Story Brainstorming + Mentoring

  • SaraHorlyk

    SaraHorlyk (100)

    I need some help.

    I've got two fan-fictions that I really wanna continue writing on, but the problem is that I'm so lost in them and I really don't know what to write anymore. What I basically needs help to, is that I need someone who can help me make this "plan", on what I'm gonna write, where I'm going with the fan-fictions. - Like, kinda make a "time-line", if you get what I mean... As said I've got two, but if you only feel like helping me with one of them, it's cool :) - my problem is just that I always get this perfect idea for a story, but it mostly can't happen before in the middle of the story.

    Made of Wax; a story about a girl called Penelope Sanders. She is the little sister og the famous singer Matt Sanders/M. Shadows. She is a so called "street dancer", who wants to get into BSA (Baltimore School of the Arts) and become a professionel Modern Ballet dancer. - I don't really have any idea if she's going to get involved with one of her brother's band mates, or not. That's one thing I need you to help me decide :) ... The story is inspired by the Step-Up movies.

    A Love Miles Away; a story about a girl called Amilie who're on a school trip with her music class, and on that trip they meet the band Memphis May Fire. - I only have three (long and boring) chapters out, and I really need help to continue this story. I have the idea with Amilia getting involved with the lead singer Matty Mullins - but that's kinda it. So if you have any ideas, feel free to let me know :)

    I'm so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes - I'm on my stupid phone, lol.

    I hope someone wanna help me :)
    - Send me a PM, if you wanna help :)
    June 10th, 2013 at 12:17am
  • carpe diem;

    carpe diem; (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey I'd like someone to critique my new story please, just some feedback and what not, making sure it isn't rushed and if the story is progressing well. It's about two friends that I eventually want to end up together but not be too cliche about it. I just want to to see where I can go with it. Its only two chapters so its in the early stages.

    Here's a link

    Pm me please. tehe
    June 10th, 2013 at 11:46pm
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    I need help with some brainstorming. I have an idea for a horror kind of story about a disabled girl who can see and hear spirits. She moves into a new house that seems to be infested with them. Unfortunately, that's all I have so far. D: That's where I need help with brainstorming some ideas. If you can help, please message me!

    You can read more here.
    June 11th, 2013 at 04:10pm
  • spellbound.

    spellbound. (225)

    United States
    Help with the plot line of this, via PM, would be awesome. It's my first time writing in first person, so I'm concerned about how that's going, but most of all I need plot help. I know where I want it to begin, I know where I want it to end, it's just the in-between parts. XD I'd also like to throw in some foreshadowing somehow, maybe with a Chekhov's gun type of thing, but that's not a major component.

    Gave up. Sad
    June 13th, 2013 at 07:39am
  • ashley16morris

    ashley16morris (100)

    United States
    I would like some help with editing my story, #19. I've been writing it for a few weeks now and I just found this website and figured i would post it. Its a fan fiction about the Pittsburgh Penguins. I would like help with grammer, spelling, and the overall layout. If anyone would help me, it would be great! Thank you! Just PM me please :)
    June 18th, 2013 at 05:36pm
  • Ne0nAbyss

    Ne0nAbyss (465)

    United States
    I'm currently working on a homosexual love story, it's between a sex slave that was kidnapped over 4 years ago, and his master's new toy that was his first boy crush; it's coming along good so far and I'm really liking it but I don't know how to continue this next chapter and I'd really need some help, the story does have guy on guy explicit sex scenes!

    If anyone could help me with Shattered that'd be awesome because this is a contest entry that's due next month and I'd like to get past this chapter so I can continue it :)

    Please only PM me!
    June 19th, 2013 at 01:40pm
  • BelovedSyn

    BelovedSyn (100)

    United States
    Help, please :(?

    Okay, so I want to start this new story based on a couple of songs by Theory of a Deadman. I feel like I have a pretty solid idea on what I want, but I’m missing a few pieces and I would really like some help on trying to get the story going.

    It's gonna be an Avenged Sevenfold fan-fiction, with Brian as the main guy. He’s married with a daughter who’s only five years old. Brian would be twenty-six years old, and his wife would be Michelle. I’ve been thinking that Jimmy shouldn’t be in the story, because I would need an actual reason as to why Brian would have an affair with Evangeline.

    My idea was that he went into a hole after jimmy died and no one could get him out of it until he met Eva, a purple haired beauty who loves music and whose profession is still unknown. Right now she’s in her own little hole because her best friend ended up marrying her ex-fiancée. Of course she stepped back, but this where I’m a little lost as to why it had happened.

    I’ve been thinking that they either met at the reception, or when she leaves to go to Johnny’s bar where she drinks the night away. I have one written where they meet at the bar, but a different bar because I didn’t know what to have. I can show that version and I can show the version of the wedding, where Eva is the maid of honor.

    I just would really like some help on the story and hope that someone can help me out? I think it would be a great story and a great read. I’ll let you know all my idea that I have, give what I have already written and everything!

    Here’s the link to what I had created a bit: Not Meant to Be.

    If you could PM me, I can give more idea on what I would like to happen but I would really like some ideas, too!
    June 21st, 2013 at 11:07pm
  • the god of mischief.

    the god of mischief. (250)

    United States
    Would anyone mind going through and critiquing 353 words of a novel I just started? It's my first bit of writing in a long long while.

    Please PM me if you're up to it. Arms
    July 2nd, 2013 at 05:55am
  • lumy.

    lumy. (100)

    United States
    Story: To Break Free

    This is about a girl named Riley who is really shy, even afraid to speak to people. When she moves from California to a small Texas town, she decides it's time to try and rid herself of this shyness. She's doing alright, she meets a boy named Aiden and speaks when he starts conversations.

    They're supposed to start dating, it'll be an abusive relationship. The story is . chapters, a total of 1,365 (I think) words, and if possible I'd like someone to read it and help me figure out how to get them to start dating, and the how to develop the relationship into something abusive. Could someone PM me with help,please?

    July 13th, 2013 at 01:02am
  • carniwhore;;

    carniwhore;; (100)

    United States
    I have a Walking Dead fanfiction Carrying the Fire I'm currently writing at the moment that I'd appreciate help with from someone who watches and knows the show (and possibly comics?). I'm writing Woodbury's back story through the eyes of one of the original founding members. So as you can imagine, its a lot of speculation of how the Governor was before he turned into the shows evillest villans. I'd like someones critcism if I'm staying in character or off base. My OC also runs into the Prison group so I'll also be trying to write in character for them as well.

    I'd seriously appreciate it! You can PM me :]
    July 13th, 2013 at 11:12pm
  • slumflower

    slumflower (100)

    United States
    Okay, so I am currently planning on writing a story titled Memories. It is a fan-fiction featuring Isaac Lahey from the MTV show, Teen Wolf. I'm having trouble making all the important decisions like how to start it off and I have a character named Seraphine who seems kind of "fucked up" because she's not known to be the most stable person (she's gotten into a few fights but other than that she's fine) while she thinks that even though Isaac used to be the fugitive running from the law and whatnot and people still seem to give him scared looks after he got into really violent fights, she thinks Isaac isn't so messed up as he could be. So I just want someone who I can bounce off ideas with and can give me their honest opinion because Isaac is a really hard character for me to capture, especially in writing so if anyone's familiar with the show I'd really appreciate it Cute
    July 15th, 2013 at 10:27pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey guys. So, I'm attempting my first crossover - it's a Hannibal/Phantom of the Opera (2004 film) fanfiction that is a combination of cannon and AU (if that's even possible). I just want someone who I can send what I have so far to, who can read it and tell me just how bad it really is, what I can change to make it better, that kinda jazz.
    PM me if you're interested?
    August 4th, 2013 at 03:29pm
  • Creepin'

    Creepin' (100)

    United States
    I am starting a teen wolf story and have never written one before( I have written several other stories, but I haven't posted in a while and my writing style has changed some along with some of my person preferences.) I have several ideas and a general direction in which I want to take the story, I just need someone to bounce around some ideas with me and help me decide the best direction to take it. I am starting the first part now, I am willing to send you what I have. I want to take it a long way, hopefully. PM if you are interested. Thank you! (:
    August 16th, 2013 at 06:21pm
  • Embery

    Embery (100)

    Ideas For a ImmortalHD/uberhaxornova/OC FanFic:

    So I have my main character, she's odd but am looking for more. She's got black hair, green eyes, she's pale, her style is mixed (example one day she could be wearing bright colourful clothing then the next all black.) I was thinking of having her having a bit of anxiety, she gets spooked easy and is quiet nervous? That is still up in the air. The most trouble I am having is how she meets them, like could she be a cosplayer at one of the conventions they go to, part of a cleaning/maid services type of thing, a friend of one of the creatures, or just a completely random person that they met. I don't want her to be a youtuber. To start it off I kind of thought that she could have a boyfriend and he takes off or she finds him cheating or just left a note saying he was leaving, I really can't decide on which. So if anyone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. I forgot to add her name I was thinking of Kathyrn but can be changed. PM me or comment on my profile to help me out, please.
    August 18th, 2013 at 06:08pm
  • Shirrin

    Shirrin (100)

    United States
    Hello, I need some help on my newest story. In fact it's so new it doesn't even have an official title yet. What I want... it isn't someone to brainstorm with nor someone to help me out with ideas. I just need someone who knows about good storytelling and... Pardon the foul language, but I want someone who can read my story and tell me when it's shit. I'd like them to tell me where it's shit and how it's shit, not just throw it back at me saying "Do better". But I don't want this someone to give me ideas on how to improve it. I want to figure it out on my own. So this person should probably be very critical.

    Anyhow, the story is about A lazy superhero, an eager sidekick, a genius villain, and the villains successor all being unwittingly manipulated by a lazy apathetic shape-shifting super that's just trying to keep everything in balance. It will be very satirical of superhero cliches, a mystery for who the antagonist is, I may or may not add romance into the mix, but it's more of a comedy-drama than anything else.

    Please PM me if you're interested, and I'll send you what I have so far.
    August 28th, 2013 at 10:19pm
  • Seemlymax

    Seemlymax (100)

    United States
    First of all I already have my description set up and is waiting for one of the peoples to review it or whatever, its my first one, I only joined last night
    Anyways, my story is about a 15 year old named Max and he's an Alien that looks like a human, he can develop powers and there are 16 others like him and they each have an adult to help them train, their home was destroyed by aliens and these 34 were the only ones that survived, and now they are being hunted on Earth, any ideas? Very Happy
    Please PM anything!
    September 2nd, 2013 at 08:10pm
  • fen'harel

    fen'harel (560)

    I need a bit of help in choosing an appropriate title for a story. Please PM me if you can help me out Cute
    September 5th, 2013 at 08:40pm
  • Seza

    Seza (100)

    New Zealand
    Please help!
    I am currently writing a fiction story for something any way i have parts of it the character being sad,panicking,angry, fighting and How would you show a connection (Crush) between two people/ awk kiss !
    Thanks btw
    September 20th, 2013 at 09:31am
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    I need help with a story I'm writing. I want to write a story about two twin girls with supernatural abilities. One has mild autism and the other has severe autism. The severly autistic one is named Ruby and the mild one is named Jade. I haven't gotten much ideas for them, except for very little details. I can focus on their autism, but I just need help with brainstorming ideas. Some of the ones I did have were they either live in foster care or have foster parents. Like i said, I'm dry of ideas.

    I want it to be one of those stories where it's kind of like a touching hallmark story of two twin girls trying to help the world understand them better. I also need a title for the story once brainstorming it has been successful. PM me if you can help. :D
    September 24th, 2013 at 01:34am
  • nstafins

    nstafins (100)

    United States
    I'm currently in the middle of writing a Walking Dead fanfiction centered around Merle Dixon. I'm writing the story from alternating points of views and am having a hard time trying to get in Merle's head (I'm writing in first person). If anyone could read over what I have so far and let me know what they think that would be awesome. I'm currently working on a really difficult scene that could use some guidance and suggestion as well. PM me if you're interested!
    October 9th, 2013 at 01:27am