Advanced Placement Classes

  • Yeah that's what I though.
    People have told me that AP is a breeze compared to IB.
    I kind of don't want to take it now.
    May 11th, 2009 at 09:09pm
  • Baked Potato:
    I think U.S. History was not bad, anyone agree?
    You smarties. I'm hoping for a two!

    Mind if I ask which essays you chose? :shifty
    2 (the one on pre-Revolutionary War) and 4 (the one on labor unions). But everyone looked at me all weird when I said I did 4, I guess the other one was more popular.
    But I studied for like two weeks for it. To make up for what I know will be a horrendous AP Chem grade.
    May 12th, 2009 at 12:01am
  • I really wanna do ap us. history, my sister did it, and she liked it, and I find American history really interesting.
    May 12th, 2009 at 03:38am
  • I was in APUSH for a day and couldn't take it.
    May 12th, 2009 at 06:05am
  • hoover's anatomy:
    I really wanna do ap us. history, my sister did it, and she liked it, and I find American history really interesting.
    U.S. History is fun :cute:
    I enjoyed learning about it!
    May 12th, 2009 at 10:15am
  • ^Yeah, I really liked APUSH too.
    Except for the American Revolution; that part of history is really boring. :grr:
    May 12th, 2009 at 09:49pm
  • I'm not a huge fan of American History, it pretty much shows what lazy racist fucks we used to be. Usually, we just go into countries without even asking because we assume that we're "superior". Whatever, European History was way more interesting to me.

    What did people think about the Chem test today? I found it difficult. Thumb down But then again it's my worst subject. Unsure
    May 13th, 2009 at 12:32am
  • The AP Psych test was pretty easy, I thought.
    I think I got at least a 3.
    Did anyone else take it?
    May 13th, 2009 at 04:48am
  • dancingtoelectropop:
    2 (the one on pre-Revolutionary War) and 4 (the one on labor unions). But everyone looked at me all weird when I said I did 4, I guess the other one was more popular.
    But I studied for like two weeks for it. To make up for what I know will be a horrendous AP Chem grade.
    My entire class did essays 2 and 5. I'm so scarrred. :XD
    I didn't know anything about number 4 so props to you for choosing it.
    Anyone else just take the AP Lang. exam? It wasn't too bad but I spazzed and failed on it. >_>; I found the second analysis essay to be a bit difficult. =/
    May 15th, 2009 at 01:33am
  • I'm nervous about the AP Human Geography exam tomorrow. omgno:
    May 15th, 2009 at 03:23am
  • You guys are lucky that you get so many AP courses. They were intoduced in my school for my last year. We had three - English, Biology and something else I can't remember. I took english since that was the only one I could actually take, because prerequisites and stuff like that. It was great, though we did have homework over the summer. Unfortunately, my mark wasn't quite high enough to get recognized by my university, though it DID prepare me EXTREMELY well for the English Lit course I had to take in first year university.
    May 16th, 2009 at 01:15am
  • Did anyone else take the AP Human Geography exam today?
    I thought it was the easiest AP exam I've ever taken.
    May 16th, 2009 at 02:02am
  • Who took the AP Language and Composition Exam?
    I didn't finish the last 8 M/C questions (very annoyed at myself).
    However, I think I did really well on the three essays.

    My main concern was remembering all the literary elements and the four modes of discourse ?_?
    May 16th, 2009 at 08:12pm
  • ^ Took it.
    I skipped a few of the multiple choice. Maybe five or six. Possibly less.
    The essays First one I did amazing on. I'm getting better and better at synthesis. Second was ugh. I always thought I was good at analysis but I guess not on this one. And the last one is...alright. I guess. I'm not expecting high on that one. I'm not good at argumentative or persuasion.

    Honestly, I can't remember many lit terms that I learned throughout the course. We even had a packet of AP lit terms used on the exam, and had tests on them, but I still didn't manage to remember the meanings of a lot of them. >.>

    I'm just hoping for a 3 at this point.
    May 18th, 2009 at 12:41am
  • ^ I took it too. I didn't skip any of the multiple choice but I totally bombed on the essays. They are all supershort and I think I misread the analytical piece (about environmentalists). It was horrible.

    I'm hoping for a two for both AP Lang. and APUSH. :XD
    May 18th, 2009 at 01:04am
  • I'm signed up for AP AB/BC Calculus and AP English 3/AP US History.

    I think I'll be fine with the math and the English..but I'm terrified about the US.

    I'm awful at memorization...and I can't take the AP English without the US.

    Any suggestions from people who've taken it?
    May 20th, 2009 at 04:12am
  • ^I thought APUS was pretty easy, but I guess it depends on the teacher you have. Just make sure you do the work and I'm sure you'll be fine.
    If your teacher has reviews for the AP exam after school, go to them. That's probably what saved me during the AP exam and why I passed it.
    May 20th, 2009 at 05:52am
  • We don't have AP courses yet, just more advanced. They told me last year that they were going to put me in advanced Language Arts. Didn't happen. And I have the highest scores on the national tests in my grade at my school. They decided to put me in the lower Language Arts. Currently at a college reading lever, but I'm in the seventh grade. It's messed up. And wayyy too easy.
    May 30th, 2009 at 12:17am
  • Ah, I'm going to be taking APUSH as a soph and people keep scaring me!
    Even the teacher says it's as hard as it sounds, lol.
    How encouraging right? Disgust
    I hope I do fine though. :cute:
    May 30th, 2009 at 03:03am
  • This upcoming school year, I'll be taking AP US history, as well as AP English. I'll be taking three honors classes (Chemistry, Algebra 3-4, Spanish 5-6) along as a zero period class for a semester.
    I'm hoping to take AP Bio my senior year, too. :)

    I'm honestly quite excited to be taking AP classes. I enjoy a challenge, and I'm hoping that passing the AP exams will get me a jump start in college so I can graduate somewhat close to my sister's graduating year.
    We have to do extensive summer projects...does anyone else have to do those?
    May 30th, 2009 at 04:25am