Character Interview

  • Tell me about yourself.
    I'm Olivia, I'm nineteen and I'm a waitress.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    Graduating high school I guess.

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    Well I dunno what I wanna do yet. I'm still young. I'm taking a year to figure it out.

    What goals do you have?
    Well... I'm trying to figure that out.

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?

    How do you personally define success?
    Feeling comfortable, and accomplished.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    I passed all my S.A.T's with excellent results.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Well it gave me the opportunity to get into university if thats what I wanna do.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    The things I would change, I can't control.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    I'm not sure. Maybe a bit of both? I already work with people.

    Are you a team player?
    I sure am.

    What motivates you?
    I know that only I can motivate myself.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    Whats with all these goals?

    What are your short-term goals?
    Sort out my life.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    Something that makes me happy.

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    I want to be comfortable, financially, and I wanna be happy with who I am.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    Other's conflict I handle well, but my own not so much.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    The death of my twin brother Giovani, and my boyfriend leaving me.

    Do you handle pressure well?

    What is your greatest strength?
    I'm not sure.

    What is your greatest weakness?
    I'm easily influenced.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    English and P.E

    Is money important to you?
    It is important, and anyone that says it isn't doesn't have any.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?

    Olivia, Antigravity.
    November 16th, 2011 at 09:33am
  • Tell me about yourself. I'm August... I don't know. I work on the pipes. I came up here with Cal and Poppy and I live with them, and Dani and Rowen. Shit, I don't know their last name, but... yeah. I live there.
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? Getting up here, I guess. And Lilley, I mean, I don't want to fuck and tell or whatever, but still.
    How would you describe your ideal job? I guess I'd like to be a scientist like my grandfather was.
    What goals do you have? I want to see something of my grandfather if I can, I guess.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? I'll ask Dani about her trade routes, I guess. They could probably help.
    How do you personally define success? Achieving what you've set out to achieve, I'd say.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. Again, probably making it up here. I'm still working, though.
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? Jesus, this is redundant, but, uh, probably Lilley, again. And being up here.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    Would you rather work with information or with people? It depends on the people... I mean, working with people is kind of inevitable anymore, but I would probably prefer information.
    Are you a team player? Yeah, I guess, but not by choice.
    What motivates you? Shit, I'd say Lilley again.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? To some degree, yeah.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. Do we really have to do this again? Getting up here is the biggest, though.
    What are your short-term goals? Get to know Lilley better and have Poppy get better... She's been a bitch lately, but I kinda miss her.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? I honestly have no idea anymore.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? No clue. Probably traveling, I guess.
    Do you handle conflict well? I guess I tend to run away from it.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? Poppy's sick and Lilley gets jealous, I guess.
    Do you handle pressure well? Sure, yeah.
    What is your greatest strength? I'm not really sure. I'm strong, sure, and I'm pretty smart.
    What is your greatest weakness? I run away from my problems and I'm not great with people, maybe?
    What were your favorite classes? Why? I liked science a lot, 'cause it was concrete but really open to change, if you get what I mean?
    Is money important to you? Not really anymore, no.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? None, I guess.

    - August, Rusted Tangerines
    November 18th, 2011 at 11:13pm
  • I'm gonna do this for two characters in one go. tehe


    Story: I Can't Hang
    Given Name: Brady Rafael Schwab

    Nickname(s): I don't got no nicknames. At least, none that are told to my face.

    Appearance: I'm pretty tall but I'm not the beefiest dude out there. I got dark hair I keep covering my forehead to cover the scar right at my hairline. I like to wear jeans a lot but I always tuck in my shirts, 'cause that's the neat thing to do, right? Also my eyebrows are gigantic and I don't help out the situation by growin' a little goatee. Oh well.

    Race/ethnicity: Puerto Rican and Italian. I'm kind of a mutt.

    Physical abilities/limitations: Well when I was on the baseball team in high school, I could run pretty fast. It really does help when tryin' to catch the folks who run away when they die, thinkin' they're not goin' to Heaven. I ain't real strong, but I do have a little bit of muscle. Also, since I got wings, I can fly - how cool is that?


    Religion: I was raised Catholic by my grandma, but after a while I stopped believin'.

    Place of birth: Manhattan, New York. Just like Kyle, heh. I was born in 1959 and died in 1986.

    Place and time of story: Manhattan, New York; 2010

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Both my parents were mutts - my momma was half Puerto Rican and half Italian and my dad was Italian, Puerto Rican, and even a lil' German.
    - religion: Like the rest of all us loud folks, they were Catholic.
    - habits: My parents liked to yell at each other in different languages, but they never yelled about the serious stuff. Just little things. And they worked all the time. When they got home, I was already asleep. I didn't mind it when I was real little, but later on I did.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): We were kinda distant. I wish I would'a known what happened if they kept on living and raising me right. I also kinda wish I could find 'em up in Heaven, but I haven't got no word yet from the records office.
    - living/deceased: They're both dead. Gunned down in an alley when I was 11. I keep tryin' to look for 'em up in Heaven, but I've yet to find their name anywhere. They can't have gone to Hell...


    - What was their life like before the story began? You want me to start at the roots? Er...well, I'll start just a little bit before. I was kinda bored with my afterlife already. I'd spent over 20 years doin' nothin' but bring folks into Heaven and start their journeys as angels, but I didn't have no friends or family up there. It was always that kinda stuff. I didn't even get paid for it. I just did it to feel like I was doin' something worthwhile for everyone.

    - What was growing up like for them? Growin' up was pretty decent until my parents were killed and I was sent off to my grandma, who lived right in the crappy ghetto of Manhattan. I liked to read about stars and planets and stuff. I did that a lot. But I wasn't smart enough to do no fancy advanced classes in high school or junior high, so I was stuck with some of the worst delinquents ever. I hated school. The idea of havin' friends was laughable.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? When I kept to myself, it was good. I was regrettin' that in Heaven, though. So many nice people, and I didn't have the littlest idea how to talk to any of 'em.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? I made a friend in 2010 and his name was Kyle. He sticks salt in my wounds sometimes, but he's a great kid and I love him like a brother. The struggle in that was actually making a friend. The other struggle was gettin' through the destruction we'd caused by staking out in New York after gettin' kicked outta Heaven...

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Ya know, I can't say it has. Actually, it's been the opposite. When I expect somethin' to go well, it doesn't. When I'm expecting life to suck, it doesn't.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Pretty balanced. It sucked, but after meetin' Kyle and James and realizing what actual friends were, it totally skyrocketed.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Well, I was the one who chose to take Kyle into Heaven, so I guess it was my choice. It kinda fell into place on its own after that. Meeting him made a whole new path in my life.

    - Do they have regrets? Every day. Especially when Kyle's ticked at me. I never felt as many regrets as when he yelled at me that one time for forcing inspiration in the hotel.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? Dying changed my life. Pardon the pun. It introduced me to a limitless world that let me take all the risks I wanna, and yet I still ain't doing anything hardly. I don't care.


    Outer Goal (physical): I wanna make people happy, especially when they make me happy.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): I wanna get rid of that lonely feeling I got all the time.

    Defining characteristic: I'm really stupid and I don't realize when I'm bein' too much for people. I don't know when to not care and butt out.

    Hopes/desires: I hope someday I can understand people.

    Fears/phobias: I'm scared Kyle and James are gonna leave me one day after realizin' I'm an idiot and I won't have any friends for the rest of eternity.

    Dirty Secrets: I don't got no secrets. [He grins.] None that you'd wanna hear.

    Introvert or extrovert?: I think I'm more extroverted.

    More thinking or feeling?: I tend to go for my feelings more.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: I hate bein' lonely, but I push people away 'cause I'm straight-up dumb.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: A little too selfless for my own good.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: I love ramen, but that's prob'ly 'cause I hardly had to eat any in the hotel - that was all Kyle eatin' that, since he was just gettin' used to being an angel. I don't gotta eat. But I love junk food. I hate spinach. Yuck.

    Education or important learning experiences: Like I said, meetin' Kyle was the biggest learning experience of my life so far. If it weren't for him, I'd have never felt true danger, true pressure - and I'd have never met James, this other cute kid - er, I guess he ain't a kid, since he's 19, but still. Big ol' change.

    Most hated activities: Doin’ anything by myself. Or havin’ to do something I ain’t good at.

    Most enjoyed activities: Anything where I get to talk to nice people. That’s why I like takin’ folks up to Heaven.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: I don’t know if I can really tell you that here, but I can tell ya that my deepest secret is that I got a crush on someone.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? I’m a sucker for a good pun. Plus when someone acts outta character but not against their will, you know what I’m saying?

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? I got a lot of heroes, but James and Kyle in particular, even if they’re both younger than me.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self I never completely liked myself like I probably should. I got a lot to work on.
    - others Depends who we’re talking about. If they’re nice to me, I like ‘em, but if they wanna be butts, they can drop off humanity for all I care.
    - friendship I’d only experienced a true friendship kinda recently, but man, is it amazing. It’s the kinda thing I wish I’d’a had as a kid.
    - sex Never had it. It’s probably awesome, though.
    - love It’s a beautiful feelin’, man. I love bein’ in love.
    - family I wish I could’a known my family more. Family relationships are great and it kinda hurts, seein’ a real nice family get broken up somehow. Though I’d like to say I kinda got a family relationship with Jimmy and Kyle.
    - marriage I’d like to get married someday to someone in particular. I just think it’s awesome to pledge your life to someone like that. True love and stuff.
    - country I like America, but sometimes I get that feelin’ where I wanna visit my roots and heritage.
    - the world It could be a better place, especially when I was livin’ in it. Not all of humanity is bad.
    - religion I quit believin’ when I got outta high school and was stuck drivin’ taxis for a decade, and I kinda thought it was just this inherent evil. When I got that second chance, though, it was somethin’. Made me think it wasn’t so bad after all.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: I don’t like no politics. All it ever does is make arguments and ruin crap between folks who are friends. Sometimes I like talkin’ about it with Kyle, though. He’s real smart about it and he’s brought up some points that’ve changed how I think. And he doesn’t yell or get all angry like those guys on TV do.
    - politically active/apathetic: Man, I couldn’t care less!
    Superstitions?: I ain’t superstitious, but I hesitate when I see a black cat. Prob’ly ‘cause one scratched me up on the way home from school as a kid.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview?: Don’t sweat the petty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things.


    Closest friend(s): Kyle and St. James, definitely.
    Job/career/occupation: As a human, I was a cab driver. Now I volunteer as a retriever who takes up lost souls into Heaven.
    - Attitude towards job: I like my job now, but before it was just a time killer. Now that I got actual friends to spend time with, I don’t do it as often, and I don’t mind that.
    Noted accomplishments: I think I held a couple records back in the day for monthly retrievals. James always had more than me, though.
    - Famous/infamous? I don’t think I’m really either. Not a lot of people know me personally but they’ve prob’ly heard my name.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: Never been in a club. Not as a human, either.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: I grew up listenin’ to Van Halen and Three Dog Night, and I still got a bunch of their records I break out from time to time. I watch a lotta TV, but I don’t really like a lot of the stuff they show. Like MTV. What happened there, man?

    Hobbies: I gotta admit, I still like lookin’ at stars. I wanted to be an astronaut as a kid. And there’s still that kinda intrinsic affinity that I got for outer space. Heaven gives me such a crystal clear view at night, too.


    - Inheriting $1 million: I’d prob’ly blow it all on donuts or spend a day with my friends.
    - The death of a loved one: I had that happen too many times. It hurts, but ya get over it.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: I’d try to rescue as many people as I could. I’d prob’ly be assigned to retrieve a lot of people and I’d do it sadly.
    - Being fired: Can’t be fired from a volunteer job, heh. Now, as a human gettin’ fired from bein’ a cabbie, that would suck.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: I’d probably treat ‘em the same, friend or foe. Be all, “How’s life?” and stuff.
    - Having or raising children: Man oh man, I’d love to have a kid of my own someday. Sometimes I feel like Kyle’s my son, though. Well, a son/brother mix. I dunno.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: I could put up a fight, I think.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: I don’t get those real often, so I get kinda flustered when they do happen, especially when they’re from Jimmy.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: …I’m already dead.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: I’d flag down someone to help me. I don’t know that kinda stuff. Never had it occur on the job down on Earth.
    - An interracial relationship: Whatever makes you happy.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: Yeah, look where that put me!


    Story: I Can't Hang
    Given Name: James Lucas Duquesne

    Nickname(s): St. James, Jim, Jimmy, Kid

    Appearance: I’m 19, but frankly I feel like I look like I’m still 12. I haven’t grown out of my baby face, which is round and slightly chubby. I’m only 5’5. I try to dress well to convey the fact that I’m not a kid anymore, but I don’t know how well that works.

    Race/ethnicity: I’m white. My family is mostly French in descent.

    Physical abilities/limitations: I can fly, but my wings are old and I need to get them replaced. They shed a lot, too. But I’m an experienced flyer, if not a little weak.


    Religion: I was born and raised Catholic all my life.

    Place of birth: I was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1939.

    Place and time of story: Manhattan, New York in 2010.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: Both of my parents were white, but nationality wise, we have a large French background. Both sets of my grandparents were full-blood and my parents used to speak it all the time. I even know a little bit.
    - religion: We were Catholic.
    - habits: We were a really average family as far as conventions went. My dad would work all day and I’d go to school and get good grades, and my mom would stay home taking care of my little sister, Isabella.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): My parents knew how to raise me and my sister right. We hardly ever did anything wrong, but when we did, we knew it and so did they – and we knew to never do it again.
    - living/deceased: My parents are probably deceased. I don’t know, I haven’t heard anything about them coming into Heaven, but the records are terribly slow and it takes forever for one notification to get through. I know Isabella’s still out there. I used to visit her a lot when she was growing up as a teen.


    - What was their life like before the story began? My life was great and my afterlife was boring. I just liked to do the right thing and everybody thought I was a saint for it. Which, I suppose, is why I was nicknamed “St. James.”

    - What was growing up like for them? Every day I’d go to school happy and come back a little less happy, but I liked my childhood. I didn’t talk to a lot of other kids much, but they didn’t mind.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? I had a great childhood. I get nostalgic sometimes, even. Even though World War II, as they call it, was going on through my first six years of age and I had relatives off fighting in it, it was an interesting way to start my life.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? My worst hardship has been dying and having to adjust to living alone. I was about to go to university when I died, when my weak immune system got the worst of me. The main struggle there was realizing that what I thought my life would be would no longer be.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? Not lately. But I suppose it’s better that way. I didn’t like surprises when I was living. But I’ve met two folks who have let me realize that life is better off with nice surprises.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Overall, a bit of both. I’ve been the reason for my own difficulties, though – mostly shyness or trusting in people. I’ve yet to be wrong in trusting certain people, though.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? Well, I chose to go to Antarctica to help up those penguins, but I certainly never chose to meet Brady and Kyle. It’s been a blast and I don’t regret letting them into my life, though.

    - Do they have regrets? I regret letting those two out of the hotel when we were supposed to be hiding from the cameras. But in a way, it brought us closer. I’m not sure how, but it did.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? Dying has made me an angel, so there’s that.


    Outer Goal (physical): I like my age, but I hope to someday mature at least a little bit, or get a little taller. It drives me nuts when Brady calls me cute.

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): Someday I’d like to be an extrovert, to be able to talk to everyone freely.

    Defining characteristic: I’ve been told I stutter a lot, but I make good points when I do speak clearly.

    Hopes/desires: Someday I hope to be one of the most acclaimed saints in all of Heaven. After I become a true saint, I mean.

    Fears/phobias: I’m scared that someday everybody I know will disappear.

    Dirty Secrets: I don’t keep what you call dirty secrets, but I do have a secret. It involves my best friend. [He crosses his legs and covers a smile with his hand.] I have a little bit of a crush on someone.

    Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert, definitely.

    More thinking or feeling?: I try to think more often, but sometimes my feelings shine through.

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: I like people. I’m just afraid to talk to them, is all.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: I try to be as selfless as I can. But at the same time I always think of myself, which I try not to do.

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: Nothing beats a good plate of spaghetti. Nothing’s worse than ramen.

    Education or important learning experiences: I went through elementary, junior and high school, and even as an angel I’m learning things about myself and humanity in general.

    Most hated activities: I hate playing sports, but I love watching them.

    Most enjoyed activities: I like taking care of animals. I’d rescued just as many animals as humans into the kingdom of Heaven.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Oh, I won’t tell you that.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? I hate to admit it, but I like a good filthy joke every now and then. I love it when things are so hilariously wrong that you just have to laugh about it.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Personally, Brady is my hero. I wish I had half the bravery he’s had throughout this ordeal.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self I’m not quite sure how I feel about myself. I dislike my shyness, but I guess I can’t change it much.
    - others It depends on the person. Generally, I like people.
    - friendship I don’t make friends easily, but when I do, I try not to lose them.
    - sex I’ve never experienced it, but…uh…
    - love Hm…it’s nice. I like it.
    - family Family is important, but bloodlines aren’t the only kind of family.
    - marriage I wish I could get married someday to a nice fellow.
    - country I don’t normally pay attention to my country on a global scale, but I think we did pretty well in the war.
    - the world Honestly, I think it’s getting worse. But what can you do?
    - religion It gives hope to people who are hopeless and have nothing to turn to. I don’t see any evil in that.

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical: I don’t like politics. I try to keep as neutral as possible because I see all sides.
    - politically active/apathetic: Apathetic to the max.
    Superstitions?: I’m not superstitious. I had a black cat when I was little that would sleep with me every night.

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview?: Get busy living or get busy dying.


    Closest friend(s): Brady and Kyle. I sound like a broken record, don’t I?
    Job/career/occupation: I didn’t have a job when I was alive, but as an angel, I volunteer as a retriever.
    - Attitude towards job: I love my job, but I’d love it even more if I got to rescue more animals. Everybody wants the animals.
    Noted accomplishments: I’ve held several records over the years for the number of angels I’ve rescued.
    - Famous/infamous? I like to think I’m famous, but I can’t be sure.
    Clubs/organizations belonged to: None.

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: I listened to a lot of Motown as a child. Smokey Robinson was my favorite, and I wanted to be just like Elvis. I never watched TV and I don’t watch it now, either.

    Hobbies: I like to read. It used to be just something that killed time, but when I get a good book, I can’t put it down for hours.


    - Inheriting $1 million: What would I do with it? I’d give it to charity.
    - The death of a loved one: As long as they came to Heaven, I’d rejoice.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: It’d be sad, especially having to rescue the dead into the sky, but I’d help.
    - Being fired: I was almost fired from being an angel and it was the scariest moment of my life.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: I’d be the same awkward loser waving to them and stumbling over words.
    - Having or raising children: I want children someday. I want to raise them the way my parents raised me, open-minded yet stern.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: I can’t say I wouldn’t cry. In fact, I’d be shattered.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: Every time Brady calls me a good kid, I can’t form a coherent sentence. I just mumble and blush…
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: I’m already dead, so…
    - A flat tire on the expressway: Oh well. Might as well push it as far as it can go to a gas station.
    - An interracial relationship: It’s weird to me, being raised in the era I was, but I don’t bat an eyelash. It is what it is.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: I don’t want to relive that. Please.
    March 30th, 2013 at 09:11pm
  • Given Name: Betty-Jeane West

    Nickname(s): Jeane

    - gender: female
    - age: 18
    - height: 5'3
    - weight: 125 lbs
    - hair color/style: black/dark brown, a chin length bowl cut
    - eye color: brown
    - makeup: lots of eyeliner
    - clothing style: boyish. jeans and button-down shirts/t-shirts.
    Race/ethnicity: white.

    FAMILY: Mother is an abusive schizophrenic, her dad a wealthy businessman. Only child.

    Religion: agnostic.

    Place of birth: Mississippi.

    Place and time of story: 1960, Jackson, Mississippi.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: mother of Irish decent and father of English.
    - socioeconomic level: wealthy.
    - religion: Catholic.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): mother is abusive and father never around.
    - living/deceased: living

    Family structure/life:


    - What was their life like before the story began? Lonely, depressing, confusing. She had several friends, but didn't know how to open up to any of them. Her mother was abusive, her father never around. She escaped through music and fantasy.

    - What was growing up like for them? Difficult. Her mother verbally abused her so much that Jeane barely spoke. She often felt lonely and isolated and would create imaginary worlds inside her head.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Bad.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? Being judged and bullied at school for looking boyish, the situation with her mother, depression.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? She didn't really expect anything.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Difficult

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? She just goes with whatever is asked of her.

    - Do they have regrets? Yes, but she feels they're useless.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? Her parents and the abuse, finding certain music.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? Her mother's abuse, her father's absence.


    Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert

    More thinking or feeling?: Feelings are her thoughts and thoughts are her feelings.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: More selfless.

    Education or important learning experiences: Excellent in school.

    Most hated activities: Sports.

    Most enjoyed activities: Art, music.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Falling in love with the perfect girl she made up in her head.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? Wittiness and stupidity.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Leadbelly.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: Deep seated self hatred.
    - others: has a lot of love deep down but finds herself disliking most.
    - friendship: has never experienced true friendship and feels uncomfortable talking about her feelings.
    - sex: very sexual, though no one would expect it.
    - love: very loving, though no one would expect that either. very romantic.
    - family: feels like she doesn't have a family.
    - marriage: would love to marry a girl, though its impossible.
    - country: doesn't care.
    - the world: finds it fucked up.
    - religion: also finds it fucked up and illogical.


    - Inheriting $1 million: wouldn't care because she grew up rich.
    - The death of a loved one: would fall apart and become suicidal.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: wouldn't care.
    - Being fired: wouldn't care.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: would feel uncomfortable and nervous.
    - Having or raising children: wants to be a mom
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: read the story and find out ;)
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: would show lots of gratitude.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: would be sad for loved ones.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: would calmly fix the situation.
    - An interracial relationship: wouldn't care.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: would feel nervous and uncomfortable.
    March 31st, 2013 at 03:20am
  • CHARACTER NAME: Annalisa Melrose
    AGE: 18
    BIRTHDATE: May 31st, 1942
    HEIGHT: 5'9
    WEIGHT: 180 lbs
    HAIR: Auburn
    EYES: Hazel
    OTHER PROMINENT PHYSICAL FEATURES: Exceptionally gorgeous.
    1. What does your character look like? (Brief physical description.) Tall, buxom, pale with deep red hair and dark hazel eyes.
    2. What is your character's state of health? Not particularly unhealthy.
    3. What kind of clothing does your character normally wear? Where does he/she shop? Pretty dresses, usual that used to belong to her mother. Her mother makes a lot of her clothes.
    4. What does his/her voice sound like? Sweet, but not high pitched.
    5. Does your character have a nickname? Anna.
    1. Where was he/she born and raised? Mississippi
    2. What background events shaped the life of your character? (Character's background that molds him/her.) Being teased in school, having good parents and a good family.
    3. What is his/her father's name and occupation? Mother's?
    Father: Norman Occupation: Janitor.
    Mother: Rosemary Occupation: Tailor, dressmaker.
    4. What was his/her school and schooling like? Who was the teacher he/she respected and why? She excelled in school and respected most teachers because they favored her.
    5. What is his/her religion and ethnicity? Was raised a Baptist, white.
    6. Is he/she married, single, divorced? Single.
    7. What kind of work does he/she do? She's a writer and sometimes helps her mother at her shop.
    8. Where has he/she failed or triumphed? She hasn't failed at much and has succeeded in school, which is a first for her family.
    9. What memories does he/she have of his/her past? Having fun in the summer with her cousins, being made fun of, spending time with her mom and dad.
    10. Other than memories, what are the tangible trinkets he/she saves and treasures from his/her past? A locket her dad gave her on her thirteenth birthday.
    11. What ghosts haunt your character? (Departed persons who still have an influence.) Bullies at school.
    1. What places is this person associated with? (People remember scenes and characters together.) Her cousins associate her with having fun in the summer, her parents remember her as an angel, her schoolmates remember her as the fat girl.
    2. What person(s) are closest to him/her? Who is his/her best friend? Jeane.
    3. What are the events, items, pets, pals…that he/she remembers for years? Having fun in the summer with her cousins - going swimming, going to the movies, talking, staying up all night, smoking in the barn. Meeting Jeane.
    4. What are his/her hobbies? Sports? TV? Writes a ton.
    5. Is he/she neat or is he/she a slob? To establish this on paper, describe his/her dress, closet, a drawer of the desk, and trunk of the car. She isn't on either extreme.
    6. What does your character like/dislike about the current state of affairs? (Character's reaction to his/her environment.) Depends on which part of the story you're at.
    7. Read the editorial page of your newspaper and choose which opinions he/she agrees with or disputes. Does he/she argue bitterly, silently, or to anyone who has to listen? She is very opinionated, she's a feminist and believes in civil rights.
    8. What kind of music does he/she like? Dislike? Doesn't know much about music until she meets Jeane.
    1. How is this character linked to other characters? What is their influence on him/her? What is his/her influence on them? Falls in love with Jeane.
    2. What is his/her attitude toward the person closest to him/her? She loves her to death.
    3. What other characters in the story provide a balance for your character? (Opposite personalities, opposing opinions, etc.) Her cousin, Tammy.
    4. What is his/her attitude toward the opposite sex? She doesn't particularly like boys...
    1. What makes the reader love/hate this character? (Show them in humor, eccentricity, pathos - qualities that will make them irresistible to the reader.) She's sweet and lovable, kind and smart.
    2. What makes your character worth cheering for? She always stands up for what she believes in, is loyal to her loved ones.
    3. What are your character's two opposing traits? (Generous but shy, etc.) Outspoken and opinionated, but warm and accepting.
    4. If this is a hero, what is his/her flaw? If this is a villain, what can we admire about him/her? Her flaw is perhaps being too perfect.
    5. What bugs your hero? What are his/her pet peeves? Injustice, rude people, judgmental people.
    1. What does your character want more than anything else in the world? What is his/her goal? To be a journalist, to be loved.
    2. Whom does he/she dream about, yearn for, hate? She dreams about Jeane, and hates a certain character that comes about later in the story.
    3. What virtues characterize this person? Justice.
    4. What is your character's greatest fear? (Drama is discomfort. Uproot your character.) Being unloved and lonely. Failing.
    5. What one thing does your character hope no one will ever find out about him/her? She's a lesbian.
    6. In one word, what motivates your character? (Love, curiosity, self-preservation, greed, self-discovery, duty, revenge.) Love, desire, curiosity, determination.
    7. How would your character describe him/herself? (Self-concept determines destiny.) She doesn't like herself too much but strives to one day. She thinks she's ugly, but makes up for it in intelligence.
    8. What makes him/her laugh? Wittiness.
    1. What does your character think about God? The Bible? Prayer? She's doesn't believe, but has a hard time accepting it because her parents are such huge Christians.
    2. What does your character believe in? Not believe in? (Character's beliefs prompt actions.) Equality, love.
    1. What is your character's most noticeable mannerism? She smiles and giggles a lot.
    2. What clichés and buzzwords does your character use? She has a broad vocabulary but uses a lot of southern slang.
    3. How do his/her hands behave? Relate them to tangible things that surround him/her. She doesn't fidget a lot, but often rests her cheek on her hand.
    4. How does he/she drive his/her car, tie his/her tie, gargle? Does he/she pick his/her nose, cough often, snore? She bites her nails.
    1. What unique talents and abilities does your character possess? She's a great writer and can get anyone to open up to her.
    2. Is he/she musical? Is there one special instrument that he/she plays well, or badly? Does he/she play it alone, for himself; or can he/she jam it up for an audience of friends or strangers? She doesn't find music until she meets Jeane.
    1. What changes will this character undergo throughout this story? Falls in love and becomes more self accepting, open minded and stronger.
    March 31st, 2013 at 03:59pm
  • Tell me about yourself.
    -Sup, the names Quinn, I'm a princess and instead of asking me questions how about you get a life?
    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    -Well I killed this evil Queen in the form of decapitation. I also caused a fairy to explode.
    How would you describe your ideal job?
    -I think I might partner up with one of my friends and start a strip club. Or maybe I'd be one of those 'killer for hire' types.
    What goals do you have?
    -To re-write all of Walt Disney's stories.
    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    -Killing usually works. And cursing.
    How do you personally define success?
    -If all my problems are either dead or absent, then i figure I'm pretty successful.
    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    -I just told you that I decapitated a fricking Queen. Isn't that good enough?
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    -Well killing the chairwoman's fairy sister made me feel pretty good. And now I have a lifetime supply of fairy dust to use as I please.
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    -I think I'd find someone to give me a bigger package.
    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    -It doesn't matter, as long as they don't piss me off.
    Are you a team player?
    -No. Breathing things tend to annoy the hell out of me.
    What motivates you?
    -The thought that I might get some 'action'. Oh and killing people. That motivates me a lot.
    Are you a goal-oriented person?
    -Sure whatever, how long is this damn interview?
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    -I cursed, I killed, I laughed. That's all I'm going to say.
    What are your short-term goals?
    -Why the hell do you keep asking about goals? Fine. I maybe want a boyfriend or girlfriend.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    -Relaxing and living the dream. Oh and coming back to slaughter you.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Do you handle conflict well?
    -Anything that conflicts with me, I kill. Simple as that.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    -Some lame villain who sucks at life has it out for me for some reason.
    Do you handle pressure well?
    -Pressure makes me want to kill people.
    What is your greatest strength?
    -My intelligence and aggression.
    What is your greatest weakness?
    -I tend to kill people without talking it out first.
    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    -I didn't take any classes...
    Is money important to you?
    -Hell yeah.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    -There's no limit.
    April 2nd, 2013 at 12:35am
  • Tell me about yourself.
    What do you want to know? I hate these kind of questions. I need direction.
    My name's Rachel, I'm 17 and I hate talking about myself.

    What is your most important accomplishment to date?
    It's depressing but I can't really think of anything. I'm not dead, so I guess that's something. For a while there it was pretty hit and miss.

    How would you describe your ideal job?
    I have no idea. Something that means I never have to come back to this shitty little village would be wonderful. Other than that, no real preferences.

    What goals do you have?
    1. Get the fuck out of this village
    2. Stay sane in the mean time

    How do you plan to achieve these goals?
    Work my arse off I guess.

    How do you personally define success?
    Success is being happy.

    Describe a situation in which you were successful.
    Hm. Pass.

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
    Next question.

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
    One? There are hundreds. But first and foremost I would have gotten Mum some help before she ended it, or made sure she never got into that kind of emotional state in the first place.

    Would you rather work with information or with people?
    What the fuck are these questions? Information probably. People change, facts don't.

    Are you a team player?
    No. People tend to rub me the wrong way.

    What motivates you?
    At the minute it's getting out of this village, but I guess I want to make Gran proud more than anything.

    Are you a goal-oriented person?

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
    See above.

    What are your short-term goals?
    See above.
    ...Then again, getting to the bottom of everything in this place has kind of taken over, so that could be classed as a goal. Maybe. I don't know/care.

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
    If I'm not dead, hopefully in University. Maybe studying science? I don't really know which or what or anything.

    Where do you want to be ten years from now?
    Ugh. Future.

    Do you handle conflict well?
    Not really. I used to be good at controlling it but lately my temper tends seems to be getting the best of me.

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
    Moving to this village with my 'father' that I'd never met before and finding myself smack bang in the middle of a weird as fuck game of cluedo.

    Do you handle pressure well?
    Yes? Maybe?... It depends on the situation.

    What is your greatest strength?
    I don't know. I like to think I'm witty. And I don't take bullshit from anyone? Does that count?

    What is your greatest weakness?
    Too many to list. Don't want to think about it.

    What were your favorite classes? Why?
    Science, because it's logical and people don't interfere with the facts.

    Is money important to you?
    Not really. It'd be nice if I had a bit more though.

    How much money do you need to make to be happy?
    Enough to get away from here.
    May 28th, 2013 at 01:15am
  • Given Name: Avery Catherine Moore

    Nickname(s): Friends usually call me Ave, or just Avery

    - gender: female
    - age: 22
    - height: 5'5
    - weight: 118 lbs
    - hair color/style: Well, I used to dye it black for a while, but now I'm back to my natural blonde.
    - eye color: Blue
    - makeup: I like to keep it minimal, but if I go out at night maybe I'll add some colour, like a bold lip colour or something
    - clothing style: Used to be pretty casual, jeans and a t-shirt, but now that I'm married, my husband likes to see me dress a little more…mature. So Business casual I'd say.
    Race/ethnicity: Italian/Irish. In other words, a white New Yorker :)

    FAMILY: My mother's name is Catherine and my father's name is John, they're both the typical lovey dovey parents who raised their kids right I guess. They're very respectable people. And I have two brothers, Paul is the oldest, he's 26 and married to his long time boyfriend Max. And my other brother is Jonathan, he's 24 and as far as I know he's single.

    Religion: Well, my parents are Catholic but me…well, I don't really know what I believe right now, or if I believe in anything.

    Place of birth: Brooklyn, New York.

    Place and time of story: Modern day, Manhattan, New York City

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: My mother is of Italian descent, dad's of Irish.
    - socioeconomic level: Started out as working class, but now they're middle-class and content.
    - religion: Catholic.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): In my opinion they're the best parents in the world, though they can get a cliché and overbearing. But they're great.
    - living/deceased: both living

    Family structure/life: We're a pretty close-knit family, we try to get together as often as possible but it gets hard sometimes to do that with our careers and our own lives and schedules.


    - What was their life like before the story began? It was…sub-par. I was in a bad relationship with Eric and well, as the whole world knew, he was jealous and abusive. But I don't like talking about that….but my career as a writer was just starting out and I was interning at Rolling Stone Magazine until they hired me permanently. Life was…it was just okay.

    - What was growing up like for them? It was good, my parents were and still are easy-going, my brothers weren't that annoying, I made some pretty great friends.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Good.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? I cheated on my husband. And I do not in any way feel good about it, I messed up our relationship, but we're trying to work past that now, though it's extremely difficult. And to top it off, I'm pregnant. I'm not sure who the father is, but with every ounce of my being I hope it's my husbands.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? No, quite the opposite. I didn't think I'd ever get married, or have kids this soon. I wanted to travel the world and live in Europe for a while, even Japan. I wanted to work for National Geographic and become a great writer. But things change I guess...

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? Well, when I met Hudson, my husband, things were great. But then Christian came into the picture and…well, things are harder than ever now.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? A part of me feels like Hudson has ushered me into this life, but I know it was my choice. It's just so hard to say no to him.

    - Do they have regrets? Yes, I wish I never gave into temptation with Christian. Then maybe Hudson and I would be okay.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? After cheating on Hudson, it made me realize that that wasn't the life I wanted; being unfaithful. I know who I want to be, and it's to be with my husband…I'm sure that's it...

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? Eric's abuse. He was my first love and I held onto that even though he hurt me time and time again. Despite all the physical abuse, I couldn't stop loving him. I didn't want to let him go, but I knew I had to.


    Introvert or extrovert?: Ambivert.

    More thinking or feeling?: Unfortunately it's feeling...

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: A little of all.

    Education or important learning experiences: I graduated high school as an honour student and went onto NYU to pursue Journalism.

    Most hated activities: I hated Math and Science.

    Most enjoyed activities: I loved English and Social, and Art, and Music.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: I like the idea of BDSM…maybe it's a twisted thing I picked up from the years of abuse from Eric, because that was the way he was, but I like it when Hudson is dominant and rough when we make "love".

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? I laugh at a lot of things, it doesn't take much to make me laugh :)

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? Oscar Wilde because he took risks when it came to literature, and even though he paid for it, his writing was deep and had so much emotion. I want to be able to bring that kind of emotion when I write.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: I…I don't know…I've never thought about that before…I guess I like myself, though there are a few things I can live without.
    - others: I love my friends and family dearly and I'm fiercely loyal to them. I love my husband dearly and will do just about anything for him.
    - friendship: My friends are the world to me and they're so easy to talk to and be around. I love them.
    - sex: very sexual…I was never like this until I met Hudson…at first his appetite was bigger than mine, but now I think we're equal :)
    - love: Love is everything to me. I never knew I could fall in love so deeply, but I have, and sometimes I feel overwhelmed with it and it's like my heart is overflowing with it, but at the same time it makes me feel whole.
    - family: My family is just great, we can talk about anything.
    - marriage: I know I screwed it up in the beginning, but I'm trying to make things right. I want to stick to my vows and I just need to make things right with Hudson, he's been nothing but amazing to me. I love him dearly.
    - country: It's messed up, but what place isn't?
    - the world: The world's the world. It's full of hatred and love, and the most unpleasant of things and the most beautiful. It's all in the way you look at it.
    - religion: I have no objections to people and their beliefs, it only bothers me when they try to force it upon me.


    - Inheriting $1 million: Before I met Hudson, I'd probably freak out. But being with one of Britain's wealthiest men, I guess it just mean more money for me. But I'd most likely give it to charity or something, I wouldn't know what to do with that sort of money.
    - The death of a loved one: I don't know what I'd do with myself. I'd probably want to die too.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: During, I'd try to help as many people get to safety, and afterwards I'd probably go out and see if there's anything I can do to help.
    - Being fired: I would be devastated. Rolling Stone means a lot to me and it's really opened a door for me in the writing world.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: Thing would most likely be awkward. I don't have many enemies, but the ones I do have are enemies for a reason. If looks could kill.
    - Having or raising children: Well, being pregnant already, I know I'm not ready to be a mother, but it has always been a dream of mine, but if I could go back, I would have waited for quite some time.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: I'd want to die if I was to be raped. Mugged/violated, I wouldn't feel safe anymore.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: I get really excited and giddy for some odd reason. I get them all the time, but it's like a surprise each time. :)
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: Well, I have diabetes and I've learned to cope with it, so I guess I'd learn to cope with cancer or aids.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: I don't know how to change a tire! I'd probably call my brother since he's a mechanic.
    - An interracial relationship: This is the 21st century, can we please just call it a relationship? Love is love, it's not defined by race, age, orientation or anything else. No one should be denied the beauty of a loving relationship.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: It'd be fine by me, I'm used to the media since I work in it :)
    June 1st, 2013 at 11:32pm
  • Given Name: René Grantaire.

    Nickname(s): R, 'Taire or just Grantaire.

    - gender: Male.
    - age: 17, nearly 18.
    - height: 5'11.
    - weight: 160 lbs
    - hair color/style: Dark brown curls. It kind of looks like a mop most days, to be honest.
    - eye color: Blue-green, I think. I'm not really certain.
    - makeup: I don't wear any.
    - clothing style: Chetta tells me I dress like a stylish hobo. I think she means I wear too many cardigans and beanies.
    Race/ethnicity: White -British/French.

    FAMILY: My mum is the shift manager at a pub, but I don't know about my dad. I haven't seen him in years. I have a younger sister. Her name's Élise. She's twelve.

    Religion: Atheist.

    Place of birth: Rouen, France.

    Place and time of story: present day England.

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity: My mum's English through and through, my dad came from Marseille, I think.
    - socioeconomic level: We're alright. Sometimes we struggle, but it's nothing major.
    - religion: None.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): My mother sometimes forgets about me because of my sister being younger and needing more attention. I haven't heard from my dad since he left when I was seven.
    - living/deceased: Mum's alive, obviously, but I don't know about my dad. I guess he probably is, somewhere.

    Family structure/life: We usually get along okay, I always try to make an effort to not annoy my mum or sister, but it can be hard sometimes.


    - What was their life like before the story began? Er, it was alright, I think. I just spent most of my life trying not to fail my A-Levels, to be honest. Jehan and Courf were trying to get me to calm my drinking, too, but it isn't working out.

    - What was growing up like for them? It was strange, in the nicest way. I spent the first seven years growing up in a historic town in northern France, which was okay once you got past the tourists, and then we moved to England and it was totally different in every way.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? Average, really.

    - What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome? I drink a lot, probably too much for someone my age.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? I wasn't expecting much, really, and it's currently living up to that.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? It's been okay, I suppose.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? I'm here by choice. If I didn't go to sixth form, I'd have had to find a job.

    - Do they have regrets? Yeah. Loads, actually.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? The whole moving-from-France-to-England thing, I suppose. That, not having much of a father figure and meeting Enjolras when I did are it, basically.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? Probably my dad not being around, I guess.


    Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert most of the time, but I can 'play' extrovert if I want to.

    More thinking or feeling?: I feel things far more than I bother to think about them.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: I air towards selfishness, most times.

    Education or important learning experiences: I was never great in school. It'll be a miracle if I pass this year, to be honest.

    Most hated activities: Sport, or anything athletic that involves Bahorel on the opposing team. Christ.

    Most enjoyed activities: Art, generally speaking. It relaxes me.

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: Enjolras. That's it, just him.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? Sarcasm and general snarky wit, really.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? I don't have a hero per se, but I admire Enjolras greatly.


    Attitudes toward:
    - self: Oh, wow. Where do I start. I don't like myself that much, really. At all.
    - others: I like some people quite a lot, but others I find myself struggling not to punch them in the face.
    - friendship: I don't have that many good friends, really, besides 'Ponine, Chetta, Courf and Jehan. I still don't tell them everything about me, though.
    - sex: I've never had it, honestly, but I figure when I do I think I'll like it. I hope.
    - love: Love kind of sucks, really.
    - family: Mine are okay. I don't know if I'd want one of my own, though.
    - marriage: I doubt that will ever happen for me.
    - country: I'm really not too bothered, frankly. Don't tell Enjolras I said that!
    - the world: It's a mess, to be blunt about it.
    - religion: I don't have a religion, but if you have one, that's great for you.


    - Inheriting $1 million: I'd probably have to put some of it in a bank, because knowing me I'd use it all on art supplies and alcohol.
    - The death of a loved one: It depends who.
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: I probably wouldn't notice. And, where I live, they're very, very rare.
    - Being fired: Worse things have happened.
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: I'd probably freak out, and not in a good way.
    - Having or raising children: I'd be a terrible father.
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: It'd shake me up really badly, I think.
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: I get embarrassed when people do stuff like that. I'm not used to it.
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: I'd probably just get my life in order then die quietly, really.
    - A flat tire on the expressway: Panic. I can't even drive!
    - An interracial relationship: Joly, Chetta and Bossuet are in a three-way relationship and I don't care. I think I'm good with interracial.
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: The local TV thing happens a lot when you're friends with Enjolras, would you believe. It never really bothers me, though.
    June 2nd, 2013 at 04:51pm
  • CHARACTER NAME: Ren Hawker
    AGE: 14 (as of the story Lukey Kid, which this interview will handle)
    BIRTHDATE: February 18, 1995
    HEIGHT: 5 feet, 7 inches
    WEIGHT: 105 lbs. I know, I know, I need to eat a cheeseburger.
    HAIR: My hair's a kind of light brown. I could spruce things up by describing it as a light amber dusted with flecks of gold, but then I'd hate myself.
    EYES: Grayish blue.
    OTHER PROMINENT PHYSICAL FEATURES: I inherited my dad's droopy eyelids that make me look bored even when I'm not. Other than that, I don't think I have anything special that makes me stand out from a crowd.
    1. What does your character look like? (Brief physical description.) Well, okay. I'm too tall for all of my clothes and every pair of pants I buy ends up becoming highwaters, and I try to eat more and yet I never get any heavier. It kinda sucks, but I guess I shouldn't complain. Another thing my dad passed down to me is horrible posture.
    2. What is your character's state of health? I'm pretty healthy as far as I know. My doctor keeps telling me to eat more protein, but peanut butter kills my apetite.
    3. What kind of clothing does your character normally wear? Where does he/she shop? I don't care about what I wear, but I cared a lot less in junior high. Soria and Brendan would make fun of me for wearing too-short pants, so I'm trying to wear jeans that actually fit. And I'm wearing more plaid now. Sue me, those plaid button-up shirts are cool. And they make me look totally hot.
    4. What does his/her voice sound like? I have a deep sexy baritone. No, just kidding. My voice doesn't crack as often as it used to but half the time it gets gravelly from singing too much. It's normally pretty smooth, though.
    5. Does your character have a nickname? Renny Boy. I kinda don't like it, but at the same time it makes me feel like I have actual friends.
    1. Where was he/she born and raised? I was born and raised in Claymore, Florida. For your information, it's probably the dumbest little town in Florida, smack dab between Jacksonville and Gainesville. I've lived in the same house all my life, under the same canopied road littered with trees.
    2. What background events shaped the life of your character? (Character's background that molds him/her.) Nothing really detrimental has shaped who I am, really. I haven't mourned the loss of any family members or close friends, but seeing my friends go through that has sort of let me see how others handle it. I was never really conscious of how lucky I was until I met Soria and learned how she lost her mom, Luke and how he's an orphan, and then Brendan lost his brother David. It was weird going through that as a bystander and learning about these background stories that were so much more tragic than my only slightly embarrassing stories of my mom being overprotective and my dad being apathetic.
    3. What is his/her father's name and occupation? Mother's? My dad's name is Robert Hawker, and he's a music teacher who teaches out of our house. He teaches guitar, bass, piano, and drums, and he gets a pretty penny from parents wanting to occupy their kids' time. And my mom is Skye Hawker - nice hippie name, I know - and she's the music teacher at Claymore Elementary down the road.
    4. What was his/her school and schooling like? Who was the teacher he/she respected and why? My school career so far has been such a stereotype of a small town. Most of us have known of each other since we were in kindergarten and now we're in high school together. It's nice, not having to adjust to so much change. Not like I'd excel at that, either, but still. None of my teachers ever really stand out to me, though. I hate to say it. School doesn't really interest me except for chorus class (that's a given, though) and history, but I haven't had a teacher who's sparked my interest on their own.
    5. What is his/her religion and ethnicity? I'm more spiritual than religious, but I'm a Christian, sort of. Nondenominational, that's for sure. And I'm whiter than Wonder Bread.
    6. Is he/she married, single, divorced? I've got a girlfriend - Soria Atkinson.
    7. What kind of work does he/she do? I was about to say I don't work - I'm still in ninth grade - but then I realized that I'm in a band that actually has a chance of gaining fame in the southeast, so there's that.
    8. Where has he/she failed or triumphed? I fail at understanding people and their feelings. I tend to be a little too sarcastic for comfort and then that ends up with hurt feelings. Plus, I screwed up majorly when I attacked Luke for trying to talk some sense into me when I completely overreacted to an old friend of Soria's showing up at our hotel in Miami. God, I still kick myself about that... Oh yeah, triumphs. Uh...I think I'm a pretty good singer, at least.
    9. What memories does he/she have of his/her past? Uh, I used to play with my dad's guitars when he'd let me. And I can recount how I discovered every single band in my SkyTunes library. I've got a pretty clear memory of picking up singing, too, and how my mom blew that out of proportion.
    10. Other than memories, what are the tangible trinkets he/she saves and treasures from his/her past? I've still got medals from old chorus competitions and I've got all of the chorus t-shirts from all my years on the Claymore Elementary/Junior High chorus.
    11. What ghosts haunt your character? (Departed persons who still have an influence.) I have to admit that every time Plaster Caster covers "Bones" by Saves the Day, I think of David and how that song was his favorite. I always think of Soria's mom when I look at her dad. I wonder what she was like. What kind of stuff did she pass down to Soria, I always wonder.
    1. What places is this person associated with? (People remember scenes and characters together.) I always used to go to the park down near the entrance of my neighborhood, and when I got friends, I always brought them there too. It's one of my favorite places.
    2. What person(s) are closest to him/her? Soria, Brendan, and Luke, of course. And my mom, and my dad. Even Joey is starting to grow on me, even if he creeps me out.
    3. What are the events, items, pets, pals…that he/she remembers for years? I'll always remember my first day of seventh grade, the day Soria told me she was moving back to California, the day she came back, the day Plaster Caster won the 2008 talent show at Claymore, the day David died, and the day Olli sent us that video over FlySpace. I'll never forget any of the people I've met over this journey in just three years. It's crazy how just meeting one person can set off so many events that will stick in my brain forever.
    4. What are his/her hobbies? Sports? TV? Pretty much the only hobby of mine is singing.
    5. Is he/she neat or is he/she a slob? I won't let my room get so messy that it smells, but I don't feel a compulsive need to clean everything all the time.
    6. What does your character like/dislike about the current state of affairs? (Character's reaction to his/her environment.) I'm not really good at paying attention to my environment, mostly because if it doesn't directly concern me, I tend not to care. It sounds awful. It's probably the same reason why I like watching people and observing their quirks and habits, yet I'm terrible at talking to them. I can't involve myself in something that doesn't involve me.
    7. Read the editorial page of your newspaper and choose which opinions he/she agrees with or disputes. Does he/she argue bitterly, silently, or to anyone who has to listen? I just said I don't care, but okay.
    8. What kind of music does he/she like? Dislike? I like old emo and even some newer stuff, and the indie rock that's been floating around for the past few years is pretty interesting too. I've got a soft spot for old rock that knows when to kick it while staying melodic, and even some sad cowboy music Soria listens to. She even got me listening to some punk, which I could hardly stomach before she showed me the good stuff.
    1. How is this character linked to other characters? What is their influence on him/her? What is his/her influence on them? I'm linked to my parents because I literally sprouted from their loins. I'm linked to my friends because I met them through school, and everybody's influence on me has pretty much been positive. They've all helped me to open up. I don't know how I've influenced them, but I hope it's just as good.
    2. What is his/her attitude toward the person closest to him/her? I view Soria as a kind of force of nature. She doesn't take anything with a grain of salt and blows everything up like the world's gonna end, but I like that. It's exciting. And it's funny as hell to mess with her like that, even if she ends up getting mad at me.
    3. What other characters in the story provide a balance for your character? (Opposite personalities, opposing opinions, etc.) Soria is a balance in that she doesn't have a problem with being herself or showing her true feelings. Luke's so laid-back that I can't even comprehend how somebody can just be that chill. Brendan just kind of lives in the moment and doesn't care what people think of him, either. He's abrasive and I kind of envy that bluntness.
    4. What is his/her attitude toward the opposite sex? Why would I think less of girls? It's 2009.
    1. What makes the reader love/hate this character? (Show them in humor, eccentricity, pathos - qualities that will make them irresistible to the reader.) I think I'm loveable because I'm just perfect overall. Just kidding. Um, I'm not sure if I'm likeable. When I read over my own story, all I can think about is how many opportunities I missed and how obnoxiously snarky I was to people I care about.
    2. What makes your character worth cheering for? I'm not really an underdog in my own opinion, but I'm just so average that I think a lot of people can relate to me.
    3. What are your character's two opposing traits? (Generous but shy, etc.) I'm painfully awkward but my dream lies in performing music.
    4. If this is a hero, what is his/her flaw? If this is a villain, what can we admire about him/her? There's not much of me that constitutes me as a hero, but I can tell you that my flaw is that I absolutely suck at seeing when I hurt others.
    5. What bugs your hero? What are his/her pet peeves? I hate when people constantly annoy me or my friends or family. It just ticks me off. Oh, and music elitists. Come on. So you were around when Cap'n Jazz was in its prime. I was born when they broke up so that makes me less of a fan? Fine.
    1. What does your character want more than anything else in the world? What is his/her goal? I want to be good at what I do and for other people to understand why I dedicate myself to such a difficult path.
    2. Whom does he/she dream about, yearn for, hate? I used to just dream about acceptance. I was so lonely for such a long time that I hardly yearn it anymore, knowing that I've got the best friends in the world to spend nearly all of my time with. It's weird, growing up in three years sharing a dream with them.
    3. What virtues characterize this person? What the heck is a virtue, really? I don't even have much patience.
    4. What is your character's greatest fear? (Drama is discomfort. Uproot your character.) I don't want to end up alone like I was for the first twelve years of my life. I've gone through that before and I never want to go back.
    5. What one thing does your character hope no one will ever find out about him/her? I had hoped that nobody would find out how I react to betrayal, but Luke found that out firsthand. Ugh, don't remind me.
    6. In one word, what motivates your character? (Love, curiosity, self-preservation, greed, self-discovery, duty, revenge.) Loneliness.
    7. How would your character describe him/herself? (Self-concept determines destiny.) A sarcastic loser who spends too much time people-watching and not enough time people-understanding.
    8. What makes him/her laugh? I laugh at inappropriate times when things are so screwed up beyond belief that you just have to accept defeat. Also, I like dirty jokes.
    1. What does your character think about God? The Bible? Prayer? Well, I think God exists, but I don't think he's involved in every single aspect of our lives. I don't care about what other people believe in. As long as they don't hurt anybody, it shouldn't matter. Prayer included.
    2. What does your character believe in? Not believe in? (Character's beliefs prompt actions.) I believe in Heaven and heck and stuff. I also sort of believe in karma.
    1. What is your character's most noticeable mannerism? I hardly ever start the conversation. That's all you, potential conversational partner.
    2. What clichés and buzzwords does your character use? When someone talks about something that bores me to death, I just nod and smile. As for cliches, I overuse the sarcasm. Sometimes I hate myself for it.
    3. How do his/her hands behave? Relate them to tangible things that surround him/her. I twiddle my thumbs a lot; otherwise, they're folded in my lap.
    4. How does he/she drive his/her car, tie his/her tie, gargle? Does he/she pick his/her nose, cough often, snore? I've only ever driven with my dad, and when I do drive, I drive his Ford Escape from the early 2000's - that's the car I'm gonna end up inheriting, and even though I haven't actually gotten my learner's permit yet, I know most of the road rules. And I don't pick my nose that often. Er, at all.
    1. What unique talents and abilities does your character possess? Um, I sing. I think I've said that a few times.
    2. Is he/she musical? Is there one special instrument that he/she plays well, or badly? Does he/she play it alone, for himself; or can he/she jam it up for an audience of friends or strangers? I play my vocal cords pretty well. A few months into playing in a band, I learned how to play the guitar once and for all, though I still kinda suck at it. I have to play it for an audience - I'm in a band!
    1. What changes will this character undergo throughout this story? I've become so much more trusting of people in general. I don't feel a vacancy anymore, nor do I feel that envy when I see groups of friends walking past me in the hallways. If nobody else, I understand my friends, and I understand myself even more. I'm able to open up a crowd of strangers about a talent I used to keep a secret from everybody outside family. I'm able to trust myself and the people who think I have some sort of skill.
    June 3rd, 2013 at 05:19am
  • Alrighty

    Alec Barnett

    Tell me about yourself: " Father of that one millionaire, you know the one."

    What is your most important accomplishment to date? " Oh by far is purchasing Dana. Get your mind out of the gutter, she's my car not a prostitute."

    How would you describe your ideal job? "One that makes me loads of money so that I don't have to worry about anything else"

    What goals do you have? "Well at the current moment... Okay this is a secret so you can't tell anyone. I'm suppose to seduce this girl who's daddy is a billionaire. My dad wants to take some companies from her father. I think I'm doing pretty good so far."

    How do you plan to achieve these goals? "Well last week I took her out on a date. I was a date, no matter how much she denies it. Although she keeps denying going out again..."

    How do you personally define success? "Whatever my father has. He looks powerful enough."

    Describe a situation in which you were successful. "There really are few."

    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? "What are all these questions with accomplishments, eh?"

    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? "Whatever made my father hate me."

    Would you rather work with information or with people? "People."

    Are you a team player? "What's a team-player?"

    What motivates you? "Approval from..."

    Are you a goal-oriented person? "Sure, on certain days."

    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. "No."

    What are your short-term goals? "Wow these all have to with goals."

    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? "Married to some chick, and head of my father's businesses."

    Where do you want to be ten years from now? "Billionaire, maybe playboy if I have time."

    Do you handle conflict well? "To be honest? I break down. I really can't handle conflict at all."

    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? "None, no problems well not that I know of at the current moment."

    Do you handle pressure well? "Nope."

    What is your greatest strength? "Women."

    What is your greatest weakness? "Women."

    What were your favorite classes? Why? "Mainly economics and government."

    Is money important to you? "Isn't it important to everyone?"

    How much money do you need to make to be happy? "I can never have enough."
    August 4th, 2013 at 03:55am

    Given Name:
    Matthias Arthur Sörensen

    Nickname(s): Mat, skogenbarn

    - gender
    : male
    - age: nineteen
    - height: 198cm (6 and a half feet)
    - weight: 56kg or about 125 pounds
    - hair color/style: brown, short and choppy
    - eye color: heterochromic; brown and gold
    - makeup: n/a
    - clothing style: rough and handmade, leathers and furs
    Race/ethnicity: fair-skinned, Isdalenian

    Physical abilities/limitations:

    : born to a doting mother by a preoccupied blacksmith. raised in the outskirts of a large kingdom.

    FAMILY: mother Astrid, 39; father Olaf, 42; sister Elina, 11; sister Hildegarde, 12; sister Sofia, 15

    Religion: Agnethean (polytheistic, heavily spiritual, named for the goddess Agnethe)

    Place of birth: Skogstad, Isdalen

    Place and time of story: Medieval (alternate reality), Isdalen (fictional)

    Parents' profiles
    - race/ethnicity:
    - religion: Agnethean
    - habits: mother, sings to herself. father, woodworks to relieve stress.
    - quality of relationship with child(ren): very high
    - living/deceased: living

    Brothers/sisters/significant-other relatives (profile each)
    - race/ethnicity:
    - socioeconomic level: n/a
    - religion: Agnethean
    - habits: Elina weaves rope, Hildegarde collects rocks, Sofia daydreams
    - quality of relationship: medium
    - living/deceased: living


    - What was their life like before the story began?
    simple. mat is a hunter and works for the royal guard, so it is often stressful for his mother and youngest sister.

    - What was growing up like for them? very quiet and easy. all four children were homeschooled and raised to be hard workers, talented in many fields. rewards were few and far between. punishments, even more so.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? good. simple and monotonous.

    - What struggles have they had, or hardships they have overcome? oldest brother markus disappeared when mat was very small and markus was twelve. they have survived several harsh winters, bringing about waves of illness and infestations of rodents and insects.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? quite.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? somewhat easy.

    - Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice? choice. astrid (mother) relocated to Isdalen from a distant land many years before the birth of elina.

    - Do they have regrets? very few.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? mat's acceptance into the royal guard is the major decider.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? foreigners are looked down upon in Isdalen; astrid is often subjected to ridicule for being foreign, and olaf for marrying an alien.


    Outer Goal (physical):

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): to achieve total synchronicity with the trees and the river

    Defining characteristic: reserved and cautious, quiet, agile

    Hopes/desires: many, mostly artistic and spiritual

    Fears/phobias: small spaces, incessant noise, torture

    Dirty Secrets: none, he is very honest

    Introvert or extrovert?: introvert

    More thinking or feeling?: thinking and feeling equally

    What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?: though small and shy, he is a brilliant hunter and terribly jumpy. he isn't much of a contradiction.

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: usually selfless, but he can be quite selfish too

    Favorite and hated foods/drinks: mat loves fish and plants. not a big bread sort of guy.

    Education or important learning experiences: homeschooled and raised in nature.

    Most hated activities: idling

    Most enjoyed activities: archery, spearhunting, climbing things

    Deepest secret or wildest fantasy: practises magic. it's forbidden in commoners.

    Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh? it takes a lot. cute animals mostly.

    Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate? greatly admires the fabled hunter Benka


    Attitudes toward:
    - self
    : content with himself as a whole
    - others: friendly, if shy
    - friendship: quiet and witty
    - sex: n/a
    - love: n/a
    - family: loyal and polite
    - marriage: open and welcoming
    - country: indifferent
    - the world: indifferent
    - religion: keeps his beliefs to himself

    Political philosophy:
    - conservative/traditional/ liberal/radical:
    - public causes supported/protested: n/a
    - politically active/apathetic: n/a

    Superstitions?: very superstitious about most of the local fairytales and rumours

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.): "be your own hero. save yourself."


    Closest friend(s):
    a kid named cedric
    Job/career/occupation: royal guard, hunter
    - Attitude towards job: adores it
    - Noted accomplishments: many (can't full list)
    - Famous/infamous? not yet
    - Clubs/organizations belonged to: none

    Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films: n/a

    Hobbies: running, rock-climbing, archery, knot-tying, trap-making


    - Inheriting $1 million:
    he'd probably spend it all on his mum. $1 million is probably a lot in Isdalenian money.
    - The death of a loved one: he'd go into a hazy isolated stupor of knot weaving for a while
    - A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.: about the same reaction as if you asked the time of day
    - Being fired: tragic tears forever
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: initial defensive shock, eventual guarded acceptance
    - Having or raising children: confused and unsure [not good with kids]
    - Being raped/mugged/violated in some way: eventually he'd get over it but he'd never hunt again
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: a shy "thank you"
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: he'd take it in stride and live life as best he could
    - A flat tire on the expressway: let's call this a lame horse on a trail and say frustration and impatience
    - An interracial relationship: indifferent
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: let's call this 5 minutes of fame and say extreme stuttering shock
    December 8th, 2013 at 10:17am

    Given Name:
    Nick Adams

    Nickname(s): Nick

    - gender:
    - age: sixteen
    - height: 5'7
    - weight: about 130 pounds
    - hair color/style: shaved blonde
    - eye color: blue
    - makeup: none
    - clothing style: tracksuit bottoms, hoodies and a snapback
    Race/ethnicity: Caucasian

    Physical abilities/limitations:

    former best friend of Tori until the arrival of Ashleigh fucked that up and now Ashleigh's gone but he still won't have anything to do with Tori. He's stubborn and she's in the past now.

    FAMILY: mother, father and one sister

    Religion: doesn't apply to the story

    Place of birth: doesn't apply to the story

    Place and time of story: Present day


    - What was their life like before the story began?
    Pretty much the same except him and Tori were friends.

    - What was growing up like for them? easy, simple.

    - Did they have a good or bad childhood? good, the usual.

    - What struggles have they had, or hardships they have overcome? losing his friendship to Tori. He misses her but won't admit it as he's too stubborn and has too much pride.

    - Has their life worked out like they expected? not really.

    - Has their life been difficult or easy until now? somewhat easy.

    - Do they have regrets? losing Tori.

    - What special circumstances have made them into who they are today? his love for rap has made him write and rap his own and songs and aspire to be famous one day.

    - Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way? not really.


    Outer Goal (physical):

    Inner Goal (psychological/emotional): to become the next biggest rapper

    Defining characteristic: very stubborn and comes across as aggressive sometimes but deep down he's really sweet.

    Hopes/desires: to become a famous rapper.

    Introvert or extrovert?: extrovert

    More thinking or feeling?: both

    Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?: usually selfish


    Attitudes toward:
    - self:
    - others: friendly, open
    - sex: lost his virginity at fourteen, he gets all da bitches
    - love: scared of falling in love which is why he has cut off Tori from his life
    - family: loves them
    - marriage: not something he thinks about

    Superstitions?: not at all

    Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.): "people change, get over it"


    Closest friend(s):
    Job/career/occupation: currently a student but aspires to be a rapper
    - Noted accomplishments: many
    - Famous/infamous? not yet famous

    Hobbies: song writing, rapping, singing, performing and of course, pulling girls


    - Inheriting $1 million: use to his advantage of becoming famous and give some of it to help his family
    - The death of a loved one: he'd act like it wouldn't bother him, he'd be very quiet, it'd eat him alive
    - Being fired: same as above
    - Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years: defensive, reluctant to talk
    - Having or raising children: not sure
    - An unexpected kindness or compliment: he's used to that, he'd just say thanks
    - A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer: he wouldn't tell anyone and act like nothing's wrong
    - An interracial relationship: indifferent
    - Five minutes on local or national TV: he'd love it
    December 9th, 2013 at 01:57am
  • Tell me about yourself. Name's Daice-Ignatius Von Carte Montaro. Long name I know, but I'm from a rich family, what'd you expect? The shorter the name, the poorer you are. Tsk. [scoffs]
    What is your most important accomplishment to date? I was born? Ugh, I graduated with all award and a Golden Badge from the Academy as a full-fledged Mage? I don't know, I just do!
    How would you describe your ideal job? Being a ruler, a king, of a successful and rich country.
    What goals do you have? Same as above. Also to squash that pesky Sake Shodar or whatever his name is. [grumbles]
    How do you plan to achieve these goals? Preferably by getting rid of Mido and Sirus. Those two Kingdoms are a burden on our precious land... [batts eyes]
    How do you personally define success? [grins] When you have everything and everyone bending to your will but not by force, but because of their love to you!
    Describe a situation in which you were successful. Too many to name and talk about. [snorts and looks away]
    What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life? Graduating from that damned Academy. Why are these questions all so similar!?
    If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change? I'd find Eren before he killed my friend, Myles, and kill him. Bastard...
    Would you rather work with information or with people? Information, as long as it's right. People are such a bore and pain.
    Are you a team player? No.
    What motivates you? The slums and poverty that's just outside Arda's gates.
    Are you a goal-oriented person? Yes.
    Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them. To graduate, and I studied my ass off. To gain my inheritance from my mother and start my own business. I had to kick a few people around to get them to work.
    What are your short-term goals? Expanding the new business of mine, where we enslave demons to work and produce demon-powered energy to run things with. That stuff is powerful.
    What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Sitting back, just having conquered Mido and Sirus to ash and dust.
    Where do you want to be ten years from now? Preferably on a pretty throne and with the four Kingdoms at my command.
    Do you handle conflict well? Very.
    What major problem have you had to deal with recently? Sake. Sake. Sake. Did I mention that exorcist pest Sake? Yeah, also Myles' death. I'm kinda pissed about that.
    Do you handle pressure well? Yes...
    What is your greatest strength? I'm a motivational speaker, I can easily manipulate and convince people into doing things. I'm very highly organised, the list just goes on...
    What is your greatest weakness? Weakness? I don't have any. [quickly looks away]
    What were your favorite classes? Why? Combat. I like to train my powers.
    Is money important to you? Yes. Without it, I'd end up somewhere in Sirus, on a dirty empty plain in nothing but a sack for robes. Gross.
    How much money do you need to make to be happy? Enough to keep my high up. Honestly, what kind of question is this? Besides this whole interview was a waste of time [folds arms and huffs].
    December 18th, 2013 at 12:18pm