Point of View

  • I believe kitsch introduced me to it (as an actual writing style), but I absolutely adore second / first person narration. It's so much fun.
    May 18th, 2015 at 10:47am
  • Lately my default is to write in the third person limited. I like to do that, but occasionally shift the focus from one character to another (and in the case of ensemble cast works, the focus can get passed around!) That said, I'm not crazy about constantly changing POV, so the focus of the limited third person narration tends to stay mostly between one or two characters per chapter (and kinda overall cause Lord knows I play favorites when it comes to characters. XD)
    I love pretty much every POV/narration style though. It can all be done beautifully, and it can all be really fun to play with in writing.
    November 30th, 2015 at 04:47am
  • I usually write in third-person omniscient. I used to write in strictly first-person, but when I took a break from writing and came back, I found that third-person omniscient was what stuck the best and what worked the best for me. I'm not too good at third person limited or second person, though. However, I've been wanting to try out second person. I might just do that for my next story.
    March 3rd, 2016 at 03:20am
  • I downright adore second person when it's done right, and, when I was younger, wrote oneshot after oneshot in that point of view. I rarely ever use it now, though, for fear of screwing it up or making the piece just too confusing for readers and everyone ends up losing track about halfway through.

    I tend to write third person limited, as I get way too wordy with third person omniscient and it's no fun for anyone. Facepalm That one is still a helluva lot easier for me than first, though. I can write a piece here or there in first person, but too many and the voice tends to come across as far too similar and starts to sound more like me and less like a character. Third person limited gives me just enough control to navigate clear through a story while leaving everything else high enough in the air to allow for a surprise every once in a while.

    When it comes to reading, I'll read any point of view, since all of them can be done amazingly. However, I tend to find myself reading third person omniscient / limited more, as that seems to be what the majority writes, at least in what I end up selecting. I'd love to find more good second person, though. It's like a rare gem. tehe
    March 3rd, 2016 at 04:41am
  • I've always been a first person kinda gal. Writing third person can seem impersonal at times, but if I was to write in third person, it'd be for that reason. I like first person because it allows me to share the thoughts and feelings of the characters without writing it in awkwardly. I feel like there's more of a rhythm - an easiness to how first person is written as opposed to second or third.
    March 23rd, 2016 at 03:42pm
  • I've always written in third person, because I feel like I can never get first person quite right without rambling too much or sounding entirely robotic. It's easier to throw in detail without entirely losing the plot when I write in third person, so that's what I'm comfortable writing in.

    As for reading, I do prefer reading in third person too, but I don't mind altogether. I usually don't go for second person stories, and there are some really well written first person stories out there as well.
    March 23rd, 2016 at 03:46pm