If You Could Rewrite That Book/Movie/Show...

  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    i saw sparks:
    I'd make the ending of the movie Fight Club like the ending of the book. I liked the book ending SO much better.
    YES. Facepalm
    September 17th, 2010 at 08:46pm
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    I saw The Last Airbender last night, and I would most definitely rewrite it.

    I'd make it so it skipped out a hell of a lot more, because they were trying to cram waaaaay too much into one film. I'd have all the scenes with Zuko (Happy face) and Iroh, because they were quite good. But With Katara, Sokka and Aang, I'd just have them go to the Air place, Aang realises what's happened etc, then they go straight to the big Watery business at the end, because, even though it misses out on a lot, I think it would be the best way to make it into one movie.

    There wasn't enough character built up, I felt. Just too much action.

    And I'd make Sokka funny again File

    And have everyone's names pronounced correctly! Cheese Good golly.
    Agreed so hardcore, especially since I'm rewatching the series. And Iroh needs to be funny again too, he's my fave XD
    September 20th, 2010 at 01:57am
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    I' remove the last chapter of A Clockwork Orange.

    But I see the movie beet meat me too it.
    This, so fucking much Twitch Just let Alex be Alex, please. It's a really huge pet peeve of mine when the villain, the antihero decides to redeem himself/herself and integrate to society by forming a family, as if years of being such a destructive son of a bitch, with obvious anger issues, and a latent sociopath would just go away by the thought of having a family Facepalm
    September 20th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • Siriano;

    Siriano; (100)

    United States
    This, so fucking much Twitch Just let Alex be Alex, please. It's a really huge pet peeve of mine when the villain, the antihero decides to redeem himself/herself and integrate to society by forming a family, as if years of being such a destructive son of a bitch, with obvious anger issues, and a latent sociopath would just go away by the thought of having a family Facepalm
    What I hate is that the publishers told him this, yet he ignored them. mrgun
    September 20th, 2010 at 09:45pm
  • Zachary Merrick.

    Zachary Merrick. (200)

    United Kingdom
    I'd rewrite the third Skullduggery Pleasant book so it finished.
    Three books is enough for a series, they were drawn out enough as is, but there's going to be nine.
    Nine! mrgun
    They just got a bit same-y halfway through book two, and even though I haven't read them, I suspect books four and five will be just the same ideas with a slightly different scenario.
    Gah. Finger

    I'd rewrite the episode of Glee where Finn told Rachel he loves her. Finger
    Just, no. There was no real build up or anything; she'd just broken up with Jesse and shouldn't have been interested, but no.
    I want Jesse to come back into that show too, he was such a great character and so much was left unsaid.

    I'd rewrite the ending of the movie Be Kind, Rewind too.
    So anticlimactic. D:
    It ruined the entire film for me, to be honest.
    September 22nd, 2010 at 12:11am
  • BloodyRedQueen

    BloodyRedQueen (100)

    United States
    This is probably going to sound totally strange, but I'd rewrite Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville. I enjoyed the story, but I think it needed to be a bit darker.
    July 24th, 2011 at 05:28pm
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    I would rewrite the script for the sixth Harry Potter movie so that it ACTUALLY followed the book Facepalm
    July 24th, 2011 at 10:18pm
  • gilderoy-lockhart

    gilderoy-lockhart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    The Return of the Solider by Rebecca West, it's already a horrible book but the ending is a complete let down and really annoyed the English Literature class I'm in.
    Breaking Dawn I honestly hate the ending, it just so crap to be blunt.
    19 years later In the book I wasn't too fussed about it, it was nice and cute but in the film they could have done a bit more with it. And with POA the missed out tones in the film, too much in fact.
    July 25th, 2011 at 12:30am
  • swell

    swell (150)

    I would not make Dan Gossip Girl. I didn't like that plot twist at all. Some of the points why Dan proved to be GG made sense but there were so many holes in that. I feel like the producers decided that at the end instead of thinking the whole time that Dan was GG.

    In the 3rd season of The O.C., Johnny shouldn't have died - he should've never gotten hit by the car and should've just left. Keep the loving Marissa thing, but couldn't he have just left with Marissa hung up on her feelings for him instead of him DYING? He also shouldn't have been in the season as long as he did.

    I hated Caleb, but he shouldn't have died. The way he aggravates Sandy is gold.

    This is really minute, but in the finale, Ryan's mum, Dawn, bought Ryan a car which she worked hard to get. And then it had to burn up when Volchek hit Ryan's car? Dawn was trying with Ryan, and for the car to burn up just broke my heart.
    April 24th, 2013 at 01:08pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    There's a lot of stuff I'd like to change. Some of Stephen King's books didn't make sense at the end (The Langoliers), The Harry Potter series (the ending I mean), and some other stuff.

    Now with my own favorite tv shows, I'd totally expand on this one story arc on the Thundercats remake that was rushed and felt like a "In your face" to one of the characters.

    Movie-wise, I'd just some scenes of the Harry Potter movies (like expand a bit more on Harry watching the Dursley's).
    April 25th, 2013 at 08:00pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    @ budgie
    I agree about the whole movie thing, but as for the name pronunciation, the guy M.Shayalan(?) was trying to aim for a more Eastern/Asian feel because the world of Avatar in itself draws from a lot of Eastern and Asian influences (IE: FIghting styles incorporated into the bending styles, Aang being a monk, the whole Chi factor, etc, etc).
    April 25th, 2013 at 08:07pm
  • peach kitten

    peach kitten (165)

    United States
    I always thought about rewriting Twilight. I mean the idea of a vampire falling in love with a human and the whole blood lust thing was pretty neat but the way Stephine Meyer wrote it was pretty cheesy and slow for me. If I could rewrite Twilight, I'd make a darker and the characters more believable.

    Oh! I would also change the way Smallville ended!
    May 4th, 2013 at 10:41pm
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ grow a pair
    I have to agree with everything you said! I felt Dan was only Gossip Girl because he'd been such an ass all season and they wanted to redeem him. So many plot holes. I'd rather they'd left it unsaid, as it was never really about Gossip Girl. The season two ending would have made a perfect finale. Season 4 onwards were such a let-down compared to the brilliance of the first three. As for O.C... that car thing really aggravated me. It probably set poor Dawn back so much money. I was so annoyed with how long Johnny was in it for. He should've just gone on the PacWest tour. Also, I'd write Lindsay out of it, and have way more Taylor in Season 3.

    I'd so re-write the ending to Young Adult, the film with Charlize Theron in it. For some reason I was kind of meh regarding the ending. I felt like the rest of the film was strangely compelling compared to it. Peter Pan 2, I'd just scrap that completely and start fresh. And have Wendy not grown up. It broke my heart to see her as an adult, and just annoyed me. As if this new husband was something special. Pssh, she should've stayed in Neverland. File
    May 5th, 2013 at 02:32am
  • swell

    swell (150)

    @ it's monroe.
    The season 2 ending of GG, you mean? Yeah, that was such a good ending. I wanted to know who GG was but now I preferred they didn't tell me - although when I heard that Kristen Bell was going to be in the finale, I thought that SHE would be some fashionable blogger upper east sider something something that have actually been stalking their every move or something. Like, if throughout the six seasons she had a cameo or had done little things to make the audience notice her, but not pay any attention to her, and then in the finale be like 'well hey actually it's me', then that would've been better, I think.

    Well, anything would've been better than DAN.

    Hated Lindsay. I liked the plot line (well, Seth's comments referring to it) but Lindsay as a character I found boring. Now Taylor is a great character, I loved that they included her more in the fourth.

    In the series finale of One Tree Hill, I might've ended it at six seasons - the other three seasons were great but without Lucas/Peyton, I feel like they lacked a bit, considering most of the story is based around Lucas. Or, if Lucas+Peyton had been in the series finale. I also wish Alex would've come back after her tour, especially in the series finale. Maybe she could've been in there for five minutes, like exchanging small talk with Julian or something before heading off into another tour. Just a way to show that Tree Hill is her home sort of thing.
    May 5th, 2013 at 03:58am
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ grow a pair
    It's like you read my mind with the Alex thing. But I absolutely love Seasons 8+9, as I'm not a big Lucas/Peyton fan. I thought the show still worked after their departure as I found Quinn and Clay to be more likable.
    May 5th, 2013 at 04:23am
  • swell

    swell (150)

    @ it's monroe.
    Actually, thinking back, I did like seasons 7-9 but season 9 I didn't like how the storylines dragged. Like, I liked the Nathan disappearing one but the whole policeman was a bad guy thing was cheesy. And the actors for the mafia were just bad. And laughable. I couldn't stop laughing. I love Quinn and Clay; they are so cute together and Quinn is just gorgeous. I think it's just season 9 where I felt myself forcing to watch the ending as opposed to genuinely liking it.

    While I like Romeo and Juliet, there are so many instances where, if they used common sense (or waited or something idk), they wouldn't have died. I get that it's a romantic love story and such, but it frustrated me majorly all the same.
    May 5th, 2013 at 07:23am
  • she's so high.

    she's so high. (115)

    @ grow a pair

    I'm a firm believer that if their relationship wasn't so forbidden and they didn't make any of those stupid decisions to get themselves killed, they wouldn't have lasted past the second date anyway.

    The ending of Mockingjay bugged me a bit. Like the ending for Harry Potter, it was cute but unnecessary. Plus it didn't fit Katniss's character in the least. She was a fighter, a rebel, and a survivor for a whole trilogy, not exactly characteristics to settle down and have a family with. (And yes, I understand that Peeta was the one who really wanted the children) I'm not even sold on the fact that she was in love with Peeta. She may have loved him, but was not in love. It just makes the whole ending seem awkward and dysfunctional with the rest of The Hunger Games.

    The climax of The Lucky One (movie) pissed me off to no end. Of course there had to be a huge storm after Ben ran away to his treehouse. Of course it was Keith that went after him first. Of course the bridge had to break and sweep him dramatically down the river and kill him off while Logan, Ben, and Beth watched on helplessly (Kudos to Logan for trying to save him though). Over all, the whole overly dramatic climax could have been avoided if it wasn't revealed that Keith was still hung up over Beth (which in turn would complicate the plot and throw a serious wrench for Logan if he had lived). The movie was so good, SO GOOD, until that part.
    May 5th, 2013 at 09:59am
  • Crash Thrusts.

    Crash Thrusts. (100)

    United States
    If I could rewrite Romeo and Juliet (the original play), I would do it. I love the idea of two people from rivaling families falling in love, but not in the way Shakespeare wrote it.

    I would make Romeo and Juliet get to know each other better instead of having them fall in love the second they see each other. I also would definitely have delayed the marriage. I would also let Mercutio live, because he was funny! OMG NO! I wouldn't have let Romeo kill Juliet's cousin, because that's a little too far. I wouldn't have let Juliet fake her death, and I also wouldn't have let either of them commit suicide.


    So, I would basically make it a romantic comedy instead of a tragedy. I would give it a happy ending, because those are the best, in my opinion.
    January 18th, 2014 at 09:40pm
  • southpaw

    southpaw (565)

    United States
    I would definitely, totally, absolutely rewrite the ending to the movie "Rat Race." Coffee Smashmouth may have been somewhat culturally relevant at the time, but over time it just makes less and less sense. Plus it was a bit corny - not just the Smashmouth concert, but the ending in general. XD
    January 19th, 2014 at 05:23pm
  • little man;

    little man; (100)

    I would so rewrite the movie ''I am number four''. Just so it does justice to the beauty of the book. Because they changed so many things, and the actors are not even that much on point with how they're supposed to act and to me, it just makes it not something that the book deserves to be linked to as it is today.
    January 20th, 2014 at 12:43am