Story Pimping Thread

  • Title: Night People
    Story Type: Fan-fiction (Supernatural)
    Rating: R
    Genre: Horror, Romance
    Status: Active

    Summary: When a Wendigo begins to stalk for its prey within the Michigan woodlands, Natalie takes it as a challenge, but she can’t defeat it alone. She calls upon the Winchester boys to help, despite their families not quite seeing eye to eye.

    She wasn’t expecting Sam Winchester to be such a gentlemen, especially being John Winchester’s boy.


    She disobeyed him, running her fingers along the cool exterior, making Dean cuss under his breath. “You know, I like Sam a lot better already.” She spat angrily. “I know your father because he worked with my own. But hey, what does that matter? The past is in the past.” She shrugged, keeping a cool appearance. “I’m going to cut to the chase, boys — I need your help.”

    “With what?” Sam asked, keeping calm, glancing at his brother. Natalie smiled, pushing past the boys before ushering them to follow, leading them to her car. Reluctantly, they followed, their footsteps in the gravel creating a satisfying crunch. She opened the trunk to her Volkswagen beetle, revealing the large collection of weapons, some things that she was certain Sam and Dean had never even seen before.

    “A wendigo.” She said curtly, looking at the two men; who were side eyeing each other anxiously. “What?”

    “How can you be so sure?” Dean demanded, stepping forward. “How do we know you ain’t imagining things?”
    May 7th, 2017 at 12:49am
  • Story title: Still Here
    Story type: Fan Fiction (Quantum Leap)
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: Drama, Sci-fi, Religious (sort of, enough that I tagged it as that, I guess)
    Status: Completed
    Story summary: Sam leaps into DeeDee Johnson and undergoes trauma that shakes his faith in both himself and God.

    He didn’t mean for any of this to happen. This whole leap was an awkward situation turned waking nightmare that had spiraled utterly out of control; he never wanted any trouble. Damn it! He never wanted any of this. He never meant for anyone to get hurt.

    He never meant for anyone to get hurt. He just leaped in and out of their lives and changed their personal timelines without their consent or input. What gave him the right to do that? God? Who the hell did he think he was? What made him so important that God would choose him to do His work? Or was it all truly just random? He stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator against all rationality, and now, not just him, but all these random people had to deal with the fallout of that reckless decision.

    He never meant for anyone to get hurt, but people still got hurt sometimes, and sometimes it was entirely his fault. He wondered if he hurt people or messed up their lives somehow more than he noticed, maybe more than he could remember. He was always so caught up in doing good and righting wrongs that he seldom took the time to consider the damage he might do. He was so caught up in changing things for the better, his noble, self-righteous, utterly idealistic vision of why he was stuck leaping around in time and space seemingly forever, that he never really paid attention to the things he might have changed for the worst. Wouldn’t he be equally capable of changing history for the worse as he was for the better?

    Had this happened to him because of something he’d done? Someone he had hurt somehow? Did he somehow deserve this? That didn’t seem right. Sam tried to be a good person after all, tried to do what he was supposed to do to help whoever he was supposed to help, tried to do everything right. He never meant for anyone to get hurt.
    July 6th, 2017 at 09:24pm
  • Title: Wait and Watch
    Story Type: Fan-fiction (Supernatural)
    Rating: R
    Genre: Horror, Romance
    Status: Active

    "I can't explain it but I just know the world is going to end."

    "It's okay, I believe you."

    “Like I would even let you leave on your own – best friends means friends forever, you know that.” I smile to myself before leaning over to peck his cheek ever so gently. “I love you, don’t you ever forget that and I’m staying by your side, no matter what happens.”

    I nod at his words, “I know Frank, I love you too. Best friend until the end – nothing and no one will ever be able to break us up.” He chuckles, a grin on that face of his, bright eyes shining. “Have you got any regrets? I mean, now we’re dying.”

    Frank shrugs gently, his face twisting into thought for a moment before he replies. “I think I regret not having more sex and stupid shit like that but nothing too series.” He lets go of my hand, moving to turning the CD player down a little so it’s now humming gently instead of blaring. “Got any regrets yourself?”
    October 11th, 2017 at 08:11pm
  • Title: Sequestered
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: R
    Genre: Fantasy/Romance
    Status: Ongoing


    My father made a deal with the devil - he gets his loan to pay off his gambling debt and, in exchange, Jonah Carson gets me. Human collateral. I read the fine print and, unfortunately for me, it is completely legal. Barely. There are only three ways I can get out of this: either my father dies, he pays back the money, or I agree to marry Jonah. None of them are ideal choices.

    Despite my hatred for the man, however, Jonah sparks a fire in me I can't deny. He seems to enjoy torturing me with his hot touches, burning me with lust everywhere his skin touches mine. He insists I will be crawling into his bed, begging him to take me. I can't give in - I refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right.

    Little do I know, life is about to get a lot hotter!


    "By all means," he replied congenially. "Stay with your family tonight. Pack only a single suitcase of clothes; everything else you'll need will be supplied. We'll leave in the morning. But Miss Aberdeen," he added with a note of warning, "I don't intend to let you out of my sight anytime soon. Not until I'm certain."

    "Certain of what, Mr. Carson?" I inquired, trying to sound more bored than insulted and failing.

    "That you're in love with me," he said seriously. I gaped at him, stunned into silence while he continued. "I won't interfere in your evening, Miss Aberdeen," he assured me. "Just keeping a careful watch on what is mine."

    "I don't belong to you or to anyone else," I scowled, finally finding my tongue again.

    "On the contrary," he retorted calmly. "You've been legally mine since approximately four a.m. this morning."
    June 29th, 2018 at 05:19am
  • Title: La Douleur Exquise
    Story Type: Original Fiction
    Rating: R
    Genre: Historical
    Status: Active
    Summary: A historical fiction set in Victorian Watford, a growing industrial town that blends the beauty of countryside and the harshness of a working town. Alice Capell, Isabella Blackmore, Susan Boythorn and Henrietta Cholderton are the focus of this tale, four women fast becoming distinguished ladies who must find a way in their growing town. However, these girls are not ordinary, and the secrets they hold could sentence them to death.
    Excerpt: The greenhouse door opened and Henrietta rushed to Isabella, hugging her tightly. Overjoyed to see her close friend.

    "You must return home more often." Henrietta playfully scolded Isabella as she took a seat next to Alice, opposite the couch where Isabella and Susan sat. "These two would have me sent to a madhouse with the way they talk."

    "And I would not?" Isabella laughed heartily, the seriousness of her conversation with Susan swiftly washed away. "Surely I am the worst!"

    "A dreadful sinner." Susan chimed in with a small giggle.

    Alice had begun pouring out the tea which had been brewing quietly whilst they chatted. She handed a cup and saucer to Isabella, a intrigued gleam in her blue eyes. "A sinner with a devious web of wicked tales to corrupt us with."

    Isabella accepted the cup, smiling at the playful teasing. "What web would you wish for me to weave first? The tale of Lieutenant Henry Chichester or the tale of the American cowboy Almeric Paget?"
    July 2nd, 2018 at 06:29pm
  • Title: Forget Me Not
    Story Type: Original
    Rating: R (for future nudity mostly)
    Genre: Fantasy
    Status: Active

    It's a heavy load to carry
    And I can't hold on much more
    On the surface it looks perfect
    Underneath it's just a perfect storm

    -War, Icon For Hire

    No one could quite remember when the last time the Fair Wood had welcomed a new life was, but most could agree it had been more than a couple of decades. This wasn’t so unusual, as the Fair Wood was only a small piece of the greater land known as La’syrus, mother and home of spirits. When one was the creator of a species that almost never died, it made sense that the arrival of new life would be spread out. Newborns came in two forms: the Named and the Blessed. The Blessed were simply the product of two Mated spirits, whereas the Named were given life by La’syrus through a process no one fully understood.

    On this occasion, a Named spirit was being shaped somewhere unseen, and every resident of the Fair Wood knew it by the disruption in the flow of energy. It was largely a subject for gossip, with many providing their own wild speculations as to the nature of the unborn spirit, but none matched Solstice for excitement. She’d set out as soon as she knew what was happening so that she could scour the forest for any signs of where the spirit would be born. She both wanted to be witness to the process and the first to greet her newest neighbor.

    Many patiently ignored the exuberant wolf as she bounded through the Fair Wood, the grassy look of her coat making it appear almost as if it were a giant tuft of underbrush were zipping past. At a mere thousand years or so, she was still a child; her antics were easily forgiven.
    August 18th, 2018 at 12:04am
  • Title: What Senior Prom Taught Me

    Story Type: Original Fiction

    Rating: R

    Genre: Comedy, Love

    Status: Active

    Summary: Lina is in the last two months of her senior year of high school. Unfortunately for her, those last two months involve, prom graduation, and everything else that comes with the momentous occasion of leaving high school behind. Trying her best to keep a level head and stay out of drama, she somehow manages to throw herself head first into it.

    Excerpt: " I turned to my history homework and opened to the questions from the last chapter, and began to work on them while in-between chatting. However, my thoughts were neither on my homework nor on Natalie and Emma’s further discussion of prom. My thoughts were filled with James Gordon. Emma had unknowingly committed the first deadly sin in trying to deny one’s true feelings. She put the idea out in the universe that maybe, possibly, James was also interested in me. That someone else noticed that there was more than his tooth decaying friendliness behind our interactions, and that was deadly. Once the possibility of the reciprocation of feelings is open, it allows the mind to wander, daydream, and role play, trying to grasp anything from any interaction with said person to validate the feelings. Before one knows it, BAM, your on the 7:40 train to Crushville on a one-way ticket, and I was trying to avoid that ride as if my life depended on it."
    October 16th, 2018 at 06:28am
  • Title: Make This Place Your Home
    Story Type: Fanfiction
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Fantasy?
    Status: Active

    Summary: Felicity James was a just a normal girl on the morning of her eleventh birthday. Then, ushered in by a simple knock on her front door, Felicity’s life turned upside down.

    Excerpt: “You haven’t told her anything, have you?”

    “There’s nothing to tell her,” Esther snapped, slamming a hand on the table, “and I won’t have you filling her head with dreams she’ll never fulfill!”

    “You were always so bloody proud, weren’t you? Can’t stand that your own kids might have more talent than you,” Markus sneered.

    “I don’t want them disappointed. If you’re only here to stir up trouble, you can just leave now. We don’t want anything to do with you and you certainly have no interest in being part of our family.”

    “You speak so certainly,” said Markus, shaking his head. His loud voice had softened and crossed his arms as he continued, “Why wouldn’t I want my niece and nephew, whom I only just learned I have, to be a part of the family?

    “Because you don’t even know if they’re like you!” exclaimed Esther, throwing up her hands in frustration.

    “But I do, dear sister,” he said smugly, pulling a heavy envelope from his pocket. “Didn’t you wonder how I knew about your children in the first place? Dumbledore contacted me himself, asked if I wanted to give you the good news personally.”

    Esther eyed the envelope in Markus’ hand as though it were a bomb, able to explode at any moment. Her heart leapt as she saw Felicity James on the front of it in familiar handwriting. Could it be? “She got in.”

    “Of course, she did,” said Markus. “Our dear Felicity is going to Hogwarts.”
    June 26th, 2019 at 07:20pm
  • Title: Let's Make Waves
    Story Type: Fiction
    Rating: R
    Genre: Drama, Romance
    Status: Active
    Summary: Eve-lynn only ever had one dream; to be heard. Poppy only ever longed for one thing; to be seen.

    They say you’ll feel different after it happens. That things won’t ever go back to normal. The life you once knew was over. Change was imminent. Maybe in a good way, or maybe in a bad way, but unavoidable just the same. Nevertheless, you’ll come out of the experience a different person.

    My philosophy? Screw it. I embrace this change. I was born to be a star, damnit, and the warmth of the spotlight felt like coming home to me.
    March 1st, 2020 at 12:44pm