Original Fiction vs Fanfiction.

  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    Psychosocial: Genius:
    Tom Fletcher.:
    Yes, another thing I think is unfair about fan-fiction is that certain bands are associated with shitty ficus/writing, and therefore some people generalise this to the whole of that fandom or even fan-fiction as a whole.. For example, some say that Frerard is all the same and you can't do anything original with it - not true. I think it takes talent to take something like a pairing which is very overused and make something unique and different out of it.
    I think that's what my problem is, because I've seen these 'frerards' that are wrote absolutely terribly, I think I just need to read a brilliant MCR fan-fic to completely sway my mind.
    Sorry If I've offenced anybody. Unsure

    P.s, Druscilla, I'm a he :tehe:
    Sorry. I didn't bother to check, so I just went with the statistical probability and lost.

    Try Heartswell for good Frerards. I don't write them, I don't read them, but I've heard she's absolutely amazing.
    March 22nd, 2009 at 06:33pm
  • pierrot the clown.

    pierrot the clown. (100)

    tribal territory:
    ^ I won't slap you, but I am on board for the Sarcasm Button. That little tid-bit you quoted was supposed to be sarcastic, and an allusion to a certain fanfic which has stricken the fanfiction community, if you know which one I mean. I don't mean that cross overs are stupid, sometimes they can be good, but I was just being funny.
    Oh. -face palm-
    I now understand why you repeated Harry Potter. I didn't think you were talking about crossovers, of which I haven't read many, so I can't say anything. Too bad you can't be too sure someone's being sarcastic over the Internet.
    March 22nd, 2009 at 09:02pm
  • Echo Lawrence

    Echo Lawrence (100)

    I can't really choose between the two. There are some ideas that I come up with that just feels like it should be a fanfiction, and others that feel like they should be original fiction.
    July 18th, 2009 at 02:54pm
  • El!zabeth-Rawr!

    El!zabeth-Rawr! (100)

    United States
    I write both fanfiction and original fiction. Write now if you look at my profile you'll notice I have a lot of harry potter fanfics, it's because they're for contest but I also tend to write fanfictions when I have writers block on my original fictions Whistle
    July 18th, 2009 at 03:38pm
  • Snow White

    Snow White (100)

    United States
    The only fan-fictions I've ever done have been Harry Potter ones. I just have a hard time using real people for fiction. It just makes me feel like a creep.
    July 18th, 2009 at 05:41pm
  • lovecraft

    lovecraft (100)

    I don't mind fanfiction sometimes, but it depends on the story. If I can see the people in the fanfiction as just people, who aren't in a band and who aren't famous, then I find it a lot easier to read. (Croquis is an awesome example of this.)
    I think it might be easier to write in a way, because your characters appearance and name come ready made, but at the same time, it's also harder, because you're fighting to make your character (which has been done a million times) seem original. Fanfiction that is smut, or just a very detailed picture of their lives right now with a plausible yet completely ludicrous situation thrown in just kind of creeps me out. (Poorly written) Waycest especially.
    July 18th, 2009 at 07:13pm
  • craic queen

    craic queen (100)

    United States
    Personally, I like both. I write mostly fanfiction because I like to imagine how these certain celebrities would act in the different scenarios. Sure, they might be a bit cliche but if they're well-written, I don't mind. Same goes for original fiction. I like seeing the characters develop in the plot and how the writer can describe everything.

    I prefer fanfiction though. It's a bit easier to get a sense of the main characters, if it's well-written.
    July 18th, 2009 at 08:59pm
  • SabasaurusRex

    SabasaurusRex (100)

    United States
    I'd definitely have to say original fiction for a couple of reasons.

    1) Most people on this site strive to stand out from the crowd and be heard. (that's a generalization - I could very well be wrong) Writing fan fiction is definitely not a way to stand out. It's merely following the masses of people who do it.

    2) I also prefer original fiction because that's what gets published in the real world. I've always been more of a realistic person, and while fan fictions may be fine and dandy for a quick read, it's not the stuff that's typicallypublished. (If there are any FF published, I'd be curious to know)

    3) I strictly write orignal fictions stories simply because I feel like I'm stealing another author's hard work to make my job easier. Because of that, I miss out on many readers, comments, subscribers, etc.

    But that's a price we OF writers pay, eh?
    July 19th, 2009 at 01:57am
  • dr. faustus

    dr. faustus (1070)

    I'd definitely have to say original fiction for a couple of reasons.

    1) Most people on this site strive to stand out from the crowd and be heard. (that's a generalization - I could very well be wrong) Writing fan fiction is definitely not a way to stand out. It's merely following the masses of people who do it.

    2) I also prefer original fiction because that's what gets published in the real world. I've always been more of a realistic person, and while fan fictions may be fine and dandy for a quick read, it's not the stuff that's typicallypublished. (If there are any FF published, I'd be curious to know)

    3) I strictly write orignal fictions stories simply because I feel like I'm stealing another author's hard work to make my job easier. Because of that, I miss out on many readers, comments, subscribers, etc.

    But that's a price we OF writers pay, eh?
    I agree with you. I just started writing FF not too long ago (about a year or so). I have three up out of 50 stories that are original and my FF got 10 stars within days/weeks.
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:05am
  • Aprilette

    Aprilette (100)

    United States
    I'm keeping it simple:

    1. Way too many fan-fiction. What happened to originality?
    2. Too few original fiction. Why isn't their enough originality?


    Get over your addicted craze to fantasizing over bands and actors and write something about something that could actually happen. Makes things more interesting. OK? OK. :file:
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:07am
  • mackenzie.

    mackenzie. (100)

    United States
    I'd definitely have to say original fiction for a couple of reasons.

    1) Most people on this site strive to stand out from the crowd and be heard. (that's a generalization - I could very well be wrong) Writing fan fiction is definitely not a way to stand out. It's merely following the masses of people who do it.

    2) I also prefer original fiction because that's what gets published in the real world. I've always been more of a realistic person, and while fan fictions may be fine and dandy for a quick read, it's not the stuff that's typicallypublished. (If there are any FF published, I'd be curious to know)

    3) I strictly write orignal fictions stories simply because I feel like I'm stealing another author's hard work to make my job easier. Because of that, I miss out on many readers, comments, subscribers, etc.

    But that's a price we OF writers pay, eh?
    As far as OF's being the only things published, I'd bet that if the really good fanfic writers on here just changed the names of their characters and tweaked their stories just a little bit, it would get published all the same.

    There isnt really a lot of different between a well written OF and a well written FF.
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:08am
  • SabasaurusRex

    SabasaurusRex (100)

    United States
    Lonna Lullaby.:
    I agree with you. I just started writing FF not too long ago (about a year or so). I have three up out of 50 stories that are original and my FF got 10 stars within days/weeks.
    Exactly. There are quite a few well written OF on this site that are constantly over looked. All FF writers have to is write 'Ryan Ross' or 'Gerard Way' and they'll attract the masses.
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:15am
  • SabasaurusRex

    SabasaurusRex (100)

    United States
    The Next Messiah:
    As far as OF's being the only things published, I'd bet that if the really good fanfic writers on here just changed the names of their characters and tweaked their stories just a little bit, it would get published all the same.

    There isnt really a lot of different between a well written OF and a well written FF.
    And at that point, why wouldn't the FF writer just change their characters names and tweaked their story that extra bit? (At that point I presume they wouldn't be considered a FF writer anymore) I'd much rather have a cliched OF than a FF any day.
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:18am
  • Aprilette

    Aprilette (100)

    United States
    Lonna Lullaby.:
    I agree with you. I just started writing FF not too long ago (about a year or so). I have three up out of 50 stories that are original and my FF got 10 stars within days/weeks.
    Exactly. There are quite a few well written OF on this site that are constantly over looked. All FF writers have to is write 'Ryan Ross' or 'Gerard Way' and they'll attract the masses.
    Exactly. But it always brings a true smile on your face when you find the people who truly appreciate reading a well done OF. It makes me very happy to at least please those people. :cute:
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:20am
  • SabasaurusRex

    SabasaurusRex (100)

    United States
    Exactly. But it always brings a true smile on your face when you find the people who truly appreciate reading a well done OF. It makes me very happy to at least please those people. :cute:
    Very much so :D It really makes all of your hard work pay off :)
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:26am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I like both. But fanfictions capture my attention more. Reading about a person I really like can hold my attention longer. I'm not saying an OF story can't, I've found OF stories that have held my attention for a long time. For me it's a matter of how well written it is. If the OF or FF is too cliche for me or the grammar is horrible, things like that, I won't read it.

    As for what I write, I prefer to stick with FF. I've tried writing OF but in the end I just end up deleting or neglecting it for awhile... And then delete it. I can't keep interest in writing OF stories but the FF stories I write can really keep an interest to. I like writing about the people I really like and look up to.
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:31am
  • VirmiciousOne

    VirmiciousOne (100)

    United States
    I will read either, but I usually prefer writing original fictions. If I try to write about someone who is famous, I feel like I have to do an emmense amount of research to make sure I am doing the characters or other details correctly. What the hell, I do that with all of my stories, but still. If I have my own characters, I can do whatever I want.
    July 19th, 2009 at 04:35am
  • ghosthorse

    ghosthorse (100)

    United States
    I'd definitely have to say original fiction for a couple of reasons.

    1) Most people on this site strive to stand out from the crowd and be heard. (that's a generalization - I could very well be wrong) Writing fan fiction is definitely not a way to stand out. It's merely following the masses of people who do it.

    2) I also prefer original fiction because that's what gets published in the real world. I've always been more of a realistic person, and while fan fictions may be fine and dandy for a quick read, it's not the stuff that's typicallypublished. (If there are any FF published, I'd be curious to know)

    3) I strictly write orignal fictions stories simply because I feel like I'm stealing another author's hard work to make my job easier. Because of that, I miss out on many readers, comments, subscribers, etc.

    But that's a price we OF writers pay, eh?
    Do take note that not all fanfiction has to be about a real celebrity. With the exception of two fanfictions, all of mine have been geared toward the book/movie/television world; generally obscure by the way. I once wrote two chapters of a Bam Margera fic, and four of a Gerard Way fic, but couldn't continue because I didn't like writing these fictional things about real people. Though there are some published authors who encourage fanfiction, like Rachel Caine.
    July 19th, 2009 at 05:19am
  • we could be infinite

    we could be infinite (100)

    United States
    I'm keeping it simple:

    1. Way too many fan-fiction. What happened to originality?
    2. Too few original fiction. Why isn't their enough originality?


    Get over your addicted craze to fantasizing over bands and actors and write something about something that could actually happen. Makes things more interesting. OK? OK. :file:
    Just because its fanfiction doesn't make it unoriginal.

    Also, for a lot of the developing writers out there, it's easier to start out with characters and a background made up for them; hell, that's why I write it. From there they can build and actually get better at what they do. No one starts out perfectly with perfect characters and perfect plots. Sometimes it's just easiest to have somewhere to start. OF isn't the easiest to write, especially for the beginners.
    July 19th, 2009 at 05:41am
  • DragonxFox

    DragonxFox (100)

    United States
    No offense to those who write FF, but damn it's so annoying to see how many stars and people read them when people who try hard on OF are overlooked because so many people prefer reading FF's on this site.
    Why can't there be more OF stories out there?
    And I get really annoyed when I'm looking for a good OF and it turns out, it's an FF with a few OC's. That's still an FF if it has famous people as main characters. The plot might be original, but that doesn't make the entire story original.

    Please mibbians, be more original. Write more OF's, I realize you guys love the bands/famous people and stuff, but don't write so many about them. Use your imaginations, break free from them and try it out. You never know, you might like it. I realize you might not get as many reviews as quickly as when you write FF's but it's worth it.

    [/rant] :coffee:
    July 19th, 2009 at 05:45am