Funny School Moments

  • I was in math class and Mr. Rodriguez asked us a question. Mr. Rodriguez has a rather heavy Spanish accent (like he says "eh" in front of a lot of words). So Niko, my friend, (who has no accent whatsoever) raised his hand and, quietly, said, "4 eh-squared?"
    The entire class burst into laughter and we couldn't stop for an entire five minutes. Mr. Rodriguez didn't get it.
    January 30th, 2010 at 11:50pm
  • My friend is this crazy, out of whack, arrogant guy. But he can be so funny.

    Well, one day we were in French class and he got bored. He went up to the board and connected all of Madame's Expo markers and pretended to be a Jedi.
    Well, about five minutes later, after he's sat down, Madame comes by to pick up a marker and doodle on the board; she picks up the whole stick of markers. There had to be eight of them at least. Andrew and I were cracking up so hard.

    My funny days at school mostly revolve around him. But I guess you just had to be there to get that one moment.
    January 31st, 2010 at 08:21pm
  • In Classical Studies our teacher was talking about the Sacred Band which is a group of homosexual men. They fought in Sparta or something, he was blabbering on about the grouping of the attacking line.
    All we heard was "50 men deep".
    Top ten.
    February 8th, 2010 at 05:08am
  • In art today me and Kallum were flicking water at each other and it ended up looking like he'd pissed himself XD and his stool was covered in water and he sat back down on it lmfao
    February 9th, 2010 at 08:23pm
  • We had a sub in Science today and we've got interactive Smart boards and the sub got a whiteboard marker and wrote on it and someone shouted 'Miss what're you doing'
    She didn't realize it was interactive
    February 10th, 2010 at 05:21pm
  • In science there's this kid who's really irritating and has this annoying voice, and he's obsessed with my friend's boyfriend, who's name is Brad. Everyday he comes in class and is all like, "Brad, what's up Brad blahblahblah Brad…" in that weird voice.
    So about a month ago my teacher is passing back tests and he calls out Brad's name, and everyone immediately starts imitating how the annoying kid says it. After a bit it gets quiet again, but then this kid pipes up: "Brad! What'd you get on the test, Brad!"
    lmfao It was SO funny. He had absolutely no clue we were mocking him. XD

    I have some good times in art, too… Our teacher is absolutely crazy, and when he's not lecturing you he's oblivious.
    February 10th, 2010 at 11:17pm
  • In Social Studies during 8th grade (I called my teacher Mr. Koala 'cause I couldn't pronounce his name):

    Koala: ...and so, the Hoover Dam---
    Jessica: Oh! That's the one in China!
    Koala: Are you t hinking of the Great Wall of China, Jess?
    Jessica: No! The Hoover Dam is in China!
    February 20th, 2010 at 03:31am
  • Our Welsh teacher is epic. The one time my friend was having an argument with someone in her Welsh class, so got sent out. And while she was in the corridor, she knocked on my classroom door. "Miss, can Kat come out for a bit?" and she was like, "sure, don't get caught!" And this other time, she got bored with teaching, so just said "Eh, I'm sure you can amuse yourselves" and walked out the door. She just left us with an hour of free time, ahaha. About halfway through the lesson, the deputy head came looking for her because he had a letter - he asked us where she'd gone and almost the whole class simultaneously said "mooching" like it was the most normal thing in the world lmao.

    And the one time, in Media, my table were all just sat there eating and sharing with one another - I had strawberry sweets, Jess had crisps and chocolate and Kayleigh had jaffa cakes. And so our Media teacher just walked over and said "Oooh, a picnic! I won't tell you off if Kayleigh gives me a jaffa cake?" It was funny as, because when she gave her one she just walked off grinning.

    Happy days. :')
    February 21st, 2010 at 05:56pm
  • Theres been so many funny moments at school especially in my asb and history class.

    *our asb class was setting up for homecoming and it was a saturday.we had just finished and our teacher said our last mission was for all of like 30 of us to load in the back of her truck so we could ride back to the class room.We all loaded in and started of standing .then she started going faster than we all expected .we all started falling and landing on each other it was kinda painful but hilarious when we all mage it.

    *I was in p.e. freshman year and we were doing push -ups for the presidential fitness test.We all started to get down when our teacher whos a girl said not on your knees girls thats a life lesson.

    *Just this week in history there was a kid who was trying to sharpen his pencil and failed .he complained to the teacher that the sharpener made his pecil brown and ugly.then my teacher said he should stop looking in the mirror.(he was mexican)
    February 26th, 2010 at 04:57am
  • This probably isn't as epic as it sounds here, but just realise in class, it was fucking hilarious. XD

    Okay, so my Señora is teaching us the different words for legs (piernas for humans, patas for animals and objects) and she was trying to use an insult as an example of when you would actually use "patas" to a person. The insult she was trying to make was, "Shave your legs!" in the sense that their legs was hairy like an animal's. But instead she goes and screams, "Shave your feet!" And everyone just paused for a second, and then burst out laughing. lmfao
    February 26th, 2010 at 09:00am
  • We were discussing how to avoid writing cliches in English class and Mrs F had a slideshow up.
    Slideshow: It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be yours!
    The entire class just died.
    Me and Chris seized the moment and just shouted 'That's what she said' as loud as we could. XD
    Then the next slide had an audio clip that played automatically that just went: 'I've never seen anything like it before!'
    We lost it again. XD

    Then in Physics later, we were doing about atoms.

    Rhianna: But how come two atoms can't join together?
    Mrs N: Well, say I want to become one with Josh...
    Josh: O____O
    Mrs N: -realizes what she's said- In fact, I take that back. It'd just take a lot of energy for them to join.

    It was so funny. XD
    March 6th, 2010 at 11:35pm
  • PSHE last week our teacher Mr Wilson was talking about how 2/3 of dogs give up and 1/3 of dogs don't (Some experiment that was conducted)
    Girl in class: What's 3 thirds then?
    Mr Wilson: That would be one
    Whole class: XD
    March 6th, 2010 at 11:38pm
  • My two friends are extremely loud.
    Me: Claire! I'm pretty sure the Pope in the Vatican doesn't want to hear you!
    Claire: ....
    Me: You're so loud!
    Claire: Whose the Pope? I should know shouldn't I because I'm Anglican.
    Me:...Claire, the Pope's Catholic.
    Everyone: lmfao
    March 7th, 2010 at 06:05am
  • In mylast year of secondary school, all the classes of my level had a clapping war between themselves.
    By the end of the year, it would be during a class, someone would start clapping (first slow, then faster and faster). The teachers were annoyed at first, but then some of them joined in, others just gave up trying to make us stop.
    We did it at the ceremony of diplomas, as well.

    (no idea if this'll work, but here goes nothing:

    Video of the actual thing )
    March 9th, 2010 at 03:29am
  • A coupel of the girls and I were talking about sex, because one of them is going to write her first sex scene and I was giving her pointers and whatnot.

    Somehow, we ended up with one of the guys talking about gay sex. According to him, gay guys' asses get saggy because... yeah. Facepalm
    March 9th, 2010 at 06:10am
  • A teacher talking about how thick the class was.
    Mr. Dw - 'Lads if i gave yee the key to the door, yee would break in through the window'
    March 10th, 2010 at 01:59pm
  • Me adressing a friend: Have you ever seen Princess Mononoke?
    Substitute Teacher: I LOVE The Princess Bride!
    I don't know why I thought it was so funny.
    March 11th, 2010 at 01:08am
  • Our science teacher embarassed the technician when he was trying to fix the smart boart, it was hilarious because he's so quiet. The wires are under her desk and we can't see under he desk from where we sit because there's wood infront of it but he bent down to have a look at the wires.

    Miss F: Get your hand off my knee!
    *Everybody laughs*
    -Five mins. later-
    Miss F: I think you have to push that button.
    Joe: He knows how to push her buttons!
    *Everybody starts wolf-whistling*

    Yeah, when he left he was bright pink.
    March 11th, 2010 at 06:57pm
  • Today my teacher said this:

    "Class, yesterday all of you worked good yesterday.... Today, I want all of you to work like Trojans."

    lmfao Cue a class full of pervy 8th graders.
    March 17th, 2010 at 12:05am
  • Today in Maths was so funny our teacher was givign us tips and how to remember fractions
    Kyle: Mrs Biddle's top tips
    Mrs Biddle: I hope that was a p and not a t

    Then later on in the lesson Matt was eating a wrap and hiding it under the table and she nearly caught him
    Mrs Biddle: Matt what are you doing?
    Matt: Nothing
    Mrs Biddle: You're fiddling with something under the table

    My God our teacher had such a disturbing mind today lmfao
    March 17th, 2010 at 06:37pm