If You Could Rewrite That Book/Movie/Show...

  • What's in a name?:
    And The Lord of the Rings. I'd totally change the ending.
    Or not the ending as much the ending as the last line.
    I really don't like Sam having the last dumb word. :XD
    Because it's dumb and was a total letdown. xD
    Oh yes. I'd change the same thing too. :XD
    But it's not like I would be able to do anything better with it.
    December 9th, 2008 at 12:27pm
  • I'd add one more chapter to Of Mice and Men.
    December 9th, 2008 at 03:24pm
  • Smashed Pumpkin:
    The ending of the Harry Potter series and the "19 Years Later" chapter.
    Cute, yes. Necessary, no.
    Completely agree. It would've been much better if it wasn't there at all.

    The entire Breaking Dawn book. That thing was terrible. I'm not much of a fan of the Twilight series in general, but there was so many ways Meyer could've gone with the fourth book but instead she dragged it out to an incredible degree with an ordinary plotline. The book didn't need to be that long, in my opinion.

    I found an exceptional version on Mibba for Breaking Dawn. It's even better written than Meyer.
    December 10th, 2008 at 04:13am
  • Titanic. :D I am a fan of romantic movies. I would rewrite all tradgedies endings. Or change them into much more 'less sad'.
    December 13th, 2008 at 04:30pm
  • Off the top of my head I came up with Forever... byt [I think it was] Judy Blume.

    if you haven't read the book it's about this girl who falls in love with this guy and they go out and blah blah blah... they break up for some stupid reason and yeah... one of those cliche teen love stories. [I'm a sucker for cliches. I love them. :cute:]

    Anyways, near the end of the book she goes off to summer camp after she breaks up with that guy she was "in love with" and starts talking with this guy... Otto... Oliver... something with an O... and she goes home and the last line. [Oh God... pisses me off so bad] is "insert girl's name here Otto/Oliver/whatever is on the phone"

    And then it's over. Of course that's not exactly how it was worded but that gets to the point. I flipped through all of the blank pages and was like :cheese: "Jesus lady are you serious?" It's like she left fifteen million blank pages in the end of the book just to taunt all the girls who read it.

    Either way... I was mad. I would love to re-write that book and kill off Otto-whats his face and have the girl get back with the other guy she was "in love" with. And then break up with him again because he seemed like an ass-hole to me.

    Ahahah nahh... I'd just make sure there were no loose ends [ahem... Judy Blume] that needed to be TIED. I'm not angry though. [ :finger:]
    January 10th, 2009 at 06:43am
  • The Brightside.:
    Smashed Pumpkin:
    The ending of the Harry Potter series and the "19 Years Later" chapter.
    Cute, yes. Necessary, no.
    Completely agree. It would've been much better if it wasn't there at all.

    The entire Breaking Dawn book. That thing was terrible. I'm not much of a fan of the Twilight series in general, but there was so many ways Meyer could've gone with the fourth book but instead she dragged it out to an incredible degree with an ordinary plotline. The book didn't need to be that long, in my opinion.

    I found an exceptional version on Mibba for Breaking Dawn. It's even better written than Meyer.
    Liiiiink me! :cheese:
    January 10th, 2009 at 06:46am
  • OH! And The Mist! what was up with that? I mean.. are you serious. The thing as a whole was completely bizzarre to me, with the whole portal and weird flying creature/spider things that were killing everyone off and blah blah blah... but the ending. -head smack- Could have been a lot better.

    not that I would know how to write it or anything just... could have been better, dude.
    January 10th, 2009 at 06:47am
  • Breaking Dawn, by Stephenie Meyer.

    I was fine with the book, but I think I'd like it more if the ending had a bit more tragedy in it.
    January 11th, 2009 at 02:44am
  • Murder Mysteries by Neil Gaiman.

    Actually I don't want to change it. I just want a continuation or an elaboration or just something.

    Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.

    Moar Crowley/Aziraphale please :3

    And the film Dogma...

    I'd redeem Bartleby and Loki somehow </3 They just wanted to go home.
    September 15th, 2010 at 01:57pm
  • Breaking Dawn tehe I'd never ever get Bella pregnant with Renskebkjadsnfkjdnesme, because that was just so disturbing. And then I'd make her get with Jacob and Edward could go and be his sparkly self File

    Not that I particularly like the Twilight books, just, I wanted Jacob to get with Bella so badly. XD Edward was so very irksome.
    September 15th, 2010 at 02:11pm
  • The Way:
    And the film Dogma...

    I'd redeem Bartleby and Loki somehow </3 They just wanted to go home.
    September 15th, 2010 at 03:02pm
  • The ending of The Dark Tower

    I think the universal reaction to that ending looks somewhat like this:

    Last page: Wow
    Last paragrpah: Crazy
    Last sentence: Finger
    Realise what it meant: mrgun

    I have never read anything so disapointing in my life, it was like, hell, write seven very good books and then just have the worst ending ever ._.

    Seven huge books on this journey, all this horrid stuff happening and BAM poor Roland just has to go through it again and again and again Twitch
    September 17th, 2010 at 01:52am
  • I' remove the last chapter of A Clockwork Orange.

    But I see the movie beet meat me too it.
    September 17th, 2010 at 02:14am
  • bullets are hailing.:
    I'd add one more chapter to Of Mice and Men.
    I'd love to see a different ending for the movie Factory Girl.
    September 17th, 2010 at 02:35am
  • I saw The Last Airbender last night, and I would most definitely rewrite it.

    I'd make it so it skipped out a hell of a lot more, because they were trying to cram waaaaay too much into one film. I'd have all the scenes with Zuko (Happy face) and Iroh, because they were quite good. But With Katara, Sokka and Aang, I'd just have them go to the Air place, Aang realises what's happened etc, then they go straight to the big Watery business at the end, because, even though it misses out on a lot, I think it would be the best way to make it into one movie.

    There wasn't enough character built up, I felt. Just too much action.

    And I'd make Sokka funny again File

    And have everyone's names pronounced correctly! Cheese Good golly.
    September 17th, 2010 at 07:32am
  • I'd rewrite:

    The entire Breaking Dawn book. If Bella was to get pregnant, I'd make the kid have cooler powers than what she was stuck with. And the war that everyone had been waiting for would actually have happened.

    Some parts of Eclipse too, I think. Especially the action fight scenes. More violence. mrgun

    Silence of the Lambs. I'd make Hannibal Lecter pay the FBI agent a visit.

    Deathly Hallows. Cut out the whole years later part and just ended it where it had finished.

    Vampire Diaries, the last book. Caita! It was so freaking queasy it made my head spin. I honestly thought it was the cheesiest, stupidest thing ever. Turned me off the series for a while there. If I rewrote it, I'd so make it more bad ass. As in Elena not coming back to life and Stefan staying a petty little vamp. Or maybe, if they so wanted to be together, I'd just kill Stefan off. But letting them rejoice in the 'human' realm? Argh! That was a little too out there, even for something like Vampire Diaries.

    Pandora, by Anne Rice. I'd have added like twenty more chapters because I wouldn't have wanted to stop reading it. Very Happy

    I heard the owl call my name by Margaret Craven. Oh man, just... anything but that. I right on cried when I finished reading that novel.

    Julius Caesar - the play. I know, a little too out there. But I've always hated how Cassius had to die. Brutus could've died an even more painful death, if it were up to me but Cassius? No... just no... Sad

    I have loads of other books but I can't think of any right now...

    For movies?

    Hide and Seek. Yup, yup.

    Mama Mia; I'd make Donna not marry Sam and be a successful single business lady instead.

    Gurbaan. The main guy would not fucking die! Sorry

    Last episode for Vampire Diaries, season one. Fuck cliffhangers! Bangin


    Shutter. That freaking photographer dude would've suffered a worse fate than what was dished out to him. For real, boi...
    September 17th, 2010 at 02:30pm
  • I'd make the ending of the movie Fight Club like the ending of the book. I liked the book ending SO much better.

    I'd rewrite most episodes of Big Time Rush. Don't get me wrong, I love the characters, but the plot comes off a lot like really bad fanfiction.
    September 17th, 2010 at 05:06pm
  • siriusly.:
    The ending of the Harry Potter series and the "19 Years Later" chapter.
    Cute, yes. Necessary, no.
    I wish it had ended with Harry talking to Teddy (and maybe his other children) and telling them all stories about the war. It would have been adorable. In Love
    September 17th, 2010 at 06:02pm
  • Roseh; creation:
    I wish it had ended with Harry talking to Teddy (and maybe his other children) and telling them all stories about the war. It would have been adorable. In Love
    I think there should have just been more details, like more on what happened to everyone, such as their jobs.

    All the scripts for the Harry Potter movies after Prisoner Twitch Especially Order and Prince.
    September 17th, 2010 at 07:55pm
  • I would remake the Ella Enchanted movie.
    September 17th, 2010 at 08:17pm