Is My Name Really That Weird?

  • My first name is's not me, but whatever...

    But it's my last name that buggs the shit outta me and my mom. Campbell. Seriously? i could find a bbillion other Campbells by just looking around my sucks. it's like, not only my first name had to be common, but my last name pushes me into a big group of people that I'm not even related too, yet we have the same last name. I hate it and I hate the songs they used to tease me with in school about Campbell soup and stuff....oh, and then my Spanish teacher decided to call me 'little can' in Spanish because I'm short and my last name reminded him of a can of soup.....I kinda found that funny, but I still bugged the shit outta me.
    February 12th, 2009 at 06:04am
  • February 12th, 2009 at 10:44am
  • I don't get teased, but everyone seems to think it's pronounced 'Dracula'.
    Or that I'm obsessed with Buffy the Vampire slayer.
    She spells hers without a 'c', thankyouverymuch.
    February 12th, 2009 at 06:34pm
  • My name is Holly. Pretty common but I've still had the occasional joke about plants or holly bushes etc.
    I just tell them to piss off. I like it though :) My name that is, not the jokes.
    February 12th, 2009 at 09:14pm
  • Violet Harlow Lightley.
    People call me Purple - Which only my grandad is allowed to call me.
    Some people shorted it to Vi (pronounced v'eye') yet I prefer vee.
    Yet, the other day people were taking the piss out of me for being called "Vee."

    Harlow - Everyone tells me Harley is better -_-
    Lightley - I get called Lighthouse, I don't mind that. But whenever they miss off the E or whatever Disgust
    My name is Holly. Pretty common but I've still had the occasional joke about plants or holly bushes etc.
    I just tell them to piss off. I like it though :) My name that is, not the jokes.
    My name used to be Holly. I hated it. Hence why I had it changed :cute:
    February 12th, 2009 at 09:14pm
  • My middle name is Ainsley.
    It's like a magnet for bullying. :tehe:
    Once I read a story and there was a girl with that name and I flipped out.
    But, yeah, odd name.
    Everyone always talks about theirs and I'll be like, "Erm, middle name? Who needs 'em?" And then one of my stupid friends will blurt it out and people giggle at it.
    February 12th, 2009 at 09:30pm
  • My name is Chandler.
    Yeah, I get a lot of "OMG WERE YOU NAMED AFTER CHANDLER FROM FRIENDS?!" But actually I was born a full 9 months before that show even premiered. :| I also get a lot of shit for having a boy name.

    My middle name is Kaye. Everyone asks what it stands for. It's a family name, and i hate/love it. Next year at school I'm going to go by Kaye.
    I wish I had a more interesting middle name. Even plain, at least it'd be better than Kaye. (And yet I'm still going to pass the name on to my daughter....)
    February 12th, 2009 at 11:08pm
  • My name is Nicole, some people call me Nick, just to cross it over a bit.
    February 13th, 2009 at 03:28am
  • Yes, actually.

    My name starts with 'Con' and people who first meet me--and with an extreme lack of intelligence--they're always like, "Ha...Con...Cunt...haha."

    It freaks the shit out of me. :grmml:
    February 13th, 2009 at 07:00am
  • the problem is that Emma is too ordinary
    February 13th, 2009 at 07:08am
  • The only problem I have with my name is that most people can't pronounce it right.
    So I'm like "Fuck it, just call me Marty."
    And now almost everyone calls me Marty, even teachers at school and such.
    Most of my new friends don't even know what my real name is. So it's all good.
    February 13th, 2009 at 12:51pm
  • You all have pretty names!

    My name's Jullienne. Pretty weird, to be honest. xD
    And I don't like it. ._. Although I like the nicknames I get from it.
    Julwen (:lmfao)

    Anyway, it's all good. Just... my name's weird. :XD
    February 13th, 2009 at 12:56pm
  • Nikoloska. That's it.
    February 13th, 2009 at 01:08pm
  • My name is Ashley >.<
    I get called:
    The named just continue...

    But my last name gets more shit than my first. I get called the most ridiculous names, and it pisses me off beyond belief.
    I would rather my Mum had called me 'Tabbitha' or 'Jehzel' like was going to.
    February 13th, 2009 at 08:44pm
  • people don't exactly make fun of my name, but people used to call me "Cowrina Dairymoo" when I was younger (Corrina Derimow) hahaha
    and now I get called Corona occasionally because eventually they find out "Oh my gawd you're name sounds like beer!" nooooo really! *rolls eyes*
    February 13th, 2009 at 09:56pm
  • Since I entered high school, there aren't many jokes about my name, but middle school would have been hell if I cared about it. I think that people just don't get that after having the same name for 15 years, their jokes stop having any effect.

    The only thing that pissed me off was the fact that there was this really cute guy that liked me and I had practically the longest crush ever on him, but he was afraid to ask me out, because he didn't want people to tease him too. At least he turned out to be a jerk so I don't really regret it.

    But I like my name, no matter what, so the haters should just get lost.
    February 14th, 2009 at 01:30am
  • All I can say Is my name is Jordan

    Micheal Jordan -is forever my Nickname
    February 14th, 2009 at 06:12am
  • druscilla; carry on.:
    I don't get teased, but everyone seems to think it's pronounced 'Dracula'.
    Or that I'm obsessed with Buffy the Vampire slayer.
    She spells hers without a 'c', thankyouverymuch.
    I used to think it was 'drew-skill-uh' or something.

    My name... is not me. >_> Really. And I don't mean the name Zero.
    February 14th, 2009 at 06:46am
  • cipher;:
    druscilla; carry on.:
    I don't get teased, but everyone seems to think it's pronounced 'Dracula'.
    Or that I'm obsessed with Buffy the Vampire slayer.
    She spells hers without a 'c', thankyouverymuch.
    I used to think it was 'drew-skill-uh' or something.

    My name... is not me. >_> Really. And I don't mean the name Zero.
    Want me to tell them? Shifty
    February 14th, 2009 at 01:54pm
    druscilla; carry on.:
    I don't get teased, but everyone seems to think it's pronounced 'Dracula'.
    Or that I'm obsessed with Buffy the Vampire slayer.
    She spells hers without a 'c', thankyouverymuch.
    I used to think it was 'drew-skill-uh' or something.

    My name... is not me. >_> Really. And I don't mean the name Zero.
    Want me to tell them? Shifty
    Everybody knows it, practically. :shifty Wag mo na akong asarin sa pangalan ko. >_>

    It's really just a matter of hating the name and disliking her.
    February 14th, 2009 at 03:42pm