Most Embarrassing Job Experience

  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I have a paperround and got into a fight with a ten year old who happened to be ginger

    I kind of got angry at how he spoke to my sister and her friend and screamed "DON'T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME WEASLEY"

    Lots of people heard :lmfao
    August 26th, 2009 at 11:56am
  • ricky123

    ricky123 (100)

    United Kingdom
    Mia Bell.:
    I was carrying a cloth bucket to the sink room and I managed to spill water a good 10 metres around the store without noticing. I don't know how I didn't notice though because I somehow managed to wet my entire uniform from waist down in the process. It was horrible and embarressing as it was in front of co-workers, mangers and customers.
    ha ha Clap Ha Ha
    December 16th, 2009 at 12:05pm
  • link;;

    link;; (150)

    United States
    I dropped a jar of pickles while I was stocking shelves and some old lady in the next aisle goes, "Oh no." And then she kinda laughed at me. Facepalm
    December 28th, 2009 at 03:24am
  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    Ha, I've had way to many embarassing moments to put in here.
    But one that happened recently was, I was going to help a customer find a game he was looking for.
    He was like, staring at me as I was walking so I got all self conscience and started walking faster.
    Bad idea.
    I ended up tripping on this cube thing we had Rubik's Cubes on and knocking them everywhere.
    The girls I was working with were killing themselves laughing, along eith the guy I was going to help.
    January 3rd, 2010 at 05:44am
  • Dakota13133179

    Dakota13133179 (100)

    United States
    I work in a family business that owns a Funnel Cake trailer. We sell a lot of different kinds of foods but one night, I was running the counter. I man in a wheel-chair came up to the counter, which is really high to begin with, and asked for a funnel cake. I ordered it and when it came out, I tried to hand it to him but it fell into his lap! These funnel cakes come out of a 400 degree fryer! I thought I was gonna die! I cried that night...
    April 3rd, 2010 at 10:08pm
  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    It isn't so embarassing as it is infuriating.

    I was working at the cash register at the grocery store, and the night before (at my other job, in a kitchen as a cook's assistant) I had sliced my hand wide open, so I had my entire hand and wrist bandaged. A customer who always gave me a hard time about almost everything came into the store, and when he got to the cash register he looked at my arm and said:

    "So, you tried to kill yourself again?"

    I was mortified. There was a line of people behind him, and while most of them didn't take him seriously and I don't give a shit what any of them thought anyway, I was still extremely embarrassed and upset. My boss kicked him out and told him if he ever came back in and bothered me again, he'd call the cops.
    April 4th, 2010 at 09:09am
  • Dakota13133179

    Dakota13133179 (100)

    United States
    I had been working here for a while and considered myself a pro (atleast at cooking). A guy in a wheel chair came up to our counter and asked for a funnel cake. I went and made it for him and instead of handing it out of our window, which is really high, I carried it out to him. But his hands were really shaky and when I tried to give it to him it fell into his lap. Powdered surgar went everywhere! Ha Ha and to top it all off, a group of VERY attractive guys were standing right there to watch! Cry
    No date for me! And a very burnt lap for the man!
    June 10th, 2010 at 12:50am
  • Last American Girl

    Last American Girl (100)

    New Zealand
    I was skipping around the kitchen singing the "I work in Burger king!" song.
    Skipped to front counter... BOOM! Ex boyfriend.
    It was like 'Oh... hey, I don't really work here... I just like this hat.'
    June 23rd, 2010 at 03:15pm
  • Pashby

    Pashby (100)

    United States
    Well, when I first started working I was a bus boy. So i went around and cleaned tables taking dishes and giving them to the dish washer.

    One day I had two plates of food that I was balancing. There was still food left on the plates because the couple didn't eat it all or want to take it home.

    So I was struggling with these heavy plates and I didn't notice a puddle of water. I slipped on it and dumped all the food on the plates onto a customer next to me. I felt horrible and embarassed because of that. At least I am a waiter now!
    July 9th, 2010 at 12:09am
  • Tom Fletcher.

    Tom Fletcher. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've just started work in a bakery shop and generally have one humiliating experience per shift. Facepalm
    Mostly I get embarrassed when the till is in use and so I try to add things up in my head. It takes me ages because a) I can never remember the prices or anything and b) I kind of suck at maths when I'm not drugged up on caffiene. And the customer is just there waiting, getting really annoyed. :|

    & due to the fact that every single item in the shop has a different price and I can't remember it all, I once charged a girl £1.30 for a bottle of Coke instead of £1.20. Which you know, wouldn't have normally been a massive deal but the girl knew my boss, came back the next day and complained infront of all the staff and customers, pointed out that I had served her and my boss basically started saying how I was new and not that great at the job, and then shouted at me when the girl left. ._.
    July 12th, 2010 at 04:18pm
  • Cronads

    Cronads (150)

    United States
    My most embarrassing moment was when I was texting my girlfriend whilst I was trying to cashier. I was fighting with my girlfriend through text messages and I meant to type "I love you" to my girlfriend and I looked up to give my customer her receipt and accidentally told her "I love you". Oh my god. I was so embarrassed Embarassed I also dropped my cash till and made a bunch of money fall out on a separate occasion lmfao
    August 4th, 2010 at 05:33pm
  • Edgar.

    Edgar. (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Calling down to the stock room to see if we had some Ben 10 toy in a different colour, back in my old work. There was a guy who called us all "love" and "Darling" on my shift, and Nick really rubbed off on me. Rolling Eyes
    Hanging up the phone to basement stock, I managed to come away with "Thank ya darlin'!"
    Everyone on back stock and counters heard me. I cried a bit on my lunch break.
    Ahh, Argos, you were good to me! lmfao
    November 15th, 2010 at 08:07pm
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    Mine would have to be whenever I'm having trouble with the cash register (it's always something stupid) and I have to say to the customer "I'm sorry, I'm having some trouble with this, I'll be right back". Then go and get one of the other ladies to help me.

    I hate the look some customers will give me. Like some will roll their eyes at me or just have an attitude about it. It's not like I'm deliberately making a mistake to piss them off but they just.. ugh. Some are so impatient while I'm still learning.

    And those damn registers can be complicated!
    November 23rd, 2010 at 09:54am
  • the apex predator;;

    the apex predator;; (150)

    United States
    My most embarrassing moment was when I was texting my girlfriend whilst I was trying to cashier. I was fighting with my girlfriend through text messages and I meant to type "I love you" to my girlfriend and I looked up to give my customer her receipt and accidentally told her "I love you". Oh my god. I was so embarrassed Embarassed I also dropped my cash till and made a bunch of money fall out on a separate occasion lmfao
    lmfao DYING, BRB.

    I have a few humiliating experiences. One is when we were closing for the night and there were these twofers (two for whatever price) I'd folded and left on the floor like I'm supposed to. At the end of the night I carry all the fitting room clothes out to the running bar so they can be put back. Well, that night I was preoccupied and I had seen employees going back to the fitting room. Silly me, I thought they were being responsible and helping me out with the twofers. What a mistake. >.>

    Basically one of the employees shouted "THERE'S STILL TWOFERS IN HERE". And I got lots of dirty looks. D:

    Same thing happened with holds. Usually we keep holds in the fitting room so I didn't know I was supposed to take these ones out. More dirty looks, but sympathy from one of my coworkers so it was alright.

    AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN. You guys are gonna die at this one. I was putting a rounder away, you know, one of those circular shelves that clothes are hung on when they're on sale or whatever. Well, we have two huge closets, one on either side of the store. Rounders and shoes and stuff go in one and fixtures and stuff go in the other. I was putting the rounder away in the closet and heading back out when all of a sudden EVERYTHING starts falling behind me. A huge bunch of fixtures had just fallen and made this enormous noise. The boss at the time, Judy, flung open the door and was like "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED??" She's like 55, though, and super nice, she was just worried. She'd been talking to customers, making small talk, and she heard the noise and thought I was in trouble. She told me to get out of the closet so I did, and I was fighting back tears because I hate when people yell at me or are displeased with me. So a few minutes later she let me go back and fix it and at the end of the night I told her what I'd been thinking. I was like:

    "I thought you were yelling because you were mad; I thought I was getting fired."
    Judy: "Oh no! Why would I do that? Why would you think that?"
    Me: "Because you yelled really loud, it scared me."
    Judy: "I didn't yell loud!"
    Coworker Alexis: "Psh, yeah you did. Everyone heard it."

    We all laughed then. xD Judy says she was just super worried about me because the crash was like thunder and she thought something happened. She transferred to another store a month or two ago. I miss her. xD

    ...OKAY, ONE MORE.
    Embarrassment and I seem to be pretty close. >.>

    Assistant manager Kristina came up to me one night and asked if I was hungry. Sometimes employees go out on runs to Starbuck's or whatever so I said sure, yeah, I'm hungry. So she put this chicken nugget on a paper towel in front of me on the rounder and I started to pick it up to eat it like awh, she got chicken nuggets and didn't want one, thanks.

    But she goes "You're really gonna eat that?"
    And I said "Yeah..."

    Turns out she'd picked it up off the floor and was just showing me how nasty people can be. xD I was like "HOLY SHIT" when she told me and put it back down and wiped my hands on the trash bag beside me. xDDD
    May 5th, 2011 at 07:59pm
  • Vicious.

    Vicious. (150)

    When i worked at a daycare I got my boobs grabbed by little boys a few times.
    May 7th, 2012 at 12:28am
  • pessimism

    pessimism (150)

    United States
    It was my second job and it was at Wal-mart (land of embarrassing stories).
    It was, what, my second week working there?, and I was working in the electronics. The electronics was right next to the toys, and as I was walking through back to my section, I didn't realize some kid left a little ball in the middle of the walk-way. I was trying to impress this one guy I saw (he was YUMM) and by doing so, I stepped on the ball, fell back and grabbed a hold of one of the little kids Jeep things on the shelf.

    Needless to say, the whole shelf fell over, I ripped my pants down my butt, and fractured my elbow. Also fired.
    May 19th, 2012 at 08:24pm
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    May 24th, 2012 at 01:38am
  • William Beckett

    William Beckett (100)

    I used to work as a dental assistant. In my third shift, we pulled out three teeth and there was blood everywhere. We got it stitched up and sent him on his way and the next patient was a boy, probably no older than six or seven. He had a filling and just as we finished, smack! I fainted on the floor. They had to rush the kid out and help me onto the dental chair, gave me sour candy and sent me home. I was forever known as "fainter".
    May 25th, 2012 at 02:16pm
  • carpe diem;

    carpe diem; (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It was my second job and it was at Wal-mart (land of embarrassing stories).
    It was, what, my second week working there?, and I was working in the electronics. The electronics was right next to the toys, and as I was walking through back to my section, I didn't realize some kid left a little ball in the middle of the walk-way. I was trying to impress this one guy I saw (he was YUMM) and by doing so, I stepped on the ball, fell back and grabbed a hold of one of the little kids Jeep things on the shelf.

    Needless to say, the whole shelf fell over, I ripped my pants down my butt, and fractured my elbow. Also fired.
    Wouldn't that have been unfair dismissal? Seeing as it was an accident? Think
    May 26th, 2012 at 08:54pm
  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    Rocket Queen:
    Mine would have to be whenever I'm having trouble with the cash register (it's always something stupid) and I have to say to the customer "I'm sorry, I'm having some trouble with this, I'll be right back". Then go and get one of the other ladies to help me.

    I hate the look some customers will give me. Like some will roll their eyes at me or just have an attitude about it. It's not like I'm deliberately making a mistake to piss them off but they just.. ugh. Some are so impatient while I'm still learning.

    And those damn registers can be complicated!
    Man, that's so rude. I hate when customers get passive-aggressive, like they can't even be basically civil.

    I emptied a basket full of boiling oil on myself at a McDonalds when I was younger. I didn't keep my job there for very long.
    June 19th, 2012 at 08:10am