Are 'Thank You' Comments Necessary?

  • I don't personally thank everyone, but I reply to a select few whose reviews really gave me that warm, fuzzy feeling when reading it. They may comment on a nice metaphor, or tell me to fix this to make it better, but in general I do it for the ones who made me feel something when reading it. Coincidentally, they are the people who felt something when reading my stories too.
    January 18th, 2009 at 01:56pm
  • I do try and thank everyone who leaves a comment for my story. Unless I'm talking to them on a thread or over MSN and I just thank them there. :tehe:

    I suppose it probably depends on how many comments for one story you get. Like, only usually only get 2 or 3 comments if I post a new chapter so it takes much less time to thank everyone. :cute:
    January 18th, 2009 at 05:48pm
  • I give AN thank you's to people who I've noticed comment habitually, and it never fails to make my day when someone thanks me in their AN, or on my profile.
    January 18th, 2009 at 11:03pm
  • I say a personal thank-you to every person who comments, even if their comment is nothing but a, "Great update." That's just...something I feel I should do. If someone takes the time to leave a comment, I feel I should take the time to reply. It's...getting a little more difficult to keep doing this, since I reply every time I update and I'm getting more and more readers every day, but it's cool to keep the lines of communication open with my readers. It surprises me when I reply to a comment, and the person I've replied to is just absolutely shocked I would personally reply to them.

    I don't expect everyone to do what I do, I just think...well, it's fun, and I like to show my readers that I'm thankful they leave me comments in the first place. ^_^
    January 19th, 2009 at 01:27am
  • I used to make it a point to comment everyone that commented, now I've just sort of stopped, even when I get the really nice reviews. I can't seem to get on here enough to do so. But in a way when I write reviews for peoples stories, and they give me a thank you comment, I decline it. If I commented it, it meant a lot to me, and therefore the author should be the only one who deserves thanks.
    January 19th, 2009 at 01:49am
  • I thank them in the author's note most of the time.
    And if I get a really wonderful review, like the ones that Isa or Chethana have given me, I'll try and thank them by posting the review on the Best Reviews You've Received thread.
    Mainly I try to not post in my story's thread unless I'm answering someone's question.
    January 19th, 2009 at 02:52am
  • I hardly get comments, so personally thakning is a lot easier and I prefer it like that.
    Because I really don't get as much, I appreciate them very much.
    So I say thank you in a comment on their profiles rather than on the story forum.

    In Love
    I like them to know I appreciate the comments.
    January 19th, 2009 at 05:40am
  • I respond to reviews by quoting them into a pm.
    Then I also post a thank you to all readers and commenter on the storie’s thread.
    I don’t have many reviewers so it’s most definitely worth the time it takes to
    respond individually to each and every one of them in more than just one sentence.
    January 19th, 2009 at 05:52am
  • I don't have a lot of readers/comments on my fics at the moment, so when I get a comment on it, I do go to their page an leave a thank you of sorts.

    And plus that, I just tell them that I love them and their comments are my air at the A/N of the next chapter.
    January 19th, 2009 at 06:09am
  • Most of the time I give thanks on my story's thread, but if someone's left me a really long comment that's made me really happy (or sad) or they've asked a question or something, I'll reply personally. In fact I replied to four comments last night...

    They're so lovely! :cute:
    January 19th, 2009 at 09:08am
  • I alway thank you comment people who leave reviews from the Story/Review Game. They obviously spend a lot of time and effort writing those amazing reviews.
    February 13th, 2009 at 08:02am
  • Recently, I've started sending out a few thank you comments. And I've started thanking people and answering any questions they had in their review. I don't thank everyone, but I do thank sometimes.
    February 13th, 2009 at 06:50pm
  • I never really get any comments. If I do get one I'll say something like thank you you're awesome I'm glad someone read my story.
    February 13th, 2009 at 07:19pm
  • I send thank you comments sometimes on the story's thread.
    And I don't expect Thank You comments from anybody.
    I thank people in the A/N. Whether it be a general "thank you for all the comments" or "Here's a list pf people I would like to thank"
    February 16th, 2009 at 01:18am
  • I don't usually thank every comment, but if one's very sweet I will :cute:
    Or if I feel compelled to say something to them, then I will as well.

    It really depends how many comments the story gets. . .if it doesn't get many, then I usually will leave the person a thank you comment on their profile, since I'll be glad to get any comments for it. But if it gets quite a lot of regular commenters, then I wont bother.

    Everyone always gets thanked at the end of the story anyway ;)
    February 16th, 2009 at 07:39pm
  • At the end of a story, I go through the comments and and put everyone's username who commented on it in the last chapter's author's note. I bold the names of those who have left awesome comments. I started doing that after someone did that on a story I commented on, and it made me feel special haha.
    Of course, if it's a really awesome review/comment, I take the time to go to that person's profile and thank them personally :cute:
    March 25th, 2009 at 01:29am
  • When I first started getting comments when I started writing I got really psyched about it all and commented everyone's profiles saying thank you but then I stopped because I was getting more commenters and I couldn't remember who I had thanked and who I hadn't. In the end I just made a big A/N at the end of the story and made a list of people who had commented a lot.

    I don't comment people's profiles anymore but I occasioinally thank people at the end of chapters. Just out of politness.
    March 25th, 2009 at 08:10pm
  • For now, I leave a personalized thank you note.

    If I notice that the author doesn't have a lot of comments yet, I feel a little down when I don't get a thank you, but if the author has about 50 or more, then I understand. Not getting at least one thank you discourages me from commenting on their other works.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 09:22am
  • I'm fairly new here. I just leave personal 'thank you's to the person who commented me. I get a little sad that I don't get a detail review but I'm happy that someone is commenting me.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 05:15pm
  • I try to leave a thank-you comment to everyone who comments on my stories. I honestly don't get that many comments that I could not spend another 30 seconds to click the person's username and leave them a thank you comment. Sometimes, though, I am doing something else and tell myself that I will thank the person later, and I forget. Facepalm
    May 2nd, 2010 at 05:40pm