Deja Vu

  • TropicalStorm26

    TropicalStorm26 (100)

    United States
    The feeling is weird O.O I once saw a car in front of us and on the back it said Avalon. I got this serious sense odd deja vu, I still do, but I have no idea why. I sometimes have dreams that end up happening in real life too. It'll be the smallest things sometimes, but they'll connect. Or it'll be something big.

    It's cool yet weird. . . Once my friends phone was ringing and she didn't answer it. Something inside my head was telling me it was her mom but I didn't say anything because how weird would that be. Just turning to your friend and saying "Hey, your mom's calling," without even looking at the phone. Kind of like it had happened already.
    November 29th, 2011 at 10:21pm
  • Trent Lane

    Trent Lane (150)

    United States
    I get it too. Not often, but I swear I'll be talking with my mom and she'll say something I heard her say previously. It's freaky, but I think it's cool >.<
    December 31st, 2011 at 04:36am
  • GreatUnknown

    GreatUnknown (150)

    United States
    I read somewhere in a article I got in my Psychology class, that deja vu is when one half of your brain registers something milliseconds before the other half. Thus giving the sensation that you've scene this before, or done that before. You technically have but only probably a tenth of a second before.

    If that's not it, it's probably something that you smell or see because little triggers can open memories or sensations that you don't quite remember but seem familiar. I was walking through the hall in my school when I smelled something really faint but it took me back to the memories of preschool for a second and I had a weird feeling that I've smelled something just like it before but from that school or classroom specifically from when I was young. It was weird.

    Dreaming I think is your brain sorting through memories and captured data throughout the day or the day before. I've also had dreams related to anxiety; example, I was so stressed over my Anatomy test, I dreamed that I got an F. Pathetic, I know but it was seriously stressing me out.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 08:57am
  • pearlhunter

    pearlhunter (100)

    United Kingdom
    It's really weird, I used to get normal deja vu so I'd just see something or hear something that I thought I'd seen before, but I get it more often now and it's not just one thing, it will be like a whole scene e.g someone will say something (at which point I realise 'hey this is deja vu'), then someone else will say something and then someone will walk out of a room and they'll drop something and then someone else walks past and then the deja vu ends.

    I've never actually been able to predict exactly what's happening, but say for that scene, I'd just randomly look up cause I know something is supposed to happen and then x would walk out the door. Then I'd look in another direction expectantly and y would walk past.

    It's really weird and I feel like I dreamed it before, but I can't have cause that seems ridiculous although it would be pretty cool.
    December 7th, 2013 at 09:49pm
  • Jahni200

    Jahni200 (100)

    United States
    I thought I was the only one for a second i thought can see in into the future. Anyways yeah no one belives me that i have deja vu everyday apparently they say the same thing they always say. Nothing they lol.
    December 23rd, 2013 at 12:50am
  • archivist

    archivist (660)

    United States
    Plenty of times have come around when in class and being paired for projects, and I knew who I'd be paired with before we were paired. It happened every single time.

    And with my mum. I can guess what she's about to say even if she's in the other room.
    December 23rd, 2013 at 09:02am
  • glitterbomb.

    glitterbomb. (100)

    United States
    I actually do get dejá vu quite frequently. Always, always, always when I go down more then 5 steps. Different cases, different things, different... Things, that I kind of remember (whole scenes) but that I swear I never seen, but I know I must've somewhere. I don't know what it is (besides deja vu) or why it happens, but it does. The one scene that always repeats itself though, always has something to do with a whole bunch if feathers floating down.
    its definitely weird, and very creepy.

    I think its somehow linked to the whole 'past life' or Reincarnation thing.
    Maybe memories of your former self.
    February 11th, 2014 at 02:00pm
  • Nyctophilia.

    Nyctophilia. (100)

    United States
    I have it all the time, and my boyfriend thinks I'm weird >.< idk, when someone says something I get this weird feeling I've heard it before. Personally I like it though, my boyfriend said that Indians used to look at it as seeing the future :P don't ask me why. But yesterday my boyfriend came home from working overnight shift and he woke me up to say he was home, I watched him turn on the tv but I was sleepy still. Then he told me he was happy because he was making good money, even with taxes and gave me the amount. I SWORE it felt so real. Then later on that day I asked him about it and he looked at me confused and told me he didn't say that. I was mad because I KNOW he told me that when he came home. He said he didn't, that he turned on the TV and then fell asleep. That he didn't tell me nothing BUT I was right about the amount that he was making. It's freaky sometimes, how I get those moments. But I love it :P it has a pattern of happening frequently to once in a just depends. Plus I know when my boyfriend will say sometimes.
    February 12th, 2014 at 12:01am
  • burning.

    burning. (100)

    United States
    I actually just got it today! It's always the weirdest thing. And in my Deja Vu moments I always think I remember saying "I just had Deja Vu" or some variation of that! It's totally odd. Most of my moments are longer also, not just a short snippet of a sentence or something.
    September 4th, 2014 at 06:00am
  • shelbyvengeance

    shelbyvengeance (100)

    United States
    I get so many deja vu moments. Sometimes I feel like I'm completely reliving a moment. Sometimes I swear that I relive a moment that was actual in my dream that I remember. Then there is times I've seen a new episode of a show and the scene will be so familiar, yet there was no way I had seen it before. Same with songs. Earlier this year I was listening to SiriusXM Octane for the first time in forever and Criminal - Framing Hanley started playing. I knew all the lyrics. When I went to look up the song, I found out it came out only a few weeks before and there was really no way I had heard it. Same with Blurred Lines last year. I was in the car with my mom and it came on the radio. It was so familiar to me and I said something to my mom about it came out years ago and she told me it hadn't. Found out that she was correct and I have no idea how I even heard it before since I don't listen to the radio much.
    September 7th, 2014 at 06:51am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I get it all the time. Like when I'm writing or on Mibba, I get the strange sense of dejavu.
    September 13th, 2014 at 03:52am
  • villa rosie

    villa rosie (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    I'm diagnosed with temporal lobe seizures, and people with that kind of condition are prone to have deja vus a lot. And although I've experienced that feeling of reliving a certain moment since I was little, it's definitely become more substantial and severe now. The idea of having one frightens me especially because that's a sign I will soon have a seizure... It's not fun Sad
    September 18th, 2014 at 05:43am