Funny School Moments

  • obstructively;

    obstructively; (100)

    United States
    My AP Euro teacher randomly lectures with a baseball bat. He just walks around, swinging it around as he walks.

    Once, in my Trig class, my teacher was sitting in the back of the class. She was just chilling out back there, as one of the students, not me, was reviewing things on the Elmo. He/she (I don't remember who it was) asked a question, and my teach was all like "Oh, Oh pick me! I know the answer. Ain't it somethin' like s= blah blah blah?" It was just great. She sounded high pitched and everything.
    February 1st, 2011 at 05:14am
  • Guard Geek 101

    Guard Geek 101 (100)

    United States
    My Physics class today (None if this is serious this is just how my class is.)

    Paige: What language is gesundheit?
    Mr. R: German
    Michelle: You didn't know that?!?!
    *Mr. R, Paige, Sam, Heather all jumo in shock of the way she said it*
    Paige: Rath I'm a little scared now.
    Mr. R: Yea me too.
    Paige: I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend your people.
    Michelle: Yea you better be sorry.
    Mr. R: Your people? POLISH!
    Michelle: Wait! Your jewish?
    Mr. R: Wait! Your gay?
    Paige: Yup.
    March 8th, 2011 at 03:15am
  • Number XIII

    Number XIII (150)

    United States
    I have a lot xD

    -In the lunch line-
    Guestavo: -cuts infront of friend in lunch line-
    Lunch Lady: -sees, goes over to Guestavo- Move to the back of the line
    Guestavo: What?! Nooooooooooo
    Lunch Lady: -points to back-
    Guestavo: Is it because I'm Mexican?!
    -they both giggle-

    (6th hour, 22 guys and 7 girls, you can imagine what happens when just about all the guys are friends xD)

    Mrs. B: -holding tube that water rises when you hold it from body heat-
    Matt: If Megan Fox held it would it explode?
    -Sign on the board says NO CHEATING-
    Matt: Does your wife count? Like, can I cheat on her but not my test? -eyebrow wiggle-
    Mrs. B: We need to filter what we say
    Matt: I did filter what I said.
    Mrs. B: You don't really need to announce that...
    Matt: -crouching with his butt against his friend Alex's butt, trying to walk like that
    Mrs. B: Hey boys, not appropriate
    Matt: I wasn't harassing anyone via butt!
    Mrs.B: -Walks to garbage-
    Kaiden: MRS (whispers: fatass) BRINKER!!!
    Kaiden (singing): There were two cowboys ridin' down the trail! They learned two males could sing together! (whispers: having butt sex)
    Matt (reading): Should isn't an opinion. When we stop shoulding on others we can finally stop shoulding on ourselves.
    Hunter: Kaiden, why did you have to go to the hospital yesterday?
    Kaiden: I got kicked in my testicaular region
    Hunted: -slowly backs away-
    Kaiden: (shouts across room) WANT THE DEATS LATER?
    Hunter: e. O
    March 17th, 2011 at 11:59pm
  • Ripped.At.The.Seams.

    Ripped.At.The.Seams. (100)

    United States
    I was in Math Class a few weeks ago, and my Math teacher Mrs.Dunn has this CD that plays these Math raps. . . ~shivers~ and this is the outcome of one of them.

    Facepalm Yes,yes she just went there
    May 6th, 2011 at 04:42am
  • KBex

    KBex (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    A lot of funny things have happened to me at school but I think the best ones happen in Bio, and this is the best one ever.

    There are only about 10 people in my bio class so everything's just funnier.
    So this one time we were having a test, so of course we were all silent and whatnot, even though me and my bestie Sarah were doing our silent "wtf is this about?" kind of thing (we'd done no revision and pretty much failed that test).
    Then our teacher turns round to write on the board or something and we notice notice he has this big white mark on the back of his trousers, which is obviously hilarious in itself, but then our friend Ann, who is the queen of hilarious facial expressions, noticed it and started making this really disgusted face.
    Me and Sarah just cracked up. It was the kind of laughter where you just can't stop, even though you can't breathe, and the worst part was we were still trying to be a quiet as possible.
    So then this other teacher (who is the best teacher to mock in the entire universe, but that's another story), whose classroom we were in, goes "I will have to send one of you out in a minute."
    Trying to stop laughing was the hardest thing, it was just too funny. We still talk about it to this day, and die of laughter every time.
    August 3rd, 2011 at 11:07am
  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    My teacher gave me his car keys and money. lmfao But I don't drive, so I had to give them back and he wouldn't let anybody drive me because I was the only one who completed all his assignments. Fuck.
    May 31st, 2013 at 06:03am
  • hale.

    hale. (300)

    Here's just a few things back from when I was in high school.

    Year 9 Legal Studies:
    It was almost last day of term and it was her last day at the school. We all decided to throw her a going away party (cake and munchies included). We threw streamers all around the class room and we even managed to get her into a party hat for the whole lesson (pretty sure she wore it all day)

    She also loved to tell us about her leaking window and her couch that was a milk crate.

    Year 12 Ancient History:
    My teacher, Mr Allen, we used to call him The Doctor because we swear he looked like someone who would play the doctor. If he came late to class he always said some stupid and hilarious line about how is tardis screwed up and took him to 1969.

    He also had a sonic screwdriver one day and used it all lesson.

    Year 12 Accounting:
    I never did much in that lesson and I would always bring up notepad and just start writing stupid shit. One lesson the computer guy Mr Edwards (who was my junior information technologies teacher in grade 9 and I gave him shit constantly) he monitors the computers when he is not teaching and I ended up having a conversation to him about not wanting to do work and if he could do it for me.... he did.

    In year 10 we have this "Bundy Idol" thing going on. There was this one chick who would ALWAYS go up and sing Hannah Montana songs. One day she fell off the stage and I swear I almost peed myself.
    June 1st, 2013 at 10:21am