What Do You Think of My Story Idea?

  • Hmm, that's really interesting. I've been hearing a lot of parallel universes in stories, so that part isn't all that new to me, however, if you write it out well enough and stay relevant to that particular plot, then it has the makes of a very interesting story (: I'm not huge on history, but it sounds like something I would give a try!

    - - - - - -

    I'm trying to help myself write a little better and a plot came to mind: eating disorders. It sounded a bit cliche at first, but I wanted to make the character male. I thought it would give a sort of interesting twist to the plot line, and maybe make it interesting for me to write. I was thinking about making him in college though, instead of high school. It's kind of hard to decide on that though. :c
    March 13th, 2011 at 07:11am
  • I like that you've spiced up the standard ED fic plot line (male/college as opposed to female/high school). I think that with this type of story though you'd have to do a lot of research and even better - talk to some people and get real life experiences since I know that people with EDs often have very different situations than each other.

    So I've been thinking of writting a screenplay, a comedy, somewhat based on myself, my fiance and her not so supporting family. The story would be about a man who's recently undergone a sex-change operation and finally feels ready to marry the girl he loves. His fiance wants to invite her family to the wedding but he's not for the idea, seeing as they put a lot of barriers between the couple in their youth. She finally convinces him to visit her family and stay with them, hoping they'll finally accept him as a man and he and her family can build some type of positive relationship. During their stay lots of wacky events would occur, including harsh competition of masculinity between the man and his fiance's mom's boyfriend.
    March 13th, 2011 at 07:17am
  • I'd read it. It sound really interesting and honestly I think the man would win the masculinity competition. I think it would be fun to read (even more fun if I got to see it acted).

    - - - -

    So I'm working out the idea for a contest entry. It's about a man named, Henry, who is spending his summer fishing off the end of a pier. One day he stops early and decided to watch the sun set on the bottom of the step's that lead down to the beach from the pier. He see a ballerina dancing on the beach and watches her instead of the sun.

    He does this every day for two weeks until she isn't there one day. That day she shows up late and they begin to talk. She turns out to be goofy acting and nothing like he imagined her to act. Henry is really awkward and nervous and she makes it her job to make him more confident.

    After hanging out for a while they end up switching spots. She becomes timid and nervous after she gets into a bad fight and beaten by her fiance. Henry's the confident one and he has to decide what the best way to help her would be.
    March 14th, 2011 at 03:14am
  • I like the idea actually. How you have them meeting is a nice thing and then also you have the presonalities and the reversal that is supposed to eventually come with it which would be cool too. It might be a nice one to read actually.


    Alright so this would be a three part story idea meaning a trilology, not a three shot. The first story is about this guy named Sam who, due to some poor life choices and really bad repurcussions doesn't really trust people and isn't trusted in return. His view on women is basically that they're either innocent and should not be allowed near him or are traitorous witches that that he needs to avoid them. That is until he meets a girl named Lucy who is on the innocent half of women, but won't leave him alone because she wants to try and be his friend.

    The second story follows Sam again, but only with memories of Lucy in it this time. He is even more bitter than he was before, and even more reckless even though he's trying to hold onto Lucy's memory since that seems to be the only thing that is keeping him from falling apart.

    The third story once again (go figure) follows Sam with even more complications due to a lovely twist in his life and situation and that of another character's life and situation. This one goes from reckless adventure to more of a tense danger since the two characters are fighting for their lives in a situation that they can't control.
    March 14th, 2011 at 05:14am
  • I think that each one of those stories seems a little bit vauge, which could just be since you gave a brief description but might mean that you need to flesh them out a bit more. I think this would probably be better as one story instead of three seperate ones since I think they're very connected and might not be enough on their own.

    So I've been thinking of writting a screenplay, a comedy, somewhat based on myself, my fiance and her not so supporting family. The story would be about a man who's recently undergone a sex-change operation and finally feels ready to marry the girl he loves. His fiance wants to invite her family to the wedding but he's not for the idea, seeing as they put a lot of barriers between the couple in their youth. She finally convinces him to visit her family and stay with them, hoping they'll finally accept him as a man and he and her family can build some type of positive relationship. During their stay lots of wacky events would occur, including harsh competition of masculinity between the man and his fiance's mom's boyfriend.
    March 14th, 2011 at 06:08am
  • I think the idea is great. Especially the last part - the competition bit - 'cos I think that could lead to a lot of funny things and is kinda reminding me of the expressions from Tangled, though Lord knows why. Aside from the comedic bit, I think that there's also places for really deep and meaningful stuff as I think this topic isn't written about a lot.


    So the story begins with people learning about someone's death. They used to be a bunch of really close, really good friends - six of them, three boys and three girls. Now that one of them has died, they've felt the need to reunite. Once they do they discover that the deceased one, Robbie, has left them a set of tasks and they set out to complete the task. He's made a game out of his death. While the story mainly focuses on the guy called Sebastian's part of the game, it does interrelate with the other peoples' parts of the game, too. I haven't figured the entirety of the story out, but there is definitely romance involved. I know it's really vague, but I haven't fleshed the characters out yet, so until I do that I can't figure their tasks out.
    March 14th, 2011 at 02:06pm
  • Hmm, I think that could be a really good story. There are so many ways that you could go with it considering the tasks and their paths especially once you have things fleshed out. I would definitely advise you to work on the fleshing out first, but beyond that, it seems like something that would make for a good read.


    So I have this girl named Sirena. She was abused as a child, but it's not the typical woe is me and I hate everyone character. She does hate everyone, but she's torn between a need to control, a need to destroy and create art, and figure out how to keep hold of the three boys in her life that she, in her own twisted way, loves. Basically the story follows her as she goes through school, works to get the three boys in her life to kill her father and brother, and also to deal with the engagement that her father forces her into.
    March 14th, 2011 at 08:37pm
  • It sounds like it could be really interesting, I like how you mentioned how she's torn between the need to control etc. The only suggestion I would make is maybe take out the engagement her father's forcing her into as you've already got three possible love interests and too many characters can sometimes take away from the plot-line. And your plot line sounds really interesting.


    Okay, I'm thinking of starting a new original fiction called "Speak". It's about a 22 year old woman who was born mute. She only has slight hearing loss, and she can scream, cry, make guttural noises and say a small handful of simple words. She lives with her older brother and looks after him as he's just out of rehab. One night she comes home to the police saying he was targeted by a local gang and was killed. After weeks of shock she decides she wants to know what happened to her brother, so she sets about to infiltrate and join the gang, using her inability to speak to her advantage for once.
    March 22nd, 2011 at 04:43pm
  • Sounds like it could be really interesting, if well written I could definitely be sucked into a book like that.


    A young woman, fresh out of college with a new job, who upholds strict morals but ends up breaking all of them once she is employed by the man who will lead her into this destructive phase.
    March 26th, 2011 at 04:29am
  • I think that as long as you do it right, it could be something very dark, though it could be anything from a one-shot to a chaptered story though if it was chaptered i would worry about the potential to drag.


    There is a group of gypsies who keep to themselves because they have been cursed. When they love, they are destined to love deeply and are only given the chance to love one person. If that person breaks their heart than they fade away. So it's the story of a girl who falls in love and has her heart broken and so after her friend watches her fade away, he decides to try and find a way to break the curse with the help of his friend's brother and sister.
    March 26th, 2011 at 09:53pm
  • It's not my cup of tea, but it's interesting. I like that it's gypsies and a curse, not a specific species of non-human. I think it would be interesting to know why exactly the curse was laid and this will play out wonderfully as a chaptered fic.


    I'm planning to write a story for my BDSM universe that actually has no sex in it. The basic plot is that it's Ryan and Brendon's anniversary and Brendon gives him a gift in private. It's a collar with the words 'property of Brendon' on it. It's going to focus on both of their emotions, Brendon being apprehensive about the wording he chose, whether or not he's pushing Ryan to far. It's going to focus on Ryan's reaction. There's also going to be a part about rules regarding the collar, but no actual sex or sex acts. It's supposed to be very intimate and romantic.
    March 26th, 2011 at 10:52pm
  • I really like the idea, I think it's cool to have the universe but not have the actual acts themselves, that's such a unique twist on it. And i love that it'll be all about reactions, how Ryan reacts to it and how Brendon reacts to it, because I love getting into your characters more than strictly reading a story.

    Alright, so I've been toying with this idea for about a week now and I just need to know if it would be way too depressing. It's been really hard to write because I can bring it all from experience, but it's going to be set in future, not very far, it doesn't really matter when though, and Ryan has to put Hobo down. It'll really be a story about relationships and thoughts. I just think that losing a pet will bring out the child in Ryan that I need for this story to work.
    March 26th, 2011 at 11:24pm
  • I love it. We're talking about putting down our older dog, which is something that's growing to be really hard on me the more I think about it, so I can definitely imagine Ryan growing upset and wanting comfort from a friend and overthinking everything due to having to put down his dog. I don't think it'll be too depressing, though it'll certainly be saddening, but it's definitely something I'd read.


    A story where the main character is always called Crow [Her last name, presumably] because she is skeptical and always attacking those in relationships and those who think differently from her. She meets a boy named Robin whose extremely accepting, and he's quickly accepted into their group of friends. The story details her constantly nitpicking at him but being impressed by how forgiving he is. Romance... probably not much.

    (i literally just saw a clip of an opera where a man all in black is running at a man in all red so that's where this is coming from File tehe)
    March 27th, 2011 at 03:26am
  • I really like the sound of that! I like how it's more character based than plot based (presumably), and it sounds like something I'd really be into. I really like the bird imagery too. tehe


    A young woman from Hungary moves to the bayous of south Louisiana as a mail order bride to a much older man. While there, she falls in love with a fiddle player in a Zydeco band. The story will basically just follow her being torn between staying in a loveless marriage with this man she doesn't even know or being with the fiddle player. Not much of a plot yet. XD
    March 27th, 2011 at 06:17am
  • I like it. It has a lot of potential to explore the difference in location/cultures, and there's a lot of emotion to get though. Will there be reason for her to stay in the loveless marriage? I can definitely see a plot there, and written well, I would read it.


    As above, not much of a plot yet. I have a character, Astrid. She's new to the area, a bit of a mystery. Her father owns the local auto wrecking field. However, she's not the protagonist. The protagonist is another girl of a similar age. She's the eldest in her family, and throughout the story her family breaks apart. She has to take on more and more responsibility, particularly for her younger siblings. Her "escape" is after school, when she has no obligations for a short while and do what she pleases. She goes to the auto wrecking field, sits, watching the cars and thinking. She befriends Astrid. The story is about their friendship, and how Astrid helps the girl through all that is happening.
    Like I said, not much of a story. I tend to always think of a skeleton, or a setting, or a beginning. Then ... ngeeeooow-boom. Nothing.
    March 27th, 2011 at 06:53am
  • Actually that does sound like you do have a good idea going. I would definitely read it. You have a lot that you could do with it. And it's not often that you get to see a good friendship story so it'd be really nice to see.


    Alright so awhile back I wrote an "excerpt from an epic". It was basically this class assignment that I did that was based off a real event in my life and the epics that we were reading at the time in this English class. Well I was looking over it today and I started thinking of an idea that starts at the beginning. Basically this girl's mother is dying and she goes to the Land of Death to plead with the Lord of Death to spare her mother's life. And she is so beautiful (think ancient epic here) that Death allows her to come to him even though she is still living. That's where the thing I wrote ended. I was thinking on expanding it with what I was going onto originally: death takes her as his bride. Not original in and of itself until you add in this dead man who was a prince who had been coming to see her in the first place how isn't entirely dead, the Keeper of the Gate of Hell who is smitten with the girl, the Lord of Death himself, and then of course the girl's two younger brothers who don't want to lose their sister anymore than they want to lose their mother.
    March 31st, 2011 at 02:49am
  • I think it might be an interesting idea if done well. I think this has the potential to be something really neat but it could also be cliche if it seems too modern. I think you need to be careful with the tone.
    A man gets involved in a very consuming and at times unhealthy relationship while he was in high school. After four years he got engaged and six months later his fiance left him. The event was very traumatic and completely shattered his life and mentality. After twenty sex years he is still in the same place he was then, though he has a house and a job (and is around 40) his emotional maturity stopped at that point. For some reason or another he gets back in touch with his ex who is divorced and has an underaged daughter (15 or 16). I'm thinking that his ex calls him after all this time due to financial struggles but I'm not sure... Anyways, the man begins an affair with the daughter, letting her fill the void that his ex left when she broke off their engagement and since it was at such a young age and left him so emotionally crippled he is too affraid and immature to try to persue a normal adult relationship with the woman he loved now that she's back in his life and doesn't see anything wrong with what he is doing with her daughter because he feels that he's just "picking up where he left off" if that makes sense because he's using her as the embodiment of his idealized past relationship.
    May 12th, 2011 at 08:26am
  • It seems interesting in a dark, twisted way. It seems very well thought out, how the man is still emotionally sixteen and pursues a relationship with a sixteen year old, but feel that it's okay because, emotionally, he's still her age. I'd read it
    Basic idea:
    Sibling A passes away (due to accident or sickness, most likely), leaving a once happy nuclear family (of two working parents and three happy children) mourning the loss of their middle child and broken (now of one workaholic, one overprotective stay-at-home, and two unhappy children).
    Overwhelmed with the loss of their sibling (or trying to ease the pain of their parents and elder sibling), Sibling B, the youngest, takes the place of Sibling A in nearly every form.
    (At the time of dying, I'd assume Sibling A to be between 9 and 11, and Sibling B to be between 7 and 9.)
    Later down the road, Sibling B attempts to rediscover who they truly are but can't bear to let go of Sibliing A, who they've been for many years.
    Too confusing?
    July 2nd, 2011 at 10:05am
  • Hey guys! :)
    Me and my friend were thinking of writing a collab fanfic for the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. I just wanted to know how many of you guys would read it, because there's no point in writing something no one will readd.. :P

    August 9th, 2011 at 06:55am
  • z o m b i e:

    The idea sounds good. I think you could figure out some stuff about the third sibling, since you said there was three.
    Alyssa is a Freshmen in college, ever since she can remember she has always done sports. She's loved the rush and adrenaline she feels when she does them, they make her feel alive. When the alive feeling goes away she ends up taking sports to an extreme and makes reckless decisions which ends

    EDIT: Ends up leading to to more extreme measures.
    August 24th, 2011 at 05:53am