Your Own Culture

  • I SEARCHED! :shifty

    Start creating, lovelies.
    [ Don't know what to do? Make your own culture. What foods do they eat, how do they dress? etc. ]

    Here's my culture.

    Name; Azlynola. (Azz - lynn - ol' - aa)
    Founded; 1876.
    Country; Azlynola
    Location; A rainforest in South America.
    National Animal; The Monito del Monte.
    National Flower;Plumeria
    Fashion;The people wear bright, joyful colors.
    Food;Not much meat, but a lot of greens and tropical fruits.
    Main Industries;paint-making and the making of all-natural scented lotion.
    Religion;When first established, they were a country of religious freedom. Overtime, Christianity has dominated, though.
    Entertainment; Painting, exploration, animal watching, Monte (national animal) races, Squee Ball (a sport played in the thickets of the rainforest)
    Seasons; the Season of Life (our Spring), the Season of Warmth (our Summer), the Season of Colors (our Fall), and the Season of Early Twilight (our Winter).
    December 21st, 2008 at 03:55pm
  • :shifty I don't really understand.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 02:41am
  • stay with me.:
    :shifty I don't really understand.
    Heheh, understandable. I didn't, either, when my teacher first told me of it. [The idea came from a recent project.]
    Basically, it's just making your own civilization. You decide what they eat, wear, their religion (if any), etc.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 10:03pm
  • Name; Odinia (Oh-din-ee-uh)
    Founded; 1947
    Country; Odinia
    Location; Scandinavian Island
    National Animal; Wolf (oh so original)
    National Flower; Queen Anns Lace
    Fashion; The people dress formal even when it's casual. There are lots of black uniforms or colorful dresses.
    Food; Lots of meats and dairy products; hardy food for a dark cold winter.
    Main Industries; Technology and engineering are big here. There is a big military as well.
    Religion; Originally it was a loosely Christian state but recently a lot of the citizens have adopted Hinduism as their religion and a lot of Hindus are gaining power in the government.
    Entertainment; There is a big music scene here. Electronic Jam bands and progressive industrial are popular among the younger generations. The main sport is soccer as with most of Europe.
    Seasons; During the Summer it's light all day and night and the Winter is dark all day and night as with other Scandinavian countries like Iceland. Spring and Fall have 12 hour days and nights.
    December 25th, 2008 at 07:29pm
  • Name; Gallifrey.
    Founded; 2009.
    Country; Gallifrey aka The Former United Kingdom.
    Location; The UK.
    National Animal; The Toclafane.
    National Flower; The Medusa Rose.
    Fashion; The styles vary from year on year but simple tunics are usually worn with various decorative shoulder pieces and extras.
    Food; Simple cereals such as wheat, buckwheat, corn and barley. Root vegetables grow well as well as some delicacies such as Venusian mint, Lucca eyed peas and Gallifrax Cornucopiberries.
    Main Industries; Scientific progression, medical testing and weapons manufacturing.
    Religion; Offical religion is The Sybilline Sister and Brotherhoods but few actually partake, seeing it more as an ancient ritual to enjoy as an artform.
    Entertainment; Chess, literature, multimedia and multisensory entertainment booths, recreational mathematics, cricket and archery.
    Seasons; Dalig Ulv (Winter), Blaidd Drwg (Spring), Lobo Mau (Summer) and Mauvais Loup (Autumn).
    December 26th, 2008 at 01:02am
  • Name: Mons montis Populus

    Founded: 1344

    Country:Terra Of Mons montis

    Location: Russia, near the Caspian Sea

    National Animal: Brown Bear

    National Flower: Peony

    Fashion: Outdoor clothes, hiking boots, etc. Fashion is not something that a lot of importance is put on. Anything that's functional is accepted. For formal occasions, women wear long tunics made of linen or wool and accessories of fresh flowers, men wear their version of suits.

    Food: Meats, cheeses, and root vegetables are mainly eaten. Unleavened bread is also popular. Fruits and Edible Flowers are eaten all over the country, and delicacies such as fresh fish, strawberries, chocolate, and vanilla beans are coveted.

    Main Industries: Tourism, Exporting Flowers, and vegetables, also raising tame Caribou.

    Religion: Main is Christianity, with some Hinduism throughout the Eastern Parts.

    Entertainment; Hiking, Mountain Climbing, Archery, Canoeing, Rafting. Poetry, Art, Writing, and sewing are also highly esteemed.

    Seasons: The Time Of New Birth (Spring), The Time Of Bright Sunlight (Summer), The Time Of Brittle Leaves (Fall), The Time Of White Mountains (Winter).
    January 4th, 2009 at 09:50pm
  • Love this by the way... :tehe:


    Name; Chackktusepia. (shack - tuss - seep - ee - ah)

    Founded; 1932

    Country; Perifidan

    Location; An alley beside the national library.

    National Animal; Pacific penguins.

    National Flower; Ociterian. (Oh - sit - tear - ee - an)

    Fashion; The latest trend in Chackktusepia are leather earrings.

    Food; Lemon flavoured potatoes are a tradition in most households.

    Main Industries; Writing. There are a lot of books in Chackktusepia. The community likes to read.

    Religion; There is none.

    Entertainment; Candle lighting, watching grass grow and timing time.

    Seasons; Nnotomie (Spring), Tiglhlafl (Summer), Miun Regast (Autumn) and Trosswonm (Winter).
    January 5th, 2009 at 10:51am
  • Name; Alcis (AHL-sis)

    Founded; 1508, and still going strong

    Country; Akuine (a-KWEN)

    Location; It will be between the USA and Europe and roughly the size of Norway, mediate climate, like that of England with less overcast due to being further south than the UK.

    National Animal; The Peragon, the only animal with 90 degree angles on it. Bird Species, size of an eagle. Red beak, 7.3 ft wingspan, dark red torso, black legs, white head, bright red stripe down the back.

    National Flower; Mythicys (MITH-i-sis), a small purple flower used to make narcotics. Has a resemblance to a Chrysanthemum.

    Fashion; Anything really. No shirts that say "Slut" or the like. No giant sunglasses. Everything else is okay.

    Food; The island is abundant with fruit and vegetables. Very few animals. Meat is usually imported.

    Main Industries; [Legit] Bananas, passion fruit, oil, silver....[illegit] Cocaine, Marijuana (Alcis Paralysis is what it'll be called), and Flownder (made from mythicys, the national flower)

    Religion; No real national religion. But the majority of the people will claim Catholic

    Entertainment; Our music scene is encouraged and the arts are funded along with sports rather than instead of sports. We have a game called "Julo" similar to the game played in Final Fantasy X, but this is done with air tanks and small propellers along the players legs hat acivate when he straightens his legs. 4 goals, 2 per team. 3-d arena. All underwater of course.

    Seasons; Green (spring), Red (summer), Orange (autumn), Blue (winter). We keep it simple in Alcis.

    Other notes:

    1. Every couple gets a $5000 bonus for every 10 years of marriage to encourage a lower divorce rate.
    2.Recycling is mandatory.
    3.Parents get $100 to spend on their child every year for their birthday, from the Government, up to age 5.
    4.People pay percentage taxes, that way the rich hate taxes as much as the poor.
    5. Everybody gets a free trip to anywhere in the world once in their life. This is funded by drug money.
    6. Every child under 16 that loses a parent to disease gets a handwritten letter from the doctor saying how sorry he is. Every child under 10 that loses a parent to violence, gets a handwritten letter from the Chief of Police saying how sorry he is.
    7. Everybody is required to serve 3 years in the military. 100% of college is paid for if you serve 6 years.

    That's just me though...I like to be thorough. If I explain something, I do it right, so you know what I'm talking about.
    January 7th, 2009 at 04:30pm
  • Name; The Metallicatz. 8)
    Founded; 1983.
    Country; Everywhere!
    Location; Anywhere. Naughty
    National Animal; Black panther. :file:
    National Flower;Hemp flower.
    Fashion;Tight black jeans, leather pants, spandex pants. Band t-shirts. Black t-shirts. Flannelette shirts. Nike airs, chuck taylors. Leg warmers. Singlets. Preferably black. :coffee:
    Food;Most junk foods. Anything really. Metallers are hungry creatures.
    Main Industries;Musicians, roadies, technitians, bus drivers.
    Religion;Elvis Presley.
    Entertainment; Gigs, recreational drug use, drinking, movies, TV, ordinary average shit.
    Seasons; "Drinking season." - James Hetfield, 1993.

    Ya-huh. Anyone wanna join the Metallicatz? :file:
    January 8th, 2009 at 01:32am
  • My own culture?
    I would create a culture that isn't a culture. Something with no set boundaries, rules, and laws.

    Something that is infectious enough to spread around the world, and break out into chaos and mayhem. I want to see a world where there are no laws and rules. I want to see what Man will do once given true freedom.

    That's my ideal "culture": no culture at all.
    January 8th, 2009 at 04:58am
  • Don't we all kind of make our own culture just living our lives as we do? Granted, we're going to do some things similar to everyone around us, but it should still have it's own personal flair. At least I always have.
    February 1st, 2009 at 02:33pm
  • thisnameoffendsme:
    1. Every couple gets a $5000 bonus for every 10 years of marriage to encourage a lower divorce rate.
    That's a terrible idea. Using money as an incentive to have people stay together? Could you imagine how many unhappy people there would be together, just so they could get that $5,000?
    February 1st, 2009 at 02:34pm
  • Watoosh!:
    If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, please.


    Name; Sanction Number 1

    Founded; 1961

    Country; United Sanctions of Anita

    Location; Beneath a trap door in an old library.

    National Animal; the Great Dane.

    National Flower; It varies with the prime minister.

    Fashion; Sweaters and/or sweater vests. Preferably in purple, yellow, or chartreuse. Boot cut jeans are worn by members high in society, leggings worn by those in the middle class. There is no such thing as a lower class.

    Food; Breakfast cereal has grown quite popular.

    Main Industries; Manufacturing, writing, government, playing guitars in gas stations to drive to the next Sanction.

    Religion; Widespread worship of a golden figurine of John Lennon.

    Entertainment; Ice skating, playing foosball, exploding Mentos in Diet Coke, and star gazing.

    Seasons; There aren't any. The weather can be changed to whatever is in popular demand at the time.
    February 1st, 2009 at 03:42pm
  • everyone is a pony that eats rainbows and poops out butterflies!

    heeheehee :lmfao

    OK for real (but still silly)
    name: The Kelly (tha-kell-ee)
    traditional dress: whatever the Hell we want!
    where?: US of A! DUH!
    traditional joke: "This suit is NOT black!"-Borat
    food: meat, meat, meat, strawberries, meat, bananas,and... meat.
    entertainment: sing songs from commercials and TV shows and silly ones that movies made up
    music: ROCK n ROLL!!!!!! All those who listen to rap, country and pop will be pointed at and laughed at... at will of course though. If you listen to blues that's fine.
    way of transportation: pogo sticks

    April 25th, 2009 at 04:23am
  • Name; Peanenay (Pea- En- Nen- Ay)
    Founded; 1932
    Country; Canada
    Location; A camp in northern Canada
    National Animal; The Flying Spaghetti Monster
    National Flower; Carnation
    Fashion; The ladies often wear ankle long denim skirts and blouses, and the gentlemen wear khakis, suspenders, and polo shirts.
    Food;Lots of meat, considering they live in the forest area, not a lot of edible vegetation.
    Main Industries;Hunting
    Religion;A majority of it is Islamic, but there is some Jewish roots.
    Entertainment; Anything and everything. Naughty
    Seasons; Very cold winter, because they are far North, but hot summers. Only about 2 weeks of spring and fall.

    Some of these are hilarious!
    April 25th, 2009 at 07:54pm
  • Name; Ville Lumière (City of Light)
    Founded; 1700's
    Country; The United Kingdom
    National Animal; Pugs
    National Flower; Daisies
    Fashion; Vintage. 1930's to 1950's. Or like, Steampunk.
    Food;Chinese food. Just because.
    Main Industries; Well it's an island so they'll be lots of ports. Trade.
    Religion;Christianity is most popular.
    Entertainment; Stargazing, story writing, painting, drawing, singing, playing instrument, inventing etc.
    Seasons; It snows during winter, and is hot during summer. Spring and Autumn vary.
    August 6th, 2009 at 04:35pm
  • Name; Sketchtonna.
    Founded; 1855
    Country; Artsania.
    Location; A large pencil shaped island in the middle of an ocean.
    National Animal; An large white rabbit.
    National Flower; Sunflowers.
    Fashion; They all make their own clothing and most of it is very creative and artsy- usaully alot of patterns.
    Food; They are all vegetarian; they tend to eat a lot of leafy type things.
    Main Industries; Everyone is an artist, they make impressive prints/paintings/etc of their Island and then ship them off to main countries.
    Religion; They don't have religions in Sketchtonna.
    Entertainment; Fighting with sticks, trying to chase the large white rabbit, drawing competitons.
    Seasons; There are no seasons, it always snows.
    August 6th, 2009 at 09:33pm
  • Name; Syren (Sigh-ren).
    Founded; 1801.
    Country; Syren.
    Location; In the middle of the Atlantic, between North America, South America, Africa and Europe.
    National Animal; Syrens, carnivorous birds that sing a sweet song to entice their pray, then attack.
    National Flower; Venus Fly trap.
    Fashion; Anything goes, really. It ranges, from tight and dark (leather, pleather), to colorful and enticing, to just...slutty, I guess?
    Food; It's a tropic island, with lots of fruits. And lots of chickens.
    Main Industries; Fruit exportation, art, music.
    Religion; No state religion, open for anything.
    Entertainment; Concerts (some local, some global [bands]), exploration, artsy things.
    Seasons; There are really only two seasons in Syren, and they're summer and fall.
    August 7th, 2009 at 08:51am
  • Mine would essentially be British culture, but without the chavs, racists and spongers. XD
    October 14th, 2011 at 08:30pm
  • Alex; oxytocin.:
    Mine would essentially be British culture, but without the chavs, racists and spongers. XD
    Woulfn't you just be left with Stephen Fry?

    October 15th, 2011 at 07:10pm