Writing Topics

  • kara

    kara (100)

    United States
    Is it horrible that we use characters in everday life? I understand being original because my stories aren't like other band stories. There is actual conflict, I'm not using a character based on myself. That actually bothers me when people throw themselves into the story, I like writing about a band and only that band, making a conflict and putting them in situations that are interesting.

    I also write for me but it hurts when you only get a couple of comments after spending so much time writing and reviewing. I look forward to that one comment that's actually telling me something.
    I wish someone would give me an actual review and not just say, "Awesome chapter, pm me with more." That would be great, too.

    There is alot I can say about many of the stories on here compaired to some of the really well written stories. I acutally stumbled across one last night when i went into the 300's story page, there was one that wasn't rated, no comments, but possibly one of the most well written stories on here.

    There is so much to cover whne it comes to stories so I thought I'd just jam everything in there, can't think of anything else.
    March 5th, 2007 at 11:49pm
  • Bastard Son.

    Bastard Son. (200)

    Why would that be so horrible? It kind of makes sense in my eyes, who will you write about if not the people you meet and see ever day?

    I know what you mean, today, when people look for things to read, the first thing they do is to glance at the comment-rate. That's silly because it tells you nothing at all.

    I'd rant endlessly, but talking about this so much and knowing that the situation still won't change only makes me more tired than I already am.
    March 5th, 2007 at 11:55pm
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    Is it horrible that we use characters in everday life? I understand being original because my stories aren't like other band stories. There is actual conflict, I'm not using a character based on myself. That actually bothers me when people throw themselves into the story, I like writing about a band and only that band, making a conflict and putting them in situations that are interesting.
    I used myself in a story ONCE and I never posted it because I didn't like it. The problem with stories like that is, you know everything about yourself, right? There's no originality, and you can't discover anything about the character.

    Another thing I don't like about people writing about themselves is that in many cases on this site, the writers are writing about a band. And they think someone in that band is hot or whatever, and then everything good happens to the character that is them. Then...Well, it's like saying, "Life's not perfect, so I'm gonna make it perfect for myself in the story. Because I deserve that, right?" Well, when people say "Deserve perfection" about a story, it usually means unconditional love, with no real conflict in a story. And that makes it boring.

    You know, how every day is exactly the same, romance, romance, love, kisses, kids, and sex. That's interesting TO AN EXTENT, but when it's continued on for CHAPTER UPON CHAPTER UPON CHAPTER, it gets too repetetive and a story that at one point I probably would have read, I can't read anymore because it's too boring.

    But, that's just me. I need variety.

    That's why all of my stories have some major conflict. AT LEAST one.
    March 6th, 2007 at 12:00am
  • kara

    kara (100)

    United States
    Why would that be so horrible? It kind of makes sense in my eyes, who will you write about if not the people you meet and see ever day?

    I know what you mean, today, when people look for things to read, the first thing they do is to glance at the comment-rate. That's silly because it tells you nothing at all.

    I'd rant endlessly, but talking about this so much and knowing that the situation still won't change only makes me more tired than I already am.
    I really don't know. People complain when it is a band story, people complain when it isn't. I don't know what to do, I tell my friends that I write and when I say it's about Green Day it's like they shun me. Some people have their own ways of writing but the typical, "Punk girl that was abused by parents gets adopted/finds a boy friend whose in a popular band" story pisses me off. I see it so many times.

    That's why I like writing storeis about the band and people we know in real life, it's possible to an extent.

    I know that nothing can change but things are slowly getting better, ever so slowly.
    March 6th, 2007 at 12:07am
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    All of my characters are OCs. I don't write about bands, I like to make up original characters because there are so many ways you can stretch them and they aren't 'pre prepared'. But I think because I don't write about bands, I get ignored alot. But I don't care, I don't write for the public. Sometimes it bothers me that what I write gets absolutely nothing next to a horribly written story by someone else that has like 50 comments.
    All good things to those who wait.
    March 6th, 2007 at 01:41am
  • Fake your own death

    Fake your own death (200)

    United States
    I write with bands because I HATE making up names because it takes so long for me to find names with meanings. So i use band member's names so I can skip over looking for names and jsut get into the story. Also, I love manipulating the characters and changing their personalities, seeing how Out of character I can make them to get a rise out of the audience.
    March 6th, 2007 at 04:59am
  • Synyster Lisa

    Synyster Lisa (400)

    United States
    Fer Suuure Jenni:
    I write with bands because I HATE making up names because it takes so long for me to find names with meanings. So i use band member's names so I can skip over looking for names and jsut get into the story. Also, I love manipulating the characters and changing their personalities, seeing how Out of character I can make them to get a rise out of the audience.
    I do that too...I hate searching for names and thinking of names.....but I don't really stretch them out of character....yet....I just started a new story though (Not posted yet) where I'm making Frank Iero a psychiatrist......

    I do use myself in stories...(Except this one sequal I'm writing to one story where "I killed myself" ) I mainly just use my name....I don't base it on my life.....I use my looks, personality, and stuff, but I don't write personal life stories (Except this one One-shot I did)

    and I just totally forgot what else I was gonna say..
    March 7th, 2007 at 03:51pm
  • Sara

    Sara (100)

    Usally it's my friends.

    Like their stories or what ever.

    Like my new one.

    It's about my friend.

    So. Yeah.
    March 7th, 2007 at 07:32pm
  • Banach95

    Banach95 (100)

    United States
    I hate thinking up names and whatnot... my characters are based off of my friends, family, people I know...

    My OC though... she's something else... she's something I created when I was 13. 21 years later and she seems almost like a real person...LOL
    March 7th, 2007 at 07:38pm
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow. I've really enjoyed reading all your posts. You guys have given me so much inspiration to write. Most of my stories are fanfics because I don't feel confident enough in my writing to invent names and faces. I've only ever posted 3 of my stories; all my fanfics are on my laptop. But I think that my stories that aren't fanfics are my best efforts. I have a story on my school network that I'm thinking of putting on my laptop to update round the clock, and it's horrible at the moment, then it will turn all romancy, then the heroin will be hurt badly. And like a lot of you guys have said, music is a big influence on my writing. Anyways, I forgot that I made this thing, so I found it and read all of your comments.
    March 18th, 2007 at 12:26am
  • Synyster Lisa

    Synyster Lisa (400)

    United States
    haha potato waffle......I'm like that too..I feel weird inventing people.....Although for my next story...whenever i start a new one....I think I will make up a character....I dunno.......Okay, I'll admit...there's a weird fantasy factor or something....but I dunno why i use myself a lot...I just do.....and i draw random names....I use the name Pete a lot....and my one friend is like "You have a Pete Wentz thing?" and i was like "Nah...it was just the first name that came to my head....if you wanna pretend it's Pete Wentz, go ahead" hahaha....
    March 18th, 2007 at 09:24pm
  • lady_miseria

    lady_miseria (100)

    United States
    My main character is usually always an OC. Supporting characters I generally like to base off my friends and family. But my OC always seems to have a little bit of me in them, whether I mean to do that or not. I think it's just because my style is incredibly personal and I POUR myself into everything that I write, no matter what it's about. I just can't seem to help it.

    It always seems that my stories are cliche in the beginning, but once I get really into writing them and I'm farther along, the story could (and almost always does) totally veer off from the cliche first impression.

    I'm always thinking of future things I want to happen and I have such a terrible obsession with writing romantic scenes (but I've never really written any sex in. Not descriptive sex, at least.) So it's always like I'm writing JUST to get to those parts, but when I go back and read my "fillers", I end up enjoying them quite a bit, even if I didn't initially put tons of feeling into them.

    I try to come up with original ideas for stories (or concepts that are more original than most of the stuff out there.) As I've said before, there are cliches, but they seem to go away or change drastically after a while. And I never write about people with perfect lives; there's no fun in that. I like creating obstacles for my characters to face; it makes things more interesting and exciting.

    Holy crap, that was a long rant. :cheese: :lol: And I probably didn't even say half of my initial thoughts. XD
    March 20th, 2007 at 06:08am
  • neverland.

    neverland. (100)

    personaly issues and experiances quite often make me want to write. Something I have lost of gained.

    Music can also inspire me to write. I hear a lyric or the title and if it makes a real impact on me it can make me want to write. A good example of this is Adam's Song by Blink 182. When I heard this song (I listen to it at least 5 times a day now lol) I wrote a story about a fictional character in my writing journal.

    Sometimes something someone has said can inspire me to. So as you see I am easy to inspire. lol.
    April 9th, 2007 at 07:17pm
  • sweat-tears-guilt

    sweat-tears-guilt (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    penguin massacre:
    this may sounds strange, but when i'm just out with my friends or watching a movie or doing anything, really, my mind will begin to wander. And when it does this, it starts looking and seeing things as if it were a movie, like little snippits of a film. not from a real movie, but if we're talking about something, i may be watching a little film in my head of what it would look like, and that's where it turns into a story. that's how i get my ideas to write, if that made any sense whatsoever
    I know exactly what you mean... thats how I get ideas aswell Clap
    April 11th, 2007 at 10:42am
  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    The relationship of the Way brothers... Not incest, but just brotherly love. I already have two stories on them. :)
    April 21st, 2007 at 08:13am
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    A lot of times personal experiences can inspire a story.
    Like I plan on writing one today relating to a fight Andie and I had.
    And I've written a story based on how we got together.
    And one about how excited I was to get on that plane and kiss her for the first time.

    ... I guess maybe just Andie, eh?

    April 22nd, 2007 at 03:48am
  • lozzieee who.

    lozzieee who. (610)

    Great Britain (UK)
    me thinks that almost anything can inspire a writer into getting his or her thoughts on paper. it's different for everyone; everyone has their own individual writing style. whether it be personal experience, something you read or even something you saw on TV or the news. i believe that fanfiction is so common becoz these bands have such impact and effect on so many of our lives. like the now clichéd line reads:

    MCR saved my life

    orignial characters are usually hard to think up. writers block is a bitch and needs its balls shooting off with a rifle. when people have writers block, but desperately want to get a story out there or a poem, they think of something that usually inspires them. which, in most people on here's case, is a band. OC's are great, sure, but it's more creative, fun and exciting, even, to write about your idols and hero's.

    yeah that's my new view. essay much? :P
    April 24th, 2007 at 04:57pm
  • folie a dru.

    folie a dru. (1270)

    United States
    I write fanfiction because I have a problem creating characters.
    My mom finds that amusing simply because I have such an extensive backstory created for all the "rockstars" I write about.
    April 25th, 2007 at 12:33am
  • astroz0mbie

    astroz0mbie (160)

    United States
    To me, it's really not that hard to come up with an original character. It's a whole other adventure that opens up your mind. I love bring those black and white characters to life that live in me, that are so many sides to me, and watch them live a life that I can pull out of the dustiness in the darkest crevices of the mind.

    There are just so many plotlines that have already been used that people want to read. A good story with originality get's ignored if that's not what the readers want, and most of the time they want shitty stories, to be perfectly honest. I've seen amazing stories that get no recognition at all compared to a pile of shit that looks like it's been written by a chimp get tons of approving comments.

    It's sad to see that some authors will never be given the chance against a society that does not accept. And to see those authors go down is even more sad.
    April 25th, 2007 at 02:58am
  • princess.

    princess. (350)

    I like writing about bands [or other famous people] because I like seeing just how warped I can make their character - just how realistic. Because we see them all the time, in magazines and in newspapers and in concerts, but is that what they're really like? Would they really run around masturbating in a crowd? This way, you can see how really personified you can make them, you know?


    I have a reason WHY everyone on this site writes MCR. BESIDES the fact that they're hugely popular and all 'really sexy' [I don't see it, but whatever, to each his own].

    I figure; people write about MCR because My Chemical Romance really have no attachments as such. All of them, besides Mikey now, and I think we'll see a rapid drop in stories about him, are not married nor have any children. It's easy to write about someone when there's nothing they're attached to.

    It's why people don't write so much about Green Day - because they all have kids. Billie Joe gets no stories really because he's married. And if you're at all creative you can't write a story where he's still with Adrienne because there's no way to change that story - there are certain things, like their kids, that you just can't change. Tre gets the most stories because he's OBVIOUSLY not attached to anyone. Mike has Brittney and Billie Joe has Adie. So no one writes about them.

    My Chemical Romance gets stories because you don't have to cut out a lot of things from their lives [kids, wives]. You can have a story about My Chem and their addiction issues EASILY.

    See? People write what's easy.

    Take a challenge, people.
    April 25th, 2007 at 03:43am