
  • McLovin':
    ^ Everyone's got an accent! :XD

    I've got the best accent on all of mibba :crazy: ..maybe not. :grr:
    I've got a reeeeally strong New Zealand accent. :| So sometimes I sound Australian. :XD But "chips" become "chups", "ass" becomes "uhhss" - all sorts :lmfao

    I'm the stereotype. 8) I say bro, mate, sweet as & I wear flanno and stubbies. Shifty
    Thats the Aussie stereotype though! :o
    January 6th, 2009 at 10:24am
  • It's also a New Zealand thing.
    Stubbies is nearly iconic over here.

    Americans always say I have a really strong NZ accent but then I mock them for being American. My accent owns theirs any day of the week.
    January 6th, 2009 at 11:51pm
  • I don't really have an accent. I have a really noticeable lisp, though. Apparently, my As sound weird. Like if I say "bad", it sounds like, "baaahd". A lot of people say I have a Boston-ish accent, even though I'm from Colorado. I also apparently sound like a hardcore valley girl. :/
    January 7th, 2009 at 02:26am
  • I have a German accent.
    Which means, if you'd like to say "I don't know why you hang out with them."
    It would be like "Vhi dun't knuw vhy you heng out vhith them."
    It's really funny. xD
    January 7th, 2009 at 02:48am
  • I was at Cedar Point with a friend of mine, and we were standing in line for... I
    don't remember the ride, but we were talking, and this guy in front of us in line
    turns and starts talking to us. Randomly, in the middle of a sentence, he stops
    me, and asks me where I'm from. I tell him I'm from Pittsburgh, and he says "I
    thought so. You sound like it."

    I never noticed it... If anything, it's barely recognizable or it only appears when I
    say certain words.

    A Pittsburgh accent is... I'm not good at describing, but some words that are in
    the "Pittsburghese" dictionary are; worsh (wash) & yinz (you guys).

    I guess the Pittsburgh accent is kind of nasally. But, my voice isn't that nasally...
    January 7th, 2009 at 03:29am
  • Well, my mom was born in Scotland, grew up in England, and then moved to the states when she was eighteen. Apparently she's still got an accent and I have a small one too, but only when I say certain words/phrases. But I'm American so to anyone else out of this country, yeah I've got an accent.
    Ha, I'm a- (as my grandpa so kindly puts it) -damn yank like my dad. XD
    January 7th, 2009 at 03:40am
  • When I speak English, it's perfect.

    But when I speak Korean, I have a "white-washed" accent p:
    January 7th, 2009 at 02:55pm
  • Apparently when I meet new people, they think I have an accent.
    What accent? I don't know. I've had English, American and I don't know what else.
    But usually I just tell them it's cause I'm lazy and mumble when I speak, so.. haha.

    But I guess to someone from another country they'd realise my accent is Australian.
    January 7th, 2009 at 04:07pm
  • I have a Swedish accent that I'm trying to get rid of :XD It's not too bad, but I don't like it.
    January 7th, 2009 at 04:11pm
  • I'm American, and everyone has an accent here.
    There's the Maryland accent, which I have, the New England one, which I also have, and the 'Pasadena twang'
    Disgust which I also have.

    I say things like, "wodder"
    "cahh" (car)
    "tawlk" (talk)

    lots more.
    it's pretty bad.

    January 8th, 2009 at 05:20am
  • Oh goodness I have a horrible country accent. I can usually hide it, but if I exert too much emotion, my accent gets worse
    January 10th, 2009 at 06:00am
  • I'm Australian, and I talk really fast.
    I have this french friend and when I talk I always have to remember to speak alot slower. If I don't she just shakes her head and laughs.

    It's terrible xD
    January 10th, 2009 at 10:00am
  • I'm just from Michigan in America, and apparently I speak very, erm, proper? I'm not sure exactly how to describe it. Kind of how you would expect a very loquacious person to talk, and I enunciate most things very crisply. Like, a New Englan type way of speaking perhaps?

    January 10th, 2009 at 04:33pm
  • I live in southern Ireland... so it makes perfect sense that I have some sort of American accent! :lmfao Loads of people have said it to me, and I've only been to America once (Florida), so according to one of my friends, all those American tv shows I watched when I was younger certainly made an impact!
    January 24th, 2009 at 08:37pm
  • People used to tell me all the time that I have absolutely no accent at all.
    But it's weird, because I've also had different people, on dozens of occasions, tell me that they like listening to me talk, that they like the way I say some things. I don't know, my choir teacher told me once that my voice is very mellow naturally, so maybe my vowels are softer or something.

    But yeah. So no accent for me, just an occasional weirdness of tone. :|
    Make of that what you will.
    January 24th, 2009 at 10:23pm
  • I have an English accent.
    I don't think it's that strong. I have the kind of typical English accent, only not as posh.
    January 24th, 2009 at 10:49pm
  • I'm from North America so...not really.

    But I do pronounce things weirdly.

    Like milk...and bagel. I say them like "malk" and "bag-el".

    ^I know it's weird. Sad
    January 25th, 2009 at 05:35am
  • I'm from Texas...
    The state most stereotyped for twang-ish accents. xD

    No, I don't have one. Sometimes it surfaces, though very subtley, during conversation.
    But %99 of the time you wouldn't be able to tell that's where I'm from. Unless you've got wonderful hearing.
    January 25th, 2009 at 05:59am
  • for an australian i don't really have an accent. But i always go into an american accent for some reason. I don't know why... either american or irish. hahaha. I don't even know i'm doing it. I'll be talkin to my best mate and she'll start laughing and then say "what's with the irish accent dude?"

    It's strange
    January 25th, 2009 at 06:04am
  • jess18:
    for an australian i don't really have an accent. But i always go into an american accent for some reason. I don't know why... either american or irish. hahaha. I don't even know i'm doing it. I'll be talkin to my best mate and she'll start laughing and then say "what's with the irish accent dude?"
    how weird is it that you have one and I dont, and I've lived here all my life? :lol:

    Mind you, not many people around here seem to have accents. Certainly no stereotypical Irish ones anyway!
    January 25th, 2009 at 04:19pm