Story Rec'ing Thread

  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    Title: Ten Things Everyone Should Know.
    Author: this beautiful thief.
    Story Type: Merlin fanfiction.
    Rating: R.
    Genre: Romance.
    Status: Oneshot.

    Reason for reccing: This piece also won first place in my most recent contest because it is absolutely beautiful. There's absolutely nothing wrong; it's so well-written and so emotion and honestly, just so completely wonderful. Whether or not you've ever seen Merlin (I hadn't), you should read it.


    i: what makes them come alive.
    ii: where their quiet spot is.
    iii: how to accept a compliment.
    iv: their favourite scent.
    v: who they look up to and why.
    vi: when to listen.
    vii: to remember to really make a wish on their birthday.
    viii: that they are beautiful.
    ix: the things that make them happy.
    x: that they’re going to be okay, someday.


    i: what makes them come alive.
    There’s nothing in heaven or earth like the feeling of magic pulsing through Merlin’s veins as it pours out of him in a spell or an enchantment, gentle or furious or frustrated or calm depending on the circumstance. It’s always painful, almost like he has to rip something out of himself to make it work, but it’s always beautiful too, the way chaos is beautiful when it’s moulded into shape.

    How can this be wrong? How can something so glorious ever be considered wrong? but he thinks he understands, sometimes. It’s not magic that’s wrong, it’s the people who use it to do wrong. They’re the ones who deserve the condemnation, not the pure, visceral joy of the energy and the power burning in his heart.

    People have a habit of ruining beautiful things, Merlin’s found.
    August 28th, 2011 at 10:12pm
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    Title: Contradiction
    Author: fun ghoul roman.
    Story Type: Drabble | Doctor Who Fanfiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance | Scifi
    Reason for Reccing: This won my most recent contest. Besides that fact, it's well-written and perfectly captures not only Faulkner's writing (the point of the contest) but also how the Doctor thinks. For being only 154 words, it's brilliant.
    Summary: The Doctor ponders the contradictions involved in kissing Rory Williams.
    August 29th, 2011 at 05:11am
  • spliff

    spliff (100)

    United States
    Title: Come Out of the Shade
    Author: this beautiful thief
    Story Type: original fiction
    Rating: R
    Genre: femmeslash

    Reason for Reccing: The characters in this story are just so beautifully developed. The story starts off right in the middle of "action" and you're immediately sucked in. It's brilliantly written and I loved it.

    Summary: "Torch and Evie are friends who fuck, sometimes. It isn't that complicated... mostly."

    Excerpt: "Something cold and awful rushes through Torch’s veins, like a bucket of cold water thrown over a roaring flame. She’s been expecting this since the beginning, since the first time she pulled Evie into her lap and whispered, “Tell me, if you want me to stop, if you don’t want this, just tell me to stop and I will.” (She would have, even though every fibre of her being ached for Evie, even though it would hurt so much to let her go.) She knew that it wasn’t going to last when Evie said, with that characteristic curiosity Torch both loves and loathes, “What’s it like, having sex with girls?” because Evie is really hopelessly straight and that’s not something that’s going to change."
    August 31st, 2011 at 07:06am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    Title: A Hidden World of Sunken Beauty
    Author: BackSplash
    Story Type: Original One-shot
    Genre: Sci-fi | Fantasy | Tragedy

    Summary: "Far below the shimmering sunlit surface of the dazzling sea is an underwater realm of shadows and dreams that fly on fins of silver starlight. They are forbidden to mingle with the two legged creatures who rule above."

    Excerpt: It was finally his eighteenth birthday. His mother and father had finally allowed him to ascend to this fantastic world above The Big Blue. Everything was so new and utterly amazing.

    Squawkers flew through the air on wings like fish glided through the water on fins. They sky was so vast, blue, and endless. It seemed to mirror the great ocean. He couldn’t get over how wonderful and exciting it all was. It was just like his five older sisters had told him.
    September 2nd, 2011 at 07:47pm
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    Title: The Way Brothers.
    Author: harleyanne.
    Story Type: My Chemical Romance fanfiction.
    Pairing: Waycest.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Genre: Romanceish.
    Status: Drabble.

    Reason for reccing: This piece was just brilliant. She is one of my favorite authors on this site and the sheer emotion she put into this piece was wonderful. She writes the dynamics of Mikey and Gerard so well. Just wonderful.


    There's just something not quite right about the Way brothers.
    September 6th, 2011 at 12:34am
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    Title: The Fake Bride
    Author: Cerbera.
    Story Type: original
    Rating: G
    Genre: romance, action, adventure
    Status: Active
    Reason for reccing: This is one of my favorite stories on mibba. The feel of the story is princess-y and just overall magical.

    Summary: “Once upon a time, there was a princess. She had a little servant girl, of whom she was very fond of. The princess was told that she must marry the king of a rival kingdom. The servant girl saw the princess’ distress, and offered to go in her place. Unknown to everyone, the servant girl posed as the princess. And the princess and the love of her life lived happily ever after.”

    But this is not the princess’ tale.
    And happily ever after does not come when the last page of the tale is flipped.

    Excerpt: A little girl with lucid green, yet sad eyes stood in a corner, staring up the two adults—a man and a woman. The middle-aged woman was someone who had been quite beautiful in her youth. There were clear evidences in the elegant arch of her eyebrows, the oval contour of her face, and the heart shape of her lips. But years of hardships had cruelly robbed her of her innocence, and, with it, her splendor. Her once golden hair was now streaked with gray ones, spilling down around her face from the loose knot of her hair. Her once milky skin cracked with thick wrinkles—at the corners of her mouth and under her eyes, which glinted with an incomprehensible fear. And in those eyes, reflected the shadow of a man, whose hand had seized around the woman’s wrist in a solid grip.
    September 7th, 2011 at 02:31am
  • abigail.

    abigail. (400)

    United States
    Title: If I Die Young
    Author: surfergirl
    Story Type: Fanfiction; Avenged Sevenfold
    Rating: R
    Genre: Drama
    Status: Active

    Reason for reccing:
    This girl became one of my favorite authors after I read her story When She Cries. I just really love the relationships between the characters and all the different situations, but how her style stays consistent through her stories.

    lyrics to "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry

    He hesitated, before caving in. “You might want to sit down.” Just by him saying that and the grim look on his face, I knew this was bad.

    After Dad finished explaining everything to me, I felt hurt and betrayed that I wasn’t informed my sister had cancer. But, most of all, I was worried sick. Who knew if the cancer would come back or not? Who knew if she’d be able to fight off the disease if it did come back. Who knew?

    I snuck up to her room after I let the news sink in. Seeing her sleep so peacefully made me wonder how she went through all of that pain just recently. It made me feel guilty that I wasn’t here for her during that time. Sure, I didn’t know, but I still felt guilty.

    I stroked her now short hair as I tried to figure out how we were going to deal with this. I was sure she had already started to adapt to the situation, but she was going to be treated like a glass doll once everyone else found out. Of course she wasn’t going to like that one bit.

    “Oh, my little Sophy. Why did you keep this from me?” I murmured, kissing her forehead and heading back down stairs.


    Title: Smirt
    Author: kitsch
    Story Type: Fanfiction; Christofer Drew Ingle
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance/Tragedy
    Status: Complete

    Reason for reccing:
    I started reading this story about a month ago, and from the first sentence I was completely attracted. This is by far my favorite Christofer Drew story, and she's currently writing a sequel for it as well :D



    His, to be exact. That was the first thing I saw when I looked over at him. I shivered as he took out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag and exhaling wisps of billowy smoke. I had tried to quit smoking a week ago but as I watched this stranger, I knew I couldn’t do it. Swallowing my pride, I turned to him.

    “Hey, can I have one of those?”

    My lips quivered as he offered one to me. “Here’s a lighter too. Are you ok?”

    I accepted the cigarette and lighter, quickly lighting it and savoring the relief I felt. What kind of question was that? Are you ok? This guy was too friendly for my liking. I didn’t respond to his question. Instead, I took another drag and breathed out slowly.

    “So, that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” he added with a sigh, “Just ask some stranger on the sidewalk of a psychiatrist’s office for a cigarette and ignore them?”
    September 10th, 2011 at 11:55pm
  • Ekzo

    Ekzo (100)

    New Zealand
    Title: Dear Mikey,
    Author: The Color Abi Fazzi
    Story Type: Fanfiction (My Chemical Romance; Waycest)
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance
    Status: Oneshot, complete 532 words
    Reason for reccing: This is written in the form of a letter and is both beautiful and realistic. It is written in such a way that it could be real, and is very moving, even though it is so short.
    Summary: At nineteen, Gerard knows that there’s something seriously wrong with him. It’s sick, twisted and very illegal. What kind of guy falls head-over-heels in love with their fifteen year old brother? A sick pervert. Well, that’s what Gerard believes anyway...

    Excerpt: Go check now Mikey, I’m not there.

    I’ve left two weeks early for New York because I can’t deal with this anymore; being around you is killing me. It’s not that you’re doing anything wrong because God no, you’re really not Mikey. It’s me. I’m doing everything wrong.
    September 13th, 2011 at 03:35am
  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    ]Title: Matt Fazzi and the Pink Balloon
    Author: the writing writer
    Story Type: Slash
    Rating: G
    Genre: Romance
    Status: Drabble

    Reason for reccing: When reading this story, my heart leaked with joy and cuteness. The story brings a smile to my face and I'm in the hope that'll bring a smile to anyone else who reads it's face too.

    It’s in the hue of the music that plays in silence. Where sneaky eyes are much bigger men than “Come here”, and where they will always have the last word.
    September 14th, 2011 at 05:23pm
  • Ayana Sioux

    Ayana Sioux (1175)

    United States
    All of dr. faustus's stories.

    Title: Secret of the Sword
    Author: MusicalAddict
    Story Type: Original fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Adventure, Fantasy

    Reason for reccing: Very original and well written. I love me some fantasies, too.

    “Ronan!” Melina cried out, causing Glenowen to come running. She fell to her knees beside him, her heart in her throat, and cradled his head in her lap. He opened his eyes and tried to focus on her. He opened his mouth and formed her name, but no sound would come out. He swallowed and tried again.

    “Melina -” came out as a hoarse whisper before a sharp cough cut him off. Blood appeared on his lower lip and chin.

    Her eyes fell to the scythe buried in his chest, and she shuddered. It looked horrible there, strange and out of place. She seized the handle in order to pull it out, but Glenowen grabbed her wrist to stop her.

    “No,” he said softly. “If you pull it out he will bleed to death.”

    She turned pained eyes to him. “But-”

    Glenowen shook his head.

    She turned back to Ronan, who was looking paler with every passing minute. Placing a hand gently on either side of his face, she said to him, “You’re going to be all right.”

    Ronan attempted a smile, but it looked more like a grimace of pain. “No I’m not,” he whispered.

    Tears welled in her eyes. “Don’t say that! Of course you are. You will be just -” She couldn’t finish.

    Ronan gazed back at her sadly. With an obvious effort, he moved his hand until it was resting against hers. “Melina, I know you don’t feel this way, but I need to say-” another coughing fit stopped him and left him gasping for breath.

    “Shh, save your strength,” Melina said, but Ronan shook his head slightly.

    “No, I need to say this,” he said, hoarse but adamant. “I love you, Melina. I have always loved you, and I would do anything for you. To die for you-”

    “You are not dying!”

    “To die for you,” Ronan continued undeterred, “is the greatest honour I could have.” When he was finished he visibly relaxed, and gazed into her eyes as though memorising them. Drops of water dampened his bloody cheeks, and Melina realised they were her tears.
    September 21st, 2011 at 11:14pm
  • Aly Jones

    Aly Jones (205)

    United States
    Title: Tear Tracks Forever

    Author: lazziebear

    Story Type: Original Fiction

    Rating: PG-13

    Genre: Romance/Action/Teen

    Status: Complete

    Reason For Reccing: The whole story is magnificence and mesmerizing. It’s well-written, the characters are thoroughly developed, and you’ll just fall in love with the entire thing. Not to mention that the author is one of my best Mibba friends!

    Summary: Seventeen year old Rhee's father has never cared much about her. But this time he's gone too far. He wants his new girlfriend, who despises Rhee, to move in, so he ships her to Virginia Beach to spend the summer with his best friend, his best friend's wife, their daughter Carmella, and their son Alex. He claims the reason is for her to train to be a "lifeguard". Rhee plans to just have a normal summer--ignore the Markins, listen to music, email her friends, spend time on Facebook, and spend some time on the beach on her lifeguard job. But that all changes when she meets Alex, the Markins's son. They becme friends quickly, and she trusts him with all her secrets. Suddenly, Rhee's world is flipped upside down and she has to go on an emotional journey. She must learn to trust, forgive, befriend, and ultimately--love.

    Excerpt: I sat on my chair, closed my eyes, gnawed on an apple slice, and sighed as I complained into the phone to my best friend Karina.

    “Oh, I know! He is such an asshole. He doesn’t care shit about me and then he just has to go and make my fucking life worse by shipping me off to Virginia Beach to be a ‘lifeguard,’” I groaned, putting air quotes around lifeguard, and then continuing. “Karina, he doesn’t want me to get experience about how a real job is, he wants me to get away from him so he can fool around with Ana, who I know he’s gonna marry!”

    Karina whined into the phone. “I know! It sucks. I wish you could at least come and stay with me if he wants you out of the house, but noooooo. You have to go stay with a family that you don’t even know!”

    “Exactly! I cried. We talked for a few minutes more, until I heard my dad calling from downstairs. “Rheeeee! Rheeeyadh, come downstairs!”

    I gritted my teeth. I hated it when people called me by my full name, Rheeyadh. I go by Rhee. God only knows why my dead mother decided to name me after the capital of Saudi Arabia, only spelled differently. I’m not even Saudi Arabian. I’m Indian, with thick, curly, black, long hair that I hate, and dark, big, chocolate eyes that I love.

    “Coming, dad!” I shouted, and then sighed. “Okay, Karina, I got to go. Talk to you later?”
    I hung up the phone and then walked downstairs. “Yeah, Dad?”
    September 24th, 2011 at 07:39pm
  • rust cohle

    rust cohle (310)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Valerian Blackthorn
    Author: spacejunkie
    Story Type: Original fiction.
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Adventure, horror, fantasy.
    Status: Active, I assume.
    Reason for reccing: This is probably one of the best-written and most intriguing stories I've ever read. Seriously. I implore you to please, please at least check this out; it's incredibly written and just draws you in from the first line. This author is probably one of the best I've ever come across, and the whole thing reads like a novel. It's just... perfect.
    Summary: It doesn't have one.
    Excerpt: While my housemate Jeff was in the shower, I sat on the toilet at the opposite end of our crumbling, Victorian-era apartment. Feeling rotten and sorry for myself, I perched on top of the closed, porcelain lid, nursing a headache and a sensation of nausea that was not entirely due to the revolting sounds he made. As Jeff scrubbed his hairy, corpulent body, his farts travelled in the pipes, reverberating around my bathroom as though it were an auditorium for ghastly organ music.

    The tiles were cold and clammy, even at ten in the morning. Their coolness against my bare feet was refreshing, and seemed to ground me as my head continued to spin. I sat thinking, contemplating the possibility of breakfast with the ingredients available in our poorly-stocked fridge. Perhaps I could make some kind of noodle omelette? That might not make me too sick.

    I also thought about life.

    I thought about how much I hated it. I opened the hunk of toilet paper I had been coughing into and peered inside tentatively. Blood spattered it in ugly rosettes. Sometimes, I felt like the universe should be giving me reasons not to kill myself.

    Then there was the book deal I wasn’t getting, the sleep that had been evading me for weeks, and the horrible, recurring nightmares. Maybe it was entitled of me, but shut up in that old house, with the heavy curtains deliberately drawn to seal out every creeping, searing ray of daylight, it really felt like I had no control over anything. And if I had no control, then what was the point of doing things?

    There was no order in the world, I thought. There was no order and no justice, and I was going to die.
    September 25th, 2011 at 12:35pm
  • aubs

    aubs (420)

    Drabble Scribe
    United States
    Title: Losing Lucy
    Author: Painted Smiles
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy
    Status: Active
    Reasons for reccing: It is a cute story, even if there isn't much of the story at the moment, and the author has such big plans for future chapters.

    Summery: "Even my life had a lot of bitter moments, sweetie."

    "What does that mean Grandpa?"

    "Come here, honey, let me tell you my story."

    Excerpt: He stared down at the paper in horror. The words and numbers seemed as if they were dancing across the page, messing him up. Mocking him.

    The ticking on the clock seemed to become louder as the words danced. The young teenager stood in the doorway,biting her plump,bottom lip in anticipation.

    Beads of sweat started forming on her forehead, for she knew what he was reading. She was just so scared of his reaction.

    The baby in her arms stirred awake, his wide blue eyes staring up her in sadness. He didn't even cry. The baby could feel the sadness in the room.

    Title: Chronological Chaos
    Author: Fortune.
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Romance, Adventure, Fantasy
    Status: Active
    Reasons for reccing: Even though there is only one chapter of the story, this story is wonderful. It's a unique idea and it is clear that the author has put a lot of time into each chapter.

    Summery: Things were definitely progressing for Emit. Art was her passion and it was finally pushing her to where she sought to go. However, something strange happens in the midst of her euphoria, and Emit is suddenly thrown into a world she could only wish existed. She finds herself wedged between two entirely distinct worlds that have only one thing in common: the existence of a certain tree.

    And even though Emit seemed to have all the time in the world, she essentially had none at all.

    Excerpt: “You must let me show you around, you know, give you a tour.” This really didn’t seem like such a disadvantage to Emit. She had been curious as to what this place was and why she was here. She would not only find out the significance of this place, but she was also guaranteed a way out. Even though the stranger seemed like an outright fool, his trustworthiness appeared at least satisfactory.

    “Okay,” she said flatly. She did not want to make a spectacle out of her excitement and resorted to giving a basic answer.

    “Very well, Emit. Off now to The House of Mirrors.”

    Instantly, it sounded like a cheesy name for a place that you would only find in a poorly made haunted house. Emit did not object though, and laughed internally. The stranger offered her his arm and she automatically declined; she wanted to get away from him, not closer. Instead, she began to walk, as did he, away from the tree that also existed on a two-dimensional surface.

    “That is where you will finally be able to see, Emit, for you have been blind.”
    September 25th, 2011 at 10:10pm
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    Title: Creep
    Author: Charlie McDonnell.
    Story Type: Original.
    Rating: R.
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Fantasy.
    Status: Active.
    Reason for reccing: It's my favorite story on Mibba - I left it a 1,566 word comment just the other day just because I love it so much.

    Summary: If you're a vampire, you might as well be a dog. You might as well not exist. You've caught it, you're infected?

    You might as well kill yourself now.

    Do you know what you have ahead of you? You're moving to a reservation. Good luck getting a job or a nice house, because those don't exist on the reservations. You're in for an eternity of being scoffed at; an eternity of being lower than the lowest.

    Yeah, just kill yourself.

    Excerpt: “I just wish… I just wish I could make you all feel the way I do,” he said, nearly growling the words. I thought his jaw would break if he clenched it any harder.

    I cringed; I was included in this.

    “I wish that just for once, someone else could feel my pain.”

    I shook my head. “Everyone around you does.”

    “But we all came into it the same way. We all had the world before, and now got the worse part of the world after. You on the outside, you look down on us, don’t you?”

    I nodded.

    His voice was getting lower and lower, yet angrier and angrier.

    He stepped closer to me. He put his hand around my wrist.

    “If just one person could feel what I feel,” he said, rolling his neck around as if it was sore. When he looked down at me again, his eyes were redder than before.

    My heart pounded in my chest and my vision got a little blurry. “Tom, I want to go back to the house.”

    He nodded. “Okay.” Even as he said it, his other hand clasped my other wrist and he pulled me to him.

    I tried to shove him off. “Get off me, you creep!” He was too strong for me. He wrapped his arms tight around my waist. No matter how hard I pushed, he got closer and closer.

    He growled real low, right into my ear. I felt his lips brush just below it. “I am not a creep.”

    It stung at first, when his teeth sunk into my shoulder. And then the whole world went black, and I felt nothing."

    Title: When the Birds Stop Singing
    Author: Whiskey Hands;
    Story Type: Fan-Fiction; Brian Haner Jr.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Genre: Romance, Drama, Tragedy.
    Status: Active.
    Reasons for reccing: It's simply beautiful - so sorrowful and full of mystery already. I feel as if it'll soon become a favorite.

    Summary: There were clouds up in the sky and Georgia couldn’t help but look up at them. Are you up there? she asked, then her eyes dropped down to the cracked cement drive she was standing on. Or are you down there? It was strange, she thought, to stand there and wonder where someone was after they had died…

    Excerpt: "Her eyes kept darting around while small thoughts fluttered every which way in her head. Once they had finished their search on the branches of the trees she looked up to the skies where she thought she would catch them in flight. Instead she let her eyes dwell on the gloomy clouds. Are you up there? she asked. The memories in her mind conjured the man she thought she knew, and as the expression on his face began to clear from the fogginess she had draped around him, her eyes dropped to the cracked cement drive she was standing on. Or are you down there? It was strange, she thought, to stand there and wonder where someone was after they had died a few days earlier.

    “What was that?” She took in a deep breath and brought her gaze back to a focus as her brother’s grip tightened around her. She was glad he was the one standing next to her, that he was supporting her, though she couldn’t help but wish that his arms were around her and it was his voice whispering words of familiarity into her ears. But she couldn’t have them both standing by her side – someone had to give. She was proud of her brother though, proud that it hadn’t been him to cave in first. A quote she had learned a long time ago was screaming inside her head; The weight of this sad time we must obey; speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young shall never see so much, nor live so long. She mentally cursed herself for giving Shakespeare any recognition when her thoughts were meant to elsewhere, but the words kept ringing loud and clear in her head and there was nothing she could do to get rid of them."
    October 16th, 2011 at 05:02pm
  • little motorkitty;

    little motorkitty; (630)

    United Kingdom
    Title: Howl's Moving Heart
    Author: Takanori Matsumoto.
    Story Type: Fan-fiction
    Rating: PG
    Genre: Romance, Drama
    Status: Active.
    Reason for reccing: Well-written fan-fictions can be hard to find, perfectly written ones even harder, but this is one of the perfect ones. It made me flail so hard when I found it, and I fell in love the characters all over again. Everything was written perfectly, it's fantastic.

    The only drawback to his plan was that many people knew of him now. He was a famous wizard and even more infamous lady killer, and his moving castle had gained him far too much attention. The gazes of others on the street were drawn to him now, and he knew that he left most of them disgruntled by walking past them with a smile and short nod.

    "We must not be very beautiful, then," he heard women say to their friends. "He must be looking for someone quite magnificent." He chuckled softly to himself as he heard them, finding some truth in their words, and he merely turned into a nearby alleyway in an attempt at avoiding more of these confrontations. The little red beam on his finger began to flicker back to life, and as he willed the beam to disappear, he scanned the streets for faces that looked like hers. When no such faces appeared to him, he began to listen for familiar voices, forcing his strength into straining past the white noise of people moving about.
    November 1st, 2011 at 12:47pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    • Title: Cyclone Fever
      Author: the girl who waited.
      Story Type: Oneshot
      Rating: PG-13
      Genre: Romance, Sci-Fi
      Status: Completed

      Reason for reccing: One of the most interesting things about this piece is the world and the character's the author has created. As I read on, I found that became more and more interested in learning about this seemingly dystopian future (or alternate history) the narrator alludes to and I just wanted to keep reading more.

      Summary: The summer’s night is warm, and Arjan and the mysterious girl who calls herself ‘Hurricane’ are in hiding once again. Now more than ever, Hurricane has no idea how she really feels about Arjan. Is their supposed ‘love’ still nothing more than an elaborate act that she has put on in order to find out his secret? Or is there now something real behind it? And what about her own emotions; the emotions she’s kept buried for over three years? Running from herself is what has made her such a good fighter, and what has ultimately meant she could survive this cruel world. But can you really just pretend that love doesn’t exist?

    • Title: Left Alone
      Author: Backsplash
      Story Type: One-shot
      Rating: PG-13
      Genre: Romance, Tragedy
      Status: Completed

      Reason for reccing: The long summary is what really sucked me into this story. The author's description and word choice were lovely and I especially loved the way she used color to draw the readers into the narrative. The imperfection of the character's relationship was also something I enjoyed reading about, especially when seeing how it connected to the story's conclusion - making me ponder if they're love was simply destined although ill-fated.

      Summary: Snow fell. It drifted down slow as morning mist, settling white on brown, white on silver, white on white. It fell so thickly that Jett could see no more than a meter or so ahead. His hair, normally the color of dry grass, was white with it. His hands on his hips, flecked coral, blood red, and indigo, grew steadily paler as he stood in the steady downward wash of white. His eyes, the darkest part of him, were all that moved as he watched the figure above him. A ghost, swaying its arms to the milky sky, waving. A spectral thing, unmindful of him.
    November 8th, 2011 at 01:44am
  • chai latte

    chai latte (225)

    United States
    Title Emo Prince Meets Emo Princess And They Drown The World With Their Emoness
    Author Alexander Bernadotte and samson.
    Story Type Original fiction
    Rating R
    Genre Comedy
    Status Complete
    Reason for recc'ing It's fucking hilarious. Serious comedy gold. I'd never laughed out loud reading a story on here until I read this. READ IT.
    Summary Prince Eric of Belfry has an issue. He can't get his hair to do that flippy thing like that guy from that one band can - or find a suitable wife. His father is getting sick and tired - and worried - for his emo son's empty, lonely, emo future. Will Belfry's emo Prince find the light?!

    When Prince Eric of Belfry – which, by the way, is somewhere in Europe – woke up that morning, he knew this day was going to suck Mikey Way’s balls.

    He sighed overdramatically and pushed a greasy lock of hair from his emo, tearstained face. He felt his teeny, tiny bleeding heart shattering all over again. He’d spent the entire night sobbing to the Avenged Sevenfold album, thinking about the night that The Rev shook his hand when AX7 was graciously invited to the castle by order of the Prince. But now he’s gone! Gone, I tell you!


    He pulled out his mega expensive laptop from under his bed and logged onto his account. He sighed overdramatically again as he flipped through his new buddy requests. 1000, it declared near the Friend Requests button. Of course. When you’re a prince, your VampireFreaks and Myspace gets majorly fl00000ded. Y3r k3wl like that.

    “Fuck that,” Eric said, inserting the stereotypical, emo upward inflection at the end of his sentences. He smacked his laptop shut and went forth to carpe diem, like his mother said cheerfully. The ungrateful fucker gave her the bird while she wasn’t looking. His father insisted he wear the uniform and gloves that he bought him just one bleeding time.

    “But it’s not from Hot Topic,” Eric whined.


    I also highly recommend the sequel, Diary of A Lonely Emo Princess Who Has Everything But Hates Everyone And Everything.
    November 15th, 2011 at 07:19am
  • Tom Fletcher.

    Tom Fletcher. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Title: The Tip of Extremity
    Author: consulting detective.
    Story Type: fan-fiction; BBC's Sherlock.
    Rating: PG-13.
    Genre: drama, horror, thriller.
    Status: active.
    Reason for reccing: I've been a fan of Vanete for years now. She really has a talent for getting inside characters' heads, and by reading this you can tell she has such a passion for Sherlock, John and the whole fandom, really. It's written in a really interesting format, too - she really makes things like this work and I've never read anything like it by another author.

    Have you seen the news?

    A Daily Mail report does not constitute as news.

    It’s easy for you to say that 300 km away from my surgery.

    340.6 kilometres, actually.

    Same difference. The fact is, they’re not exaggerating.

    If it was serious, Mycroft would have told me. Instead, I learned about it through the Daily Mail. Relax.

    I will not relax when people are dying.

    The stubbornness of emotions. Your tears are futile, John. Diseases come and go. Surely you studied the Plague whilst in school?

    You actually know history? What a shock. This is different. I don’t know how but it just is. Come home.

    How selfish of you, wanting me to go back to London where I could easily become ill and die. I’m not done in Paris yet.

    It’s already hit Amsterdam. It’s not selfishness to want you to have the
    best care; we’re containing it, and we’ll have a cure soon. I don’t want
    you to get in Paris before then.

    I wouldn’t listen to Mycroft if I were you. He has a propensity towards unreliability, particularly when it comes to calming the masses. I will be fine.

    Every time you say that, you end up with a gun pointed at you by a criminal while a bomb ticks in the background. Please hurry.
    December 15th, 2011 at 05:38pm
  • thegothgal

    thegothgal (100)

    United States
    Title: The Wild Ride
    Author: Blissful Vengeance
    Genres: Romance, Drama
    Type: Fan-fiction (Avenged Sevenfold)
    Rating: R
    Status: Active

    Reason for reccing: There's very few Avenged Sevenfold fanfictions that I quite honestly enjoy because of the usual poor writing and grammar, but this story keeps me thoroughly entertained, and is well written with very few errors, if any.

    Sinful Vengeance has become one of the most recognizable bands in the world. Because of their first hit single, their album has shot to #1 after a few weeks of being on the charts. After a successful world tour, the band has started working on their very anticipated second album.

    The band has been invited to perform at the MTV Video Music Awards (2006), and have been nominated for Best New Artist. After their show-stopping performance, the band meets a band who has been a huge influence for them, Avenged Sevenfold , backstage. The bands become instantaneous friends, but eventually some of those friendships turn into love.

    After dealing with bitchy girlfriends and the media, the bands decide to go on a much needed vacation to the city of sin, Vegas. After a fun-filled night, the bands wake up in their suites and try to remember the night's events. They soon realize two of their own are missing, and the bands go out on an adventure trying to find their friends. Little do they know that what lies ahead of them isn't exactly what they bargained for.

    “TRY THAT ONE ON FOR SIZE, BABYDOLL!” Jimmy shouted after he played a random solo that was so kick ass that I was afraid I couldn’t top it.

    He got up from the drum kit and handed me the sticks as I took his place behind the drums. I took a deep breath as I thought of something to play, and smirked when I played a solo from one of our new songs for the new album. I let my arms fly across the drums and let my feet beat the bass’ as fast as I could. I got lost in the beat as I drummed as hard as I could, letting it beat within my chest. As I finished up the solo, I took another deep breath and finally looked up at everyone watching me. They all had smiles on their faces; Jimmy had a huge smirk on his though.

    “What?” I asked him as I got up from the stool. I placed the drumsticks in their hold and walked toward Jimmy.

    “Nothing, that was just better than I expected.” He said, smirk still in place.

    I searched his face for any sarcasm but I couldn’t find any, he seemed genuine about it. I smiled up at him. “Thanks.”
    December 21st, 2011 at 05:49am
  • papa cat;

    papa cat; (150)

    Title: Kairos's Christmas Karol
    Author: FutureOutlook
    Story Type: one-shot (for a writing contest)
    Rating: G
    Genre: Drama
    Status: Completed
    Reason for reccing: It's wonderfully written. It's about two little boys, and while it's not a romance or slash or incest, it's simply about two loving little boy brothers who want a better Christmas. Very touching too.
    Summary: "I hate Christmas. Really I do."
    Excerpt: "Kai… will Sahn-ta come this year?"

    The older boy freezes at his brother's simple question and bites his lip. From where he's kneeling by the tree, in the process of adorning their plastic tree with an array of ornaments, he can see Karol sitting on the floor nearby just staring out the window. His dark eyes fixated on the starry sky, as if by staring hard enough the 'Big Man in Red' will magically appear.

    Head bowing, cupping the cracked red ball ornament in his small hands, Kairos feels a surge of anger and sadness at the knowledge that the chances of Santa coming are slim to nil. After all, why should this year be any different than the others? He's barely six but not even once has he ever woken up on Christmas day to find a single present underneath the tree. Neither has his little brother but for some reason Karol still believes in the man with his flying reindeer.


    Title: 365 Days.
    Author: shelby.
    Story Type: Original
    Rating: PG (though heard to be probably raising higher)
    Genre: Romance Drama Teen
    Status: Chaptered - active.
    Reason for reccing: It's not only just cute, but also very different. It's written in a different style, like the thoughts coming straight out from the mind, and as if you're the character yourself. It takes you on a ride to become the main character Evie, and see the world through his eyes.
    Summary: Love can be passionate. Life can be beautiful. But Love can be lustful. And Life can be short.
    When Evie meets Chase, things are about to go down... or up? Life suddenly has new meaning and there is no time to waste it. Especially when a certain clock is ticking......
    Excerpt:"If you do,
    you'll have one angry father and mayor in one,
    to face."
    I usually don't boast about this,
    but I usually don't act like this either.

    I know it's rude,
    and not right to say so,
    but right now,
    I honestly couldn't give a damn.

    I had promised to try everything this year.

    The guy looked rather cautious and careful now.
    "What's your name?"

    "Evie Chandler."

    from all around the cafeteria.

    The guy himself looks like he's going to laugh.

    I'm used to it,
    and I ignore it.
    Was it my fault that my parents wanted a girl instead,
    so they named me like one?
    December 24th, 2011 at 02:16pm