Small, Odd Things That Bug You But Shouldn't

  • People who eat loudly, like smacking their lips and such. That drives me up a wall. A little etiquette will not kill you. Chew your food in a nice, polite fashion.

    Oddly enough, people who breathe loudly. That instantly gets me irritated. I can understand if you have a respiratory issue, but if you breathe like Darth Vader for no reason, I will get angry. My mother thinks I hate hearing people breathe because I hate everyone. She may have a point to a certain extent. tehe
    July 15th, 2012 at 04:51am
  • When people I'm texting/messaging/any form on conversation involving text, don't use proper grammar. I mean, we all make mistakes, lots of them, but good lord, is is that hard to type out "you" or to use a comma every once in a while? It instantly makes guys I'm talking to less attractive. I have a problem...

    I work at a grocery store, and it bothers me to no end when I'm checking people out, and I say something like "Have a great day," and all they say is "Yep." Or nothing at all. "You too" is only six letters, it won't kill anyone to say it.
    July 16th, 2012 at 04:52am
  • When people on Yahoo Answers add, (10 points!), to their question. Seriously, we all know that the best answer always gets 10 points. No one has ever been given 20 points for the best answer, don't act like you're the only person who can give 10 points.

    When people instantly write, "Fake!", to things like magic tricks etc. We all know it's fake, if this guy was magically able to levitate then wouldn't have the government got to him? Shush and just enjoy it.

    When people come in and don't close the door to my room after.

    Slurping noises.

    I dislike the word "babe". I don't know why. I mean, I won't hate a person just because they say it, but I can't get used to that word.
    July 16th, 2012 at 09:23am
  • Eating in bed. I cannot stand crumbs in bed while I'm trying to sleep.

    Being told to "shut up." If you don't like what I'm saying, simply tell me so in a sophisticated manner. No need to tell me to shut up. How rude!

    Being talked over. When I'm speaking, its my turn. When I shut my mouth, its your turn. I don't interrupt, you don't interrupt.

    People clicking pens while I'm concentrating. I'm ADD so when someone clicks their pen, I'm
    easily distracted and that's all I can think about.
    July 17th, 2012 at 08:23am
  • Being overlooked. I cannot stand it. Especially when I'm there to help, if they'd only ask. I'm always there to help; it's practically my raison d'ĂȘtre.

    Bad grammar. Just in general. I hate, hate, hate it.
    July 17th, 2012 at 04:47pm
  • when people fart, i know it's natural but the sound bugs me lol. Also when you're talking to someone and they ignore you or take ages to reply, and people who leave toilet lids up (a.k.a my brother.... )
    July 24th, 2012 at 12:12am
  • People taking things from me. It really bothers me when someone takes anything from me. Even the smallest thing. I guess Im kind of territorial
    July 24th, 2012 at 01:19am
  • It bugs me when people ask me questions where you obviously know the answer to, like:
    -are you eating?
    While I have a burger in my mouth.
    What do they think I'm doing??

    & when people use "then" when it should be "than" or vise versa.
    July 26th, 2012 at 06:59am
  • Dangling modifiers. Twitch
    July 26th, 2012 at 10:56pm
  • Rhetorical questions. If you don't want me to answer, don't ask the question Grr

    When people constantly talk. Like they talk about every little thing they can think of. ugh.
    July 26th, 2012 at 11:25pm
  • When people call me "babe" or "baby" makes me feel like a...well, a baby, obviously. I don't enjoy it. I'd much rather be called "honey", "sweetheart", or "darling"...anything but "babe" or "baby" as long as it's flattering. Aha.
    July 26th, 2012 at 11:28pm
  • When two lanes close down to one and people decide, regardless of how much advance notice they had that they would have to merge, to wait until the last possible second to do so (inevitably cutting people off in the process).
    July 27th, 2012 at 08:27am
  • -When my room is clean -.- It may seem weird, but I get paranoid if my room is clean

    -People tapping their nails, even though I do it when I'm nervous

    -When someone tries to sing a song that's completely out of their vocal range

    -When people criticize and/or stereotype other people because of how they look, talk, or act

    -When old guys wear really tight pants. Sorry, dudes, but once you hit thirty-five you are too old for that

    -When people get on my laptop without permission. It's just...grr!

    -When someone makes a story look awesome in the summary, but the story itself sucks

    -When people don't paragraph

    -When I run out of Diet Pepsi and have to drink Diet Coke

    -When I'm forced to drink tap water. The water system in this town sucks monkeys

    -When I hear a sound and can't figure out where it came from

    -When the answer to my question makes me ask a bunch of other questions

    -When my earbuds get taken away and I have to use my sisters. My earbuds were made to help me feel the vibrations of the music

    -When someone insists that I'm Latina. Just because I look Latina doesn't mean I am (I love Latino people, but it drives me crazy because people will insist that I am)

    -When a photo hanging on a wall is crooked

    -When someone's hair is messed up. If even a strand is out of place, I must fix it then and there

    I know that's a long list, but I'm very OCD about things.

    July 27th, 2012 at 09:03am
  • I hate when people act like I'm some immature little girl. I'm pretty mature for my age and I get along with people that are older than me. I'm not a little girl. [No offense to children!]

    When people tell me to shut up. I am EXTREMELY sensitive and it hurts me when people say that to me. I mean, if I'm talking about something I care about, it's important to me. And when people say "I don't care" or "Shut up," it just belittles my self confidence even more.

    I dislike when people talk about how fat they are when they're in reality, really skinny. I'm a bit overweight, and I know that. But I don't complain about how fat I am. I'm not seeking for attention. I know that over time I will lose it. And people that are skinny don't need people praising them for how skinny they are. I know a lot of girls have self confidence issues. I do too. And I hate looking at my body. But I HATE when people try to feel better by fishing for compliments.
    July 28th, 2012 at 06:43am
  • When people call a remote a CLICKER.
    August 4th, 2013 at 05:43am
  • When the volume of my TV is on a number like 32 or 51 or something like that.

    When a number doesn't end with 0 or 5.

    When teachers forget to erase part of the board and there's those little marks.
    August 7th, 2013 at 09:23pm
  • When professors make grammatical errors, I go mad. I also cannot stand when people talk exceptionally slow... It makes me feel like they believe that I am mentally challenged or perhaps that they are. Regardless, it's one of my biggest pet peeves. My boyfriend and I have ADHD so we talk incredibly fast... and then when someone else enters the conversation, they tend to slow it down and it drives me insane.
    August 25th, 2013 at 05:04am
  • When people who play Fire Emblem say that Jaigens (Pre-promoted units... basically the people that steal EXP) are the best units. No, no no. You use that EXP for other units. JESUS.

    And when people go and (attempt) to sing higher than their vocal range. You sound like a squeaky toy. SHUT UP.
    August 25th, 2013 at 09:04am
  • When people assume I'm 12 or still in high school when I'm twenty-two and have graduated college, just because I look really young. My mom swears it'll be great for when I'm like, thirty-five and still look twenty, but I still get carded when I try to buy/get into a rated R movie Facepalm

    The sound/feel of styrofoam.

    Anything that has to do with fngernails or toenails absolutely disgusts me, especially the sound of clipping nails. It makes me cringe.
    September 16th, 2013 at 01:28am
  • Kids asking me questions though that's just a normal occurence in kids anyways. xD
    September 22nd, 2013 at 01:33am