Small, Odd Things That Bug You But Shouldn't

  • I hate it when people move my things.
    I don't lies being touched without permission (I dun even know where that came from)
    I hate being hugged in real life
    Certain numbers annoy me sometimes
    Certain patterns annoy me sometimes
    when I'm the center of attention
    And I HATE my own voice (for a good reason, too)
    March 19th, 2014 at 04:03am
  • When someone continually skips songs on a CD. Eventually you think they've settled on a track, then they skip tracks half way through.

    Long pauses when someone is telling me something. I want to hit them upside the head. Truly.

    When someone uses the wrong prefix/suffix with a word, and then calls me a superior asshole when I correct them... murderous.

    And this one really shouldn't bother me, but when I'm talking to someone and their clothes are askew.

    And finally, when someone asks me "Guess what?" and when I ask "What?" they actually make me guess. THE STORY IS NEVER GOING TO BE INTERESTING OR SURPRIZING ENOUGH TO WARRANT THE GUESSING GAME, SO CUT TO THE CHASE ALREADY!

    I'm so zen right now...
    April 12th, 2015 at 09:41pm