What Does Death Feel Like?

  • I suppose it depends on the method in which you die. I mean, if you go in your sleep, you ain't feeling a thing. Personally, I'd like to go as painlessly as possible. But I keep having dreams where I die in some kind of fire/explosion and it always feel so real. Like I can feel the freakin' sweltering heat of the flames and then I wake up. I'm not afraid of death, just kinda scared of the pain that might be associated with it. Sad
    September 6th, 2014 at 07:11am
  • I heard that if you pass away in your sleep, it's like a nightmare.
    September 6th, 2014 at 04:36pm
  • I think the moment of death feels kind of like sleeping, like a few other Mibbians said, but it all depends on how you're dying. If you're dying from bleeding out or drowning or burning, I think it's much different than dying of old age or a sickness. I think dying from old age or a sickness would feel a little calm. Like, you realise it's happening, maybe you're not realising it but your body is. And it just sort of slowly gives up. I think dying feels about the way you feel when you're drugged but not strung out. Sort of like zquil, so again, somewhat like falling asleep. You lay there and let it wash over, and if you or your body feels it's time then you slowly just slip in. Your mind kind of fades, you don't pay attention to anything but what you're feeling. I don't think it's a bad feeling, but a comforting sort of thing. Like eternal rest for your body. I'm not going to get into the soul part, but I think a normal death would be peaceful and calm. I don't think there would be any pain. I think dying in general you will feel pain, but the moment you truly "die" + the moments leading up to it are blurry but you understand and accept it, and you just slip into it like you'd slip into sleep.
    September 6th, 2014 at 09:08pm
  • I think it probably depends on how you kick the bucket. It might be really peaceful if you die one way but maybe it’s horrible if you die different way, then again if you're in pain maybe it feels good to die. I died for a moment when I was a baby so I don't remember but my grandma almost drowned when she was younger. She said she could feel herself slipping away and it was really peaceful.
    September 22nd, 2014 at 05:32pm
  • Trying to comprehend how death would feel like almost feels unnatural and like something I shouldn't even be thinking about because like others said, it's probably going to depend on how you die. I like to think death will be painless and peaceful (because I'm an idealist and like to think I might get the chance to die of old age), but let's say you get shot or in a car accident, I imagine dying is gonna hurt a wee bit.
    September 26th, 2014 at 05:35am
  • I think that death would simply feel like greeting an old friend; a short, small thing, and then it's over. Your life is ended, and then it's on to the next one.
    September 28th, 2014 at 10:47pm