deep secrets if I told."
    June 18th, 2010 at 12:55am
  • precursors

    precursors (105)

    United States
    Carmen Frederick Albony

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    Not drowning after Oliver pushed me off the ledge and into the water. I was terrified, but he helped me get over my fear of water a little.
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    My ideal job would be at least enjoyable and pay enough for me to get by in life. I would prefer to be in the city, too.
    What goals do you have?
    I want to get over my fear of water and be able to tell people things without being terrified out of my mind or think that they'll blackmail me.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    Not by having Oliver push me off another cliff. Maybe try taking baby steps in a pool - not another lake with a deep drop off. Therapy, for the confiding part.
    How do you personally define success?
    If it doesn't kill you, I'd say it's a job well done.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    Again when Oli pushed me off the cliff - I didn't drown, so I guess it was successful. Or maybe the time I tried out horseback riding; sure, I got thrown a couple times, but I didn't die and actually had fun for a while.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    I think that learning to deal with the reform camp is what's given me satisfaction in life. The camp changed me for the better and now I actually have friends and people who know what's happened to me but still care about me.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    I change... nothing. I think that everything happened to me for a reason, and while there were a lot of bad times, they all turned out fine in the end - better, in fact.
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    With people.
    Are you a team player?
    I'm a team player sometimes. I'm either all for the team or I don't want it at all. I'm rarely competative, but I do work better on my own.
    What motivates you?
    My friends, Oliver, Dr. Burg and my siblings. I'd never get by without them pushing me to get better.
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    I don't usually keep my eye on the prize. I never wanted to work for something before now, because now I want to be as normal as I can manage. It takes a long time before I become goal-oriented on one thing.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    My most recent "goal" was to be able to tell Dr. Burg about what happened to me in the sixth grade; I just blurted it out, so, I didn't really do anything, I guess.
    What are your short-term goals?
    I don't have any. I know it's going to take years before I'm better, or before my fear of water is gone. Everything I shoot for is going to take a long time.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    I see myself living on my own, maybe with some friends and Oliver, and maybe going to school or working at a cafe or something. Of course, I'd still be in therapy.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    I want to be free of my fears and nightmares.
    Do you handle conflict well?
    Not at all. I can't handle making big decisions and I hate fighting. I'm a people pleaser, so whenever I argue, I end up agreeing with them because I don't want them angry with me. Conflict is not my strong suit.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    Watching my brother's relationship with Maxine crumble.
    Do you handle pressure well?
    I handle pressure extremely well, actually. I'm so used to hiding and keeping secrets and wearing a mask that pressure can't make me crack anymore.
    What is your greatest strength?
    My greatest strength is being able to lie and say that I'm okay no matter how bad I really am.
    What is your greatest weakness?
    My greatest weaknesses are tied. One has to be the same as my greatest strength - I never want to tell anyone what's wrong when I can say I'm fine and they won't worry. The other is my fear of water; if I can't touch the bottom or see the bottom, I'll have a panic attack.
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    My favorite classes are art classes, because it's easy to let out emotions into the artwork but I can say it's something else or someone could think it's something else. Math, too, because numbers and solid and definite.
    Is money important to you?
    Not really. I don't like to think I'm materialistic, but all I need is some clothes, food, water and the people I care about.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Enough to pay rent, for food and bills. Basically, enough to get by on.
    July 4th, 2010 at 08:18am